***Shorty's 12 Week Challenge***Open



  • manda127
    manda127 Posts: 145
    Eeeps! Weigh day tomorrow! Hope everyone is happy when they step on the scales
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    good luck with weigh in tomarrow!!!!!!!!!!
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    222.00 again. i only maintained this week. but at least i didnt gain!
  • bnbandy
    bnbandy Posts: 25 Member
    Last week's weigh in weight: 165.2
    This week's weigh in weight: 162.4
    Difference of 2.8
  • WillandAway
    WillandAway Posts: 24 Member
    My weight today is 142.6. With a lost of 1.6 pounds. Hoping for two 2 pounds next week.
  • WillandAway
    WillandAway Posts: 24 Member
    Olive could you make my goal weight 125, which will be a challenge. The 115 or 112 you have down is my long term goal. I have decide 125 for our 12 week challenge will be something I could possibly reach. Thanks!
  • Todays Weight in 148lbs, no lose but I consider no gain during Hallowen week a success since it's probably the first time ever!
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hi, I know i'm about 2 weeks late on this challenge, but i'm hoping you guys will let me join anyways. My name is Melinda, i'm from Ontario, Canada. I am a Registered Nurse. I am definitely a "shorty" with a height of 5 foot 1 1/2 inches. I've been struggling with my weight loss for almost 3 years now. 2 years ago I lost about 20 lbs and maintained it since, but have not been able to lose my total goal weight so far. That being said, I'm hoping to lose the rest of my weight (~30lbs give or take) this year.
    For this group, My starting weight is: 156lbs
    My goal weight by the end of this challenge is: 140lbs (so a 16 lb weight loss).

    I'm looking forward to starting with this group. Definitely need to get my *kitten* into gear because I have a trip to Dominican in January and I'm hoping to lose this good chunk of weight by then!
  • manda127
    manda127 Posts: 145
    Another lb lost this week, total loss of 3lb and current weight of 123lb for me, can't complain about that!
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Horrible, horrible weigh in but I knew it was coming. Gain of 2.6 lbs from last week (now 154.6 lbs, up from 152). :grumble: I'm being accountable and posting the embarrassment here. My struggles have been not exercising anymore and eating junk food or just too many calories in general. I never feel full for long so I hold out as long as I can and then make the wrong food choice or binge.

    I am proud of myself so far today, but am starving right now... I have turned down cookies and cakes in the other office, but so hard because I'm hungry. And they have that stuff out every day at work. I ate a little bag of pretzels and have been drinking water but nothing helps this hunger go away :frown:

    If anyone has any filling food suggestions let me know... I think I've tried it all and due to the limited calories, it's hard to eat enough to feel satisfied. I only get 1200 a day which is probably the same for many of you.
  • janet5432
    janet5432 Posts: 39 Member
    This week is rough. I was at 183 and over a few days shot up to 185 again:( Then it appeared to be back to 183 but instead it went to 185:( So I am going to check again tomorrow. See what I get over a few days. I did cave to some Halloween stuff at home and work. Tonight I am going grocery shopping so plan to make alot better healthy meals for the up coming weeks.

    I also plan to get back to Y this weekend.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I don't know if I should just post it here or send a PM to the OP....

    11/4 weight: 136.0

    For a loss of .2lbs. I usually weigh in on Mondays so hopefully next Fridays loss will be much better :D
  • My Starting weight first posted was wrong. I checked my records for last week. So Starting weight last week was 143.9 and weighing in at 141.5 so I lost 2.4. Very happy with that!!!
  • Hi there.

    Sorry it took so long to post my starting weight! I do still want to join this group.

    So... here are my stats

    Height: 5' 1"
    Starting weight (from Monday's weigh-in): 124.2
    Challenge goal weight: 115
    Today's weigh-in: 123.8

    There was some progress in the right direction. I'll have to resist weighing myself on Monday--I'm so used to it. But, I know I'll probably be disappointed if I weigh myself again too soon.
  • cingerl
    cingerl Posts: 62 Member
    down 1lb. 124lbs.:wink:
  • yasemasuyo
    yasemasuyo Posts: 177 Member
    I weighed in at 72.8kg, up by 0.5kg. :frown:

    This was not deserved, I have been exersising daily and eating a healthy, balanced diet (never going over my net 1200 cals limit). I have been following this regime strictly for almost 3 months and have lost just over 2kg, averaging a loss of just 135g per week. I weigh the same now as I did over a month ago! I have decided to get tested for hypothyroidism (I have other syptoms, too), as this journey is so painful... there has to be a reason why I am not able to lose weight like others would following the same regime as me!
  • Yase, when I put in my exercise I earn more calories for the day. I'd suggest you eat those to aid your weight loss. My first week here (after doing Weight watchers for a year) and after eating SOME of my earned calories, I lost 1.1kg this week. If I don't exercise, then I'm only allowed 1200 like you, but I earn 300-500 extra calories daily from exercise and it now makes sense to eat some as it's fuel!

    I didn't lose weight this week because I was eating badly before. I think I was under eating on WW as I never ate my exercise points!!!!
  • Empress, I weigh daily. It's great watching the numbers go down!
  • yasemasuyo
    yasemasuyo Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks, Little_Ms, but like you I do eat my exercise cals (well, most of them!) - if I didn't I would be soooo hungry! :laugh:
  • Hi all, hope everyone had a good week. Afraid my week wasn’t so good. Had a few days of ‘emotional eating’ which wasn’t good! Despite that, lost 1.2 lbs this week, really pleased. Plan to eat better next week.

    Good luck all for the weigh in.