Asians trying to lose weight

Hi All,

Are there any other Asians out there trying to lose weight? What are your goals for weight and sizes?
Doesn't it SUCK being the chubby Asian in the group? Growing up, all my friends were consistently 105lbs!! I was at least 30 lbs heavier than that in high school!! I've also got a larger frame that most Asians...I wear 27" waist jeans and will probably never fit into anything smaller thanks to my wide hips...but I suppose curves come with their benefits too :)

I think my ultimate goal weight is 115 but I'd be happy between 115-120 at 5'2 1/2 :)
at 125 lbs, I can STILL only fit into size XXXL when I go back to China. "Miss, I'm not sure we carry your size..."

Mom was constantly on me to lose weight and catch a man...haha !

Now that I've got one she doesn't want me to get too skinny because it's not good for bearing male grandchildren...


  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    lol there was a thread on this just the other night.

    Yeah it sucks being the biggest asian...idk where this stereotype of "Asians are genetically thin" came from...but yeah I feel ya!
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Helloo. :smile:

    (^you're both tiny!)
  • ladyluck5210
    ladyluck5210 Posts: 78 Member
  • humblestudent
    humblestudent Posts: 47 Member
    hi! haha.. totally relate to what you said... i go to salsa class and there are alot of asian girls who are about 1/4 my size!! lol i'm 5,5 n 160/75kgs >< i'm tryin to cut down on bubble t! lol

    pls add me everyone... :)
  • jooleeyah
    It's been a journey to get back to this weight...but with our culture and background...I'm constantly thinking how thin is thin enough?? I don't want to be a stick or lose my curves but I feel like I still have a little more to go. I hate going overseas and feeling like a cow and most of my friends/relatives are super 95-105lbs so even being 20 lbs more than that seems like an enormous difference on a short frame...

    I try to keep myself in check, being realistic and healthy about my ultimate weight goal. I use this site to see what I'd potentially look like at different weights at my height. I think I've settled on 115-120, preferably closer to 115...but sometimes I wonder...could I do 110?? Most of my friends are lighter than that...but probably not on my frame...
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    Yeah what sucks even more about gaining weight and being asian is that your weight gain is the first thing a relative will gladly point out to you when you they first see you after a long time. It bugs me. I don't go out and point out to them that they got old looking or that they gained weight either. So when I gained weight I try to avoid seeing relatives or people of my race.
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm not Asian, but I live in Japan, so I feel I'm going through a similar and/or mirror experience here. I'm not the skinniest in my group of friends, but I'm tired of being told that white girls are naturally fatter and not to worry about it 'cuz I don't believe that's necessarily true either!

    My mother was 108lbs and 5'4'' until she was nearly 40, so I'm pretty sure I could be that skinny and healthy too, it's just that I ate stupid North American food and portions my whole young life.

    Anyway, I guess I can't really join your group, but before I go I just wanted to say to Deckershann that your profile pics rock! I love Halloween and zombies and anything related!
  • jooleeyah
    I'm use to the relative commenting about my weight...I no longer take it personally....

    "Hi you're looking fat today"

    My non-Asian friends always find this hilarious!
  • Mrrwmoo
    Mrrwmoo Posts: 44
    I know what you mean D; . . . Finally dieted down to 105, but before, family always made fun of my weight. I'm 5'2", and what America views as small, Asians think as obese >>. Any extra fluff doesn't look good on small, Asian frames X.x.
  • calamitydown
    i think you look amazing, but if you feel like you'd feel happier about yourself at 115-120, go for it! do what makes YOU happy- not your relatives, your friends, or the clothing stores in china.
  • hanaibo
    hanaibo Posts: 42
    I'm use to the relative commenting about my weight...I no longer take it personally....

    "Hi you're looking fat today"

    My non-Asian friends always find this hilarious!

    Oh God, that sounds like my mom. "You're looking puffy" is what I get. I'm being heavier than everyone else became a racial issue for me for a while. Now that I've lost some weight...that's all I hear from my friends moms "OH, you've lost much?" -_-
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,659 Member
    lol there was a thread on this just the other night.

    Yeah it sucks being the biggest asian...idk where this stereotype of "Asians are genetically thin" came from...but yeah I feel ya!
    Actually it's not a's actually true. Asians usually have smaller frames on average. The Western diet is what has made Asians (and actually any ethnic group) fatter.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,659 Member
    It's been a journey to get back to this weight...but with our culture and background...I'm constantly thinking how thin is thin enough?? I don't want to be a stick or lose my curves but I feel like I still have a little more to go. I hate going overseas and feeling like a cow and most of my friends/relatives are super 95-105lbs so even being 20 lbs more than that seems like an enormous difference on a short frame...

    I try to keep myself in check, being realistic and healthy about my ultimate weight goal. I use this site to see what I'd potentially look like at different weights at my height. I think I've settled on 115-120, preferably closer to 115...but sometimes I wonder...could I do 110?? Most of my friends are lighter than that...but probably not on my frame...
    Don't compare yourself to them. Just be the best that you can be.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,659 Member
    Yeah what sucks even more about gaining weight and being asian is that your weight gain is the first thing a relative will gladly point out to you when you they first see you after a long time. It bugs me. I don't go out and point out to them that they got old looking or that they gained weight either. So when I gained weight I try to avoid seeing relatives or people of my race.
    So true! I have aunts that will comment to my female cousins "Oooooh you gained some weight! Your face is chubby!" with no thought of how they are hurting that person's feelings. It's an Asian thing is right.
  • jooleeyah
    i think you look amazing, but if you feel like you'd feel happier about yourself at 115-120, go for it! do what makes YOU happy- not your relatives, your friends, or the clothing stores in china.

    Thanks for your encouragement and support :)

    I am happy and healthy where I am right now...but I'd like to lose that last little (5-10lbs) bit so I can feel less self-conscious about pictures (notice how I don't have any of my body yet...) and sucking in my stomach or positioning myself so I look alright. It's really just vanity weight at this point...but I can't help it! lol

    I think it really depends on your frame. I think for me personally 105 would be too thin for my frame, but I see others and that weight looks fantastic on them!
  • Galathea96
    Galathea96 Posts: 200 Member
    When I started MFP I was 63kgs (138 lbs) and now I'm at 57.5 (126.7 lbs). My current goal weight is somewhere around 51kgs or so (112 - 114lbs).

    I'm half Philippino and half Sri Lankan and boy have I heard comments about my weight through the years. Once when I was about 110 lbs my aunt from my father's side goes "ooh you've got a huge *kitten*", at around the same weight my grandfather on my mother's side went "look at how fat you've got". The best comment was of course my uncles, "your face doesn't look too bad but your calves are huge and ugly". It does hurt and it also infuriates me because I'd love to hit right back and point out the fact that they shouldn't be pointing fingers since they're all 50-100lbs overweight themselves. But I can't since that would be rude.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I'm a Latina but I'm presently living in Philippines. At my medium frame weight of 54.3kg with a height of 1.60m (5'3"), I feel big & the smallest that I can fit in will be a size M clothes but in European & American sizes, I can wear XS or S. Most of my female co-workers are petite with an average weight between 45-50kgs. True enough what you're saying, many Asians are skinny-crazy people & at my past weight of 65kgs. just a few months ago, they considered me as obese when in reality I was just about 1.5kg. overweight. LOL :laugh:

    EDIT: While I understand what you guys are going through because of the stupid cultural obssession on being stick-thin, remember that health is still the number 1 priority & not what other people say. With the way you describe yourself, you don't sound overweight for me. Frankly I envy you because I'm starting to lose my curves as I losing body fat%. I think you weigh just a bit above 60kg which is pretty much normal for your height. I also carry size 26-27 jeans although my body is on the muscular side. Another thing, being a stick-thin is pretty much ugly.
  • CaliSweden
    Omg it's so nice to know others going through the same thing as I did. I know that sounds bad, but I mean with the whole family and friends pointing out how fat you are, or which parts got really HUGE. I guess it's totally an Asian thing.

    I'm half Japanese but I have a small bone frame compared to Americans. I used to be skinny all my life, but things took a turn with my health and I gained weight a couple of years ago. I went home to visit family in January and boy oh boy did I get the how could you let yourself get so big, omg how fat you are, etc a few times. I mean I know I was huge, but jeez people I didn't need to be reminded more of it. Also just walking around Tokyo I felt like damn XL Supersized Godzilla.

    I remember kids behind me making boom boom sounds of me walking. I started speaking Japanese to my brother and they just shut up and ran off. My friend later said why didn't you yell at the kids. I thought it'd be more embarrassing for me to get upset at the kids for doing that and making a scene.

    Though back home I don't feel too bad, but most of my friends are Asian and stick thin and petite. I feel like King Kong's and Godzilla's offspring when we hangout. It was annoying that some thought I gained weight from binge eating, and I would tell them, I gained weight from health reasons. And they'd be totally shock that I would eat actually less than them. Now that I've lost some weight and exercising I'm not as HUGE, but still big, just don't feel like Godzilla big, so it's not as bad now.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    My wife is Asian, Filipino and she trying to gain weight with not much luck.. She 85.0 wants to gain 20.0.....
  • CaliSweden
    My wife is Asian, Filipino and she trying to gain weight with not much luck.. She 85.0 wants to gain 20.0.....

    I so wish I had her problem. I'd more than happy to transfer my fat to her if it was possible :)