Is there something you just WON'T give up?

The list is long, but there are some things that I am not going to completely give up. Like pure fatty Hellman's mayo. Just can't do it, the low fat/non-fat mayo just does not taste right. I'm not going to go overboard, but I need that flavor. I can do non-fat sour cream, cream cheese and butters, but give me my mayo and no one gets hurt!

Also dark beers, the ales and ambers! When I have a beer (and it's not often) I want something robust with some flavor. Not knocking the lighter beers, but I love me some ales!


  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member
    booty calls.
  • IamEric
    IamEric Posts: 67
    Hamburgers. I just eat them only once a week (Saturday) instead of multiple times.
  • KMSForLife
    Red wine and chocolate. Everything in moderation . . .
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Pancakes. Once a week.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
  • ChristinaLConway
    ChristinaLConway Posts: 115 Member
    Chocolate, Im not fit to live (or work) with if I dont have a little bit each day. I just make sure to factor it in my calories, and Ive cut back
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Chocolate and kfc...
    Im trying to reduce the ammount..
    But im not doing to well.. =(
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    Chicken McNuggets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Pizza Hut pizza! I refuse! I may eat it once a month...but it is just something that I am not ready to say bye bye to lol
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I don't believe you have to give up anything - just have it smarter and in moderation....
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Carbs. I LOVE my carbs.
  • ConnieM20
    ConnieM20 Posts: 493 Member
    ice cream, had some today ;)
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    red wine

    (I agree it looks like I lack imagination as it has already been said ... but who can turn down that unique and intense flavour)

    Oh cr** ... now its in my head I am going to have to go and buy me a bottle:frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    Cheese. Just have to cut way back, and realize that a little really does go a long way.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    booty calls.

    Lol, this! Well and chocolate...
  • Tuffjourney
    McDonalds sugar free Iced coffee.:huh:
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    So far, I haven't given up anything! I'm trying to control frequency and portion size, but if this lifestyle change is going to stick, I know that I need to allow some indulgences...:happy:
  • frugalmomsrock
    I don't really give anything up. It's like I told my friend the other day-it's not at all about deprivation. It's about moderation. I eat all things I love in moderation.

    That being said-if someone tried to keep me from my ice cream, they'd get hurt. I *heart* ice cream. I don't mind lowfat. My new found favorite is pumpkin pie ice cream. Oh my goodness...
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    Regular cola. The diet just isn't the same:( Usually only have 1 every other day though and yes I log them in my diary
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173