Motivated Mamma's Week 3 (Closed Group)



  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    So today was great. Got up went for a walk did the exercise routine i put together, cleaned the house a lil and then went to my nephews football games..So much fun. They won 39 to 0. Second half my nephew got to run the ball for the first time. We were so proud of him. hes staying the night with me tonight so after the game i took him out for frozen yogurt. when we got home we watched the lion king and played a few kniect games. which some of those games can be a workout on its own, because instead of using a controller ur whole body is the controller. tomorrow i am going to have him try the dance central game with me pn the kniect.

    My oldest son brought his knect from his dad's house one day, and he was playing volleyball on it....BUT the poor kid is so tall that when he went to go spike the ball he hit the ceiling fan! I had a good laugh. I am glad you had a great day!!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    SA. 10/8 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    CARDIO: - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- (2/3) DANCE, 20-30 minutes 3x = yes
    Part 2- (3/4) Log your regular calories 4x = yes

    STRENGTH: - 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches (3/3) - 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = yes
    Planks (3/3)- do 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = yes
    Reverse Crunches (3/3) - 2 sets, 15 crunches ea. = yes

    FOOD - 7 Points Total
    Part 1 (4/5) - protein? = yes
    Part 2 (0/2) - high protein recipe? no

    Part 1 (1/1) - I have a routine that every morning after my shower, I weigh myself and every night before I go to bed; it's compulsory. This week of "no scale" in between weigh ins has been tough (but I want that bonus point!). I use to just say f*#$@ it when I didn't see what I wanted (& it was all about weight loss, nothing else). When I saw what I wanted, I would sometimes "celebrate" with food or sometimes would become more aggressive with my workouts/ starvation eating. What has made a HUGE difference in my life, is the support I have received from friends (you guys included), my own education, and my work with my trainer. I just realized tonight that it is all about feeling good/ healthy and feeling strong. I like feeling strong. It feels good, better than I ever could imagine before.
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    Part 2 (0/1) - Bonus point
    WANT- - TO - - - GET - - ON - - - THE - - SCALE...
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Here are my points for today-4

    Food protein-1

    I had a full day of exercising.. My plan was to do bit of Indian dancing and my usual evening exercise of 30 mins... I ended up dancing more than my stamina, then I went to the gym to walk on treadmill, but then my hubby was playing racquetball.. Suddenly we decided to go on a walk to the park and on our way back we landed again in the gym.. I walked on the treadmill and then again played raquetball for the first time... Its a huge calorie burner.. it burns double the calories we burn on a treadmill...awesome.. then on returning back, I completed my evening exercises.. wow what a day... I wish everyday could be like todays...

    That's SO awesome! Way to go!
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    SA. 10/8 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    CARDIO: - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- (2/3) DANCE, 20-30 minutes 3x = yes
    Part 2- (3/4) Log your regular calories 4x = yes

    STRENGTH: - 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches (3/3) - 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = yes
    Planks (3/3)- do 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = yes
    Reverse Crunches (3/3) - 2 sets, 15 crunches ea. = yes

    FOOD - 7 Points Total
    Part 1 (4/5) - protein? = yes
    Part 2 (0/2) - high protein recipe? no

    Part 1 (1/1) - I have a routine that every morning after my shower, I weigh myself and every night before I go to bed; it's compulsory. This week of "no scale" in between weigh ins has been tough (but I want that bonus point!). I use to just say f*#$@ it when I didn't see what I wanted (& it was all about weight loss, nothing else). When I saw what I wanted, I would sometimes "celebrate" with food or sometimes would become more aggressive with my workouts/ starvation eating. What has made a HUGE difference in my life, is the support I have received from friends (you guys included), my own education, and my work with my trainer. I just realized tonight that it is all about feeling good/ healthy and feeling strong. I like feeling strong. It feels good, better than I ever could imagine before.

    I can relate to the celebrate with food bit. I'd feel like "hey I'm doing awesome, one day won't hurt." and sometimes that one day would turn into two or three or more days and then all my work was out the door.
    I agree, that it is about feeling good and healthy and strong. Sometimes I lose focus on that so it's nice to hear it coming from others and I can use that as a reminder to myself.
  • cynthappy2
    cynthappy2 Posts: 18 Member
    Morning ladies, I have a long weekend. I worked 11pm -8am last night and today I am working 4-12am then 12am-8am (so a double) and then I have to be back 4-12am Sunday to wrap up my weekend. Oh, then Monday morning I will be at my field internship from 8-4:45pm. :yawn: So, if you don't see me post until Monday don't hold it against me. I am going to take my IPod so I can dance at work today and tomorrow. I think that my be all the strength I have. OH did I mention homework in between:sad:
  • cynthappy2
    cynthappy2 Posts: 18 Member
    Emotional Challenge:

    Ok, when I saw the emotional challenge my first thought was," um, the scale really doesn't effect me much." But then, when I got to the part of this weeks challenge not to weight myself, I realized it does. It has been so hard not to simply go into the room and see if I am making any progress.

    This despite, I am currently wearing a pair of jeans which where uncomfortable and now they feel fine. So, in essence, the scale is my verifier (to a certain extent) that I am doing a good job. Despite me feeling better, having more energy, and wearing clothes comfortably, I look at the scale to tell me.

    Great job you guys on putting those two challenges together:wink:, this has been a learning week for me. I must learn to let the scale go, and enjoy life. I waste to much time looking at the numbers, instead of taking advantage of my health and the way I feel.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Emotional challenge-

    My life without weighing in is like a pizza without cheese in Every morning before taking bath i would weigh myself, and this week has been so so tough.. I would look at the weighing scale and then step back saying i can do it.... oops..never imagined its going to be so difficult... But I have only love relationship with my scale.. When my weight goes up, I would say to myself that I need to work harder and would think of new exercises or dance routines to burn extra calories... And of course, when my weight goes down I am like yay!!! I have done it.. but somewhere I would be thinking I need to keep losing the same way every week... And of course all you ladies out here motivate me so much.. Some days I am so lazy to get up and workout... I see Lynda has burned so many calories, or Karie has mowed her lawn, someone else would have burned so many calories by dancing, one more through Zumba..sorry, I dont remember everyone's name..hahah.. but yes, each of you inspire me to get my workouts done.. And food wise, when I want to eat something unhealthy, I go and view the dairy of someone who is eating very healthy and I end up eating something healthy too...

    ok this emotional challenge is going too long.. its time to stop.. great going ladies...:flowerforyou:
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    I've just been boogying while cleaning for 40 mins, does that count? Either way, made it more enjoyable!
    Got the strength challenges done last night and about to do todays as well.

    I'm pretty sure I've hit my protein today, need to log yet but I'm feeling confident!

    Love reading everyone's emotional challenges, so interesting! I'm building up to writing mine, I know I set the challenge but I'm not even sure what my relationship with the scales are like, need to have a think!! :-)

    Right, I'm off for bicycle crunches haha! :-)
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Emotional Challenge

    I have a very up and down relationship with the pun intended lol. :-) Sometimes when I see that I've gained weight I feel more motivation to do better. There are other times when I gain weight that I just feel like giving up. I can't really say what will happen when I do....So until recently, I would only weight myself once a week if that. I can't keep doing that anymore, because in order to be and stay successful I need to know where I am and if what I am doing is working. Throught out these challenges, my relationship with the scale has become a little more stable I think. It's not so scary, and it doesn't ruin my day as often as it used to. This week has been tough because I want to know if I'm still going down....the more weight I lose the more I want to jump on the scale to measure my progress. But I haven't gotten on, and there are only a few more days to wait!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I'm logging for yesterday and today. Yesterday I actually surpassed my protein, I was amazed. LOL
    My eating hasn't been great since we've been traveling this weekend to get our minivan. But I'll be back at it tomorrow after I get to the store and get some more produce :)

    CARDIO CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- (3 points): 3/3 points. Already all completed
    Part 2- (4 points): 4/4 points. Logging after I complete this.

    STRENGTH CHALLENGE- 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches- 2 sets, 60 seconds each set. 3/3 points: Already all completed
    Planks- do 2 sets, 60 seconds each 3/3 points: Already all completed
    Reverse Crunches- 2 sets, 15 crunches each set 3/3 points: Already all completed

    FOOD CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- 3/5 Surpassed my protein yesterday and today
    Part 2- 2/2 points: Already all completed

    Part 1- 1/1 point: Already all completed
    Part 2- 1/1 point: Already all completed

    Total: 1 for yesterday and 2 for today
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Feeling great today. It was a really good day food wise and I feel like I am making progress this week! YAY... Still no peeking at the scale, but tomorrow will be the hardest. Monday is my normal weigh in day... but I will try to stay strong!!!

    CARDIO CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- Dancing 20-30 Minutes 2/3pt
    Part 2- Log Regular Calories 3/4pt

    STRENGTH CHALLENGE- 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches- 2 sets, 60 seconds each set 2/3pt
    Planks- do 2 sets, 60 seconds each 2/3pt
    Reverse Crunches- 2 sets, 15 crunches each set 2/3pt

    FOOD CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1 – 65 Grams of Protein 4/5pt
    Part 2- High Protein Recipe 2/2pt

    Part 1- Question 1/1pt
    Part 2- Bonus point No scale Wed to Wed 0/1pt

    Sunday Total = 2
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am so sorry I have not been posting, this week has been a hard and crazy week. The Ski area I work at decided to open this weekend, we are the first in the nation to open so it is a huge deal but that meant alot of hours of work for me and with just barely tryont to adjust to going back to work and taking care of myself it didn't go as planned. I did work out a bit with moving boxes and displays at work along with the 10min uphill walk from the parking lot every morning and evening but by the time I got home each night, I made dinner, played with my son and then went to bed.
    I didn't log any of my food this week, I am dissapointed in myself for that.:frown:
    I am determined to get my points this week so I am going to go back and log my exercise and food for the week.

    I think I need some help with this any suggestions ladies?
    How do I find the time to workout when I leave for work at 6:45 and I don't get home until 6:00?
    I have a hard time telling my son to wait to play with me after a long day so that I can workout, how can I get past the guilt of doing this?

    I am off tomorrow so I plan on getting a workout in then because I will actually have time to do it.

    You are all doing a great job! I am glad you are sticking to it and working hard.

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I am going to ask for volunteers this week for the challenges so please copy and past this as you fill it out, I need a person or pair to come up with each part of next weeks challenge.





    Any takers?? Thank you so much in advance.

  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Hi Ladies,
    I am so sorry I have not been posting, this week has been a hard and crazy week. The Ski area I work at decided to open this weekend, we are the first in the nation to open so it is a huge deal but that meant alot of hours of work for me and with just barely tryont to adjust to going back to work and taking care of myself it didn't go as planned. I did work out a bit with moving boxes and displays at work along with the 10min uphill walk from the parking lot every morning and evening but by the time I got home each night, I made dinner, played with my son and then went to bed.
    I didn't log any of my food this week, I am dissapointed in myself for that.:frown:
    I am determined to get my points this week so I am going to go back and log my exercise and food for the week.

    I think I need some help with this any suggestions ladies?
    How do I find the time to workout when I leave for work at 6:45 and I don't get home until 6:00?
    I have a hard time telling my son to wait to play with me after a long day so that I can workout, how can I get past the guilt of doing this?

    I am off tomorrow so I plan on getting a workout in then because I will actually have time to do it.

    You are all doing a great job! I am glad you are sticking to it and working hard.


    Karie, I usually workout right after I put my kids to bed...That way I have time for my body to cool down and relax before I go to bed. If I knew I would do it, I would get up early and workout in the morning, but I am the farthest thing from a morning person and I don't get up until I absolutely have no choice. You can always play with your son first and then workout. That way he doesn't feel and you don't feel you are putting workouts before him. I hope you can find something that works for you. :-)
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    I am going to ask for volunteers this week for the challenges so please copy and past this as you fill it out, I need a person or pair to come up with each part of next weeks challenge.




    Emotional: Louana

    Points for today
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    I am going to ask for volunteers this week for the challenges so please copy and past this as you fill it out, I need a person or pair to come up with each part of next weeks challenge.



    Food: Tasha

    Emotional: Louana

    Any takers?? Thank you so much in advance.

  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    I am going to ask for volunteers this week for the challenges so please copy and past this as you fill it out, I need a person or pair to come up with each part of next weeks challenge.


    Strength: Renuka (would be happy if someone else would like to contribute as well.. :-) )

    Food: Tasha

    Emotional: Louana
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    :happy: NSV :happy:

    It looks like I have to shop for new pants. I was hoping to put it off a little longer, but I can actually take my jeans off without unbuttoning or unzipping them. The only down side is that I hate more then anything shopping for pants, I am curvey and have a hard time finding pants that don't have that awful pooch in the back of the waist. Maybe I can put it off two more weeks by drying them in the dryer and that way I can shop with my mom while I am in California. LOL!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Cardio: Nathalie (And I'd also be happy for someone else to contribute if they like as well!)

    Strength: Renuka (would be happy if someone else would like to contribute as well.. :-) )

    Food: Tasha

    Emotional: Louana