Calling all PCOS sisters!!



  • ChristineandRoxy
    ChristineandRoxy Posts: 48 Member
    I have pcos and it never even occured to me thats why it may be so hard to lose weight hmmmm Would love to have some pcos friends!!!
  • wandabs
    One of the best things I've found for PCOS is low-carb eating and exercising. I've had this for multiple years and low-carb, higher protein always works best for me to lose wgt.
  • godsrose
    godsrose Posts: 96 Member
    I have PCOS and I think this group is wonderful. Thank you for starting it! I was diagnosed with PCOS several years ago.
  • Hi All! I was diagnosed with PCOS about two months ago but have had the symptoms for years. It explained alot for me - constant cramping, pre-eclampsia with each pregnancy, facial hair, etc. etc. My doctor, whom I love, put me on metformin twice a day at 500mg each. I am not sure if this is the optimal dosing but it has stopped my cramping but I have not lost any weight. All I know is I truly want my body back.
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Hey girls! I too have PCOS, and have been managing it for over 2 years now. Some of you posted that Metformin made you sick. It will do that for a few months until you adjust to it. You get diarrhea (gross I know) until your body rids itself of excess sugars is how my doctor explained it. My gynocologist gave me 500mg for 1 month, then 1000mg for a month, then 1500mg for my permanant dosage. Your body will adjust in time and you will feel much better. If your PCOS is really bad, you might ask the doctor about using Victoza in conjunction with Metformin. Victoza is another blood sugar medicine, and has an appetite suppressant that makes you feel full quicker. The last time that I had labs, my blood sugar and A1C were perfect and I know that it was because of weight loss and these two meds.

    how soon would you be able to tell that Metformin wasn't working? I just started it last Tuesday and have had some stomach issues but they seem to be getting better. I am trying really hard to watch my carb intake to see what happens (sugg by my gyn) hopefully I can speed up this weight loss!! I just wondered if there is something else I should be doing/not doing while on the metformin to be sure I get the full effects.

  • jilanika
    Ladies -
    PCOS here too. Always had it and many of the symptoms but I didn't suffer the weight gain until my late 20's. It crept up slowly, especially as my activity level changed. I ended up gaining a total of 70 lbs (I'm 5'1") before I got together with an endocrinologist.
    There is hope! I lost 60 lbs and kept it off for a while. Then I got sloppy.
    So, diligence and determination is the key.
    I'm back on the horse with a total of 65 lbs to lose.
    But if I could do it once, I can do it again. And so can any of you!!!!
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Ladies -
    PCOS here too. Always had it and many of the symptoms but I didn't suffer the weight gain until my late 20's. It crept up slowly, especially as my activity level changed. I ended up gaining a total of 70 lbs (I'm 5'1") before I got together with an endocrinologist.
    There is hope! I lost 60 lbs and kept it off for a while. Then I got sloppy.
    So, diligence and determination is the key.
    I'm back on the horse with a total of 65 lbs to lose.
    But if I could do it once, I can do it again. And so can any of you!!!!

    Are you on any type of medication for your PCOS??
  • jilanika
    Currently not on any meds. Was on Glucophage and spironolactone for a while, but they actually didn't help me and I'm not very good about remembering to take meds. It was just a lot of exercise and really watching exactly what kind of food i was eating, especially the carbs. Like I said, did it once, I know i can do it again.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

    Basically, we have a hormone imbalance that causes all sorts of lovely disorders like no period, really bad periods, cysts, infertility, acne, chin hair, thinning hair, insulin resistance...We could talk about this all day :)

    tear tear :*( I love children so much.. and just the thought of not having any makes me so sad!!!!

    *Air hugs* This is what I think every single day! :sad:

    *EDIT* Question! I've been diagnosed with PCOS, but don't know TOO much about it--well besides the pamphlet I was given and what the doctor explained. I know that medicine is prescribed, but can working out actually make it so that you don't need the medication?! I would LOVE that!
  • vonnywaft
    I've never been prescribed meds for my PCOS, other than fertility meds when we were "trying". the thing that helps me most is a low carb diet - my weight is more stable, my skin is better, I have energy, I have regular periods. Working out seems to have a minimal impact on my weight. I play wheelchair basketball which is an intense sport for which I train 2-3 times a week, plus the odd swim, and I still gain weight if I don't watch my carbs.

    You can still have kids with PCOS, some people have very little difficulty conceiving despite the diagnosis, some, like me manage eventually with a bit of intervention (IVF), others have more difficulty or simply cannot conceive or hold on to a pregnancy no matter what. We were only lucky once and several subsequent IVF cycles ended in either failure or miscarriage for us, but we have a gorgeous 10 year old daughter. The best thing you can do is get as healthy as possible, within the healthy weight range and enlist the help of your doctor as soon as you start trying, if you have the diagnosis they should refer you for help straight away. Don't let them make you try for years before they refer you for help as you need to be having treatment as young as possible to have the best chance of success.
  • kraynursebsn
    kraynursebsn PCOS in conjuction with Metformin and Victoza; there is also a proven deficiency levels with phosphatidylserine of 1500mg. I would strongly recommend also starting with a dose of aldactone 100mg and increasing to 200mg. People who suffer from this horrible disease can understand how hard it is to lose just 5 pounds. I have researching this disease for over 12 years and have went through the whole piercing of the ovaries etc.. Good luck to everyone and I hope this helps. When I had a microanalysis of my blood I was also deficient in folic acid and Pantothenic acid 500mg. I agree Metfomin will cause you to have dumping syndrome after meals are consumed. Please let me know if any of my research has helped.
  • kraynursebsn
    kraynursebsn PCOS in conjuction with Metformin and Victoza; there is also a proven deficiency levels with phosphatidylserine of 1500mg. I would strongly recommend also starting with a dose of aldactone 100mg and increasing to 200mg. People who suffer from this horrible disease can understand how hard it is to lose just 5 pounds. I have researching this disease for over 12 years and have went through the whole piercing of the ovaries etc.. Good luck to everyone and I hope this helps. When I had a microanalysis of my blood I was also deficient in folic acid and Pantothenic acid 500mg. I agree Metfomin will cause you to have dumping syndrome after meals are consumed. Please let me know if any of my research has helped.
  • vonnywaft
    kraynursebsn PCOS in conjuction with Metformin and Victoza; there is also a proven deficiency levels with phosphatidylserine of 1500mg. I would strongly recommend also starting with a dose of aldactone 100mg and increasing to 200mg. People who suffer from this horrible disease can understand how hard it is to lose just 5 pounds. I have researching this disease for over 12 years and have went through the whole piercing of the ovaries etc.. Good luck to everyone and I hope this helps. When I had a microanalysis of my blood I was also deficient in folic acid and Pantothenic acid 500mg. I agree Metfomin will cause you to have dumping syndrome after meals are consumed. Please let me know if any of my research has helped.
    Sorry what? Dumping Syndrome? Is that what it sounds like? I could probably do with a bit of that - lol!
    On a more serious note though, does anyone know what the menopause has in store for us? Do we suddenly get better or is there some other wierd hormonal treat in store?
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    kraynursebsn PCOS in conjuction with Metformin and Victoza; there is also a proven deficiency levels with phosphatidylserine of 1500mg. I would strongly recommend also starting with a dose of aldactone 100mg and increasing to 200mg. People who suffer from this horrible disease can understand how hard it is to lose just 5 pounds. I have researching this disease for over 12 years and have went through the whole piercing of the ovaries etc.. Good luck to everyone and I hope this helps. When I had a microanalysis of my blood I was also deficient in folic acid and Pantothenic acid 500mg. I agree Metfomin will cause you to have dumping syndrome after meals are consumed. Please let me know if any of my research has helped.
    Sorry what? Dumping Syndrome? Is that what it sounds like? I could probably do with a bit of that - lol!
    On a more serious note though, does anyone know what the menopause has in store for us? Do we suddenly get better or is there some other wierd hormonal treat in store?

    Yes, Dumping Syndrome is exactly what it sounds like. You eat, you dump.
    No idea what menopause holds...I'm so far from it I haven't given it much thought or research. I would imagine it would get better. I was told I produce too much estrogen so if menopause causes estrogen levels to go down then that would probably help. But with our luck, who knows?
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    I am a Grandma with PCOS - primary and secondary infertility and all the other fun side effects. I have been on Metformin for about 3 years now, and have not had any 'dumping syndrome' from it.

    There is a PCOS group under the Groups feature, so lots more support there.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I have PCOS too, but mine has been reduced to nearly non-existant through the weight that I have already lost. It IS possible!
  • ppenton
    ppenton Posts: 27 Member
    I have PCOS. It took me 3 years to get pregnant with my son - that was 22 years ago and then another 10 1/2 to have my daughter. I had a total hysterectomy in June, 2009, still have the facial hair, just no more bleeding constantly. I am on Victoza 18 mg. once a day and was on Metformin but quit taking it because of the dumping syndrome. I need to make an appointment to see my doc again to talk about that. I have lost about 60lbs in the past year and a half and still have alot more to lose. I also saw a nutritionist for metabolic disorder and she helped me by showing me what I should and should not eat and how to count my carbs and how many carbs to have in a meal. It has really helped me with the weight loss. I still have to work out. I had to quit working out and just started again after having a total knee replacement in September of this year. I could have lost more if I would have been able to exercise but the knee was too bad. :drinker:
  • jlilley79
    I Will be 34 in March and I was diagnosed with pcos about 4 years ago. After 2 years of trying to conceive with the help of my endocrinologist and no success, I tried 2 other doctors with the same results. I had labs done and was sent to a lipidologist for my cholesterol about 5 months ago. My total cholesterol was 265 and my triglycerides were 600. My doctor informed me that the baby plans were on hold until those numbers came down because if I got pregnant with the numbers that high I would be at extremely high risk for a massive stroke. I was already taking 500 mg of metformin so she prescribed victoza in conjunction with it and put me on a 900 to 1000 calorie a day diet. I also called my gyn and got a prescription for birth control until my numbers come down. I am 5'2" and when I started out I was 170 lbs. and I was in a size 14. Within 4 1/2 months I have lost 32 lbs and am in a size 8. My last appointment about 3 months ago I had lost 19 lbs and my numbers had come down but not enough so she put me on fenofibrate for my cholesterol. I go back tomorrow and between the other 13 lbs I've lost and cholesterol meds I am hoping it will have dropped enough to start trying to conceive again. In short the victoza and a low calorie diet work wonders for flooding weight and keeping it off (I made it through the holidays with no weight gain) now it just remains to be seen if it works with fertility issues.
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
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