

  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Love this:)! So for week(10/10-10/16)
    Tuesday late check in
    * 50 crunches every day - check
    * five work out days - day 2 this week
    * no soda except for club soda - check
    * weights 3x this week - just finished 30 min of weights at gym so thats 1/3!

    I'm new to mfp and I love the group support ! Mini goals are the way to go!!!:) thanks for putting this up:)
    Cw- 166lbs
    Gw- 125 - 130 by feb 18
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Thank you for the new thread!

    Goals for this week are:
    1. Log food and exercise every day
    2. No B, L, S, or T's this week-tough, but have done it Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday
    3. Sleep 6-7 hours each night
    4. Read everyone's posts:smile:
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member

    I am fairly new here at MFP and if it is okay, I would love to join....even though it is late Tuesday.

    All the challenges always seem to be closed.

    If It is okay, my goals will be...

    1. Walk at least 30 minutes everyday
    2. Do 25 crunches everyday. (haven't done them for years so starting slow)
    3. No snacks after 7pm


    Everyone is doing sooooo great!! :)
    This is a WONDERFUL group
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Littlemount – the 20 min rule is working great! I am a snacker and it helps a lot. Try it out and if it doesn’t work for you just stop and try something else. :laugh:

    Kris – Way to go with those miles! :flowerforyou:

    Genene11 and 34again – New members are always welcomed! I noticed that too with almost all of the groups being closed. I can understand it because threads can become extensive and hard to keep up with if there are too many members. I even tried to join a group that seemed to be opened but was not welcomed by anyone. That’s when I wish there was a delete button for stuff on My Topics. With this being a weekly group it does not get over whelming and you check in when you want. The incredible part is that everyone here is so amazing you WANT to check in and you WANT to meet your goals so you do not let your friends down. Well that was a winded welcome! LOL :noway:

    Tuesday Check In:
    I am a MFP addict if you have not noticed. I can safely say that I check my MFP profile more than my FB one!!! :bigsmile:
    1) P90X: 2/7
    2) WATER: 2/7
    3) NO SNACKS AFTER 8P: 2/7
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    4. Read everyone's posts:smile:

    I love this one :love: I am trying to do the same while being supportive too!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Count me in! So here are my mini goals for the week.

    1. Water Goal-8 glasses minimum per day
    2. Exercise five times per week
    3. Watch sodium intake

    Ultimately would love to be a pound down this week!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Love seeing new people find our happy little group-home! Welcome everyone!

    Today was my last swim of the season with Ittee:sad: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :sad: Hopefully Zumba will be on the way soon.

    Quick Tuesday Check In:
    1) Keep macronutrient ratio at 50:25:25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat--48.4/15.1/36.4
    2) Sodium under 2000--Better than yesterday 2216
    3) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week--went slightly backwards today: 278 total
    4) Do Not Weigh In On Any Day Other Than MONDAY: I did not weigh in today. I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW.

    Sorry I'm not commenting more tonight, but know that I've read everyone's posts, and I'm so glad to be part of such a supportive group. Sometimes we can be the supports and sometimes we NEED the support. I'm just grateful to be part of the process. Hugs to all and good luck on getting through Wednesday STRONG.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello all my mini goalers. I hope you all had a rockin Tuesday! I had quite an awesome day. More on me later… let’s talk about how awesome you all are doing.

    Hearts♥Desire – Great job with your goals Monday. Isn’t it amazing how much better your feel when you feed your body good stuff. Great workout today keep it up!

    Ittee – We will miss you this week. Safe travels we will be here when your back. HUGGS!!

    Philosohoe – Loving the 20 minute rule. Thanks again for sharing, and perfect explanation of it. :blushing: I did bring the TOM curse didn’t I. Sorry everyone! Sounds like you had a rough Monday and Tuesday. Keep on working I know you can do this. I know you will do this. Know we are here for you sending you hugs and support. I’m so sorry to hear no more swimming for the season. Zumba's next on the plan for you? Have you tried it before? Let us know when you start.

    Mggirll0122 – Welcome back, love the goals this week. You CAN do this. I know you can hit all your goals this week.

    Aninamika – CONGRATS on hitting your snack goal. That’s great work. And way to rock out those crunches!! I’m a big gum chewer too. I really like the Extra Desserts gum… YUM! Mint Chocolate Chip and the Apple Pie are my favorites.

    Bhurley1424 – Yeah the sodium can really sneak up on you can’t it!! Nice job with your goals. Do you make your own fajitas or do you buy pre marinated meat? I use to use a seasoning packet when I made tacos/fajitas and holy sodium. Now I have a seasoning mix I make myself it has less sodium. I keep it on hand … we eat a lot tacos/fajitas.

    Genene111 – Great job with your goals on Monday & Tuesday. I’m glad to see you were able to get your weights in Tuesday. Keep up all the hard work. We are happy you have joined the thread!

    Littlemount – Sorry to hear you were a little short on your fruit/veggie goal. But great job with your other goals. The 20 minute rule is great for stress eating, or eating from boredom. It really is a great rule.

    KrisPage – great job! Way to knock another mile and half off your total for the week. You got this!

    34again – Absolutely you can join!! Welcome to MFP and welcome to the mini goals thread, we love to have new people join us. Great goals to start off with! Good luck :happy:

    Mrogers52 – Howdy! Welcome back for another week. Awesome job with the BLTS, so proud of you! Aren’t they tough!! It’s such a habit to just lick a soon, or take a quick bite of this or that. Good luck with your BLTS and all your goals.

    La_nanita – Your welcome made me smile ear to ear. This group really is amazing and I love how everyone makes new comers feel welcome. HUGGS!! BTW I’m totally an MFP addict too :laugh: Great job with making all your goals today.

    Annasgyal – Welcome to the group. Great goals for the week. Good luck with all of them.

    Tuesday check in:
    1. 30DS – rest day... YES!
    2. Get in 4 non 30DS workouts in – 2/4. I had bowling tonight, did pretty darn good if I do say so myself. Plus I see everyone’s crunches goals, I decided to do some myself. I did the ab work from 30DS Level 2.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – Worked from home, so done :smile:
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – Did good with this today. Only had a very little extra here and there and logged it ALL!!!

    Keep up all the hard work everyone!! Let’s have an amazing Wednesday!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Goals for this week (10/9-10/15)

    1 - Track food daily, make healthier choices
    2 - Workout 4-5 days this week
    3 - Stay FOCUSED on the Game!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had

    Quick check-in for Tues.

    1. hm... Candy's NOT for breakfast EVER!! :blushing: :glasses: :tongue: particularly a 12 oz. bag of it which equals 1200 cals, 160 pieces and put me over for the entire day by breakfast since I ate it after my cereal. WHY? Great question! It's so sweet and icky, I don't even like it, strange....:sad: So now my friends with this great info none of you EVER have to eat the whole bag after breakfast, see... see what I did for you all?! :bigsmile: I saved you all from having to try this yourself...... definitely don't try this at Home Kids or anywhere else for that matter!!:wink:

    It took me in to a tail spin food wise after I got home, crappy food and felt sick, deep sigh, but each time it happens I learn a lesson, feeling like this is SO not worth any food in the world! I tried on a couple coats last night from my Sister and they fit, buttoned up and will be awesome this Winter. Only a month ago they were no where near buttoning or zipping...I mean a good 4+ inches. SO YAY! Still trying to get my water in to flush out the waxy goodness of the candy corn. :sad: BUT Weds is a brand new day and I feel good about it.

    It excites me when I realize some days it might be only hours or less than desired eating, compared to the past when it would be days, week,, and yes YEARS.:noway: :blushing: I'm sure this sounds familiar to many of you? Progress...such an awesome feeling as we learn to make better choices for our lives.

    2. Good workout, burned off the candy corn but then I wanted to kick myself as I don't want my workouts to be for burning off junk food..ya know? But looking forward to another great workout 1200 cals worth of candy corn won't be part of my breakfast!:laugh:

    3. I realize Focusing on our goals, our health and such is not a do it once sort of thing, but most definitely an ongoing process..and that's a good thing. It makes us stay conscious of our actions and aware of our choices good or bad.

    4. Here I am checking in even on a less terrific met this goal again today! Frankly this is my most proud goal to make each day... I've been checking in daily and it feels good, keeps me accountable to my dear friends I've made on here and continue to make as more of you join us!:flowerforyou:

    Sorry for not commenting tonight but I did read the posts and Welcome WELCOME to all our new folks, never will you find a better thread than this warm encouraging one.:love: Great to have you all join us for this weeks Mini-goals. Ah, and no worries if you start today or tomorrow still plenty of week left to give your goals a workout!:heart:

    :smooched: :flowerforyou:
    Until tomorrow....
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Welcome newbies! and stay strong everyone!

    Super quick monday/tuesday check-in:

    1- Keep up Chalean X schedule + 1 extra cardio workout/week - done on monday, rest day on tuesday.

    2- 5 servings of fruits/veggies a day - done!

    3- Have a glass of water before every meal - done, except for tuesday's lunch.

    Now back to studying...I want it to be thursday afternoon, so I'm all done! Does anyone have a time machine?
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for such a warm welcome everyone!! I know I am going to love it here. :-)

    Heartsdesire - Wow!!! I didn't realize there were so many calories in candy corn!! Stay strong and stay away from them! Hugs

    Way to go everyone on a great Tuesday!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hey guys..
    Another off time posting for me. Serious stress eating today. Pretzels, white cheddar pop corn, and those cursed peanut M&M's. I have negative calories for today, and I haven't had dinner. I just want to sit at my desk and cry right now. Send some good thoughts my way!

    HUGGS!! I'll be back later tonight.
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    Hey guys..
    Another off time posting for me. Serious stress eating today. Pretzels, white cheddar pop corn, and those cursed peanut M&M's. I have negative calories for today, and I haven't had dinner. I just want to sit at my desk and cry right now. Send some good thoughts my way!

    HUGGS!! I'll be back later tonight.

    Darling - don't WASTE your tears. They are expensive! So you had an off day, everyone on here including myself have had them and every now and then we still have them BUT accept it and know that you will NOT be repeating it tomorrow. I'm sending you some KICK SOME FAT BUTT vibes to encourage you to take a break from your desk...(even if it's to power walk to the toilet and back or just around the office) release a little of that stress, going away not thinking about the kaka you gotta work on and focus on why you are trying to get healthier. Think about the good things in life, then go back and get on with your work. It may or may not work but by taking yourself away from the cause of your stress and by regrouping yourself by thinking of all things positive in your life may help you with what you're having to get through at work...

    The above sounds like verbal diarrhea but trust me it does work-provided it made sense :wink:
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    even if it's to power walk to the toilet and back

    BAHAHAHA! I love it! Mak make sure you wear a HRM so we know how many calories you burn! You will do alright remember that tomorrow is a new day and today will soon be over. You can always end your day with a bang, do a few jumping jacks or put in your 30DS and win back some of those calories!!

    Sending many HUGS your way and I will power walk to the toilet with you and back and there again if you want me too!
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Mak - sending fat burning vibes your way!! Don't feel bad. We all have days like that. I like the idea of power walking to the toilet. :-)
  • littlemount
    10/12- Wednesday check in-

    MAK_01-Hope you are ok now and did not overeat in pm.
    Hi to hearts desire, Papillon22, philoshoe,Bhurley,Krispage,La_ nanita, aninamika,34again.

    Goals- fruits and veg-2/6 done
    exercise walk- 3/6 done
    garys strength exercises- 3/6 done.

    Miserable weather here in Maryland today and tomorrow, hopefully MFP site will keep me upbeat.
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Pretty good day today. Even stayed under my exercise calories. I like when the day works out like that. I know I won't need to snack tonight. I am stuffed from dinner and I'm hitting the hay early tonight! :-)

    1. 25 crunches - started today so 1/3 (counting since Monday)
    2. Walk at least 30 minutes 3/3 (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)
    3. No snacking after 7pm 3/3 (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)

    Have a great night everyone and stay strong!! :-)
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Hey guys..
    Another off time posting for me. Serious stress eating today. Pretzels, white cheddar pop corn, and those cursed peanut M&M's. I have negative calories for today, and I haven't had dinner. I just want to sit at my desk and cry right now. Send some good thoughts my way!

    HUGGS!! I'll be back later tonight.

    Darling - don't WASTE your tears. They are expensive! So you had an off day, everyone on here including myself have had them and every now and then we still have them BUT accept it and know that you will NOT be repeating it tomorrow. I'm sending you some KICK SOME FAT BUTT vibes to encourage you to take a break from your desk...(even if it's to power walk to the toilet and back or just around the office) release a little of that stress, going away not thinking about the kaka you gotta work on and focus on why you are trying to get healthier. Think about the good things in life, then go back and get on with your work. It may or may not work but by taking yourself away from the cause of your stress and by regrouping yourself by thinking of all things positive in your life may help you with what you're having to get through at work...

    The above sounds like verbal diarrhea but trust me it does work-provided it made sense :wink:

    LOVE this! Tomorrow is another day and it will be better. Sending you love and support:heart:
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    Hey again everyone - yesterday's stats were great considering I felt like I could've eaten a 12" sub rather than the 6 I had. I was carb loading for a big run tomorrow (supposed to do 14miles) but after today I won't be doing it. My knee has been playing up and this morning it affected my workout at the was the FIRST TIME EVER I've had to resort to bench step ups rather than do Box Jumps :frown: All good though because I was still able to continue on with the rest of the workout without too much hassle. I came home with the intention of doing a TABATA workout and that's when I had to accept that maybe I need to take a break :grumble: I'm gonna speak with my mate/trainer and see whether I can still go ahead and do upper body but I REALLY DON'T WANT AN INJURY. I need to take my own advice and chill out - give my body a chance to recuperate, then get back into it.
    BTW - I ran a half-marathon last Sunday and I finished it in 2:08 my previous time was 2:32 which is prob why my knee is a bit niggly :yawn: I nearly forgot my ab workout yesterday but managed to remember when I was about to doze off! :laugh: so today I have completed 200 crunches. 90 originals / 50 obliques / 10 bicycles (doing these even hurt my knee! :grumble: ) 50 reverse.
    The good things about taking a break - more time to focus on getting my studies out of the way, my legs will love me even more after and help me through this month, focus on making good food ummmm feel free to give me any more good things
    Now I better get on with the day - meanwhile continue to kick some serious butt peeps :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Love this:)! So for week(10/10-10/16)
    Wednesday follow up
    * 50 crunches every day - did them!
    * five work out days -3rd day in a row!
    * no soda except for club soda - check!
    * weights 3x this week - not today but I have 4 days left to do 2