When did you know it was time to start losing weight?



  • withoutaname
    withoutaname Posts: 64 Member
    After months of not checking the scales (and trying to be in denial that I did gain some weight), I finally did and noticed I was the heaviest that I had ever been.
  • kathryncowart
    I have always been athletic, and I was a cheerleader for about 8 years. I was always in pictures and shopping with my friends for cute clothes. Later in high school, I moved and became home schooled, and that pretty much cut out 90% of my exercise. By the time I graduated, and throughout my first year of college I had put on about 80lbs, and was up to a size 18/20 jeans. I couldn't fit into anything cute like I used to wear. I have finally buckled down and I'm down to 195lbs and size 14 jeans, but I still have 45lbs to go.
  • dddeans
    dddeans Posts: 29 Member
    When one of my best friends had a heart attack and had to get a double by pass. We had the same lifestyle. Just THINKING we were being healthy. I like MFP and the support of good partners in this quest for health. The side effect of weight loss is not bad either. Send a friend request if you are like minded.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    When I was put on oxygen full time because of pneumonia and knew I was never getting off without losing the weight. First appointment with the pulmonologist after I was released from the hospital he wasn't overly optimistic because I couldn't stay off the oxygen long enough for testing. By the 2nd one he told me once the weight is off I could run marathons if I want! Still on oxygen full time but I'm improving with every lb lost!
  • Mrrwmoo
    Mrrwmoo Posts: 44
    When my blood pressure got way too high for someone who was only 19 years old DX! I started cutting salt to 1500 mg per day, and inadvertently the pounds started dropping too ;3. My highest weight is kind of a guesstimate, you wouldn't have caught me dead near a scale >>;;
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I'm in the 'always known' category, but without the windedness, or painful hips (ok, I grant that I might be 'used to' feeling unfit).

    The catalysts (yes, plural) NOW though? I saw a picture of me with a friends baby and actually SAW what I looked like. The again at work (I'm a life model) I SAW what the students were looking at. Finally, to top it all off, a friend said he 'could like' BBW. Not 'did like', but could.

    So..I decided to find out if I could get up and out of a morning. And I could. Turns out its not that hard at all. O.o

    ETA: I also think that having my exBIL keel over and die from a heart attack at 37 might have added..well..weight to the scales that tipped me over into doing something. He was 14 months younger than I am. The thought of not wanting to need an especially built coffin has great motivating power.
  • Thamantha
    Thamantha Posts: 102 Member
    A few things had to happen for me to realise:

    -My clothes became really tight, and when i went to buy a new pair I admitted to myself that i was no longer a size 10 and would have to buy size 12, went to the shops, and didn't fit into a size 12, had to buy size 14.

    -Went to an amazing conference and could only focus on how fat my legs looked compared to one of the other attendees.

    -My BMI went above 25.

    -Felt constantly uncomfortable in my own skin
  • voodoomoocow
    voodoomoocow Posts: 60 Member
    I love wearing dresses and skirts so I don't notice much when my weight fluctuates. I got a new job on Oct 6 that requires jeans. I pulled out the only pair of pants I own (I only bought them to go skydiving back in '07) and they did not fit me the way I remembered. My thigh completely filled out the pant legs when I clearly remember them having a nice comfortable leggy area. It also was really tight around my crotch. I wore those pants for two days in a row and then noped my way to get something more comfortable. Then I realized that I was about to buy a size 14. I put the pants back on the rack and signed up here on Oct. 10 and here I am.

    There's already a little leggy room developing in those pants. (NSV#1 10/20/11 never forget!)

    another motivator is getting my boyfriend. He has a gorgeous 6 packs and nice arms (I'm a sucker for arms.) and I'm like a caramel marshmallow compared. He has a HUGE mirror in his living room and we were embracing after I got my job and I looked into the mirror to watch him hold me and i realized I've been lying to myself--I'm a big woman. I guess I still see myself as not looking much different at 170 than at 145. LIES!
  • l_oudman
    l_oudman Posts: 373 Member
    I knew for a long time but would have to say when thezip on my size 14 jeans broke. Instead of doing something straight away I moved into leggings because I refused to buy size 16 and if I am completely honest with myself and had gone shopping I most likely would of been closer to size 18 .It was only when a friend introduced me to MFP that I 'seriously' gave some thought to shifting the weight. i'm glad I did, I'm down 15lb, I'm back into mysize 14 pants and the leggings only come out when I exercise now.
  • fraktion
    I was taking pictures at a wedding. It was formals time, in front of all the guests. I was standing still, crouching down and standing up, sweating as if i'd run flat out for 2 hours!

    "Time to sort myself out" is what I thought to myself.

    Into my 4th month now. Gym most days, interval training, weights...and classes. I'm doing Body Pump for gawds sake!

    4 months ago, I used to laugh at people that went to the gym. Now you cant get me out of it!
  • CharityEaton
    Sadly, mine was when I realized I could fit into my sisters clothes.....I have always been the smaller one. We are step-sisters and only 1 month difference in our age. I was the cheerleader in High School. Also we went on vacation this summre to visit a friend of my hubby's from High School and when I realized that he was now going to see me AFTER having 3 kids and that he knew me back when I was a 100 pound cheerleader. It was embarrasing. I did NOT want to be that person that everyone said, "oh, wow she really let herself go after having kids!" We went on a really long hike out in Colorado and it kicked my butt! That was when I said to myself "your baby is gonna be 5 you have no excuse anymore to blame it on the kids and pregnancy. It is time to get back in shape". I was always so fit in High School and the early years of being married and I knew I needed to get back into that shape again....for ME for my 3 little girls and for my husband!

    I also think you HAVE to have that AHA moment before you can really become and STAY committed to your goals! You have to get really ma at yourself for not taking the time for YOU and letting eveything else be an excuse for being unhealthy! It is amazing how much energy I have now and how much happier I am knowing that I am on the right track now!!
    Good Luck to everyone! It isn't easy but we are all doing our best!!
  • Luckiestmomever
    Luckiestmomever Posts: 44 Member
    In August at my annual physical I was my usual 300 pounds. My weight has been annoying, but never stopped me from all my favorite things to do, and I have always been pretty energetic. BUT this time my blood pressure was up. Doc put me on meds, which was a wake up call. I do not want to NEED any type of medication. SO the weight must come off. I always promised myself that when this weight started interfering with my life I would lose. That time has come now. So I have a long journey, but I am ready. I have lost 19 pounds since Sept. 1st when I started. Another 100+ to go. I actually have no idea what it feels like to be a normal weight since I never was. We shall see! :-)
  • mjac1998
    When I looked in the mirror and knew that the person i was seeing was NOT the person who was INSIDE.

    When i felt like everyone was looking at me.

    When I could no longer find the awesom dress for a friends wedding.


    When i felt sexy on the inside, but didn't look it on the outside!

    Now i am 45 lbs down with about 15-20lbs to go!:smile:
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Seeing the number on the scale go over 200 wasn't enough. Looking at disgusting pictures of myself wasn't enough. Unable to find any flattering clothing wasn't enough. Being unable to tie my shoes without my head feeling like it was going to blow off wasn't enough. Feeling plain old ashamed of myself wasn't enough. My last straw was ( and sorry for tmi) when I sat on the toilet and had difficulty reaching around behind me because my arms were too short! THAT was my last straw!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    In August at my annual physical I was my usual 300 pounds. My weight has been annoying, but never stopped me from all my favorite things to do, and I have always been pretty energetic. BUT this time my blood pressure was up. Doc put me on meds, which was a wake up call. I do not want to NEED any type of medication. SO the weight must come off. I always promised myself that when this weight started interfering with my life I would lose. That time has come now. So I have a long journey, but I am ready. I have lost 19 pounds since Sept. 1st when I started. Another 100+ to go. I actually have no idea what it feels like to be a normal weight since I never was. We shall see! :-)
    All I can tell you is you are in for a very pleasant surprise! Ready to look and feel 10 years younger? = D
  • randomartisrgirl
    I knew at 140 I had to do something, when none of my skinny clothes fit anymore and everh day I felt fat. I didn't do anything until 150. There's not really anything wrong with not weights, but knowing that I had been 125 only a few months prior and then juat lwt myself go was depressing for me. I strived to get back to at least 130... Now, today, I'm 129 and making my way to 115. :)
  • Arnelle1
    I have battled with my weight for years and have been on every diet imaginable. When I was in High School and College I stayed fit. I was a basketball player and liked to work out. I was still a plus size woman, always the "big girl" with the "pretty face". After I had kids and became a therapist I kept gaining weight and never seemed to be able to find the time to work out. I tried for awhile and then stopped. I felt overwhelmed from all of the responsibility of taking care of people. I struggled with finances, I was really depressed from my husband cheating, getting a divorce and becoming a single Mother. I worked two or three jobs at a time to make ends meet. I finally gave up and turned to food for comfort, I figured if I couldn't loose weight I might as well eat what I wanted.

    Luckily my second husband is wonderful and it was actually his unconditional love and support that made me want to loose weight. He loved me so much, that it made me realized how I didn't love myself. He encouraged me to take time for myself. A few years ago I started having horrible sciatic pain that would shoot down my leg and through my foot. I went to the ER one night it was so bad. I had started working out a couple of months before due to my Mom practically pleading with me to walk with her in the mornings. I found out I had two degenerative discs in my lower back that were causing the pain. I hated that I couldn't walk without being in pain. That is really what made me want to change. I am so glad I found my fitness pal.com, it makes it so easy to track food and exercise and I appreciate the support. I wish you all well.
  • Arnelle1
    I have battled with my weight for years and have been on every diet imaginable. When I was in High School and College I stayed fit. I was a basketball player and liked to work out. I was still a plus size woman, always the "big girl" with the "pretty face". After I had kids and became a therapist I kept gaining weight and never seemed to be able to find the time to work out. I tried for awhile and then stopped. I felt overwhelmed from all of the responsibility of taking care of people. I struggled with finances, I was really depressed from my husband cheating, getting a divorce and becoming a single Mother. I worked two or three jobs at a time to make ends meet. I finally gave up and turned to food for comfort, I figured if I couldn't loose weight I might as well eat what I wanted.

    Luckily my second husband is wonderful and it was actually his unconditional love and support that made me want to loose weight. He loved me so much, that it made me realized how I didn't love myself. He encouraged me to take time for myself. A few years ago I started having horrible sciatic pain that would shoot down my leg and through my foot. I went to the ER one night it was so bad. I had started working out a couple of months before due to my Mom practically pleading with me to walk with her in the mornings. I found out I had two degenerative discs in my lower back that were causing the pain. I hated that I couldn't walk without being in pain. That is really what made me want to change. I am so glad I found my fitness pal.com, it makes it so easy to track food and exercise and I appreciate the support. I wish you all well.
  • crestchick82
    When my cousin and I realized on the fourth of July that if we kept goin the way we have we would be this way forever and never feel good about ourselves in bathing suits at this party we go to every year. Unfortunatly she fell for fad diets and started thinking starving herself would work because "it worked so well before" and she eventually fell off the wagon, but I found MFP and never looked back :)
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