For those that don't eat meat, explain your reasoning



  • amylrach
    amylrach Posts: 30 Member
    I don't eat it because I don't like it and it messes with my digestive system. I quit eating meat a year and a half ago and have never felt better in my life! My tastes have totally changed and I am eating way healthier foods than I used to. One of the best decsions I have ever made! And I don't care for eggs either. If they are baked into something I will eat them but I do not eat them on a regular basis. I don't eat fish either.
  • nkziv
    nkziv Posts: 161 Member
    i personally am vegan. i dont eat, use, wear anything associated with a living creature. i also dont do honey or certain things like red dye 40 since thats actually ground up beetles, not to be gross. my reasoning is because i dont think anybody should suffer, including animals. i wouldnt do that to my cat or dog, so i wont do that to anything else. with all the alternatives, theres no reason not to. i dont care why people dont eat animals, im just glad they dont. whatever reason is a great reason to me. i am not here to judge, as i wish people wouldnt judge me as well, so to each his own, but i wish nothing/nobody had to suffer.

    You do know that plants are living too, right? And so are bacteria...ever use antibacterial soap?

    Hey hey hey--not all vegans are crazy! I personally eat honey--i don't see why not to--but killing bacteria is not the same as killing a cow. And as far as we know, plants don't have feelings either. Most people are of the mindset that animals can suffer and feel pain.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't eat meat because I believe killing sentient creatures is wrong. Or more precisely, I don't want to be responsible for the death of sentient creatures.

    I eat eggs and have milk in tea, which makes me a massive hypocrite, but I do source them from farms I know from animals that are well treated. And I try to buy unfertilised eggs. They are basically chicken's periods. They lay them whatever, fertilised or not.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    My internal moral compass is a bit ... odd on this one.

    I'm pretty much a carnivore for the most part, potates etc aside, me, i can only eat meat that is deemed to be mainly for food. It's hard to actually put into words.

    I happily eat beef, chicken, etc.

    But i could never eat rabbit etc.

    I love bacon, pork, etc.

    But if there was a spit, with a whole pig on it, i wouldn't be able to touch it...

    I can't eat any meat with a face still on it, shrimps, fish, etc. It can't look like it did when it was alive, else it'd put me right off...

  • catintheshell
    i don't digest it well. i have IBS and meat is a major trigger for me. i can maybe do chicken but it's been so long that i've eaten it that it just doesn't appeal to me anymore.

    i'll have an occasional egg (very rare), or seafood every now and again, but anything "heartier" is kind of a pain in the gut (oh that was just lame, i'm sorry XD).
  • fishbaitkait
    fishbaitkait Posts: 45 Member
    I grew up on a dairy farm and I feel compelled to say that I witnessed nothing but a high level of respect for animals. I never once saw mistreatment of animals and in my community it would not have been tolerated. That being said-- I don't eat beef because of the taste.