Lost 14 pounds since Tuesday juicing!!!!



  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I did the same fast a year ago and I lost quite a bit of weight in 2 weeks. I never gained anything back, until a few months later when I was pregnant with my 3rd child. :) I also had my healthiest pregnancy and wasn't sick at all, unlike my previous pregnancy just a year before when I was sick the entire time. The fasting may not have had anything to do with it but I know I was healthier after it!

    I would strongly recommend watching Forks Over Knives for those posting who believe eating mostly fruit and vegetables is unhealthy.:)

    If you really think you can drink all your meals for the rest of your life, enjoy that I guess, it's all about sustainability. Most times it's better to just eat the actual fruit or vegetable than to juice it. I can agree that green smoothies or having one juice smoothie in a day is a fine way to get a dose of nutrients, but to drink nothing but that is simply not sustainable. That's really all my point is.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    I did the same fast a year ago and I lost quite a bit of weight in 2 weeks. I never gained anything back, until a few months later when I was pregnant with my 3rd child. :) I also had my healthiest pregnancy and wasn't sick at all, unlike my previous pregnancy just a year before when I was sick the entire time. The fasting may not have had anything to do with it but I know I was healthier after it!

    I would strongly recommend watching Forks Over Knives for those posting who believe eating mostly fruit and vegetables is unhealthy.:)

    Nobody is arguing that eating only fruits and vegetables is unhealthy. I'm a vegetarian and think that all people should eat is fruits and veggies. Juicing, where you only eat the juice of said fruits is what sounds unhealthy as you're nto eating anything sustainable.

    Here's what the Mayo Clinic has to say via Wikipedia: "The Mayo Clinic has responded to several of these claims by noting that the effects of drinking juice can be helpful, benign, or, at worst, counter-productive (depending on a person's motivation). Its main conclusion is that there is no scientifically-based advantage of juicing over simply consuming a fruit or vegetable in its original form and by showing that, at best, these claims are derived from research based on eating fruits and vegetables, not drinking them. The Mayo Clinic (and some juicing proponents such as Joe Cross) advise potential "juicers" to speak with their primary medical providers before beginning any type of short or long term juicing program."
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Hmm, doesn't sound healthy. Most fasts are for a day to 3, no more. Your body needs more than just 'juice'. Especially if you are exercsing, your body needs fuel.

    I'm not a professional but I say healthy foods, water and exercise will get you where you wanna be. It may be slow, but there's a reason it takes time to lose weight. Besides, you didn't gain it overnight, don't expect it to go away overnight either.

    But to each their own. :indifferent:


    I tried it once. Lasted 6 days. Yes, I lost weight, but I just put it right back on when I started eating regular food again & it was even healthy food! Quick weight loss is bad for you, at least in my opinion. This isn't supposed to be about the latest diet, it is supposed to be a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. Any other way of thinking & your probably doomed to fail. I think I've tried every "diet" that there is at one time or another... and I failed. Now eating healthy & exercising a bit is finally what is working!!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Eating mostly fruits and veggies is not unhealthy and no one said that. But drinking them and not adding in protein for long periods of time is unhealthy. If you think you can do this long term and not have health problems, more power to you. Again, a fast for a day or so is one thing, if it's something your doctor thinks needs to be done for longer and is montioring you, then that's understandable.

    Don't believe everything you see on tv either. Some things are tweaked and they never show you.

    I lost 50lbs doing good ol' fashioned hard work: exercise, healthy eating, and drinking water. It's a lifestyle change. Plain and simple. In the end, that's a good way to keep it off too..

    As for the documentary. he had to have blood tests done every 10days and was closely monitored by his doctor.
  • jlm962
    jlm962 Posts: 64
    Just to correct some assumptions - I never said how long I am going to do this. I am playing it by ear to see how I feel but I am not going to be doing it forever.

    I am sorry, I really didn't mean to cause such an uproar. I have read other juice fasting posts and I never saw all this drama in them.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    There was a diet once where all you ate was lots of fat and protein, then there was another diet where you fasted for a while, then there was all you ate was raw food, then there was the weight loss 4 idiots diet (check it out) south beach, atkins, etc. etc. etc.

    then there is the taking the slimming tablets diet. Or the cabbage soup diet, or even the chocolate diet...

    So the juicing diet??

    Come on! it is fast weight loss diet...if it gives you a little kick start for a week then all well and good...but a diet is just that.

    Move on, change your EATING habits and EXERCISE habits...for long term results.....your slim friends are not doing any crazy `diets`

    No `diet ` is sustainable long term
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    I'm glad you have that much money to spend on copious amounts of produce! Good for you!
  • jlm962
    jlm962 Posts: 64
    Thank you Mermex :) Yes, I do not recommend this if you only have a few pounds to lose, but like I said earlier, if you have a lot of fat to lose, this may be a good option to jump start a healthier lifestyle for you.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    I believe juice fasting is great!!! I do it every weekend to reboot my system!! Believe me! Your body will appreciate it tremendously!!!!

  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    OMG- people we are not the food police or doctors. If she wants to juice all her meal for the rest of her life its her business. Lets not debate this any longer.

    Glad you lost 14lbs. Hope you can keep it off.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    IS the netflix video on juice fasting?

    AWESOME JOB! Just don't keep up that rapid rate too long... not healthy.

    "not healthy." How about not possible. Fourteen pounds in five days? So... a magic drink caused a calorie burn of nearly 50,000 calories? I don't think so.

    Now a 14 pound weight loss from dehydration, that's entirely possible.

    AND.. this isn't a jump start. It's simply another waste of time money and health.
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    I believe juice fasting is great!!! I do it every weekend to reboot my system!! Believe me! Your body will appreciate it tremendously!!!!


    What are you doing to your body that it needs a "reboot" every weekend?

    I don't even reboot my computer that often.
  • jlm962
    jlm962 Posts: 64
    Thanks for the concerns. :) To combat the dehydration assumption: I have been drinking over 100 oz of water every day plus the juice that I am drinking which I know is more than 1200 calories. Fruits and vegetables contain micro nutrients that are very important, and I know I don't eat enough of them! By juice fasting I am supercharging my micro nutrients. As far as the protein this is a good resource.

  • kelseyk14
    Did you know that carrot juice has a higher glycemic index than TABLE SUGAR!? Yes that is why juice fasting is stupid. You are not going to sit there and eat a pound of carrots meaning you would never naturally get that much simple carbs from carrots. NOT SMART. Carrots and other fruits and veggies have fiber for a reason! It makes them bulk and harder to digest.
  • odessablondie
    odessablondie Posts: 76 Member
    Good job! I juice fasted for 4 days last month and didn't lose but one lb or so. However, my goal was to cleanse and I had AMAZING energy and wasn't hungry at all. :) Keep it up!
  • thegoodner
    thegoodner Posts: 113 Member
    Congratulations on your fantastic (muscle/water) loss! You are quite literally on a 100% carb diet right now. Consider yourself "reset" and find some balance so you can stick it out for the long haul. I'm all for the psychological impact of a quick initial loss, but what happens when that isn't "working" for you anymore, or you simply miss food, you start eating, start gaining, and think something is "wrong"? Will you give up? or will you remember these warnings that you are not feeding your body and recognize the gain as temporary and healthy? Many of us have been there...that's why we can try to warn you NOW. You need to be protecting your lean mass with your life!!!! It determines how you will look naked, and how efficiently your body will burn fuel - both stored fat and the foods you eat. A crash diet like you are describing often causes the body to catabolize that muscle, and you actually store all the excess carbs as fat. That's why your scale could be dropping (muscles and the water they hold), but you could actually be upping your stored body fat. I'm all for vegetables and eating lots of them, but if you are serious about losing a lot of FAT and not just WEIGHT, you need to dial back the high GI fruit and veggies, and get some protein and fat in your diet pronto.

    To each their own, but take it as a warning meant with the best intentions...
  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member
    Great job IMO! I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and it was indeed very inspiring. I've done a lot of research into the 'reboot' and a 'juice fast' to make sure it's not unhealthy. Don't let the naysayers worry you. Do your own actual research (not just reading forums but find the facts and science) and make your own decisions. I'm probably gonna give it a shot when I've saved up enough for a juicer. At the very least I WILL be adding fresh-juice drinks to my daily food regimen.

    I found this site to be interesting to go along with the juice fast too. He's pretty skeptical on fad dieting and he kept track of his fat/muscle loss ratios:
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I tried it once. Lasted 6 days. Yes, I lost weight, but I just put it right back on when I started eating regular food again & it was even healthy food!

    Poop weight. Seriously - if you're drinking nothing but juice for a week or two, you'll eventually eliminate the weight of the fecal matter that is normally processing through the 25 feet of your intestines. But as soon as you start eating any solid food again, you'll gain most of it back because your body starts going through its normal waste cycle.
  • grannygethealthy1111
    Whatever works for you. We are here to support you, not judge you. The diet industry is a multimillion dollar per year industry and we as a society are fatter for it.

    I have lost 90 pounds so far and I am 61-years-old. IMO diets don't work. Juicing on a short-term basis probably won't kill you, but it is not the healthiest alternative (if becoming healthier is your goal). Losing weight is about math. Burn more calories daily than you take in and you will always lose weight. Juicing would not be for me because I would be drinking all of those calories but getting no benefits of the fiber from fruits and vegetables. Plus you would not be taking in any proteins or fats. Quick weight loss ... no matter HOW it is achieved is almost always temporary. One 12-oz. glass of orange juice is 168 calories and a whole orange is 60 calories. Which would I rather have? That is a no brainer for me! Hee! Hee! Choose a healthy lifestyle change. Food is not your enemy ... it is fuel for your body. Exercise and build muscle. That is key to weight loss.

    Good luck to you on your weight loss journey!