Charlie's Net Calorie Challenge



  • icklecyberfairy
    icklecyberfairy Posts: 56 Member
    Monday's goal 1200

    Actual intake 1510....however, earned 453 exercise my goal on my food changed to I was actually under my 1200 goal.

    Wasn't sure how to handle that. Is that ok or should I figure it out differently?

    I hope so. If not i went super over target. i burned about 800 calories exercising yesterday . If i didn't eat them back would have probably dropped dead.
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Monday's goal 1200

    Actual intake 1510....however, earned 453 exercise my goal on my food changed to I was actually under my 1200 goal.

    Wasn't sure how to handle that. Is that ok or should I figure it out differently?

    So your net for the day was 1057 - great!
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Tuesday: goal 1200, actual 1303. I'm over but not beating myself up about it, which is quite refreshing!
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Tuesday goal 1200 actual 1032.
    Going to do some zumba and yoga tomorrow:)!
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    Tuesday goal 1300 actual 1312

    I can't pass up a good halibut. :smile:
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    Daily goal 1200
    Actual 1239
  • icklecyberfairy
    icklecyberfairy Posts: 56 Member

    Goal 1300
    Actual 1220
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Wednesday: goal 1200, actual 1300

    Quick question: originally I thought that you should get penalty points if you are more than 10% away from goal, either over or under. Do you think that is right, or should it just be if you go over your calorie goal? Since there's not much chance of me ever being that far under goal :blushing: I'll leave it to you guys to decide. Do any of you have concerns over not eating back your exercise calories?
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Wednesday:) goal 1200 actual 1313 ( with an extra 665 left over from excersize calories)!
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    Wednesday Goal...1200...1147 actual.

    I don't think you should get penalized if you're under by 10%. But I will support the majority...I can go either way :)
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    Wednesday was not a good day.

    Goal - 1300 Actual - 1512

    I rely on exerise to even things out and couldn't get to the afternoon workout due to a plumbing emergency. That cost me in calories AND the pocketbook!

    Thursday will be a better day! :smile:
  • icklecyberfairy
    icklecyberfairy Posts: 56 Member
    yep, wednesday wasn't good for me either, 360 cals over my target.

    today was better. Goal was 1300.
    Ate 1294.
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Thursday:) goal 1200 actual 1541 net with exercise cals 1195:)!!!! 5 under woot woot!
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    Thursday...Goal 1200
    Actual 1182 :)
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Thursday: goal 1200, actual 1367.
    10 points - boo.
  • icklecyberfairy
    icklecyberfairy Posts: 56 Member
    What a busy day.

    Actual: 1321.
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member

    Goal 1300 Actual 1365

    Man! This is harder than I thought it would be.
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member

    Goal 1300 Actual 1365

    Man! This is harder than I thought it would be.

    I know what you mean! It's keeping me on track so far, but i'm worried about the weekend.
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Friday:) goal 1200 actualy 1368 but had 688 left from exercise :)
    Goodnight everyone:)!
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    Well Friday was a mess. Hubby and I went to the local hang out to watch the World Series (Yeah Cardinals!!!!) with friends and blew all the healthy eating I had done all day. I stopped counting after the three margaritas and guacamole.

    Today is much better.

    Goal net 1600 and actual net is 1082

    My Saturday morning hour long speed walk in the park with the dog plus painting the ceilings in the house really gave me a great work out today.

    Well, I'm off to the shower to wash paint out of my hair. :happy: