Do you log EVERYTHING?



  • mallie233
    I'm pretty good at even logging my gum- which I don't chew frequently. But when it comes to water........oh I'm all sorts of kinds of off. I drink so much I can't even recall later if remember to log it how much i've had. I'm too curious about each and every thing not to log it and see what it is really doing to me. Not that i'll stop. Just later (after gw) I may learn to consume it in moderation!
  • mallie233
    yesterday was my first day on MFP and I logged everything... Made me feel a bit meh about the fact I drink so much coke.. You don't realize how much it all add's up..

    Surprisingly today, I drank less coke hahaha
    Not surprising at all and I'm sure you're well aware of that. :happy:

    One of the reasons that logging is so effective is that it makes you very aware of the consequences of your food choices. Next you'll be sitting in a restaurant trying to decide what to order by using MFP to look up the calories of each item. It's a sickness. :laugh:

    Hahaha, I look up EVERYTHING. But in advance. Because I feel the pressure when I get to a restaurant. That way, I know exactly what i'm getting by the time I get there and i'm not really tempted to deviate.
  • kirakaydawn
    yesterday was my first day on MFP and I logged everything... Made me feel a bit meh about the fact I drink so much coke.. You don't realize how much it all add's up..

    Surprisingly today, I drank less coke hahaha
    Not surprising at all and I'm sure you're well aware of that. :happy:

    One of the reasons that logging is so effective is that it makes you very aware of the consequences of your food choices. Next you'll be sitting in a restaurant trying to decide what to order by using MFP to look up the calories of each item. It's a sickness. :laugh:

    HAHA I did that when I was trying to decide on lunch today I looked everything up then decided..
  • Sassi50
    Sassi50 Posts: 67 Member
    If I bite it, I write it. I log my tea, my water and every bit of exercise...including the walking I do at work. I figure if I log it all, then I am accountable!!!!
  • audrine
    audrine Posts: 31
    I log pretty much everything.:smile:

    But I like to have a slice of lemon in my water and I don't log that all the time. I think it's like 2 cals though, so I don't think it's going to ruin my diet. :laugh:

    I also don't log spices or garlic. It just gets too long having to add all those up one by one and I don't really see the point because it's so low in calories.
  • sgibney78
    I have to log everything, unless it’s zero calories like coffee, splenda or air (haha). I find if I am not diligent about it I am just lying to myself. I log everything BEFORE I even put it in my mouth. I try to log my dinner first thing in the morning because it’s the only meal my husband and I eat together and I try to save enough calories to have a meal similar to his.
    Plus I have no concept of how much a serving of something is, so if I don’t log it, measure it, I have no idea what type of damage I am doing.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I log anything with a calorie or two!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    everything that goes in my mouth other than vitamins and chewing gum
  • SoSwank
    SoSwank Posts: 12 Member
    Everything, unless its a taste while I am cooking. Its hard to log that. but anything that requires a drink or bite I log. I usually leave the last bite too.
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    I log most everything. I think it's cool that I can go back and see my weight loss as compared to what I am eating. I don't log gum or artificial sweetner though.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I thought I was logging everything... but I realized I was leaving out small things like my gummy vitamins and crystal light... at the end of the day all those things add up too. I now log every single calorie that I eat/drink (except maybe spices). It surprises me sometimes to see how fast things can go over.
  • doinit4tayzie
    When I have a pumpkin soy latte its like 285 calories....I always log everything.....I mean im not perfect Im sure i may of forgotten somerthing from time to time im still new at this but Im pretty good at logging everything.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Me no. and I guess that's why I can never reach my ultimate goal. LOL
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I refuse to be obsessive about this journey. I log the things that I eat and me, the spices/supplements/vitamins are not "food", so I don't log them.

    Some of the calorie counts in the database are off - so, even if you ARE logging everything, it's probably not 100%. Weights and measures might not be 100%. You may have 1/10th of a tsp on or off that teaspoon, either're NEVER going to get it 100% correct, so why obsess about a few calories, and lose the big picture? I'm losing weight. I am happy with that.

    Life is good!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I log everything but tic tacs. and it's not like i eat a lot of those. i've had the same pack for a month ;)
  • DawnWendalynn1973
    DawnWendalynn1973 Posts: 97 Member
    I do.

    The calorie count may be off because what mfp has in the database is a little off.....but I do put it in the diary.