New to low carb, can somebody look at my meal plan?



  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    That is the point. I DID provide a link to such a study in this thread and you ignored it.
    I JUST said I did not see it.

    Your first study isn't a study - it's a review. Meaningless. Post the RCTs if you want responses.

    Second study did NOT keep protein consistent. The low carb group ate 10% more protein at 3 months out, and 5% more at 6 months out. This study was not isocaloric in its energy distribution. Also this was performed on obese women without measures for insulin sensitivity being reported. The study also does not account for WATER WEIGHT LOSS in the low carb group, which is to be expected.

    And don't forget this gem:

    "lean body mass decreased significantly more in the very low carbohydrate group compared with the low fat group at both 3 and 6 months (P < 0.01)."

    I fail to see how this study proves that low carb diets are superior when it is applied to obese women, without mention of reported insulin resistance, greater loss in LEAN body mass, and variables unaccounted for (discrepancies in calories + macronutrients).

    Water weight loss? 129 pounds now someone has been telling me its water weight. How much weight have you lost so far?

    Water weight is another topic that truly annoys me as it is a garbage bag term for people that will not admit something is working from day one.
    We're not talking about 129 pound loss; we're talking about a study that records the weight fluctuations over the course of 3-6 months.

    1g carb = 3-5g WATER. There is IMMENSE water weight to be lost when switching from a high/moderate carb diet to a low carb diet. Are you actually going to deny that?
    I think the graphic lacks any numbers and is simply drawn up as an illustration to prove a point that without citation is meaningless.

    However, lets assume it is true and that you now eat less insulin producing foods. What would your graph look like then.

    From the point of view of a person with a lot of weight to lose, I would think the second, imaginary graph, without nearly so much green, would be ideal.

    Its a very pretty graph.


    Again, you assume insulin is THE ONLY factor in fat gain...
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator

    Please find a way to continue this debate that does not include personal insults and attacks.

    It's one thing to debate the merits of various eating strategies, and the science behind them. It is another to start name-calling, insulting, and belittling.

    It would take me far too long to remove all that's inappropriate, decorum-wise, from this thread. So I'll lock it and let it fall down the lists. Please pick this up in a new thread and keep it to the debate. If you can't debate without insulting each other, it may be time to drop the argument.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.