do you judge others based on what they eat?



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't judge them negatively. I generally feel a little sorry for them because they probably, like a great many of us used to, don't know how terrible the food is for them. Most people don't have the nutrition education that is necessary to be healthy. If I see someone eating something horrible and I'm their friend or family member I gently explain just how bad that particular food is and what they could (or should) eat instead.

    You can't judge a person for not knowing something, you can only help educate them so they can learn better habits.
  • Naughtybiscuit
    Naughtybiscuit Posts: 71 Member
    I do this too. BUT I also do it the opposite - I don't order bad things when I'm with people in case they think that about me!! Bit psycho ... but if it makes me pick something healthy then that's a good thing I think :)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I try not to look at it is 'judging' what people are doing and more as 'people watching'. It's just human nature at times:)
  • NaturalinCO
    NaturalinCO Posts: 164 Member
    I try not to. But I agree with several posts here: Sometimes I find myself feeling like "I wish I could eat all of that!!" (because I now pay attn to calories and know what it'd take to burn it off!), I sometimes think, "Oh no, your body/health really don't need that!" (then I think, maybe they've lost a lot already, or maybe they've worked hard all week at eating well and this is a treat), then other times I think, "Mind your own d*mned business, I don't eat perfectly all the time and really? We're all human." So I'm a bit here there and everywhere on that one! But like a pp said, as long as you don't SAY how you feel about them/what they eat, just try to be mindful and consider diff't possibilities from their perspective - that'll erase any not-so-niceties LOL!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    overweight doesn't necessarily = unhealthy

    Remember that the next time you want to judge people. Unless you can see their blood pressure, colestoral levels, etc... etc.....
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Yes and No.

    I don't really pay attention to what people eat at restaurants, as it could be a once in awhile deal, or a treat.

    However, I'm VERY judgmental when I go grocery shopping. My boyfriend and I don't buy ANYTHING at the grocery store that we shouldn't be eating. Reason being, if it is not there, I can eat it. I look at the grocery carts around me and seeing high sugar cereals, cakes, pastries, cooking, chips....Yet no fresh veggies or fruit!!

    We are typically so proud of ourselves when we leave the store for staying on our healthier path.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Absolutely not.

    And now I feel kind of bad for obese me (past me) and every time that I worried that my eating was being judged. Turns out, I may have been right.

    And that is soooooooooo wrong.

    I am, however, totally guilty of judging people who judge people's eating habits.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    No I don't judge others based on what they eat, unless they are eating healthy as well, then I might discuss healthy eating with them. Otherwise no one likes to have someone who's keen on being healthy preach to them about how bad their choices are. It makes you come across as highly annoying.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    judge them or don't judge them
    but don't feel bad about it
  • MrsOMG
    MrsOMG Posts: 84
    I recently spent a decent amount of time with a group of colleagues at a conference. We went out to eat a lot and I was with them for a lot of their meals. I find myself doing this all the time: I judge people based on what they eat and what they order, especially if they're overweight. I just cringe to myself and say "oh dear, you really don't need that". Even those people who are not large, if they get something that I know clearly must be a ridiculous amount of calories and fat, I think it's gross. I feel bad for judging people like this--and I'm not sure it's normal, because I totally used to eat like that and not care about what I ate. But now that I eat healthy, I just can't bear the thought of putting a lot of that stuff into my body.

    Do you guys do the same thing? Or am I just a really awful person?

    I am always shocked and sometimes feel uncomfortable if I am with or see an overweight person eating bad/fatty foods. It works well if I'm having a moment of weakness and end up in fast food place or bakery etc I look around at some of the people and it's a good reminder I do not want that to be me.

    Perhaps it's not a time to judge but maybe it's take it as an advert of where bad decision making can take you, also the ill effect it has on your health.

    I find it bonkers when friends/colleagues complain about being overweight or wanting to lose some pounds and are making bad choices. I worked with a girl that used to eat so much processed fatty crap every day and then complain she was gaining weight, and I'll admit it made me question her decision making and judgement.

    I don't think it is unfair to judge people doing it all the time but for someone who is usually healthy and is just having a treat don't give them too hard a time!
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I started judging people by what they eat ever since I joined here ;x Like one time I bought a frozen banana with my friend when we went on a trip. I only got the chocolate covered one and she got the salty peanut one. All I could think was "haha you're eating more calories than me and it's packed with sodium." Another time, same friend was telling me how she went to McDonald's 3 times one day. Knowing her she ordered something each time, and something for her 2 year old because he was the one who wanted to go! All I could think was, "poor kid."

    Yes, I'm aware I'm a horrible person.

    Edit: I should also mention, this friend and her husband began judging me and my new lifestyle (even started calling me names) when they started noticing I was losing weight. I personally don't voice my judgements nor resort to name calling.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I like to do a little something I call "minding my own business". Not all the time, but often. It's super fun!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I am, however, totally guilty of judging people who judge people's eating habits.

    I agree. Although I think she has every right to think what she wants, she wouldn't be the type of person I'd ever be friends with. People who are too concerned with other people's business just wouldn't fit well in my circle of friends.
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    This happened to me today!! I was coming back from lunch and took the elevator and a fellow came in behind me. He was very, VERY large. He even looked uncomfortable standing there. He had an Arbys bag with something obviously fried (it was soaking through the bag and the smell of fried foods makes me gag a little now - no idea why) and was sipping on his monstrous soda. He also had a grocery bag with Cheezits, some Kettle-cooked potato chips and some other stuff I couldn't see. I didn't judge as much as feel bad for him. I was him in the female form before I began this journey... severely overweight, eating greasy fatty foods and loading myself up with unhealthy snacks, feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, getting winded walking from the parking garage to the office. I think it was more of me judging myself vs me judging him.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I cringe when it's a family member or loved one. The only time I would worry about other people is if they order their meal with" a nice Chianti and fava beans." :noway: :wink:
  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    I certainly judge people by what they consume. Not just their eating choices. I also observe whether they imbibe alcohol, smoke cigarettes, do psychedelics, take prescription medications, smokem peace pipe... everything.

    However, if I see someone eating massive amounts of processed meaty food with a big X through a pot leaf on their shirt I worry for them... but that doesn't mean we can't still be friends.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I wish I could be all sensitive and say I don't, but yes, when I see some very overweight person eating a ton of food, my brain goes there and I think "they really don't need that". Was at a casino buffett a while back and a really big woman was stuffing her purse with these giant chocolate-chip cookies, after we'd seen her make like 4 trips through the main course areas. I couldn't help judging that! When I was heavier, I'm sure friends and even some strangers had the same thoughts when they saw me ordering some of the things I used to eat!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Sometimes I find myself judging their eating habits (or what I think is their eating habits... they might eat healthy most of the time, who knows). That is NOT the same thing as judging them as a person, though. Eating habits have little to nothing to do with how loyal, honest, responsible, or compassionate they are.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    In the moment I don't think we can really help how we judge others. It could just be a quick split second thought and there it goes. I think people get caught up in, "OMG, judging people is SO horrible" mindset. The fact is we all do it for various things on various days for various reasons. It might even be different from one person to the next. (you may judge one person for doing one thing and then not judge someone else for doing the EXACT same thing) The truth is, none of it really matters unless it changes how you treat them.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Yep, I definitely do this. All. The. Time. Mainly though, because I'm concerned about what it's doing to their health from a blood pressure, blood sugar and other health problems that can arise from lack of eating properly. It's hard not to. In my case, my issue isn't that they're eating that they could gain more weight, but because I'm scared for them and what these foods are doing to them. My coworker never, ever drinks anything but Diet soda and I'm worried for what that could be doing to her health. But, on the up side, it also motivates me to stay on track and keep eating healthy. I try not to judge, because it is their body and choice, but sometimes I just want to scream "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING?!?!?!" Overweight or not, I feel like 95% of the population is so completely lacking any knowledge about food and nutrition in general, it's sad.