Hubba Hubba for the Holidays! (CLOSED GRP) - YES!!



  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    When I first signed up for this challenge, I didn't think I'd make it to my goal weight (which is my official final weight loss destination) by Christmas. Now here I am, 7 pounds away from the weight I want to be and it seems possible! If I make it to my goal, I will for sure miss being with this group for the Eggcellence by Easter challenge.

    awesome, that your goal is in sight.... maybe you can still be part of the group,,,instead of pounds, make it inches lost,:flowerforyou: good luck and continued success

    I think it would be great if you still participated also! I've read that maintaining can be harder than losing. We can help you during your maintenance. And you can help motivate the rest of us to keep moving toward what you have accomplished. Something to think about...
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    Good evening everyone...

    I want to send out a big THANK YOU to Kristen......
    For this awesome challenge for all of us, ( keeping us organized and recgonizing the successes and struggles), but personally
    I have met SO MANY amazing Women through her......and for that I am VERY THANKFUL......

    thanks again everyone
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thanks Kristen for the Web site on alcohol and the other foods that sabotage weightloss.

    I have to make some changes as I read over the list.

    Coffee is the hardest thing for me to quit. I have to cut down anyway according to my doctor
    so I should just quit and go back to Green Tea.

    Thanks again.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Kristen I am definitely up for another challenge!!!

    I was so shocked to see my name highlighted and if it's okay with you all for the mini challenge to add an extra 15min to your workout for the remainder of the week walk, crunches, jog, squats whatever you choose just add a extra 15mins

    Congrat's to all the biggest loser's this week let's keep pushing forward everyone!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Love your quote Kristen, I am the opposite of you I am the oldest sister and now the heaviest sister of all together we can definitely come back against this. Looking forward to being in the 130's with you!!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Argh, so my body is working really hard trying to get me to pack on some pounds. I swear it happens every year when the temperatures plummet, I just get SOOO hungry! If I can make it through the next few weeks it should even back out again. Spent the last 2 days out at recess in sub zero temps (-1 on Tues, -4 yesterday).

    Grats to all the big losers this week. NewImproved, you are doing so well, keep it up and the 130s will be here before you know it!

  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am deffently up for another challenge !
  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134
    Woo Hoo!!!!! I am back online!!!!!! Phone service (and my internet service) just came back on about an hour ago. However, in my neck of the woods....rural Hunterdon County, NJ....we are still without cable and electric....and that means no water for all of us with wells, which is everyone in my community. Thank goodness for our generator! My house has had some lights, and our refrigerator and freezer plugged in.....and we've been able to run our pellet stove to keep the house warm. We hooked up the well pump and our propane water heater to the generator too so we had water...including hot water! Luckily I have a gas stove, so I've been able to cook. 4 of my grandchildren have been staying with us since Saturday when the power went out....and my daughter and her husband have been coming here for hot showers. Our local schools had off on Monday and Tuesday....but the kids went back yesterday.

    Besides losing phone, cable, and electric, we did lose a bunch of trees from Saturday's storm. Most of the leaves were still on the trees around here because our fall had been so when the snow starting coming so quickly, and it was heavy, wet snow, it just piled up on the leaves on the trees and the sheer weight snapped everything. I hear we may not get power back until sometime next week. Everywhere you go, all you see is trees and limbs down...along with any power lines near them.

    Anyway.......I've missed you all my Hubba friends! I've been sticking to my 1200-1400 calories a day, but I haven't been exercising the past 6 days at all. Nothing to do with the weather and the lack of power...I was sick. Just a bad cold that came on last week 'Thursday. I'm feeling almost back to normal finally....but every once in awhile I still get a coughing spasml. Mostly at night when I want to sleep!!!!

    Kristen...I can relate to your "sister" story. I'm older than my sister, and 2 inches taller. Back in my 20's, 30's and early 40's, my weight was fine for my height, so even though my sister weighed less than me back then, we both looked fine. However, the past 10 years or weight went up as I got older, and my sister stayed as thin as a pin, and I really became the "big" sister. I'll never be as thin as my sister is....for my height I wouldn't look good.....but I can shed the weight I've put on over the past decade. I am working so hard at it for this challenge. That's why I was so happy to see your "Egg-Cellence for Easter" challenge. I don't know how much more weight I will lose between now and Christmas, but I know I won't be down to where I really ultimately would like to be. Another challenge at the beginning of next year is "egg"actly what I need! To lose a bit more, and then to maintain the weight loss. That's going to be the hardest thing to do.

    Ok.....I wrote enough...I'm just happy to be back online! :)

    Good luck this week, ladies! You are such a nice supportive group of women! I appreciate you all!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :bigsmile: Lyn: Good to see you back and I hope all goes well with your storm situation.
    We had that problem a few years back. A lot of the trees were cut down because of all the
    damage. Get better soon so you can continue your challenge.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Thanks Veronica!!!! Wow you guys are already getting temps that low and u still have to take the kids to recess that is crazy I will not complain anymore about going out on the play ground at my job when it's 55 I promise I feel like a real woos right now :laugh: Also I hope you even back out on your eating real soon and I hope you got some good healthy treats over there for when you have the urge!!

    Lyn glad you got internet back up and going hoping your power will soon follow that sound like quite the storm. Also glad your feeling better!!
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    julidav - How is your mom doing?

    AmyByExample - How are your sisters and the babies?

    bluiz13 - Thank you for taking the time to tell us what you do to motivate yourself. I think you have some great tips!

    vallejos6 - That makes so much sense (why your body wants you to gain). It wants you to have a bigger layer of insulation! Congrats on letting it know that you'll just put more layers of clothes on instead! :-)

    gmomlyn - Yay for being back! Great that you have a generator and a gas stove! I don't know if you can find it in your area but Cherry Bark by Herbs for Kids is fabulous for the kind of cough you're talking about. My husband is like that at times and CB just soothes it away so that he can sleep. If you can't find it, I get ours online at Vitacost.

    Thank you all for telling me about you and your sisters. bluiz - I don't think you should tell your stepsister how you feel. What can she do with it? Knowing, she either needs to stop doing what she's trying to do to make you happy (which will make her unhappy), or she keeps going and perceives to make you unhappy (which will still make her unhappy). Just my 2 cents and I could be dead wrong.

    No signing up for the next challenge yet. That was just a sneak peek. :-) I'm thinking of having it start on 12/26. That will definitely be a hard week to lose weight though. Would you rather I do that, and have something to help you not go food/drink crazy that week, or would you rather have your start weight post on 1/2 and have the first weigh in on 1/9?

    I want to write a little about weight gain. It has, privately, come to my attention that some have really felt embarrassed about posting their weigh in with a weight gain. This was my response. "This is what I've noticed... I don't think the others think badly if someone gains. Most of us on there have had gains at one time or another during these past weeks. The only thing I think when I see it is, if I see it consistently, or if someone isn't moving forward at all, what can I personally do to help motivate, encourage, inspire." Truly, ladies, that's how I feel. I really don't think we look upon each other negatively. I haven't got that impression here, at all. I think we truly are glad for those that lose weight. I will confess to being a smidge envious when someone gets into a decade that I want to be in. It's for a mere moment and then my next thought is that I need to get going! Please don't let embarrassment keep you from weighing in or posting, etc. This whole thing is to help us be accountable but also to have a place for support, etc.

    One last topic... motivation. I don't know if I have great ideas for it. But I'll try... I really like what bluiz wrote about putting her workout clothes on. I think putting the HRM on also would bug a person to get going also. I know I don't like the chest strap on any longer than it needs to be. Along the lines of an HRM... I think having one and using it is motivating. You don't have to get an expensive one, this is the one I use and I find that it works fine.

    One of these days I'd really like to get this one but I haven't yet.

    bluiz has some GREAT ideas in her post. But I'm thinking that you have to decide why you want to lose weight. It has to be a reason that is stronger and more motivating than your desire to eat/drink the wrong things and not exercise. Until you find that reason, the food/sedentary will win and keep winning. If you can't imagine what your body will look like at certain weight stages along the way, how about going under the success stories and grabbing some pictures? Cut off their heads and attach yours. If you are stuck where you always stop (at the same XX lbs gone) commit to lose 5 more so you can get to a place you haven't been before. How does your body feel? Can you go another 5? Sure you can! If you are doing well for the day, and you're dying to go eat/drink something totally against what you know you should, commit to waiting for 60 minutes and drink 1 - 2 cups of water while you wait. Can you resist? Can you substitute something much less fattening instead? Sure you can! If not, have 1/4 of what you were going to and see if that can be enough.

    I truly want to see you move forward. You're not going to make your original goal for this challenge? No problem! Can you be lighter than now? YES! Let's do this, ladies!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    great post kristen.....thanks for the support and the "pep" talk...

    i'm going to share 2 comparison pics from last halloween to this halloween that i posted earlier this week in the "success" thread....i hope they "inspire" some of you...i'm a fulltime working mom of 2 - i have decided that i MUST MAKE TIME for me if i want to get to my goal, which although is a weight/number is more now a place where i feel healthy...put in the work, you will see results, it may not be as fast as you want BUT it will happen....track what you eat, move your body and it will change but more importantly, YOU WILL CHANGE and it will be for the better i well friends

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    I want to write a little about weight gain. It has, privately, come to my attention that some have really felt embarrassed about posting their weigh in with a weight gain. This was my response. "This is what I've noticed... I don't think the others think badly if someone gains. Most of us on there have had gains at one time or another during these past weeks. The only thing I think when I see it is, if I see it consistently, or if someone isn't moving forward at all, what can I personally do to help motivate, encourage, inspire." Truly, ladies, that's how I feel. I really don't think we look upon each other negatively. I haven't got that impression here, at all. I think we truly are glad for those that lose weight. I will confess to being a smidge envious when someone gets into a decade that I want to be in. It's for a mere moment and then my next thought is that I need to get going! Please don't let embarrassment keep you from weighing in or posting, etc. This whole thing is to help us be accountable but also to have a place for support, etc.

    first of, thank you for the great post, kristen.....i agree with you..i also get we are a very supportive group...we all have gains and by posting by for the most part i think it will make it more real than just seeing the number on the scale,,,,we are all here to either lose weight, exercise more, or become more healthy....maybe it take being embarrassed to make us move forward.....for me personally, its very hard to lose weight(it like in lose in oz verus lbs)i do very well with my workouts, i log very day and and very thing, and that really keeps me motivate, though i lose very slowly.....we are here to help and encourage each other.....good luck all of us in the next couple of months...:flowerforyou:

    forgot to add: denise you look awesome, your hard work is truely paying off...continued success
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    The snow has past and I can run/walk out side for another week. The treadmill is still down so Leslie sansone and I have a special relationship this time of year. Kristin thank you for all your work and Bluiz well you know how I feel about ya:)

    Posting for me is cathargic. I become accountable to me. If I fail or succeed it is my fault. I have here a family, to support me on my journey. I have been on MFP 467 days and I have gained more than I have lost, friends that check in on me, supported me through my fathers death, and yelled at me when I didnt feel like exercising or drinking water I have lost inches even in the gain. So the exercise is winning. Continue to improve yourself and your body will change slowly sometimes but inside it is changing.

    Have a great day!!!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hello all! Wow, how I've missed coming on here! Here are some updates:

    Youngest Sister - due 1 week from today. Still hanging in there (she's the one they have to watch like a hawk to make sure she doesn't hemmorhage, or if she does - be ready to act fast) It's complicated b/c having a big baby can increase her risk (both of hers have been over 9#, and this one looks that way too...)... inducing or C-section pose increased risk of hemmorhage (both of which would be your response to big baby)... So, fingers crossed all goes well. Her MD's are prepared as best can be.

    Middle Sister - twins arrived 10/25. Baby boy did end up with a slight infection (he swallowed a lot of fluid on his way out feet first) - so IV antibiotics & NICU for 3 days. Then all went home... then my sister got a call that one of baby boy's newborn screenings came back elevated for a metabolic disorder. Unfortunately when my sister heard the words life-threatening & potentially fatal - she about lost her mind. So, further testing has revealed that he is definately a carrier of the disorder - but it will take 3 weeks to get the results of whether he actually has it. So, in the meantime - he must be fed every 3-4 hours to prevent danger.

    My middle sister lives 90 minutes away - so I am heading there this weekend to be on baby duty. My biggest focus food wise will be to watch the nervous snacking on my part. I'll just have to keep my arms full of baby so I can't overeat!

    The scale has been looking more promising this week - so I think I'm heading back in the right direction.

    Thank you all so much for your support even though I haven't been able to participate to the level I would like to.


    PS - I am the "oldest" sister. My middle sister had blond hair, blue eyes & is skinny, curvy & gorgeous. My little sister has huge big brown eyes, gorgeous skin - a bit Cindy Crawford looking (always skinny). So, I have heard all my life how we look nothing alike. It is hard to feel like the ugly duckling of the family. My Mother's consolation was to always tell me what nice teeth I had - which didn't do much except make me laugh.... Luckilly, it never strained our relationships. My sisters are my 2 best friends in the world... and they would say the same. I am very very lucky.
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    My mom is doing better. She is gaining her strength back. She had two D.r appointments this week. They removed her staples and everything looks good there. They other was to set her up with a D.r. here in town for her chemo and radiation. Next week D.r. appointment to set up getting a port put in so they can start the chemo. Clarified that she has stage 3 cancer and that the spot on her liver was not cancer. (which would have made it stage 4). She is still not home yet hopefully soon..

    For those that are embarrassed to post a weight gain for the week don't be. I myself have had to post a weight gain. No, I did not like to post it but that is what the scale said so I did it. Others have had to too!! Myself , when I saw that I was not the only one to post a weight gain it didn't make me feel as bad. I would just try harder the next week to get it back down. Weight does go up and down from day to day.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Giving my weight today because it is a good one.

    Going away for the weekend so I can't promise what Monday will bring.

    Weight today 172.6 .

    Have a great Friday everyone.
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Amy, so glad it sounds like everyone is stable for the moment, and so sweet of you to go give your sister a hand. I know first hand how excruciating it can be waiting for test results to come back on your child, so I'll pray for some peace for your sister, and good results for her little boy.

    Julidav- sounds like your mom is doing as well as can be expected, and so happy to hear that at least the spot on the liver is not cancer, that must be a relief.

    Shirley- have fun this weekend!

    Kristen- thanks for the pep talk, and for being such a good leader of this challenge. I definitely want in on the Easter one, my personal vote is to start 1-2 (but that's because I'll be in Idaho for the week after Christmas, lol, so I'm biased I think).

    As far as my last post about our temps, it's so funny how you get unused to low temps during the summer. By this time next month I"ll be dreaming about temps around zero. We go outside for recess up here until it's colder than -20, and your body does adjust to the cold, by spring anything above -10 feels pretty good. I had to giggle at the kids last year when the little guy I work with was in second grade. They were having a discussion about weather and temperature and the teacher was discussing what "cold" was. Most of the kids agreed that anything above zero was "hot", above -10 was warm, -20 was the first temp where most of the kids said it was "cold"... poor things up here have very messed up perspectives, LOL.

  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    09/05: 204.6
    09/12: break
    09/19: break
    09/26: 204.0
    10/03: 201.6
    10/10: 200.2
    10/17: 199.4
    10/24: 199.4
    10/31: 199.0
    11/28: <<< 186.6 >>>
    12/24: <<< 180.6 >>>
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Major NSV! I have since I started trying to lose weight, always kept a pile of "someday I will fit into these" jeans. Last night, I took the last three pairs out of that pile. I no longer have a "someday" pile :D