Who has lost weight without restricting carbs?



  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Just curious. My trainer at my gym is pushing low-carbs for weigh loss, he swears by it. I'm going to try it but part of me is skeptical about whether I can keep it up long term. Any thoughts?

    I keep an eye on mine, but nothing drastic. I don't eat bread/pasta anymore though.

    73lbs since Feb
  • Steph62002
    Your body needs carbs, that's what gives you energy!! While I don't restrict them, I am mindful of what type of carbs I eat. Stick to whole grains, oatmeal, etc. Those are "good" carbs that are easier to burn off.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Me. I lost all mine on high carb, lowish protein, lowish fat.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I lose weight when I eat at a deficit, low carb or high carb matters not to my body as far as weight loss goes.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I tried to lose weight without watching carbs but it doesn't work well for me. I'm keeping my carbs below 90 grams and having much more success now.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    I've been on high enough carbs and losing weight steadily over the last few months as you can see by my ticker. The key for me is exercise and exercise requires carbs.
  • runner_girl_120
    Me. It's all about calories. In vs. out.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    /raises hand
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I don't worry about carbs, but I do think that they're naturally reduced when you're calorie counting. I've lost a fair bit of weight, without really worrying too much. I guess I've cut bread down to a once in a while thing rather than a daily thing. But I do eat pasta, rice or potatoes for dinner most days....
  • jsteinberg87
    jsteinberg87 Posts: 146 Member
    I have tried the low carb diet. For me and others, I know it was a TEMPORARY sucess. I'm not the kind of person who can live without bread and carbs for the rest of my life. In fact, there are some good carbs that your body needs! After I stopped, I gained all the weight back and thensome. So far, calorie counting has worked for me. I try and make sure to get the right nutrients by eating whole grains, etc.... but if I want a piece of Papa John's pizza, I know thats 370 calories a slice. I have become more and more aware using MFP on empty calories, and things that just simply wont fill me up. But if I was good all day, I don't mind having that slice of pizza as long as it goes under my calories. It makes it feel alot less restrictive, even if it sounds like its more restrictive having to count everything you put in your body. But the dedication towards calorie counting is what has made me lose the most so far. And I don't feel deprived of things I eat. I hope this helps!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I have done both and lost weight doing both. I prefer low carb tho! It keeps me accountable if I avoid breads, pastas and sugar! I do eat carbs but only about 100 grams a day and protein 130-140 a day! Plus, I have IBS and it seems to help my stomach when I avoid starchy carbs! I do 40% protein, 30 carb, 30 fat!

    When I did a diet with carbs I lost (but not as fast) but the more carbs I ate the more I wanted!

    My carbs come from fruits, potatoes, and brown rice......No breads or pasta or sugar (except natural sugar)

    Regarless of what you choose, if you stick with it.....you will lose!
  • KavemanKarg
    There is more then one road to china.

    I am reduced carb, but rarely "low carb' as most people consider it. I wake up in ketosis many days in a week, depending what carbs I ate and how much.

    Most days between 50 and 100 grams. To me, this is low carb compared to the recommendation we eat over 300 grams spouted by the USD of AGRICULTURE (Which for some reason gives out food advice instead of the surgeon general or the FDA).

    I notice I cannot post anything, even just diet advice that affects all forms of dieting, without it being attacked because I am a low carber and my signature states so. So I am sure you will find this is a heated issue.

    The most important thing in dieting is to see food as fuel, not pleasure.

    The 2nd is consistency.

    A bad diet plan plus consistency is infinitely better then a great diet plan and cheating all the time.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I lose weight when I eat at a deficit, low carb or high carb matters not to my body as far as weight loss goes.

    Same here. However, low carb makes me crabby. I love my carbs!
  • thesweatybetty
    thesweatybetty Posts: 107 Member
    Just curious. My trainer at my gym is pushing low-carbs for weigh loss, he swears by it. I'm going to try it but part of me is skeptical about whether I can keep it up long term. Any thoughts?

    ive lost 25 in about 8 weeks balancing my carb-protein ratio. usually hit around 20-25 g of each every meal (6 meals a day) my carbs consist of fruits, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potato, small russet potato.. things of that nature..
  • Daffodil64
    You name it, I've tried it all. I lost 119 lbs on WW, but is eventually crept back up. This time I'm trying to go it by eating within my allotted calories. I still try to work in veggies and fruits, and do restrict my breads and sweets, but if it is something I really want, I try to make allowances for it and enjoy. So far, I have lost 22 lbs in just about 2 months. To me, that seems fine. During this time, I've celebrated birthdays with 2 of my sons, been to Church's Chicken a couple times, and also eaten Chinese once- made me sick though. LOL
    I am trying so hard not to put a time frame on this weight loss, and to really make it something I can live with long term. I'm sure others might do it differently, but I am having to do what works for me.
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    My calories are about 50% carbs, and I've had no prolem losing 47 pounds in less than 5 months.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I've lost 60 pounds so far this year without truly restricting carbs. I do, on most days, aim for the better carbs (fruits, veggies) rather than the not-so-great-for-you carbs (i.e., white bread, potatoes, rice, processed sugar)....but on most days, I'm eating way more carbs than any low carb diet would permit. I do still eat pizza once or twice a week, and sometimes other not so great carbs. Its nice to know that I can eat these carbs in moderation when I want..even if I choose to pass on them most of the time.

    on a related note, I did Atkins in 2005, lost 50 pounds and then realized I couldn't maintain a low carb lifestyle. I didn't have a good exit plan and gained all of the weight back, plus some, over the next few years.

    in short, you can lose weight doing low carb or not doing low carb. you should pick the nutrition plan that you believe you can stick with. personally, it was very difficult for me to pass on most fruits, pizza, pasta (even whole grain pasta) and I didn't really research an acceptable exit plan...nor was my mindset ready to transition to something else.
  • agugino
    agugino Posts: 119
    My husband restricted his carbs when trying to lose weight for the navy, and the weight practically fell off. He'd lose like 40 lbs in two weeks. But as soon as you start eating carbs again, it piles right back on. My advice to you is to decide how important carbs are to you. I personally love sugar, love fruits, and couldn't live without them. So I won't go that route, just watch my calories in and calories out and try to eat healthy carbs. If you don't mind giving up carbs for the rest of your life, then it's worth a shot.
  • MyCoachNYLA
    MyCoachNYLA Posts: 158 Member
    I did for my figure training and it gets you there quick fast and now, but if you are in it for the long haul and don't want to fall into any gymics, I suggest going with a 40/30/30 zone food plan (not diet).

    I know how to strip 8 pounds of fat off in 3 weeks, but would I do it again? NOT!

    The truth is that most people don't stay eating that way and eventually you will require the carbs needed to function, so I say - keep it simple. I would also consider shopping around for another trainer with a different mindset, personally. When a trainer comes at you with that old school way of thinking...it brews trouble to me.

    I never suggest low carb anything to my clients and I get results. My present client came to me at 245 pounds and she is now down to 160 pounds - and we did it over time with baby steps without a low carb gymic. She is now in a lifestyle change and a healthy pattern and she wants to show up on her own without me even having to motivate, which is a pleasure.

    I also have a couple who are maintaining a 65 pound fat loss for 4 years and they are not on a low carb food plan AND they are 68 and 70 years old!!! It is never too late for change.

    Good luck to you.
  • mrecker
    mrecker Posts: 34 Member
    All I did was focus on my caloric intake. I would occasionally try to have more protein, but didn't go out of my way.