Mommy's Losing It! (closed group)



  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Happy Friday!! Here is my weigh-in
    SW: 152
    CW: 129 again!!
    GW: 127

    This is so FRUSTRATING!!!! I have been losing inches, but I would love to see a lower number on the scale, too.
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I wouldn't care if the scale read 500 pounds if I looked like a million bucks! :P
  • sunflowertimes
    sunflowertimes Posts: 85 Member
    Great job! I haven't made it to 5K yet on my runs. 2 miles is my max so far.
  • sunflowertimes
    sunflowertimes Posts: 85 Member
    My weigh in was the same this week. I am sad that I didn't lose anything but I its my TOM and I have been sick with this bronchitis stuff that has made exercising hard. I got 3 workouts in but not as high intensity as I would like. Here's to hoping next week I feel better and lose some weight.

    SW: 163
    CW: 143.5 (no loss)
    GW: 125

  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    My weigh in was the same this week. I am sad that I didn't lose anything but I its my TOM and I have been sick with this bronchitis stuff that has made exercising hard. I got 3 workouts in but not as high intensity as I would like. Here's to hoping next week I feel better and lose some weight.

    SW: 163
    CW: 143.5 (no loss)
    GW: 125


    Take care of yourself, Chrystal. Feel better soon.
  • sunflowertimes
    sunflowertimes Posts: 85 Member
  • drsteph01
    Hello everyone,

    I asked if I could join you. Thank you, karasene, for letting me jump in a little late.

    I've been doing well using MFP for the last several months, but I haven't really been part of any groups. I'm down to about the last seven pounds and want to make sure I get through the holidays. This is the toughest time of year for me. In the past I have been known to eat lots of candy in one sitting...just because it's there. Right now I have a huge tub of Halloween candy in my house. I'm doing pretty good ignoring it. :-)

    Anyway, here are my stats. I weighed myself this morning but typically weigh-in on Fridays, sometimes Saturdays.

    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 36
    Children: 1 daughter, age 4
    SW: 159
    CW: 141.4
    GW: 135

    My goals through the end of the year:

    - Reach my goal weight by Christmas
    - Stick with the Slim in Six program that I am starting 1 November
    - Enjoy a few treats, but no over-indulgence
    - Help motivate others to reach their own goals

    Feel free to friend me.
  • drsteph01
    Happy friday all :) Here's my weigh in:
    CW: 160.8 ( - 3.2 lbs from last week)

    I' super happy to have had 2 great weigh ins in a row. I hope I can keep doing well and finally reach my goal.

    Today is my anniversary and I am splurging today but that is ok cuz I know what i have to do tomorrow :)

    Hope you had a great anniversary!
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    So I am completely late at recording my weight. I was traveling all weekend & did weigh myself at the hotel; however, I could not access the message board on my phone.
    I maintainted the same weight this week...I'm happy that at least I didn't gain!
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    Welcome Steph!

    How is everyone doing this week?
    I'm having trouble finding balance, seems I can eiher be healthy, have a clean house, or enjoy my hobbies, I can't seem to do all three, or even 2 of these thigns at once lol I don't have enough "focus" to go around I guess
  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    Happy Halloween everyone! Great weigh ins!!!

    This week's topic: How are you going to cope with having your kid's halloween candy hanging around?

    I will allow myself a treat but make sure i adjust my calories so I stay under. After all the kid's favorite candy is gone i will probably toss the rest. I don't like them eating alot of junk :)
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    Weigh in (from Saturday)
    193! (dumb TOM)

    As for the Halloween candy: It needs to leave the house with hubby in the AM! No ifs, ands or BUTTS! LOL My son is too young to understand the whole halloween hoarding concept so candy won't be the issue this year and I'm treating myself to some strawberry ghosts today (hand dipped white chocolate strawberries) so all should be ok. *evil laugh*
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I let my kids pig out (to a degree lol) tonight then they trade it all in tomorrow for a new toy/game/book. I used to just give it away, but my daughter is old enough now to balk at that, so that is our compromise. i wish I'd done it this way sooner, because I would love for them to leave it out at night and wake up the following morning to find it gone and replaced with a new something, kinda liek the tooth fairy, but for halloween lol
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I'm planning on letting her keep a few pieces of candy and then giving her a scooby doo movie in exchange for the rest of the candy. She's 3, so hopefully she'll cooperate for me. Then the candy will be sent to my husband's work or tossed in the trash.
  • drsteph01
    I have indulged a bit the last few days. Going to take the bulk of it to work. I feel a tad guilty about tempting my co-workers, so I think I will put it all away until my hubby gets home and have him take it to his office. I don't see those people every day. But until that happens, I will allow my a treat here and there in moderation and make sure I get my workouts in.
  • sunflowertimes
    sunflowertimes Posts: 85 Member
    We handed out all our Halloween candy except for the boys trick or treat bags. I had a couple of pieces but I really don't want it. Hopefully I will not want it later this week either. LOL! If it gets tempting I will get rid of it. Good luck to you all! Be strong and resist the urges. Have an apple instead. : )
  • MellyPfromVT
    MellyPfromVT Posts: 869 Member
    Since I have started this journey, candy hasn't been that much of a temptation for me. And, my kids are only 2 and 4, so we only hit a few houses. They don't have much candy. We don't get any Trick-or-Treaters, so that isn't a problem. I do allow myself one piece of candy a day (usually an air delight Hershey's kiss or Dove Dark Chocolate Promise). That seems to keep my candy urges under control. The only time it is hard for me is that TOM and I'm not there yet!
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I apparently forgot to post my weight for Friday 10/28/11 it was 189.8 so i am down 2.2 from the previous week.
  • Jenners4
    Jenners4 Posts: 49 Member
    I LOVE candy ......BUT, I have started to see results so... I am going to keep up with my running and keep in mind "What is more important? That bag of candy or me being in better shape/jeans fitting better/more energy? ................And the winner is ME!
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    I don't really have a problem with my kid's candy tempting me at home. We put it away in the pantry and I put healthier snacks within "eye's reach" so I don't think about the candy every time I open the door.

    At work, it's more of a temptation. My assistant loves to bring in candy--5 pounds at a time-- and it's always sitting out. Each time I walk by, I feel it's evil power, sucking me in like a black hole. Having healthy snacks at work doesn't help. They need to be out of sight. I just try to work the treats into my daily calorie plan, and remind myself how much longer I'll need to work out to burn the extra calories off.