Do you ever wish you could get plastic surgery?



  • erneseeter
    I used to be dead set against it. In my 20's. But now that I'm pushing 40 I have a totally different attitude. I think that if it's something you could fix on your own with diet and exercise then you should try to fix it on your own. If it's something you were born with or something that's happened over time and it really makes you unhappy about yourself then ABSOLUTELY do something about it!
    So far I haven't done anything but I'm starting to think about it!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I just hate how I'm on a thread like this and the banner add changes to "Considering plastic surgery? Let us slice and dice you for $99.99!"
  • Sheila1968
    I got so big on one leg, my left leg, has a large fatty deposit on it, and the left side of my hips has it too. They stick out an extra 2 to 3 inches than my right side. My Dr. says it is just fat and not anything else and I can keep lowing my fat%, but in the end I may have to have them removed through lipo. Other than that I feel that I am supposed to have a bit of tummy and my arms are a bit flabby but its ok. I don't care.
    I am beautiful, I just feel that those two things are things I wasn't born with and really look weird.
    I am going to try to get rid of them through lowering my fat% and increasing my lean body mass. If they are not gone after 6 to 12 months then I am giving in and getting liop.

    Wish me luck!

    I had lipo done 18 years ago for that reason - major saddlebags that I knew would never respond to weight loss, exercise, anything. I'm glad I had it done as I can wear shorts again. It seriously looked like something was "wrong" with me before, so I don't think it was just vanity. Good luck and make sure you check your surgeon out carefully to make sure he/she is reputable!
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I always wanted a nose job when I was younger...then I started looking through family pictures and realized that my entire dad's side has the same nose. It changed my mind because I realized I would no longer look like the rest of my family if I got it done.

    When I lose all my weight, if I still have excess skin on my arms or stomach, I wouldn't hesitate to get that fixes. I figure I put a lot of work into losing the weight, so I may as well get it done to show off my hard work!

    Awee I'm glad you have decided not to change your family nose... I have my dads exact nose and it's what makes us look like father and daughter... I would not change it even though it is a little big hahahaha

    I feel the same way about my chin. :) My beloved grandmother had this chin, my mom has it, and now my daughter has it. What message would I be sending my girl if I "fixed" my chin?
    HOWEVER, I would love to have a tummy tuck (3 Csections and 1 ovarian tumor, so I already have a scar) and I'd like to have some lipo in my upper arms and thighs.
    Also, I noticed that all the people on here that said they'd have nose jobs (if the photos you are using are actually of you) don't look like they need to change a thing IMO. Makes me think maybe I'm blowing my imperfections out of proportion...hmm...
  • sporadica
    sporadica Posts: 133
    not plastic surgery as such (I'm a wuss!) but I would like to put in an order for a whole new body please!
    Seriously though, I was the one that screwed this body up through bad choices, so now I have to put in the work to fix it. It may not ever be pretty, but as long as it works! And I get to take my clothes off in the dark : )
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    I always wanted a nose job when I was younger...then I started looking through family pictures and realized that my entire dad's side has the same nose. It changed my mind because I realized I would no longer look like the rest of my family if I got it done.

    When I lose all my weight, if I still have excess skin on my arms or stomach, I wouldn't hesitate to get that fixes. I figure I put a lot of work into losing the weight, so I may as well get it done to show off my hard work!

    Awee I'm glad you have decided not to change your family nose... I have my dads exact nose and it's what makes us look like father and daughter... I would not change it even though it is a little big hahahaha

    I feel the same way about my chin. :) My beloved grandmother had this chin, my mom has it, and now my daughter has it. What message would I be sending my girl if I "fixed" my chin?
    HOWEVER, I would love to have a tummy tuck (3 Csections and 1 ovarian tumor, so I already have a scar) and I'd like to have some lipo in my upper arms and thighs.
    Also, I noticed that all the people on here that said they'd have nose jobs (if the photos you are using are actually of you) don't look like they need to change a thing IMO. Makes me think maybe I'm blowing my imperfections out of proportion...hmm...

    I think we all naturally blow what we see as imperfections out of are generally your worst critic. I've personally never heard that I should change anything about my features, and I've never had anyone tell me my nose is too big, even though I think it is.

    It might sound silly but lipo is definitely something I would consider...I don't think it changes your features dramatically but enhances what you already have.
  • pascale485
    pascale485 Posts: 173 Member
    Yes! I want my big boobs back -.-

    I want smaller boobs!! I loved my D's and now at DD's! (boyfriend didn't complain....)

    I can give you some!! loll!!!!
  • kellieander
    Amen, sista!
  • tataliciousd89

    - Breast augmentation
    - Tummy tuck
    - Nose job

    and I will have it done =))
    I think you have a cute nose.
  • RubyDarling
    RubyDarling Posts: 171 Member
    My FH and I have agreed that once we're done having kids, I'll have a tummy tuck and a boob job. I'm currently a small B cup so I'd like to go up to an average C. That's probably a decade or so away though!
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    i want a rhinoseptoplasty my nose is so crooked and a boob job. maybe butt. mine is pretty big, but i want rounder. my boobs are ok, (36c) but i want dd. nothing crucial. aside from the needing a septoplasty pretty bad.
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    Not *exactly* plastic surgery but I'm in the process of getting fixed braces for my teeth (appointment at the dental hospital this Tuesday), to be followed 18months or so down the line with orthognathic surgery (top and bottom jaws to be broken and realigned :noway: ). I look forward to the day when my teeth meet properly so I can bite a slice of toast properly - and I won't be burning any photos that catch my side profile :tongue:
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    Yes! I've considered a breast reduction several times.

    Liposuction and a tummy tuck wouldn't be too bad either. Hah.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    i remember when i was at school n wished i could lose weight so much i was tempted to pick up a knife just to cut the fat out, looking back im so glad i got to where i am and overcame that feeling realising just how mixed up inside i was
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    damn straight.....

    Flopsy and Mopsy have gone from a 44D to a 44 LONG

    LOLOLOL! That's cute.:laugh:
  • redvelvetl0ve
    If I ever did, it would probably be somewhat like this...

    me: can you just remove this general area please
    surgeon: you just gestured to your entire body
    me: yeah so can you just do it please
  • bekah_ann13
    I have already had plastic surgery... I love my results, I will get more when the time is right. It might not be for everyone but it was right for ME. If you are ever thinking about it make sure to do your research and do it for yourself and no one else!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I got as far as talking to doctors and making an appointment and signing papers saying things basically along the lines of "we may accidently violently disfigure you and you may just end up with noticeable life long scars" and I said screw it, why would I do this? To please everyone I don't care about? F it, I'll leave all the stuff they don't like to P them off. Really, you want to get close to someone who wouldn't like you the way you are naturally anyway?

    Anyway, I was picked on for being ugly my whole life and could never get a date until I was out of my teenage years. Then I became allot less shy and then I couldn't and still can't get away from dreaded dates :P

    Personality = Hotness. Just ask any of your ugly friends boy/girlfriends.

    In other news I knew someone who recently got plastic surgery. I remember thinking wow you look dramatically different...and I can't put my finger on why (chin transplant). Just goes to show that what you're insecure about, does not matter to anyone else but you.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Nope, I feel totally comfortable in my own skin. Maybe if I have a money, I would just want some liposuction to get rid of my sagging belly. I strength train 4x a week with heavy weights & I'm already seeing a bit of ab definition but still I got that sagging belly that probably is the result of being obese before.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    I dream about it on occasion..."wouldn't it be great if my boobs were perkier?" But its more fantasy than a real thinking about what you'd do if a leprechaun gave you three wishes (er, and stipulated that you had to make "selfish wishes" instead of wishing for world peace or the cure for cancer...).

    But when I consider the cost and the risk of going under the knife...mmm...nope. Not saying its wrong...but not personally worth either of those things for me. Now. Ask me again in 15 may be worth it then.