Lost 14 pounds since Tuesday juicing!!!!



  • kjbristol
    kjbristol Posts: 22 Member
    Hey. Be healthy, safe, and happy. 14lbs is amazing! Congrats...no lecture attached. I wish you continued success in your weightless endeavors! I hope it continues and stays off no matter what method you choose. I love mfp bc people are usually so understanding and supportive, so that's what I want to do for you!
  • DoBetterDrea
    DoBetterDrea Posts: 85 Member
    To all who are saying that this isn't healthy, watch the movie then make a judgement. The juice fast isn't meant to continue forever. It's to reboot your system. Once you do the fast for a week, 2 weeks, a month or whatever works for you, you reintroduce solid food into your diet but you DON'T go back to your old eating habits. You make healthy choices of course. If you go back to old habits, of course you'll put the weight right back on. But by doing the juice fast then gradually reintroducing healthy food while still incorporating juice fasting into your diet, you'll be successful.

    Good job jlm962! Keep it up! :)
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    Her original post was last October; I'd be curious to know what the long-term results were. I thnk the whole thing is ridiculous. We'll believe anything if it's spun well enough, that's why Infommercials work so well!
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    I admit I do not know much about juicing. my question would be... What about protein? It seems to me going 1-2 weeks without protein the weight loss would be lean muscle tissue. Juicing supplies vitamins and minerals of the fruit and vegetables but none of the fiber and all the sugar condensed. I remember my father going through a "juicing phase" and he went through carrots by the bushel. I wish anyone all the best in their weight loss journey but I think the best weight loss tool is patience. There is a difference in losing weight and being lean and healthy.

    Please do not read anything in to this as usually happens with posts. I just have questions about the "juicing" thing.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Hmm, doesn't sound healthy. Most fasts are for a day to 3, no more. Your body needs more than just 'juice'. Especially if you are exercsing, your body needs fuel.

    I'm not a professional but I say healthy foods, water and exercise will get you where you wanna be. It may be slow, but there's a reason it takes time to lose weight. Besides, you didn't gain it overnight, don't expect it to go away overnight either.

    But to each their own. :indifferent:

    Its ironic that I just happened to have finished making my juice smoothie and drinking it before sitting down to my computer and finding this thread.

    I get about 20% of my calories from juice smoothies...and it is every bit as healthy as if I ate the entire food.

    Why? I put the entire food into a blender and I drink the whole thing, pulp and all.

    I've lost 43 pounds in less than three months (a little over 80 days). I work out every day. I make sure I drink at least eight cups (half gallon) of water every day.

    I feel great. I'm not weak. I make sure I get all my calories and I make sure I stay hydrated.

    I thought "fat, sick and nearly dead" was an awesome movie and very effective for the people that tried it, but they didn't do it in a week. Everyone of them did it over months with exercise and a wide variety of vegetable. If you remember, he said in the movie his budget for veggies on this juice diet was close to $60 a day. That is a lot of freakin' juice, I don't care what kind of prices you are paying for produce.

    Anyway, don't sell yourself short, make sure you are getting your calories and staying hydrated.

    Take care. Good thoughts, prayers and best wishes for your weight loss and health goals.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    To all who are saying that this isn't healthy, watch the movie then make a judgement. The juice fast isn't meant to continue forever. It's to reboot your system. Once you do the fast for a week, 2 weeks, a month or whatever works for you, you reintroduce solid food into your diet but you DON'T go back to your old eating habits. You make healthy choices of course. If you go back to old habits, of course you'll put the weight right back on. But by doing the juice fast then gradually reintroducing healthy food while still incorporating juice fasting into your diet, you'll be successful.

    Good job jlm962! Keep it up! :)
    You can do that without the juice fast. Just changing your calorie intake and adding exercise alone makes differences for people who are overweight and haven't consistently done it.
    Think about it..............how many diets tell you "if you don't go back to your old eating habits, you won't regain the weight?" You can lose weight and get "healthier" on ANY DIET PLAN. Problem is that almost all of them are restrictive and that's why people cave and binge on foods they miss then sabotage whatever diet plan they were on.
    Do it right. Learn to get in the right ratios of macro/micronutrients for yourself, get in exercise, reduce stress, get plenty of rest, don't engage in risk behavior (smoking EX) and stay in control of your calories. Doing it this way only requires a habit change in the small sense and not totally upheaving your whole life to fund some people who give the desperate some debatable hope so they can make a buck.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I admit I do not know much about juicing. my question would be... What about protein? It seems to me going 1-2 weeks without protein the weight loss would be lean muscle tissue.

    There is plenty of protein and fiber in fruits and veggies.
  • XxXHillaryXxX
    XxXHillaryXxX Posts: 32 Member
    Don't worry about the self-appointed MFP police. This is your journey, do it your way. I've juiced before and have done alot of reading about it and discussed it with my doctor. When done the right way for the right amount of time it can be beneficial for some people. It cleans your system out and gives you a mega dose of nutrients. I get headaches that last for days and drinking green juice (kale, spinach, ect.) helps those headaches go away without having to take tylenol just to mask it. That is my body and everyone is different but I will say when done for weight lose remember to ease back into food. The majority of the fiber in those friuts and veggies is in the pulp which likely went into your trash and I've read some people can get constipated when they make the switch back to solid foods if the right foods aren't selected and eased into. Good luck! And remember to listen to your body!
  • Cndressing
    Did you slowly eased ur way into eating food like you are supposed too? I tried it and I felt great I only did it for 3 days to detox dropped 5 pds and kept 4 off. I eased my way into eating, slowly!!
  • EbonySD
    EbonySD Posts: 142
    Well done. Jason Vale - Juicemaster - is an advocate of juicing. Im heading to one of his 7lbs in 7 days retreats soon and Im hoping to lose 14lbs in one week too! Its a detox, I agree it reboots your whole system but I doubt you will be reverting to old habits straight after losing that amount of weight, you will be really motivated. Juicing as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle is a great way to get your body the goodness it needs to regenerate. Read about Jason Vale and you will soon be converted :). Well done and stay motivated x

    Agree. I juice daily along with protein shakes and 1 low calories meal. Juice has plenty of nourishment. I still hit my daily calories goal but it is my regular diet - not a fad. I am planning a 5 day detox of juice only not necessarily for weight loss more for meditation.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    As for the documentary. he had to have blood tests done every 10days and was closely monitored by his doctor.

    Due to other pre-existing health conditions and,if you recall, none of the blood tests showed any issues for him, He steadily became healthier.

    That being said, he did do this over several months and not in a week. And he drank plenty of juice each day. He did not starve himself.
  • Wilson336
    Wilson336 Posts: 76
    Congrats if you lost weight doing this, but please don't say it is healthy just because they made a movie about it. I watched a movie last night where Will Smith punched an alien in the face and Jeff Goldblum saved the earth with a computer virus...that doesn't mean that earth is being invaded or that Mac Airbooks can ward off alien motherships.

    In all seriousness, I would caution against trying this as anything more than a possible option to jumpstart your weight loss if you are at a plateau. Most of the loss will be water loss, and the weight will not stay off unless you continue on a healthy diet and exercise routine. Just juicing by itself is a fad diet, just like the milkshake diet, coconut diet, or <insert your favorite short term restrictive diet here>. You could accomplish the exact same thing by drinking only water and taking multivitamin for a couple days. Doing this any longer than a few days could be more harmful than helpful in the long run. Keep perspective and good luck on your continued weight loss
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    I applaud your efforts to improve your health. I also did a juice fast and unlike what was predicted by some responders, I am still here and doing great. What happens is a lot of us move to groups on this site for people who are interested in this approach. There are at least two: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/328-juice-fasting-fat-sick-and-nearly-dead and http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/2087-forks-over-knives . What I loved most about my juice fast was that it changed my cravings. I am more interested in healthy unprocessed food than ever, and I am so satisfied with my meals! When I have tried other approaches, I often wanted more or something that I wasn't supposed to have. Now I really think I am more in tune with what my body needs. Anyway, congratulations and best wishes for continued success. :)
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    OMG...Why all of these debates all of the time...She was just sharing that she is proud of herself for losing 14lbs very quickly...Some of us have tried this stuff in the past but we probably didn't have 100 people telling us that we were stupid for doing it....This is ridiculous....We are supposed to support people on here not put them down....She said she was doing it only for a short time...Not a lifetime so just say congrats or don't say anythiing....This is just plain idiotic that people act like this when someone does something that you don't agree with...GHEESH!!!!

    Congrats to you on losing 14lbs gir!! :)

    **I only read the first couple of pages of this thread so I am going by that...I had to stop reading to make a comment...Just sayin'
  • EbonySD
    EbonySD Posts: 142
    Ditto - juice fasting is about healing the body from the inside out. For those being critical - please do research. You might benefit from a short fast yourself! IJS :flowerforyou:

    I did the same fast a year ago and I lost quite a bit of weight in 2 weeks. I never gained anything back, until a few months later when I was pregnant with my 3rd child. :) I also had my healthiest pregnancy and wasn't sick at all, unlike my previous pregnancy just a year before when I was sick the entire time. The fasting may not have had anything to do with it but I know I was healthier after it!

    I would strongly recommend watching Forks Over Knives for those posting who believe eating mostly fruit and vegetables is unhealthy.:)

    Nobody is arguing that eating only fruits and vegetables is unhealthy. I'm a vegetarian and think that all people should eat is fruits and veggies. Juicing, where you only eat the juice of said fruits is what sounds unhealthy as you're nto eating anything sustainable.

    Here's what the Mayo Clinic has to say via Wikipedia: "The Mayo Clinic has responded to several of these claims by noting that the effects of drinking juice can be helpful, benign, or, at worst, counter-productive (depending on a person's motivation). Its main conclusion is that there is no scientifically-based advantage of juicing over simply consuming a fruit or vegetable in its original form and by showing that, at best, these claims are derived from research based on eating fruits and vegetables, not drinking them. The Mayo Clinic (and some juicing proponents such as Joe Cross) advise potential "juicers" to speak with their primary medical providers before beginning any type of short or long term juicing program."

    If you're a person who has done research on juicing, struggled with chronic illnesses, and worked with Naturopath MDs (who look at how your internal systems work together and use prescriptions as a last resort) the Mayo Clinic is not going to be your primary resource of wisdom on this subject. Just saying, from someone who juiced 7 days for a skin disorder (which cleared it up, by the way).
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    I have seen this documentary and concluded that is IS healthy. These two men have been seen by doctors on a regular basis and they also exercise. It is all up to the person if they gain it back. These two men have not gained it back. They continue to eat right and exercise. It is a very good documentary.

    I like how all these people are saying "I'm not a professional, but.." or I am no expert, but.. this is unhealthy". That's right, you aren't experts, so you don't know. Experts are the doctors who tracked these two men throughout their whole journey, which was about three months, and they said it was a healthy way to diet.

    Protein can be taken in supplements, so there is no deficit.
  • tarnbop
    tarnbop Posts: 53 Member
    Can people suggest types/makes of juicers that waste as little as possible. I have one from Argos that is their cookworks range and a lot of the juice gets lost in the machine...I am in the UK, but as I say, even if it's just a style, Id be happy for any pointers!
    Thanks :)
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    Wow! The dude hopped up on steroids didn't get this much crap. I have a hard time believing that drinking your fruits and veggies is going to kill you. Go for it. It's a lot healthier than some of the other crap people do on here and not get this much grief. I am sorry for the haters. Your body, your choice. I have seen the movie and I assure you Phil didn't lose 300 pounds of water! Feel free to add me. I don't judge :)
  • ngarrett75
    ngarrett75 Posts: 87 Member
    I wonder what happened to the OP and how she made out? Would be curious to know. (maybe she gained back her weight and that's why she's not responding???). Oh well.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Can people suggest types/makes of juicers that waste as little as possible. I have one from Argos that is their cookworks range and a lot of the juice gets lost in the machine...I am in the UK, but as I say, even if it's just a style, Id be happy for any pointers!
    Thanks :)

    I use a mini-blender I got at Target for $19.95