Do you drink alcohol?

If so, why? If not, why not?

Just wondering, as I am considering going tee-total for a number of reasons, mostly health/diet related. (I'm not an alcoholic) So do you drink? What are your motivating factors for drinking/not drinking?

No judgement either way :)

edith xx


  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    No, I don't bother with alcohol any more. I used to have a social glass of wine..never liked it. Now, my attitude is why bother? I want to EAT my calories, not drink them.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    drank a ton before I got into lifting.

    now I might drink once a month, if that.

    just not worth it. If something doesn't help you achieve your goal, there isn't a good reason to do it.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I don't drink alcohol. Never liked the taste..
  • Dreamer1311
    Dreamer1311 Posts: 203 Member
    No I don't drink. I am 26 almost 27 and I've never been drunk in my entire life. Never had the desire to drink.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    not often, and when i do, I try to have the Woody's 99. (99 calories) - I can build 3 or 4 into my calorie intake. they are a little empty, but once in a while it is nice to go celebrate with friends.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    not a drinker ( I will have a wine cooler if I go to a wedding reception or on new years but other than that I don`t drink at all) never cared for it and honestly HATE the taste of beer YUCK
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i used too... :drinker: but since losing weight i do try to steer clear as its wasted cals and if yu have some you always get the nibbles too!! :cry:
    so it's a no no!:mad:
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Yes... I drink on occasion... beer... I love beer. All different kinds of beers, and I like to try new ones all the time. I don't over indulge typically, but I simply do it because I enjoy the taste.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I do, socially. On the weekends with friends if we have a BBQ or social gathering and on special occasions like New Years, our anniversary, etc. I log it. Beer, wine, champagne, and vodka tonics. :)
  • ivikatasha
    ivikatasha Posts: 192 Member
    I used to drink a lot, and then I got alcohol poisoning, and now I can't stand it.

    So I do not drink anymore.
  • KMSForLife
    I love a glass of red wine a few nights a week. I always account for it in my calorie intake. Red wine and chocolate - two things I refuse to give up but won't allow to control me either! In past diet attempts, I went full speed ahead and then crashed into a brick wall. I needed to learn that everything in moderation is ok. For me, wine and chocolate aren't derailing my efforts because I don't overdo it. If I gave up everything I enjoyed then I would fail.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    A beer every now and then.
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    I for the most part try not to drink my calories, but when I go out with friends, I will have a couple of drinks. It's a social thing and I enjoy having a drink or two now and then. I just make sure that I plan the rest of my day to account for those drinks, either by eating super clean the rest of the day or exercising more to make up those calories. It works for me.
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Yup, I love some good microbrewed IPA! I simply keep it to a minimum and account for it in the calorie counts for the day. It's pure carbs, so I need to keep that accounted for as well. As long as I'm doing something to counter-balance I see no problem with a beer or two every now and again.
  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    I'll have a beer or two for super bowl or some other big occation. Otherwise I have to really want one before I do.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I love a glass of good red wine with dinner every now and then. I also will have a glass of champagne or prosecco when we're celebrating. In the fall, artisinal hard cider from New England is one of my favorite things. In the summer, a mojito with fresh mint from the garden can't be beat.

    That said... I am not a frequent drinker. Maybe 1-2 drinks a week, but then sometimes I'll go six weeks with nothing or have a night where I'll drink 2-3 glasses of wine over the course of an evening.

    I don't find that it makes an impact either way, really. It's another one of those 'all things in moderation' examples.
  • EowynElin
    EowynElin Posts: 10 Member
    I drink alcohol. Maybe about once a week, sometimes more sometimes less. I never drink more than 3, and I never get tipsy or drunk. Not worth while and not good for you! I enjoy it because of the taste and for some health reasons. Red wine is actually good for you. (not too much of course but a glass here and there)
  • vodkaswigger
    I drink one night a week with friends on my treat day as i call it, if i didnt have that day to look forward to i dont think i could have lastest so long in my weight loss, it has never hindered it either,i still lose gradually each week, as long as i put the exercise in and eat well the other 6 days i dont feel guilty about it either. xx
  • radicalreader
    radicalreader Posts: 207 Member
    Nope. Don't like the taste. Don't like the way it makes me feel (during or after).
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    Not as much as I used too! Used to drink a lot, could down a bottle of wine in a night and would do this about once a week... it contributed a LOT of my weight gain and stomach problems. Now I may have a few beers (3 tops) once or twice a month (socially). Miller Lite is all I will drink now, except if I'm at my bff's house, her husband makes these delish drinks with Crystal Light! I feel SOOOOOO much better since I quit drinking so much!! And having a healthier lifestyle... it's amazing!