Motivated Momma's Week 5 (closed group)



  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Okay, really? THREE days of off again, on again migraines?? This sucks and makes me a very unsupportive member here; I do apologize... :sick: :grumble: :huh: :yawn:
    Here's to tomorrow! :tongue:

    SA. 10/22 (posted on MM thread & on spreadsheet)
    CARDIO (12 points total + bonus):
    Weekly Mileage Goal = 18 miles
    Part 1, miles (5 pts. if goal + bonus), mileage to date= 7 miles
    Part 2, intervals x 3 days (2/3) = no
    Part 3, logging on spreadsheet x 4 days (2/4) = no

    STRENGTH (6 points total):
    squats (1/1) = yes
    lunges (1/1) = yes

    TOTAL for today = 2

    SU. 10/23 (posted on MM thread & on spreadsheet)
    CARDIO (12 points total + bonus):
    Weekly Mileage Goal = 18 miles
    Part 1, miles (5 pts. if goal + bonus), mileage to date= 10 miles Part 2, intervals x 3 days (2/3) = no
    Part 3, logging on spreadsheet x 4 days (2/4) = no

    STRENGTH (6 points total): (6/6)

    TOTAL for today = 0

    MO. 10/24 (posted on MM thread & on spreadsheet)
    CARDIO (12 points total + bonus):
    Weekly Mileage Goal = 18 miles
    Part 1, miles (5 pts. if goal + bonus), mileage to date= 12 miles Part 2, intervals x 3 days (3/3) = yes
    Part 3, logging on spreadsheet x 4 days (3/4) = yes

    STRENGTH (6 points total): (6/6)

    FOOD/ NUTRITION ( 1 point + bonus):
    quick/ easy/ portable snack recipe (1/1)= yes
    Recipe = "Amy's Breakfast Burritos"
    Serv. Size = 1 person
    scrambled egg
    grated low fat mexican cheese
    diced ham (ham steak or lunch meat)
    chopped spinach
    salt & pepper to taste, salsa optional
    - scramble & cook egg in microwave (approx. 1 min.; cover bowl w/ paper towel)
    dice ham & spinach
    - warm tortilla on burner
    - assemble (egg + cheese + ham + spinach + salsa + salt/ pepper), then fold 2 opposite sides over; roll into burrito)
    - spray small skillet with non-stick spray. preheat
    - grill burrito, both side until golden
    - let cool and either vacuum seal (preferred) or freezer ziploc bag
    - they can be reheated in a snap and eaten in the car if in a rush
    Nutrition Info (approx): Cals = 251, Fat = 11 g, Sodium 583 mg, Total Carbs = 26 g, Protein = 14 g
    vote Tu. (winner gets bonus 1 point) =

    1. List two of your unique personal qualities = "outside the box" thinking/ creativity, loyalty/ friendship
    2. List one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities when interacting with others, such as to support and to inspire = I enjoy helping others solve an apparent insurmountable problem by thinking/ problem solving creatively; I also enjoy expressing my loyalty / friendship by doing special things for my friends unexpectedly (making a card, sending a picture/ text randomly, making a piece of art)
    3. Assume the world is perfect right now. What does this world look like? ....
    People believe in themselves, are self confident, and are driven to make the world a better place than they found it, even by the simplest of gestures. In the face of adversity, people are willing and able to express compassion. People value health, fitness, financial stability, and working hard for long term goals (and rise to support those that have not acquired that skill yet).
    4. Combine the three prior subdivisions of this paragraph into a single statement = My purpose is to use my "outside the box" thinking/ creativity, and my loyalty/ friendship to inspire people to believe in themselves so that they can in turn compassionately make the world a better place, even in the face of adversity.

    TOTAL for today = 8
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    Emotional: My purpose is to use my enthusiasm and compassion to motivate, educate and support other women to know themselves and their self- worth and feel empowered and strong in healthy, safe, loving environments.

    Love your purpose; well said!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Completed 4 miles of Leslie walking, so 2 more miles to go to reach my goal.. :-)

    Woooo hooooo !
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    It has been a super busy few days here! I am getting ready for a week long vacation to sunny California!! Too bad the walking challenge doesn't extend to Friday because we are going to Disneyland and will be doing a ton of walking that day! Anyway, here are my points for the last two days.

    Yay for Disneyland! Yes, you will be doing TONS of walking- have a fantastic time (it's one of my favorite places) :bigsmile:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    Emotional: My purpose is to use my enthusiasm and compassion to motivate, educate and support other women to know themselves and their self- worth and feel empowered and strong in healthy, safe, loving environments.

    Your purpose rings true!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Well... I am on vacation right now in California. I am finding a hard time motivating myself to workout. I want to, but don't have the drive to actually do it. Help!!! What do you do for exercise while you are on vacation and don't have access to a gym??

    Do you have access to the internet? Search for "body weight" exercises; they are exercises for strength that do not need any equipment (e.g. push ups (wide & narrow), tri-cep dips, lunges, squats (you could hold your kid for this one), calf raises). Try activating your core while you are standing in lines or do a few calf raises. Just stay active and be mindful of what you eat. You might want to go on a short walk by yourself to help get yourself centered. You will be fine! Good luck!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Food challenge:

    My recipe isn't much of a recipe but it is a handy snack that my hubby and I both enjoy.

    Make your own Parfaits!
    1/2 cup non-fat yogurt (any flavor, personally I like blueberry best) add shopped nuts, diced fruit and store in reusable containers. I make a bunch on the weekend and then I have quick easy breakfasts for the week. (I'm eating one right now!) Nutritional info depends on the type of yogurt and toppings you use but mine average about 75 cals per serving.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Ok ladies: It's time to vote on our favorite On the Go Snack/Recipe Idea! For conveinence sake I've compiled all the recipes submitted in this post:

    1) Submitted by bella_babe_86
    "I dont really make anything that we bring along on trips, exactly. I just throw cheerios, raisins, dark chocolate chips and chopped up nature valley granola bars and slivered almonds into ziplock bags. Im always buying these kinds of things along with dehydrated fruits because they are low in calories, healthy and really keep your energy up when you are on the go! Not quite sure of the exact nutritional count because im personally not a snacker but its really keeps my little guy happy! "

    2) Submitted but Mom2caelebncasyns
    "My to-go recipe is actually oatmeal waffles. Most people wouldn't consider it an item that you'd take to go with you, but we're strange like that, so we put peanut butter on top and eat them. My husband takes them to work almost every morning and eats them while driving and Caeleb would eat them constantly if I let him. Here's the link to the original recipe:, but my changes are as follows:

    Half whole wheat flour & half all purpose flour
    added Vanilla extract
    added milled flaxseed
    added 2 mashed bananas

    *I also omitted salt, eggs, and butter

    Before adding peanut butter to the top, they came out to 121 calories per waffle and these are big ones that are more dense (due to the whole wheat flour, so more filling). "

    3) Submitted by circusmom
    "PB&J Fruit Roll-up Sandwich
    1 flour tortillas (7 inch)
    1T peanut butter
    1T jam or jelly
    1/2 banana
    strawberries (we leave these out if they are not in season. not good with frozen)
    2T low fat granola

    Spread peanut butter over half tortilla, top with jelly.
    Slice bananas and strawberries, place over PB&J. Sprinkle with granola
    Roll burrito style, slice in half.
    Ready to go!! "

    4) Submitted by renuhat_82
    "My to go recipe- tortilla wrap

    1 egg cooked (any type is fine)
    1 tbsp shredded cheese, diced avacado and tomato
    1 tortilla

    Place egg, cheese, avocado and tomato into the tortilla. Wrap as you would a burrito.

    Sometimes, its just going to be the leftover veggies and cheese, or only cheese and apple slices.

    Oops did someone already give the tortilla wrap kind of thingy, didn't notice that..heheh "

    5) submitted by amyelizbradley
    "quick/ easy/ portable snack recipe (1/1)= yes
    Recipe = "Amy's Breakfast Burritos"
    Serv. Size = 1 person
    scrambled egg
    grated low fat mexican cheese
    diced ham (ham steak or lunch meat)
    chopped spinach
    salt & pepper to taste, salsa optional
    - scramble & cook egg in microwave (approx. 1 min.; cover bowl w/ paper towel)
    dice ham & spinach
    - warm tortilla on burner
    - assemble (egg + cheese + ham + spinach + salsa + salt/ pepper), then fold 2 opposite sides over; roll into burrito)
    - spray small skillet with non-stick spray. preheat
    - grill burrito, both side until golden
    - let cool and either vacuum seal (preferred) or freezer ziploc bag
    - they can be reheated in a snap and eaten in the car if in a rush
    Nutrition Info (approx): Cals = 251, Fat = 11 g, Sodium 583 mg, Total Carbs = 26 g, Protein = 14 g"

    6) submitted by losinit_4_good
    "Make your own Parfaits!
    1/2 cup non-fat yogurt (any flavor, personally I like blueberry best) add shopped nuts, diced fruit and store in reusable containers. I make a bunch on the weekend and then I have quick easy breakfasts for the week. (I'm eating one right now!) Nutritional info depends on the type of yogurt and toppings you use but mine average about 75 cals per serving."

    If I missed anyone please copy and paste this note with your recipe added on (and please accept my apologies!)

    Make sure to csat your vote today for your fave recipe idea!!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    My purpose is to use my "outside the box" thinking/ creativity, and my loyalty/ friendship to inspire people to believe in themselves so that they can in turn compassionately make the world a better place, even in the face of adversity.

    I LOVE it!! You can see that in many of your things here too!!

    Hope you're feeling better! Migraines suck...
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    It has been a super busy few days here! I am getting ready for a week long vacation to sunny California!! Too bad the walking challenge doesn't extend to Friday because we are going to Disneyland and will be doing a ton of walking that day! Anyway, here are my points for the last two days.

    Yay for Disneyland! Yes, you will be doing TONS of walking- have a fantastic time (it's one of my favorite places) :bigsmile:

    It is one of my favorite places too. My goal is to do the princess or tinker bell half marathon soon!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Aack! Can I add in a recipe? It's nothing huge... but we LOVE our smoothies!!

    I make them pretty simple--

    Whatever frozen fruit you have on hand- I usually end up with
    1/2 c strawberries,
    1/2 blueberries
    1/2 frozen peach

    add in 1/2 c fresh baby spinach ( you can be more generous with that-- it gets hidden pretty well!)
    1 banana
    1-2 T ground Flax

    In mine, I use 1c milk and 1 scoop protein powder
    for the kids, 1/3-1/2 cup any flavour yogurt and milk ( or juice, if we are low...)

    And for Emma, because she loves it, I'll throw in a Tbsp of Peanut butter.

    Add more liquid as required, blend 'er all up, and yummo!!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am so sorry I have been so MIA, I am really trying to find balance with working full time and everything. Just know that even though I don't post as much as before, I think of all of you everyday and really love your support.

    Thank you all for helping with the challenges, they have been awesome!

    It is time for a new week, any takers?





    Please paste and copy and thank you all for your ideas!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am so sorry I have been so MIA, I am really trying to find balance with working full time and everything. Just know that even though I don't post as much as before, I think of all of you everyday and really love your support.

    Thank you all for helping with the challenges, they have been awesome!

    It is time for a new week, any takers?




    Emotional: ashley

    Please paste and copy and thank you all for your ideas!!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    1. List two of your unique personal qualities, such as enthusiasm and creativity.

    I would list my two qualities as artistic way of thinking and creativity
    _________________________ __________________________
    2. List one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities when interacting with others, such as to support and to inspire.

    I use these qualities to train my students through the language of dance. Dance is a wonderful language which helps even challenged kids and adults. I still remember my dance teacher used to have students who are mentally challenged and their parents wanted them to learn the Indian dance so as to improve their condition. This really helps them to inspire towards living a better life and connect with the real world.
    _________________________ __________________________
    3. Assume the world is perfect right now. What does this world look like? How is everyone interacting with everyone else? What does it feel like? Write your answer as a statement, in the present tense, describing the ultimate condition, the perfect world as you see it and feel it. Remember, a perfect world is a fun place to be.
    EXAMPLE: Everyone is freely expressing their own unique talents. Everyone is working in harmony. Everyone is expressing love.

    Wow a perfect world is something I always dream of... Where everyone is treated equally in the real sense.. No hatred, greed .. I would want the world to be something like when god created this universe probably. There was no concept of money and no one would be worried of financial crisis and stress.. Where everyone would share and live happily with whatever they have.. Does it sound too much? lol.. But I am too much at times.. :-)

    4. Combine the three prior subdivisions of this paragraph into a single statement.
    EXAMPLE: My purpose is to use my creativity and enthusiasm to
    support and inspire others to freely express their talents in
    a harmonious and loving way.

    My purpose is to use my artistic and creative thinking to teach dance and inspire the poor (those who cannot afford) and mentally challenged kids to lead a better life, connect them with the real world and thus taking a first step towards my perfect world.

    Sorry if I didnt get that right, I am really bad at these i guess.. :-( But tried my was a real tough one for me..
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am so sorry I have been so MIA, I am really trying to find balance with working full time and everything. Just know that even though I don't post as much as before, I think of all of you everyday and really love your support.

    Thank you all for helping with the challenges, they have been awesome!

    It is time for a new week, any takers?


    Strength: Amy (mom2caelebncasyn)



    Please paste and copy and thank you all for your ideas!!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Part 1- Walking 12 miles is my goal 5pts + bonus mile points (I did another 4 miles today, so that's a total of 15/12 miles)

    Part 2- Interval training or workout for 3 days this week--Completed

    Part 3- Logging-Completed

    Strength: Possible 6 points

    Wednesday: 1/1 point
    100 Crunches

    Thursday: 1/1 point
    50 Reverse Crunches

    Friday: 1/1 point
    50 Pushups

    Weekend: 1/1 point
    100 Squats

    Monday: 1/1 point
    100 Lunges (50 per leg)

    Tuesday: 1/1 point
    50 Sit ups

    Food/Nutrition: 1/1 point

    Emotional: 5/5 points
    1. List two of your unique personal qualities = loyalty and great listener
    2. List one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities when interacting with others, such as to support and to inspire = I love to help others out by listening to their problems and giving them an outlet to vent. I show that I am loyal by always being there for friends/family, no matter what.
    3. Assume the world is perfect right now. What does this world look like?
    People are kind and don't feel the need to be "better" than others. Everyone treats others like they'd like to be treated and it is a peaceful place.
    4. Combine the three prior subdivisions of this paragraph into a single statement = My purpose is to use my loyalty and ability to be a great listener to help people with whatever troubles them, which will then allow them to treat others kindly and make the world a peaceful place for everyone.

    **Not sure if I did the emotional part correctly, but I tried :)

    Tuesday points- 5 for cardio (plus bonus, but I forgot how much the bonus is, can someone tell me???), 1 for strength, and 5 for emotional. Total of 11 points (plus ??bonus)
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    My purpose is to use my artistic and creative thinking to teach dance and inspire the poor (those who cannot afford) and mentally challenged kids to lead a better life, connect them with the real world and thus taking a first step towards my perfect world.

    Sorry if I didnt get that right, I am really bad at these i guess.. :-( But tried my was a real tough one for me..

    Renu, I'm hardly an expert at these but I think you stated your purpose with elegance. Well put!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    1. List two of your unique personal qualities.
    This first one is what has been taking me so long to do the emotional part of the challenge this week...I think that my unique qualities are that I am nurturing and funny.

    2. List one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities when interacting with others.
    I enjoy making people feel comfortable and safe when they are with me, and also lifting their spirits with my sense of humor.

    3. Assume the world is perfect right now. What does this world look like? How is everyone interacting with everyone else? What does it feel like? Write your answer as a statement, in the present tense, describing the ultimate condition, the perfect world as you see it and feel it. Remember, a perfect world is a fun place to be.
    In my perfect world, there is no hate...everyone is an equal no matter who you are or what lifestyle you choose to live.

    4. Combine the three prior subdivisions of this paragraph into a single statement.

    SO....My purpose in life is to use my humor and nurturing nature to make people smile, and feel safe, so they can live in a world free of hate and judgement.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Part 1- Walking 12 miles is my goal 5pts + bonus mile points (17/12 miles done)

    Part 2- Interval training or workout for 3 days this week 3/3pts

    Part 3- Logging 4/4pt

    Strength: Possible 6 points

    Wednesday: 1/1 point
    100 Crunches

    Thursday: 1/1 point
    50 Reverse Crunches

    Friday: 1/1 point
    50 Pushups

    Weekend: 1/1 point
    100 Squats

    Monday: 1/1 point
    100 Lunges (50 per leg)

    Tuesday: 1/1 point
    50 Sit ups

    Food/Nutrition: Recipe 1/1pt

    Emotional: Possible 5/5 points

    Monday points- 12 points today for going over miles, logging, strength and emotional.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Wow... Sorry I have been so bad about posting! I have only had access to an iPad the last few days for the internet and that has made it hard. Hope everyones week is great though. I will be back to my normal routine on Sunday, but until then I will post as much as I can.

    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Part 1- Walking 8 miles is my goal 5pts + bonus mile points
    1/1 Points! I hit the 8 miles but only got them. No extra.

    Part 2- Interval training or workout for 3 days this week 3/3pts

    Part 3- Logging 4/4pt

    Strength: Possible 6 points

    Wednesday: 1/1 point
    100 Crunches

    Thursday: 1/1 point
    50 Reverse Crunches

    Friday: 1/1 point
    50 Pushups

    Weekend: 1 point
    100 Squats

    Monday: 1 point
    100 Lunges (50 per leg)

    Tuesday: 1/1 point
    50 Sit ups

    Food/Nutrition: Recipe 1pt

    Emotional: Possible 5 points

    Monday and Tuesday points = 4 If I have time I will post the emotional challenge and update them.