are calories the only thing that matter?



  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I have seen ppl ask this before. For those that use the apps on their phones, you cannot view someones diary to see what they ate, you only know that they were under calorie goal. This may be a reason you see comments praising ppl for eating unhealthy or coming in waay under goal. ??

    this is my problem too, I use my phone so I can't see what you've eaten but I see you were under your goal. I will post WTG because you are making progress, making changes in your diet and lifestyle to keep yourself under the goal that you've set. To me that in itself is a accomplishment.
  • ddeckard46
    ddeckard46 Posts: 9 Member
    Like HMonterX said - I think it's important to remember that we aren't all perfect all the time - but maybe that was obvious. I'll do my best to eat healthly, clean, better (insert whatever word would best describe it for you) foods for the majority of the day/week, but if on Friday my kid is invited to a birthday party where they ordered pizza, I'm probably going to have a slice (or the forbidden 2 slices) if I have the calorie allowance left to do that. I'll drink my water everyday, and eat well rounded meals that include all food groups. But if one day I want my sandwich on white bread rather than wheat bread, I'm going to do that, too. We should all strive to be healthier, make healthier choices, etc. - but above all, we need to realize that none of us are perfect - and if any of you decided to have a chocolate milkshake today after having your salad for lunch, well - I wouldn't judge you...:wink:
  • Matttdvg
    Matttdvg Posts: 133 Member
    Different people lose weight in different ways. Some people make lifestyle overhauls where they completely change their diet and eat solely healthy foods and keep their micro & macro nutrients as close to their goal as possible. Others try to focus on calories and try to eat unhealthy foods in moderation rather than cut them out all together, and don't place such an emphasis on nutrients. Both will lose weight, but the former is obviously far healthier. Although the latter is easier. Not everyone has the will power to totally overhaul their diet to such a degree and to manage their nutrients so religiously. It is a very viable method for weight loss. It's far better than trying to overhaul their diet, failing and going back to their old ways - which is something a lot of people do.

    So yeah, both are viable methods of weight loss. Your method clearly works for you. Other people's methods work for them. Everyone is different and as long as the number on the scales is going down (and they're not doing something crazy & unhealthy that isn't giving them anything close to the nutrients their body requires to function) I don't see any reason to criticize anyone.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I feel like some people on this site don't even look into what you post and give you praise. If someone has a public food diary I will glance at it, just to see what others are eating and see if there is anything I could switch up in my routine. I have seen quite a few people who are eating terrible foods but still under their calorie goal, so people congratulate them. One day I was sick and ended up eating around 600 calories and got quite a few 'WTG's

    Am I missing something? Is that the only goal, to stay under your calories? I have changed my whole life around so that I could make a healthy lifestyle for myself in the future, which includes eating as clean as possible. Yes, I'm not 100% perfect (but I am learning as I go) and don't claim to be an expert nutriontionist, but does this bother anyone else? Did I not get the memo that said as long as you're under your calorie goal you will lose weight?

    Idk.. just wondering.
    Well almost. You SHOULD meet your essentials daily. If not, then you body will retaliate. I eat good about 85% of the time with 15% for my junk food.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    No it's not all that matters.

    Unfortunately some people just put up a quick "way to go" without ever actually looking at anyones diary..i guess that's their way of being "supportive"

    I always look at my friends diaries and only give a "way to go" if they're actually doing a good job(i don't necessarily judge what they eat but if someone is eating 500 calories, i don't tell them good job)
  • AshleeHans
    AshleeHans Posts: 12 Member
    It all depends on the person...If a person used to eat 3 slices of pizza and a regular soda for a meal and they cut it down to 2 slices per meal and diet soda, technically they are making a good choice *for that individual*. I guess what it comes down to is that you don't know what they were eating before they started MFP so you can't look at someone's diary and say they are making horrible decisions.

    However, they will probably still lose weight until their weight drops to a point where their body will adjust to the amount of calorie intake. At that point they will have to make healthier choices to continue to drop weight.
  • thesweatybetty
    thesweatybetty Posts: 107 Member
    wasn't trying to be critical of anyone. i stated that i wasn't perfect either.. i allow myself free days where if i want something not 'clean' i will allow myself.. but seeing some people consume over 1,000 in one meal and get congratulated for being under bothers me.

    just my opinion. apparently i wont post topics with my opinion anymore.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Can I still eat my bacon, peanut butter, and drink my chocolate milk?

    If not then I'm gonna go cry now.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Different people have different goals and make different choices. A nutritionist told me a calorie is a calorie but obviously some calories are way better for you than other calories. There is no memo telling people what works best for them. Each person makes their own decision. People trying to lose 5 pounds and going on and on about having trouble losing the weight but eating only egg whites and about 400 calories a day irritate me so I quit reading their post because it is their decision not mine.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    just my opinion. apparently i wont post topics with my opinion anymore.

    Do you feel like someone attacked you? It sounds like it based on the above. It looks to me like you posted your opinion and people started a discussion. Isn't that what you wanted?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Can I still eat my bacon, peanut butter, and drink my chocolate milk?

    If not then I'm gonna go cry now.

  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    For weight loss, for most people, calories are what matters.

    For health, you want to look at the quality of those calories.
    Yep! This is how I think.

    That said, sometimes I will say "good job" just at finishing under caloric goal. IIt wasn't me making a philisophical statement that I think that person's diary that day was perfect, honestly, I don't look at others' diaries all the time, just their updates. I guess I *kitten* they're happy with their diaries.
  • Natalie49
    Natalie49 Posts: 210 Member
    When i check people's diaries i check their calories, fat, protein, carbs intake... if they're still within the range then yes i do congratulate them!

    I believe in eating everything in moderation.. you can still eat junk food but eat it in moderation and stay under your calorie goal (fat and carbs...) then yes you will lose weight.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Can I still eat my bacon, peanut butter, and drink my chocolate milk?

    If not then I'm gonna go cry now.


    I am suddenly in a better mood. =)
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    Surely it depends on people's goals. If a person is aiming to lose weight only, and is staying under their calories, then they are doing a good job in reaching their goal.

    I presume everyone on here is an adult, and as such can determine their own goals. They don't need people to tell them that they're goals aren't what they think they should be. Fair enough, don't say WTG if you disagree with their choices, but I'm confused as to why you'd be bothered about others congratulating adults on what they have achieved based on their own goals.

    If I saw someone who was aiming to lose weight, stay under their calories and start losing the weight then I'd say well done. It's not my job to judge their goals or how they're going about it. For me, a website like this is about supporting people. Of course it's important that all the information they need to make an informed decision on nutrition is available to them, but after than it's their call.

    I don't think I eat clean/healthy, especially by the standards on here! But I am eating better, a lot better than I was. For me, that's a big deal, and an achievement. Yes, there's improvements I could make, but right now I'm happy where I am and with the progress I'm making. If I become unhappy with that at some point, then I can re-evaluate my goals and choices.

    Accept that other peoples goals may not match up with yours, they're opinions on the importance of nutrition in their lives may vary hugely from your opinion of the importance of it in yours. Don't judge people you don't know based on their choices, and don't presume to know enough to say they don't deserve a WTG!
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Not everyone has the same definition of junk food. For example, chocolate milk not junk food for me it's a recovery drink. Chocolate not junk food.
  • thesweatybetty
    thesweatybetty Posts: 107 Member

    just my opinion. apparently i wont post topics with my opinion anymore.

    Do you feel like someone attacked you? It sounds like it based on the above. It looks to me like you posted your opinion and people started a discussion. Isn't that what you wanted?

    not attacked. just that people are taking what i say personally.

    i stated i dont eat perfect all the time either.. but i would rather someone just not even comment if they didnt take the time to see why i was under my cal goal. if i made a bad choice, call me out on it.. i'm here to learn.
  • ItsAsha
    ItsAsha Posts: 78
    I never congratulate people for being under UNLESS I've looked at their diary and they've actually done a good job. Some people are in it for the right reasons (being healthy) and some just want to lose weight....

    Is staying under your calorie goal not a good job? I will absolutely congratulate everybody for staying under their calorie goal, no matter what they've eaten. Although the foods they eat may not be the healthiest choice, they are still staying under their calorie limit, which means it's being controlled. Losing weight IS BEING HEALTHY, meaning they are also in it for the right reasons.

    Some comments on this post are ridiculous. Why would you pick and choose who you praise? This site is for support. I say if they've made an effort to stay under their calorie goal, then they are in it for the right reason.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I never congratulate people for being under UNLESS I've looked at their diary and they've actually done a good job. Some people are in it for the right reasons (being healthy) and some just want to lose weight....

    Is staying under your calorie goal not a good job? I will absolutely congratulate everybody for staying under their calorie goal, no matter what they've eaten. Although the foods they eat may not be the healthiest choice, they are still staying under their calorie limit, which means it's being controlled. Losing weight IS BEING HEALTHY, meaning they are also in it for the right reasons.

    Some comments on this post are ridiculous. Why would you pick and choose who you praise? This site is for support. I say if they've made an effort to stay under their calorie goal, then they are in it for the right reason.

    If someone is only watching calories, eating all kinds of fried foods....still clogging their can you say they are being healthy?
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    but seeing some people consume over 1,000 in one meal and get congratulated for being under bothers me.

    Why? You could have all your daily calorie allowance in one meal and it wouldn't matter as long as you are creating that calorie deficit.
    just my opinion. apparently i wont post topics with my opinion anymore.

    Christ, don't take it so personally!!
    If someone is only watching calories, eating all kinds of fried foods....still clogging their can you say they are being healthy?

    If they used to eat far more crap, and not log it, then eating crap, logging it, and staying under in calories is RELATIVELY healthy.

    Remember, "healthy" is all relative.