Men, would you think anything of this comment?



  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    How he perceives your comment I think is irrelevant.

    What you seem to be suggesting is that if you give him enough hints he will make a move as you do not want to do so yourself (which is perfectly understandable.) Obviously this means that you think on some level he feels the same about you but is simply waiting for reassurance or a green light from you to be able to do so.

    He could very well like you. A whole lot. However, if neither of you are willing to act upon it then all you have is the potential for something great without ever achieving the reality. All this Twilightesque naval gazing or melodrama won't change that.

    He either makes a move or you do. That's the bottom line. If he does like you but can't act on his desires without heavy prompting you have to ask yourself it that is really the kind of person you want to be with. Doesn't sound fun to have to lead someone round by the nose all the time to get them to do something.

    Can we please get this guy his own expert section in the forum?

    You had great insight yourself, but I have to agree. This guy is a legend! XD
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    one thing i have found about men, is that they dont really get 'hints'. (no offence guys!!) so you need to be OBVIOUS, as in 'do you want to go out' and even then he may think you're joking...

    good luck!
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    How he perceives your comment I think is irrelevant.

    What you seem to be suggesting is that if you give him enough hints he will make a move as you do not want to do so yourself (which is perfectly understandable.) Obviously this means that you think on some level he feels the same about you but is simply waiting for reassurance or a green light from you to be able to do so.

    He could very well like you. A whole lot. However, if neither of you are willing to act upon it then all you have is the potential for something great without ever achieving the reality. All this Twilightesque naval gazing or melodrama won't change that.

    He either makes a move or you do. That's the bottom line. If he does like you but can't act on his desires without heavy prompting you have to ask yourself it that is really the kind of person you want to be with. Doesn't sound fun to have to lead someone round by the nose all the time to get them to do something.

    Can we please get this guy his own expert section in the forum?

    You had great insight yourself, but I have to agree. This guy is a legend! XD
    I agree....Please predict my future.... :) Honestly GREAT ANSWER!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    one thing i have found about men, is that they dont really get 'hints'. (no offence guys!!) so you need to be OBVIOUS, as in 'do you want to go out' and even then he may think you're joking...

    good luck!

    Thank you!! I guess I can "jokingly" as him ^^ That way it doesn't become awkward either way ^^
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Send him a private message.... xxxxxxxxxxxx

    He most probably thinks your joking, you have to say it to him for him to get you like him xxx Good luck xx
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    So he responded to another girl who posted "hi," but not me, so I guess he doesn't like me after all. I feel so stupid because I thought he liked me too =( *sad*

    Im going to go crawl into a fetal position of rejection now lol...I guess I saw this coming u_u
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    In case anyone who has been keeping up with this situation is curious...I think he got annoyed with me since today he told me, "I'm going to the library. What are you gonna do?" And I said, "I'm going home now," But yesterday I went to the library with his friend it possible he liked me, or am I just wishing he did? I felt like he liked me D'=
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    id leave him to it. Maybe youre right, if hes replied to someone else, but not acknowledged what you wrote, id probably feel like backing off, but maybe see how he is with you next time you see him and judge from there?
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    id leave him to it. Maybe youre right, if hes replied to someone else, but not acknowledged what you wrote, id probably feel like backing off, but maybe see how he is with you next time you see him and judge from there?

    After a bit of encouragement, I sent him a private message asking him if he wanted to hang out sometime and he never responded. =(


    Here is the message I sent if anyone is interested:

    Hi ______~ I signed up for the JLCs today. Im going to take the tests tomorrow after class since I still want to study more~I am so scared xD

    I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime (not in class lol). I think because we see eachother on campus so often, but do not really know eachother, I become awkward and shy around you. I feel bad acting this way, so pls tell me if there is anyplace u would like to go~or any place you would like to eat ^^

    You have been so nice to me, I would like to treat you to lunch or dinner or something anyways =P

  • AndrewTub
    AndrewTub Posts: 86 Member
    I think your dog comment was a great one ! He could have either replied flirtaciously and set up a date easily, or he could have replied with a standard comment and shown that he's not really interested !

    But if he's not even replying to a that or even a private message then that's kinda rude really ! Not worth chasing if he can't even reply to a message. ... Unless he is like extremely shy or something?
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    id leave him to it. Maybe youre right, if hes replied to someone else, but not acknowledged what you wrote, id probably feel like backing off, but maybe see how he is with you next time you see him and judge from there?

    After a bit of encouragement, I sent him a private message asking him if he wanted to hang out sometime and he never responded. =(


    Here is the message I sent if anyone is interested:

    Hi ______~ I signed up for the JLCs today. Im going to take the tests tomorrow after class since I still want to study more~I am so scared xD

    I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime (not in class lol). I think because we see eachother on campus so often, but do not really know eachother, I become awkward and shy around you. I feel bad acting this way, so pls tell me if there is anyplace u would like to go~or any place you would like to eat ^^

    You have been so nice to me, I would like to treat you to lunch or dinner or something anyways =P


    How long has it been since you sent it?

    Either way, I wouldn't worry too much. You're a cute girl and I don't think you'll have too much trouble finding another guy that floats your boat.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I think your dog comment was a great one ! He could have either replied flirtaciously and set up a date easily, or he could have replied with a standard comment and shown that he's not really interested !

    But if he's not even replying to a that or even a private message then that's kinda rude really ! Not worth chasing if he can't even reply to a message. ... Unless he is like extremely shy or something?

    Thanks so much for the insight! I feel like he could have at least responded...He asked me to go to so many classes with him, sit next to him in every class, and won't even respond to me now. It is not like I confessed my love for him, I think my message could be taken in a friendly way :frown:

    He is not shy, but rather quite outgoing. Last class I gave him candies and we played games together. I feel hurt.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    id leave him to it. Maybe youre right, if hes replied to someone else, but not acknowledged what you wrote, id probably feel like backing off, but maybe see how he is with you next time you see him and judge from there?

    After a bit of encouragement, I sent him a private message asking him if he wanted to hang out sometime and he never responded. =(


    Here is the message I sent if anyone is interested:

    Hi ______~ I signed up for the JLCs today. Im going to take the tests tomorrow after class since I still want to study more~I am so scared xD

    I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime (not in class lol). I think because we see eachother on campus so often, but do not really know eachother, I become awkward and shy around you. I feel bad acting this way, so pls tell me if there is anyplace u would like to go~or any place you would like to eat ^^

    You have been so nice to me, I would like to treat you to lunch or dinner or something anyways =P


    How long has it been since you sent it?

    Either way, I wouldn't worry too much. You're a cute girl and I don't think you'll have too much trouble finding another guy that floats your boat.

    Thank you mcrow. ^^ That is very sweet of you >_< I posted on his wall ~2 days ago, and sent him a message last night. Im not sure what I did wrong, which is why I posted my comment here...I swore he liked me, so I feel a bit depressed over this haha. I was supposed to go clubbing tonight to feel better, but went to the wrong place so...I am still waiting on Facebook like an idiot. >_<
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    id leave him to it. Maybe youre right, if hes replied to someone else, but not acknowledged what you wrote, id probably feel like backing off, but maybe see how he is with you next time you see him and judge from there?

    After a bit of encouragement, I sent him a private message asking him if he wanted to hang out sometime and he never responded. =(


    Here is the message I sent if anyone is interested:

    Hi ______~ I signed up for the JLCs today. Im going to take the tests tomorrow after class since I still want to study more~I am so scared xD

    I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime (not in class lol). I think because we see eachother on campus so often, but do not really know eachother, I become awkward and shy around you. I feel bad acting this way, so pls tell me if there is anyplace u would like to go~or any place you would like to eat ^^

    You have been so nice to me, I would like to treat you to lunch or dinner or something anyways =P


    How long has it been since you sent it?

    Either way, I wouldn't worry too much. You're a cute girl and I don't think you'll have too much trouble finding another guy that floats your boat.

    Thank you mcrow. ^^ That is very sweet of you >_< I posted on his wall ~2 days ago, and sent him a message last night. Im not sure what I did wrong, which is why I posted my comment here...I swore he liked me, so I feel a bit depressed over this haha. I was supposed to go clubbing tonight to feel better, but went to the wrong place so...I am still waiting on Facebook like an idiot. >_<

    I'd give him more time to respond. It might be that he didn't think of you that way before so the maybe he needs to think it over. If not, oh well, go find another guy that you like and that likes you back in the same way. You're young, don't worry too much about if you have a boyfriend or not at this age. It's not like you're an old maid or something.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    id leave him to it. Maybe youre right, if hes replied to someone else, but not acknowledged what you wrote, id probably feel like backing off, but maybe see how he is with you next time you see him and judge from there?

    After a bit of encouragement, I sent him a private message asking him if he wanted to hang out sometime and he never responded. =(


    Here is the message I sent if anyone is interested:

    Hi ______~ I signed up for the JLCs today. Im going to take the tests tomorrow after class since I still want to study more~I am so scared xD

    I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime (not in class lol). I think because we see eachother on campus so often, but do not really know eachother, I become awkward and shy around you. I feel bad acting this way, so pls tell me if there is anyplace u would like to go~or any place you would like to eat ^^

    You have been so nice to me, I would like to treat you to lunch or dinner or something anyways =P


    How long has it been since you sent it?

    Either way, I wouldn't worry too much. You're a cute girl and I don't think you'll have too much trouble finding another guy that floats your boat.

    Thank you mcrow. ^^ That is very sweet of you >_< I posted on his wall ~2 days ago, and sent him a message last night. Im not sure what I did wrong, which is why I posted my comment here...I swore he liked me, so I feel a bit depressed over this haha. I was supposed to go clubbing tonight to feel better, but went to the wrong place so...I am still waiting on Facebook like an idiot. >_<

    I'd give him more time to respond. It might be that he didn't think of you that way before so the maybe he needs to think it over. If not, oh well, go find another guy that you like and that likes you back in the same way. You're young, don't worry too much about if you have a boyfriend or not at this age. It's not like you're an old maid or something.

    Thank you...You are very kind >_< Do you think there is a limit I should wait before moving on? I am seeing him for certain this Wed, and am worried if he doesnt respond, how to confront the situation =/

    I am sorry for my rants everyone...I just feel like he led me on is all...If he didn't like me, why did he ask me about the guy I went to dinner with and why did he help me so much? Why did he convince me to sit with him all the time, and then get so close we touched, but not with the other girls? =(
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    id leave him to it. Maybe youre right, if hes replied to someone else, but not acknowledged what you wrote, id probably feel like backing off, but maybe see how he is with you next time you see him and judge from there?

    After a bit of encouragement, I sent him a private message asking him if he wanted to hang out sometime and he never responded. =(


    Here is the message I sent if anyone is interested:

    Hi ______~ I signed up for the JLCs today. Im going to take the tests tomorrow after class since I still want to study more~I am so scared xD

    I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime (not in class lol). I think because we see eachother on campus so often, but do not really know eachother, I become awkward and shy around you. I feel bad acting this way, so pls tell me if there is anyplace u would like to go~or any place you would like to eat ^^

    You have been so nice to me, I would like to treat you to lunch or dinner or something anyways =P


    How long has it been since you sent it?

    Either way, I wouldn't worry too much. You're a cute girl and I don't think you'll have too much trouble finding another guy that floats your boat.

    Thank you mcrow. ^^ That is very sweet of you >_< I posted on his wall ~2 days ago, and sent him a message last night. Im not sure what I did wrong, which is why I posted my comment here...I swore he liked me, so I feel a bit depressed over this haha. I was supposed to go clubbing tonight to feel better, but went to the wrong place so...I am still waiting on Facebook like an idiot. >_<

    I'd give him more time to respond. It might be that he didn't think of you that way before so the maybe he needs to think it over. If not, oh well, go find another guy that you like and that likes you back in the same way. You're young, don't worry too much about if you have a boyfriend or not at this age. It's not like you're an old maid or something.

    Thank you...You are very kind >_< Do you think there is a limit I should wait before moving on? I am seeing him for certain this Wed, and am worried if he doesnt respond, how to confront the situation =/

    I am sorry for my rants everyone...I just feel like he led me on is all...If he didn't like me, why did he ask me about the guy I went to dinner with and why did he help me so much? Why did he convince me to sit with him all the time, and then get so close we touched, but not with the other girls? =(

    Well, if he doesn't say anything to you or avoids you when you see him next then that's probably good indicator. It's not like you have any reason not to be looking around now, you're not dating him so there is no need to be loyal.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    I would think you where interested in me.....
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member

    Well, if he doesn't say anything to you or avoids you when you see him next then that's probably good indicator. It's not like you have any reason not to be looking around now, you're not dating him so there is no need to be loyal.

    Thank you! If he doesnt avoid me though, should I say something? I ask this because when we hang out, he always gets really close to me (his legs touching mine, touching my hands, touching when we walk, leaning into me), and I feel like he is flirting...but when we chat on Skype he doesnt say much...I'm thinking he might not avoid me...^^ Thank you again >_< You are incredible!!!
    I would think you where interested in me.....

    Thank you. Hopefully things dont get too awkward ^^
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm curious to see how this plays out. My 15 year old daughter has the same issues at school, where a boy will talk to her in a group, keep looking at her in class, then look away when he's caught.......she keeps asking me if it means he likes her and I just don't have an answer. From what she says, it seems so.........but then nothing happens. Are guys just too shy?
    I don't understand why this guy you have the crush on is all friendly with you and then all of a sudden he's ignoring you.
  • FauxNinja
    Have your best bff pass his bff a note during last period.