Do you drink alcohol?



  • prettytothinkso
    I do. Usually every Friday night. The husband and I like to watch some tv together and relax with some drinks. I almost always have exercise calories to spare. I also enjoy being tipsy!
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I drink socially. If I go out to eat with my girlfriends or to a party, I like to have a drink or two...... or several (if I have a DD). I will usually try to save calories for the alcohol so that it doesn't totally obliterate my diet.
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    allergic to wine, don't like beer, but I have a mixed drink every so often. maybe 5-15 times a year, depending. Not enough to ever think I should cut it out or that it's causing problems. Mostly I have the cocktail when we're out to dinner, we rarely drink at home.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    more alcohol for me!!! i love alcohol. beer, wine, gin, rum, vodka, scotch, whiskey, bourbon. i drink all of these. not all at once, obviously. but everything in moderation. i will drink a glass of wine with dinner now and again, and have a few beers while watching sunday drinking, and i drink during social events like weddings and partys. when i know i'm drinking, i do a big work out to create a calorie deficit and make room in my diary. i always limit myself to just a few drinks, and i factor in each one.

    i drink because i like the taste, not to be more social or to get drunk. if you don't like to drink, thats fine. i don't judge.

    i'm kidding. i totally judge and think you're weird.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I quit drinking heavily about 2 years ago and only have 1-2 beers per week (max). I was binge drinking too much when I was in college, and it was doing nasty things to my liver and kidneys. I feel 100% better now.
  • edith_t
    edith_t Posts: 109 Member
    to those of you who drank and then gave up on account of diet reasons, how have your friends reacted to this? whenever i have gone out with friends who are drinking and have told them i'm not, i get the 'spoilsport, you never let your hair down' looks/speech. yes this is peer pressure, but it's not so easy to say 'well don't be friends with them' when i do consider them to be very close friends and i value their friendship enormously. has this happened to anyone and how have you dealt with it?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I drink a few times a week, usually beer, sometimes wine, and an occasional cocktail. Nothing wrong with it, and some studies show moderate alcohol can actually help weight loss, the key is not to eat when you drink.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    to those of you who drank and then gave up on account of diet reasons, how have your friends reacted to this? whenever i have gone out with friends who are drinking and have told them i'm not, i get the 'spoilsport, you never let your hair down' looks/speech. yes this is peer pressure, but it's not so easy to say 'well don't be friends with them' when i do consider them to be very close friends and i value their friendship enormously. has this happened to anyone and how have you dealt with it?

    I usually get one drink and sip on it slowly instead of downing it. Keeps the "spoilsports" comments to a minimum.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Not as much as I would like to!! LOL

    I love trying different wines. I like going to a farmers market and trying out the local vineyards. When I go out to eat, my favorite part is trying something new variety of wine... sometimes a beer.

    But other than going out, I almost never drink alcohol. I need the calories to feed the machine. :)
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I drink. I enjoy beer tasting, wine tasting, etc etc etc Me taking alcohol out of my diet is incredibly unrealistic, so I don't do it. I am very careful to watch my munchies though....
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    I still drink occasionally with my roommates but not too often because it messes with my recovery.
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    Yes, though not nearly as much as before MFP. I love beer, all beer. Light, dark, cheap, foreign---if it's beer,
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    A glass of wine now and again, I don't over do it not everyday
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Not nearly as much as I used to. It's definitely not worth the calories...or the hangover which will make me skip my Saturday morning run!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I'm Venetian, of course I drink! :wink: I like to have a gin or a vodka when I finish work, and a glass of wine with dinner. I drink because I enjoy the taste, the way wine enhances food, and the feeling of relaxation... not because I want to get drunk. :bigsmile:

    Shortly after I met my partner (eight years ago), I became teetotal for several years (he's never touched alcohol in his life); however, I did find that I missed wine - not in a "OMG I must have it" kind of way but in the sense of a meal being incomplete without it. I asked my partner how he felt about me drinking, and he had no problem with it at all, so the next time we went to a restaurant, I had a glass of wine with my meal - it was probably the best I've ever had! :laugh:

    Since I've been running, I've found my tolerance for alcohol has reduced considerably - two glasses of wine really is my limit now!
  • arissamay
    I attend a lot of events involving social drinking, but I try to only have one drink per week that is between 100-150 kcal. I will sip a glass of wine for over an hour and intersperse with water to really savor the taste of the wine. Of course, I plan for having wine or a low calorie mixed drink and will have something lighter in calories for dinner.

    I also pretty regularly turn down drinks and opt for water or iced tea instead when it's available - even though turning down drinks inevitably leads to speculation about whether I am pregnant . . . because why else would anyone turn down a drink? ;)

    My career will be like this until I retire, so I will always have to have a mental plan that allows me to partake in social drinking in business settings and stay under my calorie goals. On the plus side, one glass of wine is usually the same amount of calories as 2-3 Oreos, and the wine lasts a lot longer!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Yes, I do! I don't know that there is "motivation", per se, but I have a few mixed drinks when I go out to a bar with hubs (very occasionally, like every 2 months or so). I'm the responsible one 99.9% of the time. Having a little alcohol lets me give myself permission to be a bit of an idiot for a while. It feels good to be a little uninhibited (notice I said A LITTLE!).

    I'm so uptight ordinarily. I'm nearly neurotic about taking care of business. When I drink, I dance like nobody's watching! Day to day worries can wait and I can tell stupid jokes, laugh out loud for no reason, and just get caught up in the moment.

    I occasionally eat more than I should when i drink, but I don't count the dancing calories, either, so I figure it evens out. And the mental health break is worth it, even if i do overindulge.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I appreciate good alcohol :)
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I love beer, but the easiest way to loose the extra pounds is to not drink. I have drastically curtailed my beer consumption and "surprise" the weight has come off. Even now if I want to have a beer or two I'll walk to the bar (20 minutes) have a couple and walk home. I figure I have worked off those 2 beers.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I drink wine nearly everyday with dinner because I like it. When properly paired, it enhances the taste of food and makes the meal more pleasurable. I also occasionally drink beer, sometimes because it pairs with a food better than wine, sometimes because it's that kind of party, and sometimes just because I want the buzz.