

  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    woops, i missed some folks ~

    bonnie ~ 2.6 gone for you! great job! keep at the Wii!

    aml0484 ~3, congrats!!

    chimpoco ~ hang in there.....keep with your plan, and the scale will move!
  • wannabeflaca
    Okay this is my first official weigh in. I joined this website Jan 20th after watching Biggest Loser and I went form 214 lbs to 208 lbs. Wooo Hoooo!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter


    NEXT WEDNESDAY, THE GOAL: 2 LBS :bigsmile:
    208 LBS TO 206 LBS

    GO GREEN GO GREEN GO GREEN! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jessangel
    Okay well this week has been hard and I was actually surprised that I lost weight I weighted in today at 172 from 175.4 It was my husbands birthday this weekend and I did not dieting although we stayed at a hotel and went swimming. Humm must of done something well i worked out like crazy yesterday because I thought I was going to either stay the same or gain but then i decided i wanted food before bed. :( so I was not sure how it would turn out. I am convinced i will do better with working out and counting my calories this week.
  • smendek910
    I'm sooooo upset - I gained back the 2 pounds I lost:sad: :sad:
    I don't understand what's going on? I've been working my butt off since the last weigh-in (with the exception of yesterday). I haven't been going over my calories - I wonder if eating the exercise calories has something to do with it?
    I guess I'll have to start over today and push myself even harder:cry:
    Does anyone have any advice??
  • wannabeflaca
    I know the feeling. My first week I didn't see any movement in the scale. I was working out every other day but wasn't keeping track of my calories. I also ate my exercise calories and didn't see the scale budge.
    My suggestion is to eat more veggies from those excersice calories. I eat my veggies as snacks when I need something crunchy. I bought a veggie platter since I am lazy and salsa dip instead of ranch dressing. I know it's hard. You will have your good days and bad days. Just keep movimg forward! :bigsmile: You can do it! :bigsmile: If you fall get right back up and watch your step! :bigsmile: We all fall! And we are here for you! :bigsmile: Every day is a battle but it will get easier! This website is an excellent support system. Oh and don't forget, drink your water! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I look forward to your next weigh in.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • smendek910
    Thank you for your words of encouragement wannabeflaca:flowerforyou:
    I'll try to use your advice with snacking on the veggies, even though I haven't been snacking after dinner. I've been using my exercise calories to eat a little more at dinner so I don't have to snack at night.
    I guess I'm really gonna have to push myself this week to see if I can get that rotten scale to move in the direction I want it to go:wink:

    GREAT JOB to everyone this week (except me:cry: )
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    Morning team!! It seems that we all did very well, and even if you didnt loose pounds, im sure you lost inches. I am excited this week. I lost the most this week out of all my weeks. I am down 4.2 lbs!
  • velvetwing
    Good morning / afternoon everyone! Im so excited for all of you.... you all did super terrific this week! I really need to get on the ball. No loss not gain for me this week so Im holding on I guess. I kinda figured this because I did not get the excercise in that I needed. This week I think I did pretty good with the calories though. Im kinda looking at this as getting the education I need and learning how my body REALLY reacts to my behaviors.
    The last two weeks have been really eye opening for me especially now that I am recording EVERYTHING that goes in. I really was a 'blind' eater. A little of this and a little of that I never thought would make such a difference, but it helps now knowing how many calories are in this and that LOL. Im also seeing how much perhaps stress plays on a body. This last week has been really tough for me with the kids. I think I will call my mom today an appologize for torturing her when I was a teen.
    Ive also been looking at myself and trying to figure out what has been going on with me to gain so much weight. I know Ive gained ALOT over the last 3 years. Well its a no-brainer for me. In the last three years I quit smoking, my dad passed away and my entire family left everything up to me to deal with even though Im the baby ( but IM not bittler lol) , my ex and I have also been in court for three years, my kids turned into teenagers - yikes! Well now I feel like just slapping myself and saying " well, no duh Lisa ! " ( do you think Im an emotional eater? LOL--yes!) Its time to put everything behind me and put ME first. I really really really want to 'lighten up' so I can get excited to go to Mexico. Ohhh I so much want to stop looking at myself in such a negative light and the great thing is.... I have all the power!! That part feels great... I CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! This can be fixed! This is 'do-able'
    Next wed weigh in Im absoluetely shooting for a 1-2 lb loss which I think is reasonable for me. Last week I lost 3 so Im not going to beat myself up for not loosing this week. My body is simply adjusting. Yeah!
    You are all so terrific and I love reading about all of your successes.... you all give me so much strength! Thanks for listening :flowerforyou:
  • yeahbuddy
    Great job greenies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I would love to respond to each of you specifically but there are so many of us (yay team:tongue: ) that I can't keep up with everyone. But, I do feel the same way kellya does so I will just ditto her:bigsmile:

    Well, my weigh in went well. I weighed in at 157.8, which is down from 159 last week, but that was up from 157.4 from the week before. Soooo, I don't know if I should call this a 1.2 pound loss or a .4 pound gain:grumble: This week will be better!

    Count down to weigh in: 7 days
  • yeahbuddy
    velvet, I so relate to wanting to call mom and appologize. I actually did that when my daughter was 10 and it felt so good. It put our relationship on a whole new level. I say, if you feel you need to do it then do it. You won't be sorry:flowerforyou:
  • loser4real
    Way to go, team! Everyone is doing a great job...and even if you didn't show a loss this week, keep at it. You know the scale can be the devil sometimes!

    Well, there are 32 names on our list and I've gotten responses from a little more than half. Here are the folks I am still waiting on:


    And there are two other folks who never provided their starting weight, so I will need that in addition to your weight this week:


  • velvetwing
    Loser4real..... Are we reporting results to you now? sorry I thought we were reporting to 2ndfire.
    I think I missed a memo somehere LOL Just let me know so I can get it to the right person for next week :)
  • loser4real
    Velvet- last week n2dfire asked me if I could take over the spreadsheet since he didn't have time to devote to it, so I agreed. He's still our fearless leader--I'm just helping out. :smile:

    So I'm recording the weights as I see them posted on this thread and will send n2dfire the completed spreadsheet. He will report the final numbers on the BL thread where all the teams report in, plus he'll post a copy here for us all to see the team's progress like he did last week. Does that make sense?
  • velvetwing
    Velvet- last week n2dfire asked me if I could take over the spreadsheet since he didn't have time to devote to it, so I agreed. He's still our fearless leader--I'm just helping out. :smile:

    So I'm recording the weights as I see them posted on this thread and will send n2dfire the completed spreadsheet. He will report the final numbers on the BL thread where all the teams report in, plus he'll post a copy here for us all to see the team's progress like he did last week. Does that make sense?
    Ahhhhhhhh got it! Well thank you to both of you then for all of your hard work !
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Ok, so here goes.....I weighed on a different scale last week...which indicated I went from 245 to 243....mind you I did weigh my original weight about a month ago.........

    I purchased a scale this week (Friday) and upon standing on it I weighed 249!!! argh.....on the new scale I have lost 1 I think it is safe to say LETS START MY WEIGH IN NEW as of this week.

    So start weight 249, weight loss this week 1 lb - 248.

    On a side note I know they said on BL it is impossible to lose inches without losing weight, but I have lost inches......1.5 inches on my waist and 1 inch on my belly thus far.

    Wish me luck for a bigger loss next off to a client....DRINK THAT WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • yeahbuddy
    n2 and Loser, do you want us to pm Loser instead of n2?
  • velvetwing
    Ok, so here goes.....I weighed on a different scale last week...which indicated I went from 245 to 243....mind you I did weigh my original weight about a month ago.........

    I purchased a scale this week (Friday) and upon standing on it I weighed 249!!! argh.....on the new scale I have lost 1 I think it is safe to say LETS START MY WEIGH IN NEW as of this week.

    So start weight 249, weight loss this week 1 lb - 248.

    On a side note I know they said on BL it is impossible to lose inches without losing weight, but I have lost inches......1.5 inches on my waist and 1 inch on my belly thus far.

    Wish me luck for a bigger loss next off to a client....DRINK THAT WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hey Sassie.... I didnt loose weight this week, didnt measure either but I did go down a notch in my belt.... sooo..... I say you did TERRIFIC !
  • yeahbuddy
    OK, I need some help. I didn't eat breakfast or morning snack because I just wasn't hungry:embarassed: For lunch I had a six inch Subway turkey and american cheese sandwich on wheat with mustard, lettuce, spinach, tomatos, pickles and carrots and a bag of their sliced apples. I'm eating my afternoon snack right now of a Yoplait Light Fat Free Very Cherry Yogurt and a tangerine. I have a Pure Protein High Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar for after my work out/drive home and for dinner I have scheduled the other six inch turkey sandwich (I always buy a footlong so I can split it into two meals).

    The problem is that even with everything logged that I just told you, I have only reached 989 calories (and I haven't even touched my exercise calories:grumble: ) I am not hungry and feel like I'm eating just to eat.

    What should I do:cry:
  • robsonaraujo
    robsonaraujo Posts: 47 Member
    all right, this week was just like the others.... 2 pound less
    so last week....263
    today ....261....
    41 to go...........

    tks for all your help...
    God bless
  • shanatana7
    shanatana7 Posts: 6 Member
    183lbs. Dont ask me how today was my first day to work out since thursday and haven't been watching my calories like i should.