

  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    3 miles for lunch break!!!!!
    Here's to a great week!! :drinker:
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Sorry guys. I'm sick. Passing out as soon as my hubby gets home to watch the wee one.

    1. Get better.
    2. Still do strength training.
    3. Rest, rest, rest when not at work.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Aninamika – great job on the crunches! Also, it is ok to indulge every k now and then. What is helping on my journey now is that I am not limiting myself. I am not “dieting”, I am changing my life style and actually succeeding at it. I will have those things that I crave in small quantities and sometimes I actually think about it really hard or analyze how many calories I would be wasting on that instant gratification and change my mind.

    Editorsc – don’t forget to stop at the store and getting that battery. Do you have a measuring tape? It is also a handy tool in weight loss.

    Mak – I hope you did well with that temptation… Did you apply Philo’s 20min rule? It worked for me last night.

    Kris Page – WOW! You know how many people struggle to do a 5K and you do it on your lunch break. Awesome!

    LadyGloria – I hope you feel better soon. I am happy that you have made that your #1 priority.

    I am getting ready to do the second part of my P90X, but I am already thinking that I only have 30mins if I want to get a snack in before my cut off time! :huh:
  • littlemount
    10/10--MONDAY CHECK IN-

    Fruits/veggies- done 1/6[ Today had only about 150 calories left for dinner this goal came in so handy today]
    Exercise- 45 minutes Zumba was moderate impact, felt real good after doing it -1/6
    Exercise- Gary strength exercises Arms and shoulders - done.

    Lady gloria- hope you feel better soon.
    M A K_01- Hope you resisted those doughnuts and had fruit.
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm very excited to be joining this week!

    My goals for this week:

    1. Log all food
    2. Exercise for a total of five hours this week.
    3. make better food choices

    The past six weeks have been a disaster for me with food and exercise so I think this is what I need to get back on track. Thank you so much!

    Just curious if anyone can answer this question: I burn approximately 100 calories every hour at work but my heart rate never gets up, it's just constant walking and moving. I know this number is correct because I wear a Polar HRM. Should I account for those in my exercise calories (not in place of a workout, in addition to)?
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    La_nanita it might have been a 5k but it was a steady walk no running and took 52 mins to complete my whole lunch hour so I wouldnt say I was breaking any records.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Kessyrene - Welcome! Glad you have joined us! Great goals for the week :smile: Good luck. You can do this.

    Philosohoe – LOL!! I have to admit I do enjoy this thread so much. You all inspire me and keep me motivated. I love reading everyone’s goals and NSV’s and having a great place to share NSV’s and work on my goals. :happy: BTW! I love your chants… I chant along with you, helps me remember to only weigh in on MY weigh in days (something I have “cheated” on already this week) I can’t to see your chants again! Good luck with your goals this week, especially your macros I know how difficult those can be.

    Papillon22 – So glad you are back for another week. Sounds like you are going to be busy with exams. Good luck on those as well as your mini goals! I know you can do this, especially the water before your meals.

    La_nanita – Good luck getting in your 6 P90X workouts. Think I need to add in a no late night eating goal. I’m a late night snacker too, and it has been getting a little out of hand. Sorry to leave you hanging with the thread :blushing: BTW did you eat the ice cream last night?!?! Did you wait the 20 minutes and skip it? Inquiring minds want to know! I did use Philo’s 20 minute rule today for the cupcake. And after 20 minutes I was so engrossed in work I forgot all about it. I used the 20 minute rule a couple of times.

    Littlemount – YAY glad you are back for another week! Good luck with your goals this week. Do fill us in on what #3 is! Great job hitting all your goals today. Sounds like you had a very veggie packed dinner! Keep up all your hard work.

    Aninamika – Way to get your crunches in! Oblique crunches are TOUGH (or maybe I just need to do some more to strength mine LOL!) Great great job! WOW lasting three months for a craving is pretty amazing. I agree with La_nanita’s comment. Sometimes you gotta get your pizza on! We are very happy you have joined our group!

    Hearts♥Desire – Love Love Love the balloons! Makes our thread look like a party so now it's appearences mathces the mood. So glad everyone loves this thread as much as I do!

    Editorsc – Welcome back. Good luck with your goals. Stop in and let us know how you are doing. Hope you can get that battery off your shopping list soon.

    Bhurley1424 – THANK YOU!!! I did manage to avoid the sweets all day! Not a single morsel was consumed (which is good cuz I was super tight on calories …. EKKKK) UMM cupcake or dinner… Dinner for me please!

    KrisPage – There you go!!! You can and WILL get your 15. We will make sure of it. Keep on walking.

    Poor LadyG. You go get better and feel better soon. HUGGSS!!

    Ladylu11 – I’m so glad you have joined us!! Great goals to get you back into the swing of things. Check back as you can and let us know you progress as the week progresses. As for the 100 calorie burn I wouldn’t count it, but that’s just my personal opinion. The way I look at it, again... again just my own thoughts here, before I started watching what I was eating and working out and getting into a healthier life style I was still burning about the same amount then as I do now, so in my mind that’s just my daily moving not really more. But that’s just my two cents. Anyone else please feel free to weigh in.

    Monday check in:
    1. 30DS – Day 18 done
    2. Get in 4 non 30DS workouts in – Missed again today. Determined to get one in tomorrow besides bowling.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – Packed Sunday night and brought it to work. Success!
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – Happy to report no cupcake or doughnut was eaten, mostly because since I mentioned it here, I didn’t want to come back and tell you all I had caved like a house of cards. So I had the healthy snacks I packed (peaches and a cheese stick) and got busy with work to help avoid food. While making dinner I logged every extra bite I had (we had homemade pizza).

    Hope you all have had a great Monday! Let’s have an amazing Tuesday. Keep rocking the mini goals!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    BTW did you eat the ice cream last night?!?! Did you wait the 20 minutes and skip it? Inquiring minds want to know! I did use Philo’s 20 minute rule today for the cupcake. And after 20 minutes I was so engrossed in work I forgot all about it. I used the 20 minute rule a couple of times.
    Philosohoe:heart: I LOVE this concept! Somehow I must have forgotten over time because I've not been doing that.. SO glad it was brought up and then brought up again so I didn't miss it this time!:tongue:

    I can Sooooooooooo do 20 minutes! Remind me I said that at a later date, hm? :blushing: :laugh:

    Thinking of adding friends to my page finally:blushing: , so far it's been only me, guess I felt doing it alone ..............well I have no good reason doing it alone, not sure what I was thinking! I'm feeling more and more comfy with so many of you it's likely I'll get brave soon, very soon! Philosohoe's already got one with a message waiting for me. I read it everyday and think...crap I need to just let ppl in my life more:cry: . Sometimes I wish I trusted more than I do... I think it probably has more to do with that then's a process I'm working on.

    **Monday Check-in**

    1. Great food choices today, loving healthy food, my body feels So much better when I treat it right! :drinker:
    2. Fabulous workout today and then ran a mile in the water so I should sleep good, as I'm exhausted, but in a good way. :happy:
    3. Love my FOCUS goal, really does help me out, so it's likely I'll keep this goal indefinitely. :wink:
    4. Everyone sleep well and have a fabulous Tuesday!:flowerforyou: Consider this my check in for the night! I think I'll keep this goal in for awhile as well.

    Chat with you all tomorrow:smooched: :flowerforyou:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Hi all, love and support all of you, but without online this week.

    My goal this week (that I can't do a daily check in with):
    Don't give myself the excuse to let myself go

    I'll hopefully be traveling, so sorry I won't be able to support you all nor hear the motivations I so desperately need from the group. See you next week!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Monday night check in:
    1) Keep macronutrient ratio at 50:25:25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat--Holy moly today was a bad one: 38.4/21.6/40 :sad: Yeah, emotions and hormones are starting to wreak some havoc already. I'm pretty sure it's MAK's fault for inviting TOM to the party early.:laugh: LOVE YOU MAK!:happy:
    2) Sodium under 2000--Nope. Not the worst day ever, but definitely not good-2462 Crap.
    3) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week--so far 291
    4) Do Not Weigh In On Any Day Other Than MONDAY: today was weigh in day, and I weighed in just to start my week off in the right place. I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW.

    MAK & la_nanita!!!! I'm so glad the 20 min rule helped you both in a moment of crisis. Great work ladies!!

    KrisPage--Fantastic doing 3 miles on your lunch break!

    I would comment more, but I'm distracted and need to go to bed. Good luck tomorrow everyone!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Thinking of adding friends to my page finally:blushing: , so far it's been only me, guess I felt doing it alone ..............well I have no good reason doing it alone, not sure what I was thinking! I'm feeling more and more comfy with so many of you it's likely I'll get brave soon, very soon! Philosohoe's already got one with a message waiting for me. I read it everyday and think...crap I need to just let ppl in my life more:cry: . Sometimes I wish I trusted more than I do... I think it probably has more to do with that then's a process I'm working on.

    No pressure HD! Just wanted you to know that I am available for friend-ing whenever you feel comfortable. At your own pace sweetHeart :) HUGS!
  • mggirll0122
    Hello All! Looks like everyone is doing so well! Congratulations on meeting your goals.

    This week I hope to actually accomplish mine:

    1. Exercise 4x
    2. Water 5x
    3. Vitamins 7x

  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: THANK YOU all for the ENCOURAGEMENT!
    I have logged everything that passed my lips today with the exception of my extra gum which has been good at keeping me occupied while I've been studying :wink:
    Today's challenge met - 50 reverse crunches and 50 bicycle crunches! IT BURNED TOO!

    Awesome job on the 3mile walk too KrisPage - pfft to 50 mins you are working on cutting that down so be proud of completing the mileage!

    FABULOUS stuff to everyone else, the goals everyone has set for themselves is inspirational and makes me that much more enthusiastic about meeting my weekly challenges. Today would have to be the first time since I started MFP that I have managed to keep my snack @ 100 count. THANKS TO THIS FORUM I was able to come up with such a challenge!

    What is the 20min Philo recommendation? CHEERS EVERYONE & I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A FABULOUS NIGHT'S SLEEP.

    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Late check in for Monday. It was a pretty good day for me, except in the sodium department. :blushing: :grumble: Man, there is way more sodium in things than I realize! Need to get better with planning! ok here goes:

    1) 3 servings fruit/veggie - Yes!! I made it, barely. It helped I went shopping and got some fresh fruits on Sunday.
    2) Exercise 6 days - 1/6 done
    3) Sodium - Utter failure on this today - way more sodium in our seasoned fajita meat than I realized! :grumble: :grumble: I guess I'll have to plan better next time we have this.
    4) keep stress under control - managed to do this today, was a very busy day and stressful. got upset with my boss and co-worker early in the day but I managed to just take a deep breath and get over it (after a few minutes of :grumble: ).. Unfortunately, this is nothing unusual so just need to get overit.

    Sorry, don't have time for catching up this morning. Need to change the baby then I need to get myself ready for work! Happy Tuesday everyone! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Monday check in :) even though it's tussah morning lol it obviously didn't take when I tried to post before bed last night :-/
    * 50 crunches every day - check
    * five work out days - 1 down
    * no soda except for club soda - check
    * weights 3x this week - not yesterday but perhaps today

    Cw- 165
    Gw- 125 - 130 by feb 18
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    What is the 20min Philo recommendation?

    The 20 minute rule is: If you are craving something that you aren't sure if you want to spend the calories on, wait 20 minutes before you eat it. If you still want it, have a healthy portion; if you get distracted, then you didn't really want it in the first place. It doesn't cure binges, but it can help slow them down sometimes because you take the time to assess what is causing the craving. It's not about denial, but giving yourself permission after thoughtful reflection. :flowerforyou:
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    What is the 20min Philo recommendation?

    The 20 minute rule is: If you are craving something that you aren't sure if you want to spend the calories on, wait 20 minutes before you eat it. If you still want it, have a healthy portion; if you get distracted, then you didn't really want it in the first place. It doesn't cure binges, but it can help slow them down sometimes because you take the time to assess what is causing the craving. It's not about denial, but giving yourself permission after thoughtful reflection. :flowerforyou:

    I love how you put this Philo!!! I am actually using it a lot... Sunday night I craved the ice cream and thought about it for 20 mins and did not eat it, instead I had a sugar free popsicle for only 15 calories. Last night around 7pm I thought about my new goal of not eating past 8pm and thought about the ice cream again, so after 20 mins of debating I decided to eat it right away since I had plenty of calories left and I would still be within my time frame.
  • littlemount
    10/10--MONDAY CHECK IN-

    Fruits/veggies- done 1/6[ Today had only about 150 calories left for dinner this goal came in so handy today]
    Exercise- 45 minutes Zumba was moderate impact, felt real good after doing it -1/6
    Exercise- Gary strength exercises Arms and shoulders - done.

    Lady gloria- hope you feel better soon.
    M A K_01- Hope you resisted those doughnuts and had fruit.
    10/11- check in
    Fruits and veggies- failed on that one today had only 4 servings of fresh produce- 1/6
    Exercise- did well on cardio
    Exercise- finished Garys exercises for today.

    I think I will need to start practicing the 20 minute rule it seems very doable and good for stress eaters like me.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    1.5 miles today at lunch.
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member

    I am fairly new here at MFP and if it is okay, I would love to join....even though it is late Tuesday.

    All the challenges always seem to be closed.

    If It is okay, my goals will be...

    1. Walk at least 30 minutes everyday
    2. Do 25 crunches everyday. (haven't done them for years so starting slow)
    3. No snacks after 7pm


    Everyone is doing sooooo great!! :)