Doing HCG diet



  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    Out of all of you that seem to have taken a smart a** pill instead of your diet pill today, how many of you have tried this diet yourself? OH.... WHAT IS THAT? YOU.... YOU HAVE ONLY HEARD THINGS?
    I do not ingest those kind of pills. They upset my stomach. Also, I have never tried the Smash Your Face with a Hammer Diet before but I am confident it is not for me. Direct experience isn't always necessary to find the truth.
    Opinions are like as* holes, everybody has one and some really stink to high heaven. Sometimes direct experience is what people need in an opinion opposed to inexperience in an issue. I am not going to sit here and tell all of you to not fly on a plane because they crash occasionally because flying, opposed to driving or any other means of travel is the safest. That is my opinion of traveling and I am sure that most of you will not stop flying because I said so. People are still going to do the HCG and although you may not agree with it, maybe statistics rather than a stab to the heart may help... Also, if there were a diet called smash your face..... I will jump off that bridge with you, as well....
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    HCG...ewwww...I mean, I had enough of that being pregnant, I wouldn't willingly do it! Good luck with that. I lost 30lbs while I was pregnant with my son thanks to morning sickness and the inability to eat.

    I just don't think its healthy! Take care of yourself! Hope it works out for you!
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Opinions are like as* holes, everybody has one and some really stink to high heaven. Sometimes direct experience is what people need in an opinion opposed to inexperience in an issue. I am not going to sit here and tell all of you to not fly on a plane because they crash occasionally because flying, opposed to driving or any other means of travel is the safest. That is my opinion of traveling and I am sure that most of you will not stop flying because I said so. People are still going to do the HCG and although you may not agree with it, maybe statistics rather than a stab to the heart may help... Also, if there were a diet called smash your face..... I will jump off that bridge with you, as well....
    I am aware of opinions and the propensity of people having them. See my signature. Do you think that perhaps you're overreacting?

    You are correct that you are entitled to your opinion. I don't deny you that. But back to the overreacting... You are using a phrase like "stab to the heart" to describe what? People's criticism? On an Internet forum? I don't get that at all. Doesn't that seem a bit over the top? If someone really wants supportive advice about the HCG diet, this isn't the place. MFP does not support unhealthy diets. But the threads keep popping up like opinions. Personally, I think it does a person a disservice NOT to point out why the diet may be unhealthy.

    Also, please don't jump off any bridges.
  • jenscot25
    jenscot25 Posts: 124 Member
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    Out of all of you that seem to have taken a smart a** pill instead of your diet pill today, how many of you have tried this diet yourself? OH.... WHAT IS THAT? YOU.... YOU HAVE ONLY HEARD THINGS?
    I do not ingest those kind of pills. They upset my stomach. Also, I have never tried the Smash Your Face with a Hammer Diet before but I am confident it is not for me. Direct experience isn't always necessary to find the truth.
    Opinions are like as* holes, everybody has one and some really stink to high heaven. Sometimes direct experience is what people need in an opinion opposed to inexperience in an issue. I am not going to sit here and tell all of you to not fly on a plane because they crash occasionally because flying, opposed to driving or any other means of travel is the safest. That is my opinion of traveling and I am sure that most of you will not stop flying because I said so. People are still going to do the HCG and although you may not agree with it, maybe statistics rather than a stab to the heart may help... Also, if there were a diet called smash your face..... I will jump off that bridge with you, as well....

    Many peer reviewed studies show HCG is a scam. I'm sorry that your mind doesn't allow you to take this into account and you can apparently only take testimonials into account when making a decision instead of scientific research. The reason people are so ****ing snarky on here is because this question is posted many, many, many times, and if anyone would care to look up prior results via a search they would know the answers they're looking for. (and yes I used the search function when I was new).
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    Opinions are like as* holes, everybody has one and some really stink to high heaven. Sometimes direct experience is what people need in an opinion opposed to inexperience in an issue. I am not going to sit here and tell all of you to not fly on a plane because they crash occasionally because flying, opposed to driving or any other means of travel is the safest. That is my opinion of traveling and I am sure that most of you will not stop flying because I said so. People are still going to do the HCG and although you may not agree with it, maybe statistics rather than a stab to the heart may help... Also, if there were a diet called smash your face..... I will jump off that bridge with you, as well....
    I am aware of opinions and the propensity of people having them. See my signature. Do you think that perhaps you're overreacting?

    You are correct that you are entitled to your opinion. I don't deny you that. But back to the overreacting... You are using a phrase like "stab to the heart" to describe what? People's criticism? On an Internet forum? I don't get that at all. Doesn't that seem a bit over the top? If someone really wants supportive advice about the HCG diet, this isn't the place. MFP does not support unhealthy diets. But the threads keep popping up like opinions. Personally, I think it does a person a disservice NOT to point out why the diet may be unhealthy.

    Also, please don't jump off any bridges.
    No, I choose to NOT look at your signature, but thanks anyway. I have seen enough here. As for overreacting.... seriously? I am only defending this persons feelings as to asking fellow " life change" friends a simple question and getting the feeling that this person just stepped in to a forest fire opposed to getting some support ( constructive ) about this. Plus, I am glad you pointed out that this is an internet forum.... it is a diet supporters forum and what is the it.....A DIET? I also see where some push their opinions about eating your exercise calories back and some say they don't ........ THAT TOO, IS A NIGHT W/ A BOX OF POPCORN.......... and just because some of us choose to take a different route on our little journey..... some of us like the shortcuts, o.k..........the country roads are sometimes more satisfying that the highway. Don't worry, my country road does not include your bridges. There is no rule here that says that we have to follow opinionated peoples rules of dieting because THEY say it isn't the MFP way to go. So many people on here do so many different diets and this is just one more.
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    Opinions are like as* holes, everybody has one and some really stink to high heaven. Sometimes direct experience is what people need in an opinion opposed to inexperience in an issue. I am not going to sit here and tell all of you to not fly on a plane because they crash occasionally because flying, opposed to driving or any other means of travel is the safest. That is my opinion of traveling and I am sure that most of you will not stop flying because I said so. People are still going to do the HCG and although you may not agree with it, maybe statistics rather than a stab to the heart may help... Also, if there were a diet called smash your face..... I will jump off that bridge with you, as well....
    I am aware of opinions and the propensity of people having them. See my signature. Do you think that perhaps you're overreacting?

    You are correct that you are entitled to your opinion. I don't deny you that. But back to the overreacting... You are using a phrase like "stab to the heart" to describe what? People's criticism? On an Internet forum? I don't get that at all. Doesn't that seem a bit over the top? If someone really wants supportive advice about the HCG diet, this isn't the place. MFP does not support unhealthy diets. But the threads keep popping up like opinions. Personally, I think it does a person a disservice NOT to point out why the diet may be unhealthy.

    Also, please don't jump off any bridges.
    No, I choose to NOT look at your signature, but thanks anyway. I have seen enough here. As for overreacting.... seriously? I am only defending this persons feelings as to asking fellow " life change" friends a simple question and getting the feeling that this person just stepped in to a forest fire opposed to getting some support ( constructive ) about this. Plus, I am glad you pointed out that this is an internet forum.... it is a diet supporters forum and what is the it.....A DIET? I also see where some push their opinions about eating your exercise calories back and some say they don't ........ THAT TOO, IS A NIGHT W/ A BOX OF POPCORN.......... and just because some of us choose to take a different route on our little journey..... some of us like the shortcuts, o.k..........the country roads are sometimes more satisfying that the highway. Don't worry, my country road does not include your bridges. There is no rule here that says that we have to follow opinionated peoples rules of dieting because THEY say it isn't the MFP way to go. So many people on here do so many different diets and this is just one more.

    So am I right in guessing that you're on HCG as well? (or some other fad diet?)
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    Out of all of you that seem to have taken a smart a** pill instead of your diet pill today, how many of you have tried this diet yourself? OH.... WHAT IS THAT? YOU.... YOU HAVE ONLY HEARD THINGS?
    I do not ingest those kind of pills. They upset my stomach. Also, I have never tried the Smash Your Face with a Hammer Diet before but I am confident it is not for me. Direct experience isn't always necessary to find the truth.
    Opinions are like as* holes, everybody has one and some really stink to high heaven. Sometimes direct experience is what people need in an opinion opposed to inexperience in an issue. I am not going to sit here and tell all of you to not fly on a plane because they crash occasionally because flying, opposed to driving or any other means of travel is the safest. That is my opinion of traveling and I am sure that most of you will not stop flying because I said so. People are still going to do the HCG and although you may not agree with it, maybe statistics rather than a stab to the heart may help... Also, if there were a diet called smash your face..... I will jump off that bridge with you, as well....

    Many peer reviewed studies show HCG is a scam. I'm sorry that your mind doesn't allow you to take this into account and you can apparently only take testimonials into account when making a decision instead of scientific research. The reason people are so ****ing snarky on here is because this question is posted many, many, many times, and if anyone would care to look up prior results via a search they would know the answers they're looking for. (and yes I used the search function when I was new).
    My mind allows me to be open minded about someones feelings! Are you kidding me? The scientific research that I have read up on, shows great results and the ones that gained their weight back, they are the ones that lost it and then gorged themselves until they were large again. You have to follow through with it and not just lose and then when you get there, just eat what you want. Don't judge a book by it's cover. I also see where ~newbies~ ask MANY, MANY questions that someone asked days after days before.... does that frustrate you, as well... to where you need to crucify them to for asking so much? Please..... do post daily to the NEWBIES TO LEARN THE SEARCH FUNCTION. People reach out to who they think are their friends, they really don't do it to punish themselves. Some of you people need to go eat or something.....
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    Opinions are like as* holes, everybody has one and some really stink to high heaven. Sometimes direct experience is what people need in an opinion opposed to inexperience in an issue. I am not going to sit here and tell all of you to not fly on a plane because they crash occasionally because flying, opposed to driving or any other means of travel is the safest. That is my opinion of traveling and I am sure that most of you will not stop flying because I said so. People are still going to do the HCG and although you may not agree with it, maybe statistics rather than a stab to the heart may help... Also, if there were a diet called smash your face..... I will jump off that bridge with you, as well....
    I am aware of opinions and the propensity of people having them. See my signature. Do you think that perhaps you're overreacting?

    You are correct that you are entitled to your opinion. I don't deny you that. But back to the overreacting... You are using a phrase like "stab to the heart" to describe what? People's criticism? On an Internet forum? I don't get that at all. Doesn't that seem a bit over the top? If someone really wants supportive advice about the HCG diet, this isn't the place. MFP does not support unhealthy diets. But the threads keep popping up like opinions. Personally, I think it does a person a disservice NOT to point out why the diet may be unhealthy.

    Also, please don't jump off any bridges.
    No, I choose to NOT look at your signature, but thanks anyway. I have seen enough here. As for overreacting.... seriously? I am only defending this persons feelings as to asking fellow " life change" friends a simple question and getting the feeling that this person just stepped in to a forest fire opposed to getting some support ( constructive ) about this. Plus, I am glad you pointed out that this is an internet forum.... it is a diet supporters forum and what is the it.....A DIET? I also see where some push their opinions about eating your exercise calories back and some say they don't ........ THAT TOO, IS A NIGHT W/ A BOX OF POPCORN.......... and just because some of us choose to take a different route on our little journey..... some of us like the shortcuts, o.k..........the country roads are sometimes more satisfying that the highway. Don't worry, my country road does not include your bridges. There is no rule here that says that we have to follow opinionated peoples rules of dieting because THEY say it isn't the MFP way to go. So many people on here do so many different diets and this is just one more.

    So am I right in guessing that you're on HCG as well? (or some other fad diet?)
    As a matter of fact..... I bought a bottle of HCG drops yesterday and I am looking forward to taking the fast road for a few weeks. THAT IS MY CHOICE! None of you nay~sayers are living my life so don't try to. When I am done, I will continue on my weight loss journey the 1200 calorie way.... for now.......this chick is taking the fast lane......
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    Opinions are like as* holes, everybody has one and some really stink to high heaven. Sometimes direct experience is what people need in an opinion opposed to inexperience in an issue. I am not going to sit here and tell all of you to not fly on a plane because they crash occasionally because flying, opposed to driving or any other means of travel is the safest. That is my opinion of traveling and I am sure that most of you will not stop flying because I said so. People are still going to do the HCG and although you may not agree with it, maybe statistics rather than a stab to the heart may help... Also, if there were a diet called smash your face..... I will jump off that bridge with you, as well....
    I am aware of opinions and the propensity of people having them. See my signature. Do you think that perhaps you're overreacting?

    You are correct that you are entitled to your opinion. I don't deny you that. But back to the overreacting... You are using a phrase like "stab to the heart" to describe what? People's criticism? On an Internet forum? I don't get that at all. Doesn't that seem a bit over the top? If someone really wants supportive advice about the HCG diet, this isn't the place. MFP does not support unhealthy diets. But the threads keep popping up like opinions. Personally, I think it does a person a disservice NOT to point out why the diet may be unhealthy.

    Also, please don't jump off any bridges.
    No, I choose to NOT look at your signature, but thanks anyway. I have seen enough here. As for overreacting.... seriously? I am only defending this persons feelings as to asking fellow " life change" friends a simple question and getting the feeling that this person just stepped in to a forest fire opposed to getting some support ( constructive ) about this. Plus, I am glad you pointed out that this is an internet forum.... it is a diet supporters forum and what is the it.....A DIET? I also see where some push their opinions about eating your exercise calories back and some say they don't ........ THAT TOO, IS A NIGHT W/ A BOX OF POPCORN.......... and just because some of us choose to take a different route on our little journey..... some of us like the shortcuts, o.k..........the country roads are sometimes more satisfying that the highway. Don't worry, my country road does not include your bridges. There is no rule here that says that we have to follow opinionated peoples rules of dieting because THEY say it isn't the MFP way to go. So many people on here do so many different diets and this is just one more.

    So am I right in guessing that you're on HCG as well? (or some other fad diet?)
    As a matter of fact..... I bought a bottle of HCG drops yesterday and I am looking forward to taking the fast road for a few weeks. THAT IS MY CHOICE! None of you nay~sayers are living my life so don't try to. When I am done, I will continue on my weight loss journey the 1200 calorie way.... for now.......this chick is taking the fast lane......

    Congrats on wasting your money. Just do 500 calories instead if you really want the "fast way." Also, I really don't care about what you do to your body, but trying to perpetuate it as something factual I do care about. Clearly, you haven't done that much research (looking at an HCG sponsored website that comes up in a Google search doesn't count).
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    Opinions are like as* holes, everybody has one and some really stink to high heaven. Sometimes direct experience is what people need in an opinion opposed to inexperience in an issue. I am not going to sit here and tell all of you to not fly on a plane because they crash occasionally because flying, opposed to driving or any other means of travel is the safest. That is my opinion of traveling and I am sure that most of you will not stop flying because I said so. People are still going to do the HCG and although you may not agree with it, maybe statistics rather than a stab to the heart may help... Also, if there were a diet called smash your face..... I will jump off that bridge with you, as well....
    I am aware of opinions and the propensity of people having them. See my signature. Do you think that perhaps you're overreacting?

    You are correct that you are entitled to your opinion. I don't deny you that. But back to the overreacting... You are using a phrase like "stab to the heart" to describe what? People's criticism? On an Internet forum? I don't get that at all. Doesn't that seem a bit over the top? If someone really wants supportive advice about the HCG diet, this isn't the place. MFP does not support unhealthy diets. But the threads keep popping up like opinions. Personally, I think it does a person a disservice NOT to point out why the diet may be unhealthy.

    Also, please don't jump off any bridges.
    No, I choose to NOT look at your signature, but thanks anyway. I have seen enough here. As for overreacting.... seriously? I am only defending this persons feelings as to asking fellow " life change" friends a simple question and getting the feeling that this person just stepped in to a forest fire opposed to getting some support ( constructive ) about this. Plus, I am glad you pointed out that this is an internet forum.... it is a diet supporters forum and what is the it.....A DIET? I also see where some push their opinions about eating your exercise calories back and some say they don't ........ THAT TOO, IS A NIGHT W/ A BOX OF POPCORN.......... and just because some of us choose to take a different route on our little journey..... some of us like the shortcuts, o.k..........the country roads are sometimes more satisfying that the highway. Don't worry, my country road does not include your bridges. There is no rule here that says that we have to follow opinionated peoples rules of dieting because THEY say it isn't the MFP way to go. So many people on here do so many different diets and this is just one more.

    So am I right in guessing that you're on HCG as well? (or some other fad diet?)
    As a matter of fact..... I bought a bottle of HCG drops yesterday and I am looking forward to taking the fast road for a few weeks. THAT IS MY CHOICE! None of you nay~sayers are living my life so don't try to. When I am done, I will continue on my weight loss journey the 1200 calorie way.... for now.......this chick is taking the fast lane......

    Congrats on wasting your money. Just do 500 calories instead. I really don't care about what you do to your body, but trying to perpetuate it as something factual I do care about. Clearly, you haven't done that much research (looking at an HCG sponsored website that comes up in a Google search doesn't count).
    What I have or haven't done is really none of your concern. I am not pushing this for anyone. This is MY PERSONAL CHOICE and obviously the original posters choice. I am sure there are pros and cons in everything we do in life... heck , someone with high blood pressure can drop dead having sex, but try stopping them! On the other hand, if I die having sex, Lord thank you for taking me out in such a great way!! Take the good with the bad in everything and life can be so much more exciting! I am so done with this thread..... END OF SHOW FOLKS.............
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    Hey everyone, she said "end of the show!" I guess that means she must be right. She also littered in some folksy metaphors/comparisons. Sounds like infallible logic to me!
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    I did the HCG drops back in Feb 2010. I lost 11 pounds in 12 days. 500 calories/day was awful and difficult, on the 12th day I was so damn hungry I said F#*k it ! and quit the diet. I did gain all the weight back and some more as the months went on.
    HCG is not sustainable, it's not long term, its not a life style, you can't do it for the rest of your life. For weight loss, I'm sorry to say there are no quick fixes. I was desperate when I tried it and my over weight friends did it with "success". Today they are still fat, and I am too.

    That's why I'm here on this lose weight with good old healthy diet & exercise, ...and to get support and motivation from people in the same boat as me :)
    Good luck to you what ever you choose.

    When I did it, I did it seveal days at 40 days and 23 days at a time. Wasn't hungry and lost a total of 63lbs. There are people out there that sell water and call it hcg. There is so much to the diet after the 500. If you follow it all the way through and change habits, it does work. But, like any diet, if you don't change, you will gain it back
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Hey everyone, she said "end of the show!" I guess that means she must be right. She also littered in some folksy metaphors/comparisons. Sounds like infallible logic to me!


    I'll eat extra for her tonight while still staying under my 1400 calorie goal, lose weight tomorrow, then giggle a little when she realizes pregnant women's pee isn't going to help.

    diet and exercise. seriously, that's all you need. diet and exercise.

    let me know if there's an encore.
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    *gets her chair and popcorn*

    i'm right there with you...

    Got room for another?
    I got some beer if anyone wants some
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I love the term "abnormal fat" it makes me laugh every time.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I love the term "abnormal fat" it makes me laugh every time.

    As opposed to normal fat? teehee.

    I have nothing negative to say; I've tried some of the fads out there, but I wish you luck and hope it works for you :smile:
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    I've tried the HCG diet.. The HCG I used was prescibed from a doctor in a tablet form that you placed under your tounge to dissolve... I was on a strict 500 calorie diet and I lost about 20lbs in 30 days... So it works.. What sucks is if you don't do the maintenance period afterwards or fall back into you normal eating pattern and gain half the weight back.... It's a short term fix... If you're able to keep the weight off for good, more power to you... Good luck!
  • HazelElfwand
    I'm there on the couch too but I hope it works for you!
This discussion has been closed.