South Beach Diet Support and Chat Thread!



  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Well that stinks that it isn't free, but it would be nice to get some meal ideas because I get so bored when I eat the same thing over and over!
    There is a website -- www. -- that has a lot of recipes on it that are SB friendly. She even notes which phase of SB they're appropriate for.

    I try to have protein for my snacks -- sometimes adding veggies or fruit (in Phase 2). A cheese and veggie platter, celery sticks with a tbsp of no-sugar-added peanut butter, my 1/2 of beans, or a container of yogurt. My mom has a recipe for a party finger food: thin-sliced ham spread with cream cheese, then rolled around a green onion and sliced so you have little pinwheels. I substitute a low-fat or fat-free cream cheese, or use a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese, and they're fine for Phase 1.
  • Bbjka
    Bbjka Posts: 8
    Hi there! I'm on day 10 of sbd. Up until the day I started I was insulin dependent diabetic. I have not needed a shot of insulin since. I started. I lost 5 pounds so far and I no longer crave sugar but I think I'm confused about servings. I keep reading things about recommended amount of servings per day but i don't recall that in the book. I'm really scared to move on to phase 2. I'm scare when I add more carbs my blood sugar will go up again. I know i have 4 more days but I'm worried. I started this diet. In hopes that I could stop taking insulin. So far so good but I am afraid ill never be able to move on to phase 2. I'm averaging 40-50 carbs a day. Any suggestions? Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm on daily!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi there! I'm on day 10 of sbd. Up until the day I started I was insulin dependent diabetic. I have not needed a shot of insulin since. I started. I lost 5 pounds so far and I no longer crave sugar but I think I'm confused about servings. I keep reading things about recommended amount of servings per day but i don't recall that in the book. I'm really scared to move on to phase 2. I'm scare when I add more carbs my blood sugar will go up again. I know i have 4 more days but I'm worried. I started this diet. In hopes that I could stop taking insulin. So far so good but I am afraid ill never be able to move on to phase 2. I'm averaging 40-50 carbs a day. Any suggestions? Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm on daily!
    Congrats for doing so well on Phase 1! No insulin needed -- that's fantastic! Not sure which recommended servings you're talking about, or which book you're looking at. Give me more details and I'll try to help you out :happy:

    As far as moving on to Phase 2, I understand. I do really well on Phase 1 and never seem to have the urge to eat off plan, but when I move to Phase 2 I always seem to start adding in things that I shouldn't. I don't feel that I'm having cravings again -- I think it's just having more freedom of choice. I do really well with the structure and limited choices in Phase 1 -- when I'm given more leeway in Phase 2, I don't make good choices.

    I would suggest making the transition to Phase 2 very slow -- just add one new item (whole grain carb would be my recommendation; fruit has more sugar in it and would probably be more likely to increase your blood sugar). Just stick with that 1 addition for several days, until you see how your body handles it -- both insulin-wise and as far as it creating cravings. Then repeat the process with a 2nd item. Be sure that when you add the whole grain carb in, particularly if you're adding it at breakfast, that you don't leave out the protein. The first food I usually add back in after going to Phase 2 is steel-cut oatmeal for breakfast -- because I've usually had my fill of eggs for a while, and the oatmeal has a lot of fiber to fill you up and is good for lowering cholestrol, etc. But if I just substitute the oatmeal for the protein that I had been having, I start getting hungry about 10:00, so I have a serving of canadian bacon or some other protein along with it. Having a protein along with whatever new carb you decide to add in would probably help slow the blood sugar increase too.

    Don't get discouraged if you have to go back to using the insulin for a while. Maybe as your weight decreases, you'll have less need for it, and can taper off and stop using it sometime in the future.
  • Bbjka
    Bbjka Posts: 8
    Thanks! I am going to try just adding one carb item in at a time. I have had some cravings the last few days but they are emotional not physical. This does get boring but it is worth not taking insulin shots everyday. I am going to stay on Phase 1 for another week and hopefully hit 10 pounds. Then I will start adding a carb serving a day back in. I'll try an update again soon! :happy:
  • kcolson85
    kcolson85 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All!
    I just started SB. Today is my first day of full phase 1. I prepped last week by slowly avoiding some of my favorite carbs. So far I am not hungry today, but I have been munching a lot on vegetables and snacking a lot. I don’t have an actual SB book yet, but I have been reading on here, sparkpeople and other websites for a couple weeks.
    My weight loss goal is 20 pounds.
    Fitness goal is to run a 5k in April. I have broken this down to a weekly goal of running three times a week. (This has been going well for a few weeks).

    I’ve enjoyed reading this thread today and will try to update you all on my progress!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi kcolson! Welcome!!

    Let us know how you're doing -- and if you have any questions!

    If you have a chance to get the book, either the original or the Supercharged book, I think it's worth the investment. You can probably find enough info online to figure out the eating plans, but his books give a lot of information about the whys and what's going on inside your body that you can't see. I found out tons of stuff I didn't know!
  • Bet_Lynch
    I started yesterday. I wasnt going any where with the low calorie diet. I've stocked up from the supermarket and I've already created my first breakfast dish which is yummy.
    I've got the supercharged book on order from Ebay but I get the jist of the diet so far.
    Only thing is my hubby has just bought me a small box of chocs for valentines day, so i don't know whether to eat them now and get it over and done with or just have a few each week???

    He actually got me 2 boxes, I gave one box to the kids to share and I've got the 70% cocoa truffle chocolates.

    I'm going to bookmark this thread for the future.

    Has anybody completed phase 1 yet, did they have any slip ups and much did they lose?
  • Bet_Lynch
    Ok....I am running out of ideas for snacks. Any suggestions? I know I have only been at it a week, but I need some snackage variety! LOL!

    I like 1/2 a cup of greek yogurt, sweetener and some seeds mixed in. I know it's not the most exciting thing but i like the seeds for the texture.
  • kcolson85
    kcolson85 Posts: 3 Member
    Day 2, only one cheat so far. This is harder than I planned! Made it almost through the day yesterday... until my 4 year old wanted to make chocolate chip cookies and then homemade pizza! I love to cook with him so of course we made both. Then I ate both!

    Today has been better so far... it's at night that I like to eat and the sweets(cookies) are my weakness. I am going to keep plugging away on this and see how I do. Also going to avoid baking for two weeks... unless we can use all veggies and meats.
  • Bet_Lynch
    Day 2, only one cheat so far. This is harder than I planned! Made it almost through the day yesterday... until my 4 year old wanted to make chocolate chip cookies and then homemade pizza! I love to cook with him so of course we made both. Then I ate both!

    Today has been better so far... it's at night that I like to eat and the sweets(cookies) are my weakness. I am going to keep plugging away on this and see how I do. Also going to avoid baking for two weeks... unless we can use all veggies and meats.

    I've cheated today but it's going to be alright for the week ahead.
    I'm ok as long as there isn't goodies in the house :)
    I don't think we are going to be perfect as we are new to this so there might be the odd slip up unintentional or otherwise.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Only thing is my hubby has just bought me a small box of chocs for valentines day, so i don't know whether to eat them now and get it over and done with or just have a few each week???

    He actually got me 2 boxes, I gave one box to the kids to share and I've got the 70% cocoa truffle chocolates.

    Has anybody completed phase 1 yet, did they have any slip ups and much did they lose?
    Dr. A allows you 100 calories of "sweet treat" on occasion (he says 2-3 times a week, I think) and these still need to be of the low carb variety. He actually recommends having the dark chocolate (70+% cocoa) for this treat, as it has good-for-the-heart stuff in it! This is the saving grace of the diet as far as I'm concerned -- I can have my chocolate!!! :happy:

    I have mine in the evening so that if it does cause a craving, it happens while I'm asleep. So I'd figure out how much of your valentine candy is 100 calories or less, put it somewhere where you're not looking at it all the time (outta sight, outta mind), then treat yourself once in a while when you've stayed on plan, had a spectacular workout, or feel the need for a pick-me-up. Just pay attention to how it affects you -- if you find it causes cravings you can't control, get rid of it!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Ok....I am running out of ideas for snacks. Any suggestions? I know I have only been at it a week, but I need some snackage variety! LOL!

    I like 1/2 a cup of greek yogurt, sweetener and some seeds mixed in. I know it's not the most exciting thing but i like the seeds for the texture.
    That's what I forgot at the store today -- my sunflower seeds are stale and I wanted to get more. Grrrrrrrr . . . :angry: :angry:

    Well, back to the store tomorrow!!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Day 2, only one cheat so far. This is harder than I planned! Made it almost through the day yesterday... until my 4 year old wanted to make chocolate chip cookies and then homemade pizza! I love to cook with him so of course we made both. Then I ate both!

    Today has been better so far... it's at night that I like to eat and the sweets(cookies) are my weakness. I am going to keep plugging away on this and see how I do. Also going to avoid baking for two weeks... unless we can use all veggies and meats.

    I've cheated today but it's going to be alright for the week ahead.
    I'm ok as long as there isn't goodies in the house :)
    I don't think we are going to be perfect as we are new to this so there might be the odd slip up unintentional or otherwise.
    I know of maybe 1 person who made it through Phase 1 without a cheat. Nobody's perfect -- just dust yourself off, and get right back to it with the next meal. Changing our habits and adjusting to a new lifestyle is not easy, and we're gonna slip on occasion. Try to learn from the slips -- keeping a journal is really helpful, so you can see any patterns that may be causing you to eat off plan -- then try to prepare for those situations in advance.

    One of my friends on the SB site had a mantra that I loved: "The past is in the wake of the boat." It's behind you; don't look back and dwell on it -- keep looking forward at where you're going. The 1st 3-4 days are usually the hardest, and for some people it seems the cravings get stronger and stronger during the first few days. But if you can get thru those days, it gets much better!!
  • Bet_Lynch
    Dr. A allows you 100 calories of "sweet treat" on occasion (he says 2-3 times a week, I think) and these still need to be of the low carb variety. He actually recommends having the dark chocolate (70+% cocoa) for this treat, as it has good-for-the-heart stuff in it! This is the saving grace of the diet as far as I'm concerned -- I can have my chocolate!!! :happy:

    I've got the book on order so I can have a good read, hopefully it'll come tomorrow.
  • Bet_Lynch
    That's what I forgot at the store today -- my sunflower seeds are stale and I wanted to get more. Grrrrrrrr . . . :angry: :angry:

    Well, back to the store tomorrow!!

    I bought a mix of pumpkin, sunflower and pine nuts mix, very nice.
  • MeNmyRC13
    MeNmyRC13 Posts: 4 Member
    My dh and I just started phase 1 yesterday. Did you ever find any good recipes? The hubs wants some "manly" lunches so he can take them to work w/o the guys making fun of him (at least that's what I think). Any ideas?
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    well I'm starting Phase 1 again. Me and 3 ladies from work have been doing South Beach for 6 weeks now. One has lost 15 pds, 1 17pds and I lost about 8pds...I did great in phase 1 (didn't cheat at all for 14 days) then did good on phase 2 for a few days then... jumped off the wagon. Getting back on this week...gotta add some exercise into my day and drink more water. Some snacks that are good..pitachios, boiled egg, celery with ww wedge cheese. lunches- chicken and broccoli from chinese and egg drop soup...chicken salad over lettuce....chili....veggie plate....stir fry with chicken or shrimp
  • artvandalay
    Hi guys!

    I just started Phase 1 yesterday. I still reading through the newer book "South Beach Diet Super Charged" but skipped ahead to get a grocery list.

    It wasn't too bad until night when I really wanted a sweet snack. I remembered the ricotta creme dessert and whipped that up. It wasn't bad. I'm going to try and add either lemon or lime zest to it tonight and see how I like it. Night is when I always crave sweets/chocolate, so I'm hoping the ricotta will fill that void. I really hope I can stick out phase 1 for two weeks

    If any other South Beachers would like to add me as a friend, I could use the encouragement!
  • AmyMcDonald808
    Hi guys, first time poster here. Hubs and me stared the SBD yesterday. The thing that has gotten me thru the past couple days was sugar free fudgesicles, only 2 a day but its helped me feel satified when i get the late night sweet tooth. Im having a hard time enjoying vegetables without butter. We have been cooking with olive oil spread (sbd approved) but I try not to use too much and the taste is just not the same. I do feel better already tho. I feel less bloated and the cravings are starting to curb. Never thought just almonds would be so delicous. My hubs and I were eating so terribly like we would split a pint of hagendas every night. Eat chips and dip or other salty fatty carb filled snacks daily, white rice, proccessed food, you name it. So to go from that to this has been such a challenge but seeing all the great success stories and feeling like its working has made me so determined to stick with this! This is both of our first times dieting-ever. We were both always naturally really slender until I got pregnant with my daughter in 2009. He gained weight with me and after she arrived, almost 2 years ago we never lost the weight. I am 5'1 and 137 and he is 5'10 and 180 so we both would like to lose roughly 20 lbs. We also joined the gym :)

    Question: Do you count calories on the SBD?
  • qwills2cats
    qwills2cats Posts: 108 Member
    I am starting South Beach today to restart my weight loss and get rid of this last stubborn 20 lbs. I also plan on 30 minutes of daily exercise. I will check back to see how everyone is doing and update my progress.