Horrifying(funny) moments as parents



  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Now that's something that a single guy like me has never heard before.
    I learned something today. Now I can go to bed. ;)
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    My son said "Mom my butt itches!!", in the parking lot of a hotel we were about to check into. We were on a trip and the lot was full....
    Yeah not fun.:embarassed:
  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    I've got so many, but I'm gonna go way back. When my 12 year old was only a week old, I was nursing her in the recliner. I was so exhausted, I dosed off. I woke up to hearing my baby hit the floor face first!!! Luckily, it was thick carpeting and she didn't even wake up until I grabbed her in horror.

    I've sure there are many nursing mums (me included when I was nursing my twins) who had close calls with this! I know I nodded of in the chair and woke up panicing more than once, but luckily hadn't gotten to the dropping stage, you're not the first and you won't be the last!
  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    When my eldest was about two my husband was driving trucks and was away alot, and of course his uniform daily was a pair of overalls, consequently when we would go into town for a walk more than once she would point to men walking past and yell out "Daddy"! I'm got some odd looks!

    And this is a story I heard about some people who lived down the road from us, they were having a party and they're daughter who was about 5 at the time came into the lounge wearing a strap on, on her butt saying "look at my tail".
  • 81Kyra
    81Kyra Posts: 115
    My friend has a daughter who is 7 as is my youngest son, she picked him up after school one day so they could play...when my friend brought him home she told me they were playing out back with her barbies when she went to check on them the barbies were naked...my friend asked "What are you guys doing?" Her daughter replied "Oh we weren't being gross they just wanted to feel the wind on their bodies." lol

    The same son when he was about 3yrs for some reason went through a phase of asking random guys "Are you my daddy?" when I was at the store with him...I told my husband who thought it was funny until he did it while we were all out together. lol sooo embarassing!

    My oldest son who is now 13, when he was about 5 or 6 we were at a restaurant and he was scribbling on a piece of paper all of a sudden held it up really high to show my husband and I and "shouted Look I can write like the Mexican people do!" He was really excited about it too, everyone just stared at us.
  • 81Kyra
    81Kyra Posts: 115
    Oops accidentally posted it twice.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    A few months ago we were going for a ride in Grandma's car. I was strapping my 2 1/2 year old into her carseat and I had to lean across her to reach the belt. She giggles and says "Hey, it looks like we are having sex." She is very smart and very verbal for her age so I'm not usually surprised by the things she comes up with but this time I was in shock,
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    #1- My daughter is 4 now but when she was three I was giving her a bath and we got here all washed up and I was just sitting there letting her play and I was reading. She says "Dady...look, it's taking" using her girl parts. I turned beat red and told my wife. "Honey, you need to finish this bath". I was so flabbergasted it was unbeleivable.

    #2- My wife was out shopping with my daughter. On the way to the store my daughter was asking my wife what those hooks but the door in the car are, the ones to hang clothes on. My wife told her they're hooks. So, they get into the store and my daughter brings up the hooks again and calls them "hookers". Then she was sitting there quietly in the cart and seemed like she was thinking and then she blurted out very loudly, "Mommy! My daddy has hookers!". Of course the store is crowded and a in a small town, so that was interesting.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    When my neice, who is now about to turn 12, was about 6 or 7 we were shopping in Target. At the time the country song "Some Beach" was popular and played on the radio quite often. As we are going through the store she's singing the song very loudly. The problem? She sang "some b*tch" instead of beach. I kept trying to correct her and give her the correct lyrics and she would just argue with me, still very loudly, that I was wrong.I turned at the end of an aisle and just as I did she starts singing it again. I look up and there was a lady down the way who heard her and just started cracking up laughing.

    Her brother youngest brother, who just turned 6, would get off the bus from school last year and blow kisses to all the girls as they all yelled "bye cody" to him. The other boy, who just turned 8, had about 20 peice of scrap paper with phone numbers written on them that their mom discovered one day as she was cleaning their room of dirty laundry. When asked who the numbers belonged to he replied they were various girls at school. They are such play boys!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    My mom loves to tell people this story:

    When I was 3, I was playing with one of my friends, a little boy named Billy. I was doing something silly and he looked at me and said "Cory, you're ridiculous" but, because he was only 3, it sounded like "Cory, you're di'c'less."
    My response? "Of course I am! I'm a GIRL!"
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Son (who is 6) and I were on 4 wheelers this weekend and he did a doughnut, scared the crap out of me, his response was
    "that was really awesome".
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I can't believe I forgot this one.

    My other neice just turned 8 so for her birthday she came and spent the night with us. We went to the mall to see a movie and took her to Build-A-Bear. Keep in mind that my husband is called some version of monkey by all the kids (i.e. Uncle monkey, monkey Gary, Gary monkey, etc). The guy who ran the stuffing machine was talking to her and asked what movie we were going to see. She said dolphin tale so he asked her about her favorite animals. The conversation went:

    BAB guy: What's your favorite sea animal?
    Neice: a dolphin
    BAB guy: What's your favorite land animal?
    Neice: A monkey
    BAB guy: Why is that your favorite?
    Neice: Because my Uncle Gary is a monkey.

    I started cracking up and looked at my husband who was just standing there shaking his head. LOL.
  • twistofcain
    Just yesterday we were at Target and my wife was talking with someone in Starbucks. Well, our son has already taken a fair liking of the opposite sex at 2 and a women in her 50's walked by and he sits up in the buggy and rips open his button up onsie as he is staring at her....

    I was talking with my dad the other day and he had my half sister over who is 4. She got one of the leapster tablets for her birthday a few months ago, well it has the options like all real tablets to take pictures and record video. My dad has a shrub that attracts Monarch Butterflies so he told her to go over and record them. Well, she walked up to them and they flew to other side, so she went to the other side and the same thing happened. So she went back to our dad and was showing him the video she had shot. Apparently, after the butterflies flew away the second time she calmly said "**** The Butterflies". Of course she denies it said it was the butterflies that said it.