Stupid questions you hear in prison



  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    I used to have that dream of working in the streets... ok, not that dream there pervs...
    I wanted that cop job, then I started here and you can keep the cop stuff. at least here I know where the bad guys are. Out there, no way...
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Ok, maybe they aren't all that dumb of questions to the normal person, but when you get asked the same stuff every day by the same people, your ability to not be annoyed over them just goes away...

    They just sound like normal "making conversation" questions to me. I've been known to ask questions even if I know the answer because I want to know what the other person thinks or want to start a conversation.

    But, I can see that being asked the same questions every day would get very old very fast!
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    Ok, here is the thing. I really don't care about the inmates enough to even want to converse with them. So if that is what they are looking for, then bark up another tree. Sorry, but I don't wish to spend my time talking to pedophiles. I have no interest in wondering what is wrong in their mind that caused them to do what they did. Speaking as a father, I know that if anything like that happened to someone in my family, they would never make it to jail let alone the trial.
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    *waves hand timidly* I work in a call center for customer service. There are some people...

    Like the TRAINED bank teller who needed me (I study humanities, not math) to explain what "multiples of five" are. "But I just want 74." -.-
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    haha...some people just don't get it.
  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    Damn and I thought this was going to be a thread full of:

    "Who dropped the soap?"
    "Where can I plug in my nightlight?'
    "Who does a guy have to bribe to get a drink around here?"
    "Can I get a caramel soy nonfat latte, to go?"
    "Has anyone seen my toothbrush?'
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Damn and I thought this was going to be a thread full of:

    "Who dropped the soap?"
    "Where can I plug in my nightlight?'
    "Who does a guy have to bribe to get a drink around here?"
    "Can I get a caramel soy nonfat latte, to go?"
    "Has anyone seen my toothbrush?'

    I was just going to post something similar-nicely done!
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Damn and I thought this was going to be a thread full of:

    "Who dropped the soap?"
    "Where can I plug in my nightlight?'
    "Who does a guy have to bribe to get a drink around here?"
    "Can I get a caramel soy nonfat latte, to go?"
    "Has anyone seen my toothbrush?'

    Way better thread, please create one like this of your own, lady.
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    sorry but I don't live in the dream prison that you do. I work in one. so I see the stupid people on a daily basis.
  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    um I don't live in a prison although if I did I might have better internet connection! Apologies if you found my humor offensive and I have no doubt your job is frustrating, depressing and down right dangerous, I was simply stating that the title of your post could have been taken differently (a lighter more fluffier way).
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    I was just saying stupid stuff we actually hear. over and over and over. Sure the drop the soap ones would be funny, but I don't hear that as I don't take showers with the inmates. and your humor wasn't that bad,
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Those seem like totally normal questions to me...

    am i the only one who thinks that?

    Thats how I feel! But then again, I do tend to make sales associates laugh....regularly. When I'm not telling jokes.

  • hstallings13
    okay so as my husband is a CO I had to ask him this and there are three questions that drive him nuts

    CO can I have a cigarette?


    CO what time is it? (this one due to the fact that several ask within two minutes)


    CO what's my outdate?
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    yeah, I love the question about when they get out... Like I KNOW.... but I guess, it is confusing as a 5 year sentence really means like 3 or so, not sure who did the math on that one.
  • BigH80
    BigH80 Posts: 280 Member
    Hey the other CO told me to ask you if it was ok for me to go to the other side and hollar at my homeboy. Te other CO said he didt care it was up to you. got to love all the statements you get about what the other CO lets them do. I tell them i dont care who told them what the answer is no and that when the other CO they always refer to gets there maybe they will let them. Im starting to believe the other CO is a fictional character. Ive just been doing this for way too long. Its really quite amusing sometimes the stuff they come up with.
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    I love to point down at my name on my shirt and say hey, it says matthews, maybe tomorrow the OTHERCO guy will be working...
  • BigH80
    BigH80 Posts: 280 Member
    Exactly and by my last name being Wright it makes it all the the better. I ask them who am i and point to my name on my shirt.
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    Love this.....
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    Thug... can I go out when they call insulin line.
    Me... do you get inuslin?
    Thug... No.
    Me.. then why do you need to go out early?
    Thug... I thought I would try and go to eat early.
    Me... well, thats not going to happen today now is it?
    Thug... Why not, you aren't going to let me out early?
    Me... NO
    Thug.... Why not....

    you see where this is going... morons, really, morons....
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    What are they supposed to ask you that you would actually respect? Your thoughts on quantum physics? You work in a prison. You might want to set that bar a little lower. You're not dealing with the Bernie Madoff's of the world.

    More than likely the guys are probably trying to gain a measure of control by asking questions they know the answers to to see if they can get someone who doesn't need to or doesn't usually talk to them to talk to them. (They're not consciously saying "I need control" - they're like little kids. "Get someone" to do something is the key to them).