

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Quick pop in before bed... I'll catch up in the a.m and add my 1-3 stats for the day.:yawn: :wink: :flowerforyou:

    4. Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had .. WOOT, here I am even if it's a quick one.:tongue:

    Hugs all around!!!:smooched:
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Today's Checkin:

    This water goal is a struggle....however, I am going to get up to my goal. Today, you i drank 5glasses. So I need to up the ante tomorrow.

    On a good note, I lost 1.2 pounds, so I will take that.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Today's Checkin:

    This water goal is a struggle....however, I am going to get up to my goal. Today, you i drank 5glasses. So I need to up the ante tomorrow.

    On a good note, I lost 1.2 pounds, so I will take that.
    annasgyal - YAY on the water intake today, trust me it really does get easier getting it all in as time goes on!! :drinker: :wink:
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    well I was ready to call it a night recorded dinner and was way over headded down to TM and put on 3 mile to weeks total 7.5/15miles complete. Still didn't quite cover excess at dinner but thats ok meal with family is worth few extra now and then.
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Hey again everyone - yesterday's stats were great considering I felt like I could've eaten a 12" sub rather than the 6 I had. I was carb loading for a big run tomorrow (supposed to do 14miles) but after today I won't be doing it. My knee has been playing up and this morning it affected my workout at the was the FIRST TIME EVER I've had to resort to bench step ups rather than do Box Jumps :frown: All good though because I was still able to continue on with the rest of the workout without too much hassle. I came home with the intention of doing a TABATA workout and that's when I had to accept that maybe I need to take a break :grumble: I'm gonna speak with my mate/trainer and see whether I can still go ahead and do upper body but I REALLY DON'T WANT AN INJURY. I need to take my own advice and chill out - give my body a chance to recuperate, then get back into it.
    BTW - I ran a half-marathon last Sunday and I finished it in 2:08 my previous time was 2:32 which is prob why my knee is a bit niggly :yawn: I nearly forgot my ab workout yesterday but managed to remember when I was about to doze off! :laugh: so today I have completed 200 crunches. 90 originals / 50 obliques / 10 bicycles (doing these even hurt my knee! :grumble: ) 50 reverse.
    The good things about taking a break - more time to focus on getting my studies out of the way, my legs will love me even more after and help me through this month, focus on making good food ummmm feel free to give me any more good things
    Now I better get on with the day - meanwhile continue to kick some serious butt peeps :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Glad you are giving your body a rest. I am sure you will be so much more powerful and ready to kick some butt after a day or two!!

    Keep making those good food choices!!
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Quick pop in before bed... I'll catch up in the a.m and add my 1-3 stats for the day.:yawn: :wink: :flowerforyou:

    4. Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had .. WOOT, here I am even if it's a quick one.:tongue:

    Hugs all around!!!:smooched:

    Way to go with checking in!!! :-)
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    well I was ready to call it a night recorded dinner and was way over headded down to TM and put on 3 mile to weeks total 7.5/15miles complete. Still didn't quite cover excess at dinner but thats ok meal with family is worth few extra now and then.

    Great job on adding the miles and you are right....sometimes it is worth the extra calories to sit down with family and enjoy yourself. Tomorrow is a new day. :)
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Just read back through to yesterdays post holy cow we have gained a lot of newbies WELCOME. so glad your here. Come prepared to have fun, vent your feelings and have the best support ever!!! MAK what a day andHearts candy corn WOOO thanks for that heads up will be skipping that this holiday!!
    well I did force the TM tonight so MAK would not need to kick my butt. so good nite all!!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I’m back, and so much better!

    Hearts♥Desire – Sorry to hear about encounter with the candy corn on Tuesday. But thank you for sharing your story. And I totally agree with you about how great progress feels :smile: Keep on checking in, your support is so wonderful!!

    Papillon22 – Keep up all the great work with your goals as well as the studying! Wish I could send you that time machine and help you out. Good luck!

    Aninamika – Thank you so much. For the vibes, the awesome pep talk, the encouraging words, all of it. And for the chuckle I got thinking of power walking to the toilet. I’d love to see the looks I’d get at the office. Hehehehe!! Thank you SO much. I’m so sorry to hear your knee isn’t feeling 100%. I hope taking it easy today helped it out. Awesome job with your crunches. And WOW WOW WOW great job with the half marathon that is so great!

    La_nanita – Thanks for being willing to power walking with me to the ladies! I did do my shred this evening and felt night and day better afterwards. HUGGS!

    34again – Glad you have joined us!! Thank you for sending good vibes my way! Terrific job with your goals today. Keep it up. How are the crunches treating you?

    Littlemount – I did well this evening, thank you for your message. I made a delightful mix of squash, zucchini, and red peppers with some scallops (needed some protein). Sorry to hear you’ve got some crummy weather in your area. Hopefully it passes soon. Great job with your goals today. You are doing awesome.

    Mrogers52 – Thank you for the love and support!

    Genene111 – Great job with your goals today! Way to get all yoru crunches in! It’s like crunch centeral here! :laugh: I know you’ll get your last two workouts in! Great check in today.

    Annasgyal – Congrats on the loss! That’s great. I know you can get that water it! You can and will do it! We are cheering for you! And Hearts Desire is right, it does get easier.

    KrisPage – Family dinner is totally worth it. Great job on hitting the tread mill and getting the 3 miles in. Glad to hear no butt kicking was needed :laugh: I know you are going to get your 15 miles in this week!

    What would I do without all of you and all your support!!
    Wednesday check in:
    1. 30DS – Day 19 check. And I felt great doing it.
    2. Get in 4 non 30DS workouts in – still hanging at 2/4
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – Done – now to go and pack my lunch for tomorrow.
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – Ok I did over indulge today at work, but I’m happy to report I did log it all. I’m actually pretty proud of that.

    Now it’s time to pack my lunch and head to bed. Thank you all again for your support!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Evening Group! Quick update from Ittee: she's logging in from the road so as not to lose her days, but no forum check ins to she makes it cross country. She's moving to NC to be with her hubby! I'm devastated to lose my bestie, but she will be so happy, so I'm happy for her.

    Last night was my last swim with her for a while, but I did get in a swim with my bf tonight, so that went well. Today was ridiculously emotional, but I finally had a day that I didn't feel out of control with my food for a change. I needed protein for dinner, so my wonderful man-person grilled up steaks and steamed broccoli for us for an uber-healthy dinner. Whew, that felt good. Like I said, feels good to be on a better track today. Oh! I even passed on birthday cake today! Yay! (I'm not anti-cake, but I figure 2 pieces of ice-cream cake yesterday was more than enough to hold me over for a while.

    Wednesday Check In:
    1) Keep macronutrient ratio at 50:25:25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat--Better today: 44.8/25.5/29.7
    2) Sodium under 2000--1661 today!
    3) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week--1181 so far
    4) Do Not Weigh In On Any Day Other Than MONDAY--I did not weigh in today; I didn't really want to after last night's dinner. I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW. I have a phone conference with my dietitian on Friday, so I won't have an extra weigh in for that either.

    That's it for me tonight. Good luck with Thursday everyone!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Littlemount: you live in Maryland! I used to live near Columbia, I loved the area and miss it!

    Wednesday check-in:

    1-Keep up with Chalean X schedule + 1 extra cardio workout/week - no workout on wednesday. Bad time management, no excuses.

    2- 5 servings of fruits/veggies a day - done!

    3- Have a glass of water before every meal - done!

    Done with exams/presentations and it all went well! :drinker: phew....
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    100/500 crunches... It only took me til Thursday to begin my "daily" crunches. I thought about them Tuesday night after doing my step workout, but I didn't have anything left for I was wiped out. It's amazing how quickly time can get away when we don't make the time to workout.

    I saw the previous mentions of power walks to toilets... LOL. I could totally do that at work and have everyone thinking I'm having "issues"... :laugh:
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Evening Group! Quick update from Ittee: she's logging in from the road so as not to lose her days, but no forum check ins to she makes it cross country. She's moving to NC to be with her hubby! I'm devastated to lose my bestie, but she will be so happy, so I'm happy for her.

    Last night was my last swim with her for a while, but I did get in a swim with my bf tonight, so that went well. Today was ridiculously emotional, but I finally had a day that I didn't feel out of control with my food for a change. I needed protein for dinner, so my wonderful man-person grilled up steaks and steamed broccoli for us for an uber-healthy dinner. Whew, that felt good. Like I said, feels good to be on a better track today. Oh! I even passed on birthday cake today! Yay! (I'm not anti-cake, but I figure 2 pieces of ice-cream cake yesterday was more than enough to hold me over for a while.

    Wednesday Check In:
    1) Keep macronutrient ratio at 50:25:25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat--Better today: 44.8/25.5/29.7
    2) Sodium under 2000--1661 today!
    3) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week--1181 so far
    4) Do Not Weigh In On Any Day Other Than MONDAY--I did not weigh in today; I didn't really want to after last night's dinner. I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW. I have a phone conference with my dietitian on Friday, so I won't have an extra weigh in for that either.

    That's it for me tonight. Good luck with Thursday everyone!

    Way to go on not having that cake!!! You go girl!! Sorry about losing your buddy.

    Stay strong today and stay away from the scale!! :)
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    New day with new goals!! We CAN do it ladies!!! Get those workouts in, drink that water and stay away from any food that won't make you feel great!!

    Looking forward to hearing how everyone's day was.

    Stay strong! Let's kick some butt today!! :)
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Morning everyone! Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I have not been getting alot of sleep and work has been very busy and just all around stressed out! I'm really looking forward to the weekend! I'll check in later tonight with my stats, I think I've done ok despite the stress and lack of sleep. :happy:

    I didn't exercise last night so maybe I'll take a few power walks to the toilet here at work! LOL :wink: :laugh: Love it!!
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    Good morning everyone!!

    New day with new goals!! We CAN do it ladies!!! Get those workouts in, drink that water and stay away from any food that won't make you feel great!!

    Looking forward to hearing how everyone's day was.

    Stay strong! Let's kick some butt today!! :)

    I'm going to post this on my fridge & engrave it in my thoughts...

    "Stay away from any food that won't make you feel great!!"
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Sorry I am not being very supportive but last night I hit a depression wall and have not been much in the mood for anything. :sad: I can at least say I am NOT eating my emotions! I just have not gotten up the ummph to do my P90X. :sick:
  • littlemount
    Hope you feel better by tommorow,good you didnot eat due to your low mood.


    Garys strength exercises done- 4/4
    No extra walking to day
    Fruits/veggies 5 done today.
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Good evening ladies!!

    Fitnhealthy - awwww, thanks!! Glad you like it!! :)

    La_nanita - I hope your depression lifts soon. Just think of how far you have come!!

    Littlemount - way to go!! Great day!!

    Went over calories by about 200. Yikes!!! BUT hubby to me to Red Lobster.....first time I had ever been there!! I don't like seafood but now love their Cajun Chicken Alfredo! LOL. Will make up for it tomorrow by walking extra. It was so nice....we never go to restaurants. I felt like a queen! :-)


    1. Crunches (25) - 2/4
    2. Walking for at least 30 minutes - 4/4
    3. No snacking after 7pm - well dinner ran past 7pm so I will definitely not be snacking!! - 4/4

    Have a great night everyone. Rest well. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Philosohoe – Thanks for the update on Ittee. If you are in touch with her again let her know I say Hi :happy: What happy yet sad news for her and you. Glad to hear you are feeling a little more in control yesterday. Sounds like you had a great dinner Wednesday night, and how nice that your wonderful man person made it for you. Great job with your ratios and sodium. Keep up all the great work!

    Papillon22 – I hear you on time management. Hope you were able to get your workout in Thursday. Great job with the water :smile: Happy to hear your done with exams and presentations and glad they went well.

    Fitnhealthyccthatsm – Great job with the hundred crunches. Sorry it took you a little longer to get working on them.

    34again – Love your morning check in and cheering us all on! Awesome attitude :happy: Oddly enough I went to Red Lobster for dinner today too! Today is my husband’s birthday and that’s the place he wanted for his birthday dinner. Nice job with your goals today. Keep on working them, you are doing great!

    Bhurley1424 – I’m sorry to hear you’ve been stressed out. I bet you are still doing good even though you have been stressed and lacking sleep. Hope you got a couple power walks to the toilet in and not too many looks.

    La_nanita – I’m so sorry to hear you’ve hit a wall of depression. But no stress eating, that’s great. Hopefully your ummph returns and your P90Xing it up soon.

    Littlemount – Great job Thursday! Sorry to hear you didn’t get an extra walk in. Awesome job again with the fruits and veggies!

    Thursday check in:
    1. 30DS – Day 20 almost – Got home late for work, and went right out for the husband’s birthday dinner. So I will be getting my 30DS in after my check in.
    2. Get in 4 non 30DS workouts in – still hanging at 2/4 man this working late is really getting in the way!
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – Done! I took the day off tomorrow so I’m done with lunches at work for this week.
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – Logged every thhhhiiinnnggg!!! The few peanut M&M’s (I really can’t resist there sweet sweet call). Then at dinner I tried a couple of my husband’s shrimp logged em too. YAY!

    My weigh in is tomorrow. I’m hoping my dinner out didn’t throw my week off. Wish me luck.

    This weekend my mother in law is coming into town, for my husband’s birthday. So I will try and stop in and say hi, but I might not have time to comment. This weekend food wise is going to be tough, wish me luck (notice I took the weekend food off my goals list). I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend. Keep reaching for those mini goals. WE CAN DO THIS!!