Iphone or Droid?



  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I hate to piggyback off someone else's topic, but in my topic about which cell phone to go with, some were saying to go with the iPhone 4 and some said the iPhone 4S.

    What's the difference between the S and non-S???

    S basically to me stands for 2 things on the new phone. Speed and Siri

    Iphone4 is fine if you can get it but the new one is faster. If you can get the 4s, get it. if you are getting a great deal on the non 4s, just get the 4.

    To me it stands for Still no 4g in the US.
  • who's your carrier? what phone do you have? do you have anti virus installed? random calls and texts sound like a virus. try resetting to factory default settings & reformatting sd card. ask carrier to reissue a sim chip. also upgrade to latest android os if your phone supports it. good luck!

    I have T mobile, I have an anti virus, the phone has been reset to factory default many times, reformatting has been done
    along with all the other fun stuff tech support has me do, I had 2 Mytouch phones over the course of 2 years, and I'm now on my second sidekick 4G, in less than 6 months. I've also gone through a few sim cards.

    I've had nothing but problems with android phones, I'd rather just have a phone that lets me talk and text and nothing else.
  • southofmadness
    southofmadness Posts: 316 Member
    Droid Bionic .....love it.
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    I've used both and I prefer the iPhone. But, if you like to customize your phone and have access to a lot more apps and such go for Android. I just don't have the time/patience for tinkering like I used to and just want things to work which is why I went for the iPhone.
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    Had a Droid & I was not a fan at all. Really depends what you're looking for..if you like apps, I think Apple has way better ones! I now have a white iPhone4 and am obsessed with it :)
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I have a simple basic flip phone. BUT if I would would venture out of flip phone land I would get an iPhone.

    I am all apple except for my flipphone phone, I have an apple laptop, workstation , ipad and ipod/itouch.

    BUT I have owned a couple of smartphones: nokia n900 returned it (Maestro OS, Linux OS like), and a google nexus (first phone with Android) and returned it - it was terrible, then after THAT I bought an iPhone4 for my DH as an advanced b-day present and I asked him to return the iPod/iTouch that I had previously giften him and that is what I use now for exercise when I am not using my iPad (:

    Philosophically I like the idea of Androids, its openess of app development, .... but I just can't resist apple calling me..... it is so nice looking .... and irresistible....

    GL deciding.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    If you want to surf the wb from your phone, Android. Not having Flash on the iPhone hurts.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Droid! love mine!
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    I have the Droid X, which is old tech at this point. I enjoy the heck out of it.

    In a nutshell you can grossly generalize the two camps this way -

    IPhone (whatever generation) - You want your smartphone to just work, and you basically view like an appliance. You like the cool features and it is predictable (sticks to the script so to speak)

    Android based phone - You want your smartphone to be very personalizable and you are a tinkerer (these are the most rabid android fans). You are willing to overlook a little quirkiness so you can get a little of "roll your on" experience.
  • _David_
    _David_ Posts: 476 Member
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I had an IPhone and I hated it more than I can ever tell you. Went with an Android phone and love it. It may not be the "in" thing - but it works better and I just like it far more than I did the IPhone. I wouldn't have another IPhone - if someone else paid for it.
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    I have an iPhone, my hubby has and iPhone, we've had all of the iPhones, except for the newest, 4s. One of my gf's was having the same issue in choosing a phone. She decided on a droid, had it for less then a week, and went and got an iPhone. It's all personal choice.
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    I had an IPhone and I hated it more than I can ever tell you. Went with an Android phone and love it. It may not be the "in" thing - but it works better and I just like it far more than I did the IPhone. I wouldn't have another IPhone - if someone else paid for it.

    You HATED it more than you could ever tell us? Wow. Did the iPhone scratch your car or embezzle you out of thousands of dollars? You do know it is a phone, right?

    Just to be clear. I bought an iPhone after using a Droid phone and I pay a monthly bill to use it and will continue to use it because it is the "in" thing. I want to be cool and what better way than to pay for the privilege?! I am a sheep because clearly the only reason to buy an iPhone is to be part of the cool club. /End sarcasm. The brand love/devotion/infatuation that has spawned in the last few years is really weird.

    My issue with the customization of the Droids is that I was able to mess my phone up a lot easier because of it. It also allowed me to make the phone my own which was cool but just the time it took to fine tune everything and the number of apps that screwed with other apps just did my head in. I couldn't be bothered sitting there for hours trying to fix the issues that would come up or installing different firmwares, apps crashing, blah blah.

    But do I think Droids are bad life ruiners? No, they're just not for me. I'd recommend them in a heart beat if you want a flexible, open source phone that you can do a bajillion things to. I will not be getting an Apple tattoo. But I will get another iPhone if this one breaks because it works for what I need it for.
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    I have owned both and have many friends with both and my conclusions are as follows. Most current iPhone owners are women, simple people, "trendy" people, people attracted to shiny objects, or non-tech savvy people. Android owners are everyone else and are increasing drastically in number and will soon easily overtake iphones. I've had Android for a good year and am upgrading to the newly announced Samsung Galaxy Nexus that is at least coming to Verizon hopefully in November.

    No matter what you decide, go to some stores and play with these things in person.
  • paniologal
    paniologal Posts: 53 Member
    From a 'nerdy' standpoint, the android/droid is a much better device, with better technology and all.

    But I love my iPhone, I'm devoted to Apple =]
  • Droid. HTC EVO.
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    Droid, Just got a Galaxy S2 a few days ago coming from an iphone 3GS. The really loved my iphone and the battery on that thing was solid. It was more cleaner than the droid and simply made. The driod on the other hand, I quickly fell in love with the ability for Flash. The battery life is the worst thing on the phone but I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with it. I'm sure I have background processes running.
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    it all depends on ur cash flow... the reason why i say this is because now a days u can get a good android phone for under 150...so it really depends... but iphones have to be validated with acredit card and thats just too damn much for me seriously...
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I am team WP7 first and foremost (gotta support the underdog!), but I also love android also (like my galaxy tab that I'm typing this from).

    I don't buy nor will consider buying apple products.. I don't agree with the way they do business.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I love HTC EVO. It is easy to navigate and checking in here is very convenient!