Motivated Momma's Week 5 (closed group)



  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Today I got 2 points, could walk only a mile at the gym... I am sore today, i think its because i think i hurt my knee joint the other day at the gym (actually i neglected it from past 2 days and continued my workout).. But today is kinda really bad... and my quads are also bit sore (no idea why..heheh)

    Anyways, I am gonna rest for tomorrow and will be back on track on sunday again.. However I will go for a leisurely walk tomorrow.. :-)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hey girls! Just an fyi: Caleb is very sick so I may not be on much for the next few days. I'll keep track of my points and add them as I can but my little monkey man is taking pretty much all of my attention right now.

    Also I got a note from Amy that she is computer-less and on the verge of a sinus-related-hostile-takeover so she won't be on much either but will log on when she is able.

    Talk soon!

    Take care of your little one, hope he feels better soon! We will be thinking of you guys and here when you need us!:wink:
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Today I got 2 points, could walk only a mile at the gym... I am sore today, i think its because i think i hurt my knee joint the other day at the gym (actually i neglected it from past 2 days and continued my workout).. But today is kinda really bad... and my quads are also bit sore (no idea why..heheh)

    Anyways, I am gonna rest for tomorrow and will be back on track on sunday again.. However I will go for a leisurely walk tomorrow.. :-)

    Take it easy Renu, listen to your body. I hope your knee feels better.
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Sorry about missing yesterday; just couldn't do it :sick: ... hope everyone is well! Here's my Th. & Fri.

    TH. 10/20 (posted on MM thread & on spreadsheet)
    CARDIO (12 points total + bonus):
    Weekly Mileage Goal = 18 miles
    Part 1, miles (5 pts. if goal + bonus) = 2 miles
    Part 2, intervals x 3 days (1/3) = yes
    Part 3, logging on spreadsheet x 4 days (1/4) = no

    STRENGTH (6 points total):

    FOOD/ NUTRITION ( 1 point + bonus):
    quick/ easy/ portable snack recipe (0/1)= none (yet)
    vote Tu. (winner gets bonus 1 point) = n/a

    EMOTIONAL (sick today- blech)

    TOTAL for today = 1

    FR. 10/21 (posted on MM thread & on spreadsheet)
    CARDIO (12 points total + bonus):
    Weekly Mileage Goal = 18 miles
    Part 1, miles (5 pts. if goal + bonus) = 5 miles
    Part 2, intervals x 3 days (2/3) = yes
    Part 3, logging on spreadsheet x 4 days (2/4) = yes

    STRENGTH (6 points total):
    reverse crunches (1/1) = yes
    sit-ups (1/1) = yes

    FOOD/ NUTRITION ( 1 point + bonus):
    quick/ easy/ portable snack recipe (0/1)= none (yet)
    vote Tu. (winner gets bonus 1 point) = n/a

    STILL thinking...

    TOTAL for today = 4
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Today I got 2 points, could walk only a mile at the gym... I am sore today, i think its because i think i hurt my knee joint the other day at the gym (actually i neglected it from past 2 days and continued my workout).. But today is kinda really bad... and my quads are also bit sore (no idea why..heheh)

    Anyways, I am gonna rest for tomorrow and will be back on track on sunday again.. However I will go for a leisurely walk tomorrow.. :-)

    Make sure that you stretch post workout! Also, if you can, check out using a foam roller; it does wonders for sore muscles!
    Wishing you the best-
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    ... it felt great! So for exercise and food today, I would say a pretty good day!

    Yay! So awesome!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I have really been working my butt off this week, looking for a big number on wednesday...I just feel like i've gotten myself into a rut and im doing everything I can to get out of it. That and I think that TOM is coming because my weight decided to fluctuate over 4 lbs the last couple of days...and im determined to beat him!!!

    Way to re-frame and dig in! LOVE it!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    This week's goals

    Cardio - 2500 calories
    Walking - 8 miles/approx 13km (that's right - I'm Canadian! 3 cheers for the metric system! :laugh: )

    Love those Canadians! :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    I was a little shocked that I saw this number. I have been fighting a nasty sinus infection and have not exercised much. I am so ready for it to go away. I would really like to get back into my exercise routine.

    Take care my friend; I am battling the sinus crud too (sucks); just continue to hydrate, take hot steamy showers, use a netty pot everyday, and rest (as much as life will let you).
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    My unique qualities...hummm had to think about this. At first I was going to say that I am creative, since I love to sew, and not to brag but I'm pretty good at it. I'm also a good cook, which is also creative, but not what I would consider UNIQUE. So, for unique qualities I would have to say I'm deteminded and resourceful.
    Now, as for how do I use these qualities to help others........? I'll get back to you on that.

    Ummm, you share GREAT, "resourceful" advice on MFP... :wink:

    I have a suggestion: I asked my close friends; really hard for me to do but I was surprised and blessed by their answers.
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Momof2_0710 (Jennifer) and amyelizbradley (Amy) Congrats to you both on your huge losses this week, amazing!!!!:drinker:
    4.1% is so Fantastic!!!

  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Today was a bad day for eating! I made all the wrong choices, but tomorrow is a new day and I will do way better! I plan on getting to the gym early in the morning and then going for a long walk with the little man to the park.

    Abolish the words "bad" & "wrong"- you just made choices that were not what you planned; trust me, the shift in "inner language" helps. And you will continue this journey with all the awesomeness that is you!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Hey girls! Just an fyi: Caleb is very sick so I may not be on much for the next few days. I'll keep track of my points and add them as I can but my little monkey man is taking pretty much all of my attention right now.

    Also I got a note from Amy that she is computer-less and on the verge of a sinus-related-hostile-takeover so she won't be on much either but will log on when she is able.

    Talk soon!

    Sorry to hear about your boy; it's so tough on a mom when their babies are sick!

    And thanks for posting the reasons for my absence!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I wanted to increase my calorie intake from 1200 to 1400, but im finding it really hard to raise the calories.. Any suggestions on this pls (i eat only veggies and fruits)??

    As well as adding nuts ( I love cashews), I've started drinking a protein shake to help increase my calories and protein. I know you only eat fruits and veggies, not sure if whey would work with that, maybe a soy protein powder? I have heard of a protein powder made from chick peas, don't know what its called though (not much help).

    NO soy please! Soy is a difficult protein for the body to utilize and it there are loads of reasons why it's actually bad for you! Whey or Pea protein is great; just check the label. Arbonne sells an awesome pea protein that I use but you have to buy it through a consultant. Also, if you are interested, I can dig up some resources I have on soy; good luck!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Today was a pretty good day.. Spent one hour in the gym walking and running (I am not good at running though).. I got through those 50 reverse crunches in 2 sets.. So completed 5/13 miles (with intervals), 8 more to go..yay!!!

    Had been library and got one of the Jillian videos and I am set to start from tomorrow.. Have never done her videos before.. I just saw the first part and it was ok.. lets see how it goes.. :-)

    I do like Jillian for the most part; check out her regular podcast-radio show- it's free on iTunes and she has great advice/ information/ guests!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Part 1- Walking 12 miles is my goal 5pts + bonus mile points

    Part 2- Interval training or workout for 3 days this week--Completed

    Part 3- Logging-Completed today

    Strength: Possible 6 points

    Wednesday: 1/1 point
    100 Crunches

    Thursday: 1/1 point
    50 Reverse Crunches

    Friday: Still have to do
    50 Pushups

    Weekend: Still have to do
    100 Squats

    Monday: 1 point
    100 Lunges (50 per leg)

    Tuesday: 1 point
    50 Sit ups

    Food/Nutrition: Recipe-Still need to do

    Emotional: Possible 5 points

    Saturday points-1 point for logging, will make up strength tomorrow.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    It has been a super busy few days here! I am getting ready for a week long vacation to sunny California!! Too bad the walking challenge doesn't extend to Friday because we are going to Disneyland and will be doing a ton of walking that day! Anyway, here are my points for the last two days.

    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Part 1- Walking 8 miles is my goal 5pts + bonus mile points

    Part 2- Interval training or workout for 3 days this week 2/3pts

    Part 3- Logging 2/4pt

    Strength: Possible 6 points

    Wednesday: 1/1 point
    100 Crunches

    Thursday: 1/1 point
    50 Reverse Crunches

    Friday: 1/1 point
    50 Pushups

    Weekend: 1 point
    100 Squats

    Monday: 1 point
    100 Lunges (50 per leg)

    Tuesday: 1 point
    50 Sit ups

    Food/Nutrition: Recipe 1pt

    Emotional: Possible 5 points

    Thursday points = 4 point for two days of interval and one strength and one logging!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Today was a pretty good day.. Spent one hour in the gym walking and running (I am not good at running though).. I got through those 50 reverse crunches in 2 sets.. So completed 5/13 miles (with intervals), 8 more to go..yay!!!

    Had been library and got one of the Jillian videos and I am set to start from tomorrow.. Have never done her videos before.. I just saw the first part and it was ok.. lets see how it goes.. :-)

    I do like Jillian for the most part; check out her regular podcast-radio show- it's free on iTunes and she has great advice/ information/ guests!

    thanks..will check.. :-)
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Hi guys-- had a busy day today, as we went in to the city to visit some family, and pick up a few things-- luckily I got a workout in this am ( 4 miles walk slim with intervals[ doubled back and did and extra mile too]) because just as we were leaving our location ( Michael's Polo Park) the football game ended across the street and we were stuck in traffic for a good 45 minutes, and we didn't get home until late! Everybody handled it well though.. ( well, in my vehicle anyway.. there were some serious road ragers out there today!!) so it was fine.

    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Part 1- Walking 15 miles -5pts + bonus mile points - 9/15 miles done

    Part 2- Interval training or workout for 3 days this week 2/3 points

    Part 3- Logging 3/4pt

    Strength: Possible 6 points

    Wednesday: 1/1 point ( done thursday)
    100 Crunches

    Thursday: 1/1 point
    50 Reverse Crunches

    Friday: 1 point/ point- done 1/2 friday, 1/2 Sat
    50 Pushups

    Weekend: 1/1 point
    100 Squats

    Monday: 1 point
    100 Lunges (50 per leg)

    Tuesday: 1 point
    50 Sit ups

    Food/Nutrition: Possible Recipe 1pt

    Emotional: My purpose is to use my enthusiasm and compassion to motivate, educate and support other women to know themselves and their self- worth and feel empowered and strong in healthy, safe, loving environments.

    Thursday Points- 9 for logging, strength(2), emotional and intervals.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Yesterday we went for shopping to buy some formal wear as I need to attend some job fairs and interviews in this week.. I was looking through the women's section but couldn't find really good ones.. So I started looking in the juniors section and liked few of them, so I thought will try it on and it was a perfect But then there was some damage in the outfit, so didn't buy it.. But yes, I am happy I tried it and it was fitting fine..:-)