Motivated Mamma's Week 3 (Closed Group)



  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Been good today, went to an extra Zumba class to boost my cals from not being able to exercise most of last week! Also going tomorrow eve.

    Done all my strength exercises, woo! And will deffo hit my protein goal today! Doing pretty alright this week actually and it's all thanks to you guys! :-)
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    hey all! Just letting you know I am still here - sorry i haven't been on much this weekend. Lots of family stuff going for the holidays. I've been good with my food tho! Didn't bother to log dinner last night but I made the best choices possible seeing as my sister did not make the salad she promised me and only served starches for veggie dinner (potato, yams, corn) sheesh! But overall, it was a great meal and I'm proud of the choices I made.

    TOM finally arrived (phew!) and I feel like crap today. Hopefully the cramps will subside after a hot bath. I let my hubby sleep in until 10 so now that he is up I have claimed some Me Time and am going for a hot bath with a good book. Will talk to you all later!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Im finally back!!! Well technically got back yesterday but I was enjoying being unplugged so much that I just kept it that way for a little bit longer. I have to admit first that I splurged a little bit this weekend, BUT thats okay because we hiked, walked, and ran EVERYWHERE this weekend! Im not entirely sure about which points I got when but I'll write it all down and get it logged on here later! I absolutely loved camping, it was so peaceful! Saturday we went fishing and on an amazing 3 mile hike, I originally didnt think I would be very excited about all the nature but I really enjoyed it and managed to get some sort of workout in on Saturday and Sunday. Now that Im back though, I really want to see the scale!!!! But I will wait, I think I can handle only 2 more days! I hope y'all all had a great weekend!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Food challenge recipe-

    High protein Greek Yogurt Fruit Smoothie


    REFRIGERATED Ingredients:
    Brown Cow All Natural Greek Yogurt, Plain, .5 cup
    Milk, nonfat, .5 cup
    Cool Whip Lite, 2 serving

    FROZEN ingredients:
    Banana, fresh, .5 cup, sliced
    Strawberries, unsweetened, .5 cup,
    Mixed Berries (blue-,black-,rasp-), .5 cup

    Splenda Sugar Blend for Baking, 3 tsp (optional)

    Put all REFRIGERATED and DRY(optional) ingredients in a blender, add all the FROZEN ingredients (all at once, or a little at a time while blending). Blend for about 30-60 seconds or until desired consistency.

    Protein-17.3g at 1 serving
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Ok I was finally able to sit down and tally all my points from Friday till Now!

    Cardio- 2 pts 1 for logging calories burned and one for dancing
    strength-3 (I was so sore this weekend)

    Food- 1 (Got ALOT of protein in this weekend!!)
    Burned 895 calories walking/hiking

    Food-1 (I was WAY over protein)
    Burned 178 calories while grocery shopping

    Cardio-2 pts 1 for logging calories and one for dancing
    Strength-already did these this morning before I got too busy!
  • cynthappy2
    cynthappy2 Posts: 18 Member
    Afternoon ladies, well I don't think I mentioned this to you all but, I have 2 bulging disc in my back that flare up often, so, I am limited with my exercises. At the moment I cannot do crunches or anything which causes strain on my back. I am substituting a standing ab 10 min workout and my stationary bike this week for the dancing. I did fifteen minutes of dance the other day and it aggravated my back so bad that, I must rotate my standing and sitting frequently now.

    The only thing I can do until the disc relaxes is basic moving, so that's what I will be doing for the next week until this crisis is over. So, today I plan on riding the recumbent stationary bike for support in 10 min intervals. I will post later to let you all know how it went. :wink:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Here's my points for the week to date:

    Cardio: claiming 4/7 possible
    Dance: 3 points!
    Logging: 1

    Strength: claiming 9 out of 9 possible
    Bike crunches: 3
    Planks: 3
    Reverse Crunches: 3

    Food: claiming5 of 7 possible
    Meet requirement: 5 (i love me some protein!)
    Recipe: 0 (it's coming!)

    Emotional: 2 possible
    My relationship with scale can ony be described as emotionally abusive and neglectful. When I think back on my weight gain I realized that years would pass without me knowing my weight because I was too stubborn. I remember being 12 and weighing 125lbs and feeling like that was too much. And then I remember being 18 and weighing 185 and thinking "I will kill myself if I ever hit 200" and then I getting engaged and weighing 220... It seemed every time I got on the scale I was crippled by self hatred and immediately started a self destructive cycle of extreme dieting that was destined to fail. So for the most part, I just ignored my weight gain. It was easier to ignore than to hate myself.. Over the years, I definitely skirted around issues like anorexia. I was never "successful" in that attempt by I tried to starve myself. I thought that was the only way. And when I went through those phases I would weigh myself first thing in the morning, every time I ate and before I went to bed. And I would lose weight. But I'd burn out after a month or so and gain it all back and then some.
    So when I started this, I swore it would be different. I'm not in this for a quick loss, I want long term, healthy weight loss. So I promised I would only weigh in once a week. And for the most part, I stick to that. I will sometimes step on the scale on the weekend but I never record the results because it's not my "official" weight. Still, I freak out every Tuesday evening anticipating the weigh in. And I'm shocked, everytime i see the number go down. REally! despite how hard i work and how careful I am, I am still surprised to see positive results. It's like I feel like the scale is an enemy so to see it give me positive feedback honestly shocks me to my core. I'm not sure if that will ever go away... And I'm stressed this week not allowing myself to weigh in (cuz I want that bonus point!!!) but I've stayed true to it so far. I'm a little freaked out because TOM is in town and I am bloated like crazy so I am already feeling anxiety about weighing in Wednesday but all I can do is try to relax and hope for the best.
    W-W no weigh in bonus: so far I've been good! I'll keep you posted!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    I think I need some help with this any suggestions ladies?
    How do I find the time to workout when I leave for work at 6:45 and I don't get home until 6:00?
    I have a hard time telling my son to wait to play with me after a long day so that I can workout, how can I get past the guilt of doing this?

    I leave for work at 6:50 and get home around 4:30, but by the time I get dinner made, my husband picked up from work and my son bathed and put to bed it's 7pm before I have a chance to sit down. My fave workout is first thing in the morning. I am up at working out by 530 am and manage to get a good 40 minutes in before work. Then I walk on lunch (when I am able) and try to do the stairs at least twice a day. Depending on weather I sometimes walk home from daycare. And that's my workout. i don't do evening workouts (except for sometimes a walk) because I go to bed early and I find that an evening workout keeps me awake. Give it some time, it takes awhile to figure out your routine and make it work. You are doing great!!
  • rapitup
    rapitup Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone Im new to the group but very excited to join motivated mamma's my son is 10 weeks old :bigsmile: :bigsmile: looking forward to walk this journey with those that really understand how I feel!
  • rapitup
    rapitup Posts: 20 Member
    hope you get better! but you are doing wonderful!!!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    CARDIO CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- Dancing 20-30 Minutes 2/3pt
    Part 2- Log Regular Calories 4/4pt

    STRENGTH CHALLENGE- 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches- 2 sets, 60 seconds each set 2/3pt
    Planks- do 2 sets, 60 seconds each 2/3pt
    Reverse Crunches- 2 sets, 15 crunches each set 2/3pt

    FOOD CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1 – 65 Grams of Protein 5/5pt
    Part 2- High Protein Recipe 2/2pt

    Part 1- Question 1/1pt
    Part 2- Bonus point No scale Wed to Wed 0/1pt

    Monday Total = 2
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hello everyone Im new to the group but very excited to join motivated mamma's my son is 10 weeks old :bigsmile: :bigsmile: looking forward to walk this journey with those that really understand how I feel!

    Welcome to the Group!! Glad you are here to join us!

  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Quickly posting my stuff for today, as my DH needs to use the computer. Hope everyone had a great day :)

    CARDIO CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- (3 points): 3/3 points. Already all completed
    Part 2- (4 points): 4/4 points. Already all completed

    STRENGTH CHALLENGE- 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches- 2 sets, 60 seconds each set. 3/3 points: Already all completed
    Planks- do 2 sets, 60 seconds each 3/3 points: Already all completed
    Reverse Crunches- 2 sets, 15 crunches each set 3/3 points: Already all completed

    FOOD CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- 3/5 Didn't even come close today :(
    Part 2- 2/2 points: Already all completed

    Part 1- 1/1 point: Already all completed
    Part 2- 1/1 point: Already all completed

    Total: 0 points for today
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    Few days back I had bought a T-shirt of large size, usually i prefer XL so that my large tummy is hidden ( L is my size but my tummy becomes so visible).. And I thought although it was L size, I would fit into it.. Came home and tried it..unfortunately it had some designs on the arms and it had those stretchable thingy on the arms.. and my arms were tight and as also my So I had kept it inside to wear when i become smaller in size.. Today, by mistake (I have 2 tshirts of the same color) I wore it and my arms were lose this time.. and my tummy not very visible.. I began to check again and again to see if I was wearing the same initially i thought it was illusion..hahhah.. Feels good..
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Aarrrgh! I need a PAUSE button... getting waaaay too frazzled and not enough sleep! Here's my catch-up:

    SU. 10/9 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    CARDIO: - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- (3/3) DANCE, 20-30 minutes 3x = yes
    Part 2- (3/4) Log your regular calories 4x = no

    STRENGTH: - 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches (3/3) - 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = n/a
    Planks (3/3)- do 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = n/a
    Reverse Crunches (3/3) - 2 sets, 15 crunches ea. = n/a

    FOOD - 7 Points Total
    Part 1 (5/5) - protein? = yes
    Part 2 (0/2) - high protein recipe? no

    Part 1 (1/1) Part 2 (0/1) - Bonus point
    WANT- - TO - - - GET - - ON - - - THE - - SCALE...

    MO. 10/10 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    CARDIO: - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- (3/3) DANCE, 20-30 minutes 3x = n/a
    Part 2- (4/4) Log your regular calories 4x = yes

    STRENGTH: - 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches (3/3) - 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = n/a
    Planks (3/3)- do 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = n/a
    Reverse Crunches (3/3) - 2 sets, 15 crunches ea. = n/a

    FOOD - 7 Points Total
    Part 1 (5/5) - protein? = n/a
    Part 2 (0/2) - high protein recipe? no

    Part 1 (1/1) Part 2 (0/1) - Bonus point
    Still WANT- - TO - - - GET - - ON - - - THE - - SCALE...
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    Few days back I had bought a T-shirt of large size, usually i prefer XL so that my large tummy is hidden ( L is my size but my tummy becomes so visible).. And I thought although it was L size, I would fit into it.. Came home and tried it..unfortunately it had some designs on the arms and it had those stretchable thingy on the arms.. and my arms were tight and as also my So I had kept it inside to wear when i become smaller in size.. Today, by mistake (I have 2 tshirts of the same color) I wore it and my arms were lose this time.. and my tummy not very visible.. I began to check again and again to see if I was wearing the same initially i thought it was illusion..hahhah.. Feels good..

    It's those "funny" little moments that keep us going; way to go! :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Hello everyone Im new to the group but very excited to join motivated mamma's my son is 10 weeks old :bigsmile: :bigsmile: looking forward to walk this journey with those that really understand how I feel!

    Glad to see you here!!! :heart: :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Emotional: 2 possible
    My relationship with scale can ony be described as emotionally abusive and neglectful. When I think back on my weight gain I realized that years would pass without me knowing my weight because I was too stubborn. I remember being 12 and weighing 125lbs and feeling like that was too much. And then I remember being 18 and weighing 185 and thinking "I will kill myself if I ever hit 200" and then I getting engaged and weighing 220... It seemed every time I got on the scale I was crippled by self hatred and immediately started a self destructive cycle of extreme dieting that was destined to fail. So for the most part, I just ignored my weight gain. It was easier to ignore than to hate myself.. Over the years, I definitely skirted around issues like anorexia. I was never "successful" in that attempt by I tried to starve myself. I thought that was the only way. And when I went through those phases I would weigh myself first thing in the morning, every time I ate and before I went to bed. And I would lose weight. But I'd burn out after a month or so and gain it all back and then some.
    So when I started this, I swore it would be different. I'm not in this for a quick loss, I want long term, healthy weight loss. So I promised I would only weigh in once a week. And for the most part, I stick to that. I will sometimes step on the scale on the weekend but I never record the results because it's not my "official" weight. Still, I freak out every Tuesday evening anticipating the weigh in. And I'm shocked, everytime i see the number go down. REally! despite how hard i work and how careful I am, I am still surprised to see positive results. It's like I feel like the scale is an enemy so to see it give me positive feedback honestly shocks me to my core. I'm not sure if that will ever go away... And I'm stressed this week not allowing myself to weigh in (cuz I want that bonus point!!!) but I've stayed true to it so far. I'm a little freaked out because TOM is in town and I am bloated like crazy so I am already feeling anxiety about weighing in Wednesday but all I can do is try to relax and hope for the best.
    W-W no weigh in bonus: so far I've been good! I'll keep you posted!

    The way you described your relationship with the scale as being "emotionally abusive and neglectful" hit home for me... thanks for your insight!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Afternoon ladies, well I don't think I mentioned this to you all but, I have 2 bulging disc in my back that flare up often, so, I am limited with my exercises. At the moment I cannot do crunches or anything which causes strain on my back. I am substituting a standing ab 10 min workout and my stationary bike this week for the dancing. I did fifteen minutes of dance the other day and it aggravated my back so bad that, I must rotate my standing and sitting frequently now.

    The only thing I can do until the disc relaxes is basic moving, so that's what I will be doing for the next week until this crisis is over. So, today I plan on riding the recumbent stationary bike for support in 10 min intervals. I will post later to let you all know how it went. :wink:

    At least your keepin' it movin'! Way to go! And I hope you heal soon!
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Hey ladies. I completely dislocated my shoulder this morning. I will find out tomorrow if I have to have surgery. :-( my mobility is rather limited for at least 10 days. I think I will need to drop out of the challenge. I will still be on mfp so say hi and I will keep up with your progress as well. Keep up the good work!!!!