Gym Etiquette



  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Can we discuss these, while I curl in the squat cage?

    Only if you grunt loudly for answers. Two grunts for yes, and one long grunt for no.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    @ my gym proper gym etiquette (or @ least for the morning crew) don't change the radio without askin if it's okay

    What I hate is:
    we can't blast the radio until after 9am
    the early birds blast the tv while we have to have the radio down
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I was terrified of the weight area. There were small earthquakes coming from there constantly. People just don't know how to set things down. Then, they wonder why it's a sausage fest in there.

    I work out at home now. I can get as sweaty as I want, dress as ugly as I want, and I never have to deal with such problems.
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    it's not the lack of deo that bothers me but the perfume and cologne that some have on!!

    This is the only thing that ever bothers me enough to have to move away. I can't breathe and get an instant headache.

    This and if someone has just puffed on a cancer stick and then immed steps on the cardio machine next to me. Seriously?!? It's so freaking disgusting!
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    I'm with you! I have asthma - working out next to someone drenched in perfume can give me an asthma attack. Sweat is what I expect at the gym - we're all sweating. Perfume is what's rude.

    I always liked Emily Post's suggestion for perfume - strangers shouldn't notice your aroma one way or another. Friends should think you smell nice. And only your lover should be able to name the brand you wear. At no time should your smell interfere with someone else's ability to taste their food or breathe easily.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I so agree. I agree with everyone. I want to add don't come up to me without asking me first and tell me how I am doing something wrong. You don't know my exercise history and training...I don't know your credentials either. As with most science there are more then one way to skin a cat. If you think I am doing something that dangerous get the manager on duty. Men are so brazen at the gym. I can't stand when men GAWK at women and not even trying to be slick. So rude.
    Sorry I am picking on dudes but if you see me going toward a machine and I just arrived then you ask me "are you using that? I need to use that" WTH???
    My gym women are not allowed to wear scarves..I have seen women argue with management...Why argue when you sign up for the gym they give the list of rules and that is one of them and you SIGNED it!!!!!! Don't get an attitude and be rude. I find most adults at the gym are 10 time worse then teens in gym class! UGH!!!!!!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is when chicks (invariably it's girls that do this) go to the gym with their BFF and SIT and CHAT on the weight machines - I'm talking about 5 minute breaks in between sets of 10 reps!! WTF!!

    I see that all the time!

    in my experience this is usually young men.

    As a 'chick' i'm there to work, not pose or socialise.

  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    i know what the OP means some people smell but then some smelllllllll lol like when its u and one other person and that one person is stinking the whole room up lol I also hate when others talk on the phone. But i have 2 kids and a hubby deployed a lot so i take my phone put it on silent and out where i can see it and if i need to leave to talk i wait to answer till i am outside the room in the lobby
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    I was changing my clothes in the WOMENS locker room one day and in walks a mom with her 6 year old boy! and to top it off he is in my daughter's class! How embarrassing! I know sometimes it is tough cuz u dont wantto just leave your kids in the hallway by themelves, but seriously...ateast warn me you're bringing a boy that age! I couldnt believe it!
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Clearing out the phlegm in their throats by the drinking water cooler (shared little fountain) and spitting it right in there!! So disgusting and I cant drink that water at all now, I gag knowing how many guys do that.

    ***Guys, you might not want to read this next bit***

    Recently, some girl went swimming with a very soiled pad on during her time of month. :sick: :sick: :frown: :angry:

    Need I say more? (& needless to say I reported her to the staff who have issued her with a written warning and I have avoided going in the pool for months, ever since).
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member

    That's all well and fine, but when they are on the treadmill directly in front of you, well there really isn't much choice now is there...I don't go to the gym and "gawk" at people, I don't have time or the desire, but when it's put in my face I can't help notice...I have no problems with people who wear appropriate clothing for their body type...frankly, I don't want to see anyone's thunder thighs, hail damage, and muffin top oozing out of a pair of tiny shorts and a tank top that is way too doesn't look me...I don't put my chunky junk on display, I would appreciate if others would take that into consideration...

    Sounds like a personal problem. I say, live and let live.

    Sometimes I take my shirt off when I'm sweating profusely on an intense treadmill session. It's hot as hell, and I value my comfort. Don't like it? I don't care...

    No need to be rude...
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    No need to be rude...

    Right. No need to be rude about how less fit people look in t heir workout attire.
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I hate when 80 year old men make dirty remarks, and I hate when overly-beefed weight lifters make loud porno sounds when they're lifting something heavy.

    This. As well as people not wiping off the machines after they've finished using them. Monopolizing the cardio equipment. The machine has a 60-minute maximum for a reason.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member

    I went to a gym where this guy would do this with EVERY SINGLE weight he lifted. I would be quietly exercising on the treadmill and then all of a sudden hear this loud crashing sound because he would drop the weight bar. It honestly isn't safe for him to do that because not only could he drop that on his toes, but he could give someone a panic attack because of the sound. I almost fell off the treadmill a couple of times because it scared me. And this wasn't Planet Fitness.

    I had a special 'friend' like that once... At least once a week this guy would be doing deadlifts and overhead presses with a really heavy barbell. He practiced his form without a weight about 5 times, then took the bar, heaved it up, and SLAMMED it back down on the floor with all the might he had in him. He didn't just drop it, he put the whole power of the universe into driving that 500 pound thing to the core of the earth. And EVERY time, even when I'd been watching him and anticipating the sound, my heart would jump and sting for at least a minute afterwards. It was just that scary. Every time he was there, I'd walk out of the gym not relaxed and refreshed, but full of rage. ARGGG.

    The first time I saw him I saw another guy come up to him and ask him if that was really necessary, but he just put on a really arrogant expression and said he was training for a competition and any other way of putting the weight down would seriously jeopardize his health. Yeah. Right. Hope you crush your toes one day.

    I'd be impressed if he could press 500lbs over his head. If the gym supports his training and has the right setup to accomodate the falling weights, then the problem is not him.
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member

    No need to be rude...

    Right. No need to be rude about how less fit people look in t heir workout attire.

    I don't care, honestly, what you do or what you think..but I don't appreciate the attitude towards me and can't figure why you chose to be so rude in the first place...I am entitled to my opinion as much as you are, however, I don't attack people because they don't have the same point of view as myself...this is meant to be an open and friendly forum/ considerate of others don't attack or berate them simply because they are different...Have a wonderful day! :smile:
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    I don't care, honestly, what you do or what you think..

    You make it sound like a you care a great deal...

    At any rate, you apparently don't see the hypocrisy in your own statements. By your own admission, you're intolerant of larger / unfit people who are comfortable with their bodies, and wear attire that they feel comfortable in. It's not as if they're doing so to torture you.

    And I say - live and let live. People who are intolerant of others typically do so because of their own personal problems. In your case, perhaps it's your own discomfort with your body. I'm not in your head, so how would I know?

    I only said - "live and let live." If that isn't a message of tolerance, I don't know what is. Sorry you feel "berated" or "attacked." Them's the breaks...
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Princess Stubbie, are you being ironic?
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    This. As well as people not wiping off the machines after they've finished using them. Monopolizing the cardio equipment. The machine has a 60-minute maximum for a reason.

    I'm not gonna lie...I passive agressively sanitize the equipment when this happens...with an angry scowl on my face. I could grow up a little.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    for those of you with "germ" issues at the gym, invest in some anti-microbial soap such as Hibiclens. it will kill everything on your hands.
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    Oh god!

    My gym sounds like a dream compared to yours.

    It is only a local authority gym but there is none of this mobile phone nonsense. I use mine to track my exercise but not for music or making calls. There are 4 TVs and there is the music on all the time and sometimes sport on one. We have no control over this. So can't turn it up or down.

    They provide blue roll and disinfectant spray.

    Mine is just full of 70 year old gents putting me to shame!