For All You Smokers That Want To Quit FOR GOOD! READ THIS!



  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I quit smoking in November last year and I never gained ANY weight.

    Also each craving only lasts for about 3 minutes and will only last for the first 72 hours until the nicotine has left your body.

    I didn't 'plan' a quit day, I simply smoked my last cigarette and made a conscious decision not to purchase any more.

    My hubby is trying to quit now and although he hasn't stopped straight away like I did, he is simply not buying them if he gets a craving, he does an activity to take his mind of it. (Going to the smoking clinic next week.)

    What works for some dons't necessarily work for others.

    I tried int he past with patches and failed, I tried cold turkey and succeeded.

    Oh, I was 12 when I started (I know, I know) and 25 when I stopped, hubby was 16 when he started hoping to have quit by his 27th in March.
  • louisau
    louisau Posts: 159 Member
    The OP gives good advice.
    I smoked for 26 years (16-42) and quit several times (cold turkey everytime).

    The last time I quit was 1 March 2011 and I haven't had a smoke since. Most days I don't even think about smokes but somedays are bad.

    IMHO it is a mind over matter excercise.

    Good luck to all the quiters.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    :flowerforyou: Glad to be of help and gl to all of you that are still on the road to quitting I know you can do it !! :drinker:
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    /bump bump
  • CanDBlack
    Thanks so much for this! I've been really struggling the last few months to truly get on my path to healthy eating and getting in shape, and staying quit. It has truly been a struggle, and I've come to realize that I can quit and focus on being healthy, picking up healthy snacks when I need to indulge the oral fixation, exercising as a distraction and motivation. But one bad day of food or a bad weigh in, leads to a cig, and the cycle begins. I quit again for the third time since Nov 1st on Tuesday and I'm doing it this time, and I'm done for good. I can't be a smoker anymore. I decided that I'm prepared for the ups and the downs, and although I'm really hoping not to gain any weight, I know it could happen. But I'm not going to weigh myself for at least a month. I'm going to keep making lifestyle changes with my eating, drinking lots of water, and working out 3-4 days a week. And I feel so motivated and inspired knowing that I'm not alone and that this has been conquered! Kudos to you all!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I am trying to quit. I had my last cigarette last night around 9 PM. I have almost made it 24 hours! I feel like I am about to snap somebody's head off.

    I am fighting the urges. I feel insanely irritable. How long does it usually take to get the nicotine out of your system?
    During the first days of my quit I read Allen Carr's book The Easy Way to Quit Smoking and it was THE BEST THING I ever did. It helped me understand and changed my approach to quitting. It was a happy quitting with a lot I was looking forward to. Couldn't wait to say "I'm quit 3 weeks now". The craving was worse the first 3 days, I fought it with exercise and water, gallons of water, and Vit C.

    I was going to post the same thing. Read Allen Carr's book - all of it, your view of cigarettes will change, it is just about your mindset and approach to quitting. If you decide it's hard before you start, you're less likely to quit. You have to convince yourself how easy it is (and it really is easy, once you've told yourself it is, the biggest challenge is yourself)
  • sunshinestate
    sunshinestate Posts: 110 Member
    Alan Carr's book is the BEST! The first time I read it I went 67 days, then had one, and screwed up for a few weeks. The second time I read it, I've made it 26 days and I honestly know it is for good. I don't think the same way about cigarettes anymore. They are no longer desirable at all! Amazing!

    The downside is that I seem to be retaining a lot of water.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    sodium can lead to water being stored in your system as well, sodium limit a day is 2400mg or less, watch your sodium just to be sure =)

    reason i tell ppl best thing is to stay away from fast food and processed food and junk food and read labels when you shop you would be surprised !
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    I have ADHD, that is a whole lot to read annnd my adderall for the day is already wearing out.

    I have a question that you may have answered but, again, its an overwhelming amount of info that I will be more likely to read entirely when my medication is in full affect, lol... but why does it have to be Vitamin C? The reason I ask is because I can not take Vitamin C, it interacts with Adderall and makes it not work as well.... I have heard that some people aren't affected by the interaction and their addys still work fine when they consume Vitamin C but not me. If I take Vitamin C and addys, I get the calming affect of my addys but my ability to focus on ANYTHING is just about the same as when I don't take addys at all. I have tried other forms of ADHD medications but I have yet to find one, other than addys, that I react well to and its a shame really because when I take my addys I have more of a desire to smoke. When I don't take my addys I have maybe one or two cigs, but when I do take my addys I go through a pack every 2 days.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    When I was 15 I always went with a smoking buddy to this one spot at lunch, so every day we smoked right before school began, during lunch, during seventh (I was in the computer lab and it was period I mean) and when I got home. The year after that they installed cameras
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Reason for Vit C, strips the nicotine from your system/body after 3-7 days of taking it and NOT smoking

    the rest is will power and brain power and telling yourself NO

    hope that helps
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    Thank u, now if only I could get a week vacation (other than in my dreams). I know that when I was exercising regularly, I had less cravings even with the addys. I had to take a hiatus thanks to bad eczema... My skin is looking pretty good though so hopefully I can start exercising again soon :)
  • dburek
    dburek Posts: 9
    I am almost 1 month cigarette free. However, I am not yet nicotine free. I am using the Mistic e-cig, a battery operated device that uses cartridges with a flavoring and nicotine liquid in them, they look like a cigarette. You inhale on the end of the cartridge and the tip lights up, when you exhale "smoke"(water vapor) will come out. These devices are not to be used as a smoking cessation instrument but in my case I am slowly weening myself off the nicotine this way. They are much less harmful than lighting up a smoke, you're not receiving a lot of the other chemicals contained in cigarettes this way. I have saved so much money already, banking it in my savings account everyday as if I was spending it on a pack of cigarettes. I will one day quit using the e-cig as well, this is my way of starting the really helps.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    I am almost 1 month cigarette free. However, I am not yet nicotine free. I am using the Mistic e-cig, a battery operated device that uses cartridges with a flavoring and nicotine liquid in them, they look like a cigarette. You inhale on the end of the cartridge and the tip lights up, when you exhale "smoke"(water vapor) will come out. These devices are not to be used as a smoking cessation instrument but in my case I am slowly weening myself off the nicotine this way. They are much less harmful than lighting up a smoke, you're not receiving a lot of the other chemicals contained in cigarettes this way. I have saved so much money already, banking it in my savings account everyday as if I was spending it on a pack of cigarettes. I will one day quit using the e-cig as well, this is my way of starting the really helps.

    one step at a time you find something that works do it til you get yourself ready to drop it, you can do it =)
  • sunshinestate
    sunshinestate Posts: 110 Member
    I am almost 1 month cigarette free. However, I am not yet nicotine free. I am using the Mistic e-cig, a battery operated device that uses cartridges with a flavoring and nicotine liquid in them, they look like a cigarette. You inhale on the end of the cartridge and the tip lights up, when you exhale "smoke"(water vapor) will come out. These devices are not to be used as a smoking cessation instrument but in my case I am slowly weening myself off the nicotine this way. They are much less harmful than lighting up a smoke, you're not receiving a lot of the other chemicals contained in cigarettes this way. I have saved so much money already, banking it in my savings account everyday as if I was spending it on a pack of cigarettes. I will one day quit using the e-cig as well, this is my way of starting the really helps.

    I tried the e-cig as well for months, but ended back up on regular cigarettes. Alan Carr's book, the Easyway to Quit Smoking, TOTALLY helped me quit. It is a gamechanger!!! I highly recommend it. It has helped two of my friends quit for good too.
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    Congratulations to all that quit and are planning on it!! I smoked from age 13-37, finally quit August 10,2011. I had tried EVERYTHING, even Chantix with no success ......tried an e-cig sparingly for about a month and that was it!! Gained about 10 pds but the weight can be lost!!!!!!

    Good luck with whatever method you decide to use!! A method that works for you might not work for someone else, or it might! You never know!!
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    I wonder if the one I got was faulty. I got one when they first came out and it just spewed a disgusting liquid into my mouth when I tried to smoke it. Maybe I should try them again. Good to know I had the right idea though
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    If you want to quit, you should read Allan Carr's Easy Way To Quit Smoking. I have yet to finish the last chapter because I know I'll quit when I'm done. That man is brilliant.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member