Is there something you just WON'T give up?



  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    My one cup of coffee a day with one tbsp of flavored creamer and one tsp of sugar. It's a small 6 oz cup of coffee and i love it, I look forward to it and I'll not give it up!!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I won't give anything up, I just work it in. I'm not going to cut out things for the rest of my life, and the rest of my life is for living!
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    I don't drink a whole lot but when I do I like straight liquor (my favs are Tequila and Kahlua, just can't get enough of 'em) and liqueurs (my favs are chambord and disaronno, yum) and of course mixed drinks.. or drinks made of mixed liquors and/ or liqueurs- I don't plan on giving any of those up. Also, Coffee.... and smoking. I will eventually quit smoking but I am not about to do it until I get into the swing of things with this new lifestyle- otherwise it'll be too stressful and it'll never happen

    (funny note: my furkids are all named after alcohol, lol, people think its because im a big drinker- but im not. Anywhoo- Tequila is my chihuahua (see avi pic) then the ferrets from left to right in my sig: SoCo (full name southern comfort- he only hears that when mommys mad lol), Captain Morgan, Mojito and Kahlua :wink: )

    :heart: Your ferrets are adorable!!! :heart:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    :flowerforyou: Thank you!! They are my babies <3 Every one of them is spoiled but I don't know what I'd do with out them :blushing:
    Are you a ferrent, too?
  • TequillaLover89
    TequillaLover89 Posts: 260 Member
    I agree with in n out burger. single patty, no special sauce (only mustard and ketchup), and no cheese. It's still reallllly good and without the fries not that bad for you imo. I still get the fries but only have 4-5, no ketchup.

    I'm starting to realize cheese covers the flavor of the burger and fresh veggies, for me anyways.
  • courtclerkkris
    courtclerkkris Posts: 173 Member
    My Vita top muffins!

    Wish I could find these!!
  • alirae75
    I haven't given anything up. It's more the frequency in which I used to eat it. Haven't had pizza in a month but I will tomorrow. :)
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    Jelly Belly!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i wont give up anythin..i just limit my portions :) ive been known to sit down with half a serving of ben and jerrys
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I gave up almost everything at the beginning and then started adding things back in after a long miserable month. It taught me a lot of things about what I really wanted and what I actually needed.

    I wanted to completely cut out bacon but as it turns out, I can't. It's only a one a month treat now though instead of twice a week! & I enjoy a drink on a weekend so that's staying aswell. :)
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    I can't live without my coffee! I am now starting to wake up a half hour early and workout just so I can have the coffee : ) I used to drink like 4 cups but now I am down to 1 maybe 2 depending on the kind of morning im having!
  • ladyduddy
    Good red wine. I love it. What I do now is drink it less often, and buy better quality so that I can savour every single drop and it is divine. I also love pizza but I make my own now, using a tortilla as a base and add peppers and mushrooms which I stir fry a bit first, a couple of anchovies and some light mozzarella and a few herbs on top. Then spray it with some olive oil fine spray and bake in a hot oven. It's wonderful and less than half the calories of my usual frozen pizza. And more fun to make too - I positively love it!! with a glass of red wine, of course!
  • Karallyce
    Chocolate (but i will cut back)
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    Cheese. Just have to cut way back, and realize that a little really does go a long way.

    Me too!! I'm a cheesehead. Have to have it every day or else I will not survive LOL
  • mother_of_brigade
    mother_of_brigade Posts: 102 Member
    Love love love the responses! And I know everything in moderation...

    regarding the booty calls...doesn't that just increase exercise which in turn means more food?!?! LOL
  • vnelson17
    ice cream- it's too damn good (and worth the extra 2 hours on the treadmill)
  • missamerica30
    White the end of the day a glass of wine symbolizes relaxation for me...sometimes I need more "relaxation" than other times. To cut down sometimes I will make a wine spritzer- but it is never as "relaxing".
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    I love pasta's Spaghetti and the Three Cheese Chicken Penne Pasta from Applebees... I just go down to about once a month for spaghetti and use whole wheat noodles now. And if I go out I get the lunch portion of my favorites to cut back.
  • Mikey1972
    Mikey1972 Posts: 8 Member
    Toast for my brekkie I don't care how many calories I need my toast or I can't function
  • JaniseCookston
    JaniseCookston Posts: 49 Member
    I don't believe you have to give up anything - just have it smarter and in moderation....

    I totally concur. I reached my goal weight this week (30 pounds lost) and never gave up may favorites (cookies and ice cream) just ate less of them less often.
  • Victoriav99
    Victoriav99 Posts: 260 Member
    I won't give up s'mores, alcohol, diet soda, - pretty much anything, BUT I have it all in moderation and I always stay under in calories and If I don't i work it off.