Charlie's Net Calorie Challenge

~~~Charlie's Net Calorie Challenge~~~

~~~Starting Monday 24 October~~~

I'm in a really supportive group for a weight loss challenge, and the "fly the world" challenge is great for keeping up the work outs, but where I really struggle is keeping to my net calorie goal. Maybe 8 of every 10 days everything is great and then I completely blow it by having a huge binge. I need to stop sabotaging myself like this, and given that diet is way more important than the exercise I think I need a challenge to keep my net calories on target.

If you think a challenge like this would be good motivation for you this is how it would work:

At the beginning of each week decide what your calorie goal for each day will be. You will then get daily penalty points for missing your target. The further away from your goal you are, the more points you'll get:

Within 10% of target - well done! - no points
More than 10% away from goal - 10 points
More than 20% away from goal - 20 points
More than 30% away from goal - 30 points

At the end of the week, the person with the least points is the winner - Charlie's Angel!


  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    I'll join. I'm away for a couple of days next week, so might not be able to log on the day, but will be keeping track.
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member

    Just tell me your calorie goals for next week, and then how you actually do each day and I'll work out the points.

    My goals for next week:
    Mon 1200
    Tue 1200
    Wed 1200
    Thur 1200
    Fri 1200
    Sat 1600
    Sun 1600

    Need a few more members! Come on you lot!
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    I'll join!

    My goals for next week:
    Mon 1500
    Tue 1500
    Wed 1500
    Thur 1500
    Fri 1500
    Sat 1800
    Sun 2000 (Sunday Brunch :blushing: )
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    We're up to 4!

    Hopefully more will join as we get going.
  • mcppsl
    mcppsl Posts: 179 Member

    This seems like an interesting challenge, but I am just wondering how you factor in any exercise calories that would be unknown at the beginning of each week?

    kind regards

  • icklecyberfairy
    icklecyberfairy Posts: 56 Member
    i would like to join too.

    Mon-Fri - 1300
    Sat/ Sun - 1600
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member

    This seems like an interesting challenge, but I am just wondering how you factor in any exercise calories that would be unknown at the beginning of each week?

    kind regards


    I guess this will work best if you are able to plan out your exercise for the week. If you are completely random about your exercise then it could be tricky. Although if your intention is to eat your exercise calories back then it should be ok.
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    I guess I can join. I seem to have a hard time keeping within my goal calories. Once I know I'm over for the day I just quit logging and eat more.....not good.

    Mon - Fri...1200
    Sat & Sun...1400
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I guess I can join. I seem to have a hard time keeping within my goal calories. Once I know I'm over for the day I just quit logging and eat more.....not good.

    Mon - Fri...1200
    Sat & Sun...1400

    That's exactly what I do!
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    Mon 1450
    Tue 1450
    Wed 1450
    Thur 1450
    Fri 1450
    Sat 1450
    Sun 1450
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I can't wait to get started on this tomorrow. I've really stuffed up the last few days. Hopefully this challenge will sort me out.

    If you haven't done so already please let me have your net calorie goals for next week.

    Good luck guys!
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Monday: 1200
    Tuesday: 1200
    Friday: 1200
    Ok so seriously I have no planned functions this week can I please just do one whole week of stayingbinnmy calorie goal?:)
    Totally jazzed about this group:)
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    We have 6 members - so our group is small but perfectly formed!


    Keep checking in with how you are doing!
  • icklecyberfairy
    icklecyberfairy Posts: 56 Member
    Are we doing this daily or weekly?

    Monday -
    Goal = 1300 Actual = 1294
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Hello everyone:)! I'm here to wish you all a great first day!!:) glad to be part of the team!
    - Genene
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Are we doing this daily or weekly?

    Monday -
    Goal = 1300 Actual = 1294

    Nice start to the week - well done!

    Daily, and I'll put a table together when we get going.
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Monday: goal 1200, actual 1136 :)
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    I read the challenge wrong and wrote the total calories down as goals.

    For the net calories:

    Monday goal = 1300 actual = 1206
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    Monday's goal 1200

    Actual intake 1510....however, earned 453 exercise my goal on my food changed to I was actually under my 1200 goal.

    Wasn't sure how to handle that. Is that ok or should I figure it out differently?
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Monday goal 1200 actual 1034
    Off to bed I go crazy tired after a GIANT study day! I'm proud I didn't go over my goal, I find when I study do hard I want to eat aaaallllll the food in the house... And then order take out Thai food lol! But I did none of it:) good night all!!