*~ Gamers In Control~* Open Group!



  • TheTonyPony
    Hello. My name is Sarah. And I am a World of Warcraft addict. I play... too much.

    I am on Detheroc, I play a priest, warrior, mage, hunter... Okay... I play everything but Warlock, DK and Paladin...

    But what can I say? I love the game.

    The new expansion though? MoP? Kill me now. I understand that the Panderian people were a part of Warcraft... But I didn't expect them to look like Kung Fu Panda!
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    Anyone have any good ideas for raiding snacks?

    I tried just drinking tea and well we had to stop so many times so I could use the restroom that it was fairly annoying.

    Salsa and tortilla chips. Better yet, homemade salsa. That way YOU control the salt content. There are millions of recipes on the net. Depending on the brand of tortilla chips, they are usually gluten free and you can buy those salt free too.

    Hummus (I make a black bean hummus).

    Also, *I* LOVE hot wings. To keep it healthy, I usually boil or bake chicken tenderloins and dip them in the hot sauce.

    Like mentioned before, a veggie tray. Your friends may giggle at you... as they dig into it :P

    P.S. I also used to play Vampire the Masquerade. Yeap... I am old ;)
  • AmberXenon
    AmberXenon Posts: 118 Member
    Got to deal with a lot of Battlefield 3 people today at work.

    No, little 12 year old. Call of Duty is NOT the greatest game ever. Thou art lacking perspective...!

    What's -your- favorite game ever?
  • bcunning
    bcunning Posts: 81 Member
    You name it, I'll play it. I've been a gamer since there was games, had a pong machine back in the 70's. I used to play lots of board games and rpg's too, but haven't in quite some time as all my gaming buddies got married, had kids, and are too busy now.

    Favorite game ever? hmm on PC's I would say Half-life 2, board games, advanced squad leader, rpg's... maybe Paranioa.
  • ilyahna
    ilyahna Posts: 96 Member
    <-- Gamer! I played RPGs like FF all through school, and FF12 was actually what I was playing when I discovered MMOs. My best friend came 'round for the holidays and we wanted a game we could get 'briefly' obsessed with over the break. So, we picked up Lord of the Rings Online at Wal-mart.

    Annnnnd three years later, we're both still playing. I don't play as much as I used to, as real life keeps me pretty busy, but I met my boyfriend in that game, and moved across the country to live with him recently. It's counter intuitive, but being with someone wonderful that cares about me the way I am has really inspired me to get off my butt and start doing this losing weight / feeling good thing for myself!

    I plan to be playing Star Wars: The Old Republic when it comes out in December, and I'm part of a really aesthetically planned RP guild, if that interests anyone. I'm a PVP nut. >:)

    Nice to see you gamer folks on here!
  • peecolay
    Gaming :heart: lol Gaming didn't do much to me. Having a kid did! I'm a console gamer. I love my 360. I started on a Sega Genesis with Sonic. My mom let us kids play a lot because she liked the sounds lol I think I have owned all consoles at least once, with the exception on the PS3 and WII. Always go back to my Xbox :happy:

    When I'm not doing things with/for my chubba-wubba, or doing assignments for my classes, I PLAY. Gears is my game. I wouldn't be the gamer I am now if it weren't for that game! :love: I even got the crimson omen on my collarbone. And of course old school batman on the other side!

    I admit, I play some games just for achievements. I like hearing the blip sound when I get one. Makes me happy lol I'm happy to know there are a lot more lady gamers than I thought! Though I do believe we need more ladies. All these guys get weird when they realize it's a chick owning them :laugh:

    My favorite games ever: Gears 1, 2, and 3 (of course!), Sonic the Hedgehog, anything Halo, the Bioshocks, COD, really anything FPS lol, and the Fables. Uh, I love Fable!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Ohh! Can I join?

    I started with Wolfenstein and Doom. I think I was 15 when those came out. And when Diablo came out I was hooked. I pefer RPG's and MMORPG's. Mostly because I have no sense of direction and get motion sick from FPS, etc.

    I'm a recovering WoW addict. I loved Lord of the Rings Online until they went pay to play. Aion is a great mmorpg.

    I quit Pirates of the Burning Sea after some guy 30 levels above me sunk my ship and stole my cargo.

    I have almost finished the latest Final Fantasy. I've played all the Fables. Dragon Age: Origins was GENIUS! The second one was good, too, but not *as* good.

    Currently watching my husband replay Oblivion in preparation for Skyrim.

    Beta testing Star Wars: The Old Republic :D:D

    And anxiously awaiting Diablo III.

    Oh, and I LOVED Magna Carta.
  • AmberXenon
    AmberXenon Posts: 118 Member
    Ok, time for a November Challenge!

    November brings the beginning of the holiday season, which means many things...including great games and bad food! The November Challenge is simple:

    For every hour you play a game, try to fit in 15 minutes of exercise. That means if you play for 2 hours, it would be 30 minutes. It doesn't have to be that same day, as long as it adds up. Your normal workouts count towards this total. Log it on MFP!

    This will also help with the holiday eating. :)

    On November 7, 14, 21, and 28, message me with your total gaming hours and total calories burned. I'll make a spreadsheet, and we'll see who's winning!