

  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    Why am I posting this rant?!? Because I'm sick of posting my daily intake and feeling bad about how high my number is compared to the people complaining about their low numbers being too high
    You feel bad about YOUR you made a post to tell other grown people how they should eat to alleviate YOUR guilty feelings. Got it.

    Wisdom nugget: It's not always about you. Wow - just imagine - people eating how they want to because .....they want to. :noway:
    Don't get mad at me for posting this if you don't agree...
    You make this immature post on a public forum (read: instead of your blog) so that everyone can read about you and your important feelings - and then you tell everyone who disagrees with you to not get mad. Own up to the fact that you made a public post which many people think is rude and b*tchy,and be prepared to handle the negative responses that come from that. If they were anything like you, they'd demand that you not post here because it makes them "feel bad".

    Great reply, my thoughts exactly!

    Kinda feel a bit embarrassed for the OP :embarassed:
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I am fairly new to MFP so this is my first experience of such a negative topic post on the message boards. I don't really understand why you've got in such a state over other people's weightloss approaches/journeys. If you don't agree with the way someone is doing their weightloss plan just ignore it!

    For me I am just seeing how I go on 1200 cals for a little while as I am very new to calorie counting at all so I don't even know how much I used to consume, if that's too low to maintain I will increase it, if increasing it stumps by weightloss I will bring it down until I find a manageable target...simples!

    Please, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all because you could really damage people's relationship with MFP - especially newbies like me!

    I'm pretty new too. Joined about a year ago and starting using actively last March, but I actually only discovered the forums a month ago!! Now I'm always a little shocked when I see the anger and attacking that can happen in these threads. Different strokes for different folks, I say. Not everybody is on the same path here. I just choose to add friends who are supportive and motivating and ignore the angry birds.

    Nothing will turn me off MFP though! Love it more than facebook, baby!
  • Lol i think some of you need to calm down...

    People post rants everyday. A lot of you are calling her immature... but are not acting any different.
  • Lol i think some of you need to calm down...

    People post rants everyday. A lot of you are calling her immature... but are not acting any different.

    laying the ****ing virtual smack down.

    lol it is retarded how people act with other people's calories. when y'all go out to eat do you yell at people in the restaurant and ****, too?
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    My BMR is only maintenance is already at 1200. No I don't starve myself or eat well below the safe amount, but there are days that I only eat 1000 calories. I dont binge. So when you talk about people, I understand that its a generalized statement, but it really doesnt apply to everyone who eats 1000 calories a day.
  • Lol i think some of you need to calm down...

    People post rants everyday. A lot of you are calling her immature... but are not acting any different.

    laying the ****ing virtual smack down.

    lol it is retarded how people act with other people's calories. when y'all go out to eat do you yell at people in the restaurant and ****, too?

    LMFAO xD

    I'm going to do this next time I go out with my fad dieting cousin xD lol!
    Altho I hope she makes it more dramatic like a lot of people who replied to this post :p
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Im new to this site for about 2 months and just had this rant with my husband this morning who has plateaued! Welcome to dieting, I told him.

    Remember to use the tool to check your BMR which is the amount of calories you need to sustain at your current weight. To loose safely and keep it off you need to eat 500 calories LESS than that number daily. Otherwise, your body will go into STORE MODE.

    Wrong, you will actually lose weight eating your BMR, if you don't have a lot to lose you should never eat below your BMR. As soon as you wake up and eat, move, etc you burn more than BMR. If you are set as sedentary you burn 1.2 times BMR so if you eat BMR you are eating 20% less cals then you need to maintain your weight.
  • My BMR is only maintenance is already at 1200. No I don't starve myself or eat well below the safe amount, but there are days that I only eat 1000 calories. I dont binge. So when you talk about people, I understand that its a generalized statement, but it really doesnt apply to everyone who eats 1000 calories a day.

    See this is understandable :] and said in a calm manor explaining her view.

    I like :D
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'm sorry, I don't usually quite make my 1200 for breakfast.
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    Rachel6503 writes:
    See I LIKE showing off how much I eat. I keep thinking if people see it, then see my results maybe they will figure out that they could eat more too.

    Now that I've checked out your diary, I do have one question -- do you really eat your eggs raw? ;-)
  • Now that I've checked out your diary, I do have one question -- do you really eat your eggs raw? ;-)

    i do. i could never be a woman. just saying.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Rachel6503 writes:
    See I LIKE showing off how much I eat. I keep thinking if people see it, then see my results maybe they will figure out that they could eat more too.

    Now that I've checked out your diary, I do have one question -- do you really eat your eggs raw? ;-)

    No, but if you select "scrambled eggs" it includes oil or whatever to cook them in. I like to count my oil separate.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Now that I've checked out your diary, I do have one question -- do you really eat your eggs raw? ;-)

    i do. i could never be a woman. just saying.

    I don't get this. And I'm not sure I want to lol
  • hamton
    hamton Posts: 245
    I usually don't recommend going very low calorie, but I've read it does benefit some people. It is usually the obese that have a lot to lose. It is usually performed in short term though. Shouldn't be a life long lifestyle though.

    Most guys don't like to do low calories because they don't want their muscles wasting away. Most girls seem to care less. The thinner they are, the better. If you can keep that lifestyle and don't have problems yo-yoing your weight, then low cal is for you.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    As someone who used to and still struggles with anorexia there are BMIs that are generally associated with it...not just underweight ones of course..I think I just worry when I look at a goal and remember myself there and worry..but am never the type to say eat more, eat what u want..we are all different :)
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    I eat 1200 cals a day, I go over and under - neither bothers me. If it bothers you, just don't look at what I eat.
  • normusnonaliam
    normusnonaliam Posts: 128 Member
    Hm, I think Id' like to make a post titled "Sanctimonious a**hats who just can't BELIEVE you could screw up this weight-loss thing SO badly when it's so easy for them to do it THE RIGHT WAY". Because other people's actions really get in the way of me living my life, and all...

    LOL at this. But I agree. I'm also offended. I'm pretty small. My BMR is 1,300. I'm super stressed out with school. I also suffer from anxiety and I've had eating issues in the past. Who is anyone to judge? We're all here trying to get healthier.