

  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Hi All!!

    Check-in for Friday: Only one walk today:frown: :frown:

    I hope everyone enjoys their Friday and has a great weekend. Keep up the good work :drinker:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Chalean, four times this week: 3.5/4 today, despite being extremely sad, did chalean burn 1 and this time all of the abs. Abs still a struggle with a slow crunch, can't hold weights with it yet. Hope to get back to that soon
    2 fruits/veggies: none, no excuse for this either. Definitely being continued to next week
    Within calories: yep, by the skin of my teeth (isn't that how the saying goes?). Next week hoping to work on the numbers again. This weekend will be challenging.
    Don't emotionally eat this week: today was a day of emotionally eating (my brownie and starbucks were definitely emotionally driven). I do believe that this needs to be continued to next week as well.

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend and stays focused! You got this!
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Check in. I'm beat so hitting the bed early tonight.

    Way to go everyone!! You are all doing great!!

    1. 35 crunches - done - 6/6
    2. Chargers daily challenges - success - 3/6
    3. No snacking after 7pm - stuffed from dinner so no worries. - 5/6
  • littlemount
    Check in for Friday 10/22- Today was movie day no school so went to Johnny English Reborn had regular snacks looks like one slip and the ball keeps rollng downhill the only good thing I did food wise was choose salad from the skinilicious menu in cheesescake factory. The portion looked enormous but they said it only has 550 calories . Glad tomorrow is Saturday time to restart on Sunday when I will be doing a Alzheimers 5 K Walk.

    Have a good night everyone.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Goals for this week (10/16-10/22)

    1 - Be more aware of my food choices & keep my water intake up
    2 - Workout 4-5 days each week
    3 - STAY FOCUSED on the benefits of what making healthier changes is doing for me!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY on our group no matter what type of day I've had!

    Exhausted again so it'll be a quick fly through of my day...
    1. Very aware of choices and I feel I made very good ones. Water was decent as well.

    2. Worked out hard today and then ran 1/2 mile in the water... I know that might sound lame to some but it's really hard work, I run in some shallow but then it hits 5 feet, so those strides are getting wider because THEY have too.:laugh: Always feel sooo worn out and exhausted (in a good way) after my runs because I can feel it effecting my entire body, all the way across my shoulders, down my back, legs etc. I was doing some water walking but that strangely bothered my I decided what the heck I'll run and haven't looked back since (well..ah until I turn around in the pool, then I look back!:laugh: :laugh: :tongue: )...ahaha yea you're right my brain has already hit the pillow.:yawn:

    3. Focused and feeling good about it!2uge4p4.gif

    4. Hello:wink: , it's me again and we all know by now my # 4 goal is visiting the thread at the end of EVERY night to check in and stay accountable to you all and myself of course. :smooched:

    Soooo glad it's the weekend!!
    Sleep well and enjoy some ME time this weekend if you can carve some out my dear friends, we ALL deserve it and NEED it!:love::flowerforyou:
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    4.5 miles tonight on TM, I did first 32 mins C25K run walk, then thought I would try one of the I-fit programed workouts on the TM, we have had this TM for 7 yrs and I have never been able to complete one of these workouts but I did tonight, it was low intensity at fastest 4 mph and 8% grade for a 20 min workout. then just walked to complete 4.5 total miles.
  • mammacado
    Hello everyone!
    Looking forward to being a part of this wonderful thread I've heard about...
    Lets start out by saying WOOHOO I lost two pounds in two weeks! :happy:

    Next weeks goals to keep up the good work? (10/23-10/29)
    1)Log in everyday!
    2)Smaller portions! A good friend once told me "A moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips! " Ha! Love it!
    3)Increase water intake!
    4)Go to the gym as often as I know I can...even if it's just for a walk on the treadmill!

    I'm really looking forward for some POSITIVE motivation, that's truely what fuels me to do better!
    Good luck to all!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Good Morning all! So happy it's the weekend! Yesterday was NOT a good day food wise. Went out to eat twice yesterday! :blushing: :blushing: No excuse for that! I didn't work out either, I was sooo tired and felt so yucky I went to bed at 8:30! But I am ready for the weekend!! Walking a 5K this morning and maybe I'll try to get another workout in later.

    i've made an important, life changing, decision that may impact my losing weight and fitness; although I'm not sure how. I've decided to be a stay at home mommy for a little while. This won't happen until the end of January (boss has convinced me to stay until then). I'm worried that I'll fall back into eating junk because it's easier! But I am soo excited to be able to do things with my baby girl though!! I'm hoping I will be so busy with her that I won't be eating and I'll hopefully be keeping active! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Good Morning all! So happy it's the weekend! Yesterday was NOT a good day food wise. Went out to eat twice yesterday! :blushing: :blushing: No excuse for that! I didn't work out either, I was sooo tired and felt so yucky I went to bed at 8:30! But I am ready for the weekend!! Walking a 5K this morning and maybe I'll try to get another workout in later.

    i've made an important, life changing, decision that may impact my losing weight and fitness; although I'm not sure how. I've decided to be a stay at home mommy for a little while. This won't happen until the end of January (boss has convinced me to stay until then). I'm worried that I'll fall back into eating junk because it's easier! But I am soo excited to be able to do things with my baby girl though!! I'm hoping I will be so busy with her that I won't be eating and I'll hopefully be keeping active! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    bhurley: I applaud you for your decision. If this helps, I was my thinnest when I stayed at home with my children. It is a busy occupation being a SAHM so it may actually help with the weight loss. :smile: Best of luck and enjoy every second with her :heart:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285

    i've made an important, life changing, decision that may impact my losing weight and fitness; although I'm not sure how. I've decided to be a stay at home mommy for a little while. This won't happen until the end of January (boss has convinced me to stay until then). I'm worried that I'll fall back into eating junk because it's easier! But I am soo excited to be able to do things with my baby girl though!! I'm hoping I will be so busy with her that I won't be eating and I'll hopefully be keeping active! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm a stay at home mom (at least till we get settled) for the first time in 14 years. I also have the same fears about food being so easily accessible. I'm trying to concentrate on how I can shop more frequently and cook more regularly so that I can eat healthier. Let me know (once you get started) tricks that you learn to keep on the right path.
  • littlemount
    Saturday check in-
    Hi to all minigoalers, Bhurley and llttee I work parttime and it is a challenge I keep busy the days the days I do not work, go for long walks, and do not keep any snacks except fruit at home[most of the time].Infact I gained all my weight when I worked full time because I am a stress eater .
    Goal1- fruits as snacks was easy today
    Goal-2 Walked for 30 minutes did not wear my pedometer.

    10 weeks to the new year.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    littlemount: thanks for the advice, I appreciate it!

    mammacado: welcome! Glad to have you with us.

    Chalean, four times this week: 4.5/4 actually convinced my husband to do the ab burner video with me by promising it was just ten minutes. He's a young marine, so of course he made that crap look easy. But I still prefer to workout with someone than just by myself. And he said he may do it again with me!
    2 fruits/veggies: two, next week I'm going to three, but my how this challenges me.
    Within calories: yep, exact same hairline again. Next week totally need to work the percentages again. I love fat apparently.
    Don't emotionally eat this week: I do believe I did, though not with the same sense of urgency as yesterday. And I believe TOM is headed my way, as my cravings are all sweet. Definitely needs to be continued to next week as well.

    On a great (or desperate) note: if I am getting ready to start, and I'm losing weight still, it stands to reason that I'll lose even more once I'm done, right? Or is that horribly optimistic of me?
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone

    Quick check in. Everyone is doing great.

    1. 35 crunches - 7/7
    2. Charger440's daily challenge - done 4/7
    3. No snacking after 7pm - will be a breeze tonight. 6/7

    Looking forward to starting a new week tomorrow!

    Rest well everyone!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello all my fellow mini goalers! Hope everyone is doing well!

    34again – Great job with your goals this week! You have done excellent work.

    Hearts♥Desire :heart: love all your support and encouragement! Water workouts are super-duper extra tough, I bet you are exhausted afterwards!

    Danlyn – I know you haven’t been getting in a second walk this week but you have been doing amazing getting at least one walk in a day and that’s great. Way to go!!

    Ittee – After such a tough week you are doing so amazing. Congrats on getting the husband to work out with you. I wish I could get mine to… maybe one of these days! It is nice to have someone to workout with.

    Littlemount – Skinilicious menu is that new? I’ll have to check that out the next time we go. Good luck at your 5K on Sunday, what an amazing cause. Way to go with your goals this week.

    KrisPage – 4.5 miles is AMAZING. Great job. Congrats on completing the TM program! How close are you to hitting you miles for the week?

    Mammacado – Welcome! Glad you found us :smile: We will be posting a new thread for next week tomorrow, we add a link for the new thread in this thread, hope you join for next week.

    Bhurley1424 – Hope you enjoyed your 5k walk. What a great decision to be a stay at home mom. Congrats! Know we will still be here to support you as you transition.

    I’ve been in a bit of a self-inflicted slump this week. It’s led to some really poor eating decisions, which has pushed me further into my slump. But I check in tonight and DETERMINED to make next week better. Think it’s time to change things up for next week.

    Friday and Saturday check in:
    1. 30DS - level 3 – Day 24 & Day 35 done! Got all my days in this week.
    2. Get in 4 non 30DS workouts in - 4/4 done. Took a nice walk with my mom.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – I didn’t take my lunch to work yesterday and I made a poor lunch choice and felt sluggish all day long.
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, and sips) – Didn’t do too bad logged most of extras but there is still room for improvement.

    Have a wonderful Saturday night. Here’s to a new week :drinker: See you all on the new thread :smile:
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Bhurley, thanks for the well wishes. I appreciate everyone’s support on here. I had a rough time with salt too on a few days this week. I don’t know why, I’m usually a little better. Great job on your other goals. BTW, I am jealous of your soon-to-be stay at home mommy status. If I could afford to do it, I would. I feel like I miss so much of my three year old’s world during the work week. I find during the summers when I was off, it was much easier to avoid junk food because I didn’t keep it in the house and was too busy with being a mom to go out.

    Soniamissyou, welcome and great goals! We restart this thread every Sunday, but keep coming. We love having new people.

    Lttee, I’m so sorry about your dog. I hope that you all can heal together as a family. *HUGS*

    Hearts Desire, way to go on your goals. You are doing an amazing job. It’s funny how we miss exercise, isn’t it?

    Mak, way to go on your goals. You rock! Thanks for always being so supportive. Couldn’t do this without you.

    34again, I am impressed. I can’t do even 10% of what you’re doing. Great job!

    Danlyn and Kris, way to go on your goals! You both rock!

    Littemount, we all have bad days. Heck, I had a bad week. The key is to try again the next day and give yourself permission to be human and live. You can do this!

    Mammacado, great job on the weight loss! We welcome and any all new people and strive to support each other as best as we can. Can’t wait to see you rock some mini-goals. New threads start on Sunday, but keep a week that works best for you.

    My goal progress for the week:

    1. Start Lean phase of Chalean and keep up with her schedule, with cardio substitutions of Zumba as I can attend classes.—goal dropped due to car accident injury. Will resume ASAP. Not sure if I’ll need to start over or resume where I was—will figure it out with doctor.
    2. Check in daily with you wonderful people and remind you how awesome you are.-failed this one most of the week, but I’m here today. 
    3. Continue recovery in the sickness department. I'd like to return to 100% before Zumba class on Thursday. –Feeling at 95% in the sickness recovery part. Now onto the whiplash recovery. Right now at 65%, which was better than 45% earlier in the week.
    4. Eat at least 3 fruits and/or veggies each day.-believe it or not, I think I did this every day. Wow.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hello everyone! Checking in for Saturday; much better day today. :bigsmile:

    1) 3 serving fruit veggie - check!
    2) under on sodium - check!
    3) water - well I've got 8 anyway

    Thanks for the encouragement ladies! I will most definately need all the support I can get once I leave work. It will be a big adjustment; I've been working steadily for more than 20 years so this will be a whole new experience. I am looking forward to it.

    Mak - The 5K was good; although moved way too slow! Great job on checking in - next week WILL be better! :bigsmile:

    ittee - You'll have to let me know how you're doing being at home. I will definately keep you posted. Littlemount has some good advice - no junk food in the house! Try to keep active! Since you just moved that shouldn't be hard huh? :wink:

    littlemount - thanks for the advice! Yes, I am looking forward to taking more walks, goign to the park and doing other activities so I hope to keep busy.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Goals for this week (10/16-10/22)

    1 - Be more aware of my food choices & keep my water intake up
    2 - Workout 4-5 days each week
    3 - STAY FOCUSED on the benefits of what making healthier changes is doing for me!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY on our group no matter what type of day I've had!

    Sat. Check -in

    1. Lots of variety today, tried some new foods for dinner which was cooking new things! Still working on my water. :wink:
    2. No workout:sad: Still feeling the one from yesterday..whew!:yawn:
    3. Feeling really positive about my FOCUS! My goal is to finish out the 100 lbs. lost by my Bday in Dec.., :heart: I KNOW I CAN DO IT :heart: and am bumping up my workout time to help out. That'll be my 1 yr anniversary on I feel really good about that..:love: It'll be such a nice Birthday gift to myself. :drinker:
    4. Checking in with my dear friends again, old ones and new ones... Great to have everyone here in the best group on the Planet!!:laugh: :flowerforyou:

    New Party starts Tomorrow folks when the new thread starts...
    I've started blowing up the balloons already.. :wink: What you don't believe me??ballons-06.gif:tongue: See?!:bigsmile:

    Love you guys...sending warm hugs to everyone:smooched:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    3. Feeling really positive about my FOCUS! My goal is to finish out the 100 lbs. lost by my Bday in Dec.., :heart: I KNOW I CAN DO IT :heart: and am bumping up my workout time to help out. That'll be my 1 yr anniversary on I feel really good about that..:love: It'll be such a nice Birthday gift to myself. :drinker:

    That is so Fantastic! 1 year, 100lbs! What a tremendous accomplishment HD! You are so on track and such an inspiration. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT TOO:smokin:

    Hey bestest group ever! Sorry I've been MIA for a couple days. Thursday was date night with the bf. Friday was my niece's orchestra concert out of town. Today was an impromptu Disneyland day with my brother and another niece, so a quick check in before bed:yawn: The last few days I've had about one really crappy meal per day and no real exercise until walking at the park today. As a result, my numbers are less than impressive, but in the spirit of staying honest with myself and accountable to my group of awesome friends. I read everyone's posts, and I'm happy to see everyone is hanging in there and making progress.
    1) Keep monitoring macro ratios to reach Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%.
    Thurs: 61.2/21.2/17.6
    Fri: 45/25.7/29.3
    Sat: 74.5/9.1/16.4
    2) Identify highest fat content item of the day and research a lower fat alternative: No time for research today, but I will find some interesting information to share soon I promise.
    3) 3500 calorie deficit for the week: Despite some poor choices with food QUALITY, I actually didn't go totally crazy with calories, so with today's exercise total deficit for the week so far is 2849. If I can schedule in some elliptical tomorrow, I will meet this goal.
    4) Sodium under 2000: Thurs--2589; Fri--3470; Sat--1998
    5) I WILL NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY--I did not weigh in on any of the last 3 days. I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    added another .5 mile to round out to 10 miles for the week, not my goal of 15 miles but i did get in a few miles better than the beginning of the month. I made a first attempt at 30 day shred, kicked my butt.