17 dd for 10/10/11!



  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    I think I am going to start cycle 1 again. I have a hard time getting back on track when I stray. I have been working on losing this weight for 4 yrs. I get frustrated and impatient, but will then have pig out streaks. which I feel like I have been in the past week. I also haven't had good food choices in the house, so have ended up eating out alot.

    I know I did well the first week, because I planned what I was going to eat, and I cooked enough food for a couple of days, so it was ready and convient. That really seemed to help. Tonight I will plan my meals, and I will shop tomorrow morning. I should shop tonight, but it seems like too much work. Of course that is why I haven't shopped all week and have been eating what ever is in the house.

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks LaLainya! :flowerforyou: I didn't eat properly today, but while I was out, I think I found some ways that I can keep eating right while I am away from home. :happy:

    Lelah... I need to go back a couple days and regroup as well. Good luck!
  • Gogretchen1
    I think I am going to start cycle 1 again. I have a hard time getting back on track when I stray. I have been working on losing this weight for 4 yrs. I get frustrated and impatient, but will then have pig out streaks. which I feel like I have been in the past week. I also haven't had good food choices in the house, so have ended up eating out alot.

    I know I did well the first week, because I planned what I was going to eat, and I cooked enough food for a couple of days, so it was ready and convient. That really seemed to help. Tonight I will plan my meals, and I will shop tomorrow morning. I should shop tonight, but it seems like too much work. Of course that is why I haven't shopped all week and have been eating what ever is in the house.


    I am in the same boat as you, girl. I really want to start cycle one again. I was doing so well and losing weight and feeling great...and each weekend I've gotten really off. Especially this weekend- I went totally carb crazy and now I am super bummed and just feel like a sad pathetic glutton. But you dont fail until you give up, right?! I dont know what came over me. I usually dont like junk food or heavy carb meals anyway...I think it is a combination of the heavy exercise I do each day combined with STRESS. So I'm getting back on the band wagon now but I feel like I should almost just start over. Do you agree?

    Okay so now is when I ask for advice as to how to get back on track right in these next few days. I went seriously over on calories for the past THREE days and am terrified to even go near the scale at this point. Should I eat less in the coming days? exercise twice the amount? UGH I dont even know where to start. boo. Any words of wisdom, you guys??
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member

    Sometimes I just weigh myself and then move forward. Then I know where I'm at and can see the progress as I get back on track. If I don't weigh and just think I will make it up, I can end up losing a whole month, as I keep trying to get caught up.

    My biggest problem is snacks. I eat every 3-4 hours. It helps me stay level headed. I'm not sure what to do for those snacks/mini meals. I know I need to change my mental mindset on eating. Overall today I have done ok. I have stayed away from the carbs, but I did include some nuts as snacks. I will continue to figure out how to make this work for me. I was seeing great results the first week when I stuck with it.

  • Gogretchen1
    Ikenn67- I thought about it some more and I think that I am going to continue onto cycle 2. I was talking with my sister, who has done this before, and she was reminding me that if I don't move forward then my metabolism wont reset like its supposed to. Regardless of whether or not ive had bad days, my body still needs me to start reincorporating carbs. again. just a little bit, at lease :) I am excited because cycle 2 is a lot like how i eat on MFP without 17dd...and i have seen great results with just that. So hopefully this will keep me on track.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I keep slipping. Yesterday I was 100% (minus the tofu) but today I've only had ONE 17 DD worthy meal. I need to read cycle 2 again, to feel less deprived. In cycle 2, though, you switch between cycle 1 days and cycle 2 days, which for me is like saying you're in cycle one... I don't know...
  • Gogretchen1
    I keep slipping. Yesterday I was 100% (minus the tofu) but today I've only had ONE 17 DD worthy meal. I need to read cycle 2 again, to feel less deprived. In cycle 2, though, you switch between cycle 1 days and cycle 2 days, which for me is like saying you're in cycle one... I don't know...

    Dont get down on yourself. Seriously- this weekend I went out of control and was eating donuts and cookies and all sorts of food that I didnt even eat when I dieting wasnt even on my radar. I puffed up like a balloon and gained a bunch of water weight and was feeling super down. But now im back on track and feel great again. One thing that helped me- I went online and printed pics of all my celeb idols when they are looking their best and now i look at those if im having a craving to help me persevere. Maybe thats shallow...but I dont think it is if its helping me to live healthier!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    I am bumping and would like to join this group if its still open.

    Going to buy the book tomorrow and get started ASAP!
