Sisterhood of the Holy Crap I fit into these Pants!



  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Headed to see amovie with my kid. Grapenuts for breakfast and lining my purse with healthy snacks to avoid my movie 'favorites'. Hoping to get time to excerise later.
    Good job --- thinking ahead. That's the only way I make it through. Have fun!

    JW- The hormones will rage, but they will pass. She doesn't know what's happening to her body any more than you do so be patient. Down the road, she'll need help, even if she doesn't ask for it. If she complains don't take it literally, she's just confused over the alien invasion of her body. In the delivery room, calm and steady wins the race. Put on a strong comforting face and you'll get her through. No matter how much she yells or screams, she needs you to be strong for the both of you. And yes, depsite what she may call you or say, she loves you. Sit back in awe of how tough women really are. PS :embarassed: sex will not hurt the baby, so don't forget to love your wife.
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    My cousin and his wife just had a baby, His wife is always so sweet. He told me she was pretty rough in the delivery room though! My wife on the other hand can get pretty worked up over nothin, so I'm a little scared! :bigsmile:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    OK so I have had a good day. It is 6:30pm and I have about 250 calories left so I am trying to think of a healthy snack to eat. I probably have more calories based on this site though since they give you extras for working out. I keep a paper food journal. It is easier to me, cause otherwise I could spend all day everyday on the interenet. I was logging me food in the begining but it can be a pain in the butt to know exactly what brand of butter or whatever it is you are eating. I do log everything though in my food journal I just don't add the extra calories. I understand the purpose of them. Does everyone else eat there extra calories? So anyway my day has been good. I did a quick cardio dvd earlier and am probably going to do another this evening. Does anyone have good workout DVD's? I am looking for some new ones to rotate. I use Walk Away the Pounds the 1 and 2 mile walk. I also have The biggest loser 1st and 2nd DVD. I like the first one but am not crazy about the second one. I will admit that I hate squats and lunges. Also I did the initial test for the 200 sit up club and the 100 push up club. I am psyched and hope I can do them. It is a 6 week program and I will start on Monday. ANyone want to join me?
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    I am not familiar with the 200 sit up 100 push up club.....I'm interested though. That sounds like a good challenge!
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    But TO answer you question , no I do not eat the extra calories. I know I'm probaly about to get in trouble for saying this but this is what works for me. I eat through out the day and I can honestly say that I am not hungry for food. I am hungry for " junk food" though because that's what I used to eat all the time. In the past few days that I been really tracking what i eat I have yet to over about 1300 calories in a day. for a couple days I was below 1000 calories in a day. I'm drinking protein shakes and I'm always full. I get at least 6-8 glasses of water a day, I know that helps keep me feeling full.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I am not familiar with the 200 sit up 100 push up club.....I'm interested though. That sounds like a good challenge!
    Well they had a group on here but I did not join the group. I thought it would be to confusing cause it is an ongoing thread and you can join when ever. So anyway I am just going to do it on my own, I think it is a good goal to set for myself. Here are the links to them. I would love if someone else was doing it around the same time as me.
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    I could go for the Pushups.....I havent really had time to look at the sit up page yet though.
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    I know I'm a day late, but can I join too please? Tuesday weigh-in's are perfect for me because I'm weighing myself at work with a few other ladies so it's already a 'check-in' day for me!

    Starting weight: 165
    Goal by March: 152
    Goal by July: 140
    Weight today: 163
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I could go for the Pushups.....I havent really had time to look at the sit up page yet though.
    Sounds Good! I am starting on Monday since it suggested doing on Mon-Wed-Fri. I did my initial and am embarresed to say I could only do 6 push ups. I think I could have done some more but my form was not great and my 6 year old and 7 month old and dog were all in my face. Not a great plan. So I am starting on Monday, how about you?
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    ok so I just ordered three new work out videos! I am so excited and can not wait till they get here. I hope it doesn't take to long. I have a Walk Away the Pounds DVD and I like it but I have had it for 3 years and needed a change. I like her workout style so I went with three of her brand new DVD's.
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    I like the name!

    Starting Weight....yeah right...
    Weight I want to lose: 18 lbs

    I have 4 children and I need to lose the rest of this baby weight...even though she is 2...:blushing:

    :laugh: i second that except for the baby

    starting weight... harrmph :bigsmile:
    weight i want to lose 60 pounds
    so far lost 2 pounds :drinker:
    weigh in day tues

    i just want to be healthier and thinner by the summer semi goal june 1 :love:

    currently going to do my workout hate that treadmill :sad:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I know our weigh in's our on Tuesday's but I weigh everyday and keep a food journal and the end of my week is Sunday. So I had lost 4 lbs, and since I Started three weeks ago several inches! Yeah I just had to share. I will give you my weight on Tuesday. Now it is cleaning day in my house. So that I think can count as some calories burned and I will do a workout video later today!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I still get a boost from reading this title:happy: Today I hosted a slumber party for my 8 year old daughter... We had a total of 5 kids in my house. Three of them are in dance, so they thought it would be fun to do a dance workout dvd I have. We all did the video together, and I got in 25 minutes of cardio while spending time with my girls. Burning calories like that is something I wouldn't mind doing every day!!!
  • Lo153
    Lo153 Posts: 34 Member
    Oh... can I join please??

    starting weight... 130something
    goal weight... 120

    I joined MFP several months ago, but really just started committing to it 2 and a half weeks ago. Now I'm kinda addicted.
    Also have a cranky teething baby... God help us, haha :smile:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member

    morning/afternoon depending on where you are (are we sayinging where we are from?)

    ok im about to my workout although i am sad cause im having trouble doing my dumbell workout because as of thurs my carpel tunnel has been acting up and my right hand feels like its on fire - at least i can do cardio.

    just to let you all know i am in my first year of graduate school and doing an internship (which is where ireirratated my hand lots of computer typing and writing :sad:

    Any idea of streangth training i can do with out hurting my hand? i was going to only do my left side but then i think i will look lopsided, right? :laugh: im gonna try the dumbells but slowly ill report back
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Hey Pepamint! It is still technically morning where I am (central time) but feels like afternoon. I am in Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba (just north of the border from Fargo for anyone who isn't familiar).

    I feel for you with your carpel tunnel. I hope I never get it - work in admin and do a lot of typing!

    Not sure what you could do for weight training, except maybe (maybe) get yourself one of those workout bands and instead of holding it with your hand, maybe wrap it around your forearm - closer to your elbow? Dunno, just a thought.

    Better get my butt moving. Lazy Sunday is too tempting!:yawn:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Hey Pepamint! It is still technically morning where I am (central time) but feels like afternoon. I am in Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba (just north of the border from Fargo for anyone who isn't familiar).

    I feel for you with your carpel tunnel. I hope I never get it - work in admin and do a lot of typing!

    Not sure what you could do for weight training, except maybe (maybe) get yourself one of those workout bands and instead of holding it with your hand, maybe wrap it around your forearm - closer to your elbow? Dunno, just a thought.

    Better get my butt moving. Lazy Sunday is too tempting!:yawn:

    I realized i didnt say where i was from :laugh: New York City (eastern time) and i let myself sleep late only cause i go back to school this week so i knew to take advantage lol. ive been to canada years ago, beautiful, cold but beautiful.
    the carpel tunnel is on and off but thurs at my internship i was on the computer from 9-6 straight trying to finish something for my supervisor luckily i had to make copies of each thing so it was a lot of walking back and forth :bigsmile: but between that and highlighting and writing it irrated the hell out of my right hand (im a righty) but its feeling better. at least it did when i was on the treadmill so im going to try the weights (slow and careful). the problem with the workout band is ANY pressure on my hand/wrist is the pain not just a little im even typing just with my left hand (slow like a turtle like my weight loss will be but the turtle wins the race right :drinker: )

    let me know how you do after your workout and what you are doing k. you can have a lazy sunday just make sure to get in the excercise youll feel better trust me :love:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Hey all:happy: I did have a lazy Sunday morning at least.:happy: Sorry about the pain pepamint, I kinda screwed up my knee yesterday and had to chill on the couch for a while:grumble: :grumble: If you do any weights, yes slow and easy. Maybe take a day off the weights and focus on cardio, or throw in some extra squats or something to make up for it. It's better to give yourself an extra day than to mess it up to the point of not being able to do the weights ever.:wink: I'm sure you'll find your happy medium. Have a great day everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Alright I am heading to bed. I am exhausted. I cleaned for about 2 hours. I figured that out and it is almost 500 calories. Then I did a 2 mile in home walk while my lo was sleeping and then after both my girls were asleep I did a 1 mile in home walk and a bunch of brunches. Anyone else want to join me in the sit up or push up challenge. I am starting tomorrow. Well off to bed, hope you all have a good rest of the day!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    PumkinHeadsMOMMA- I wanted to ask you how old you little one is, if you don't mind? You mentioned teething and my little one is almost 8 months. We are up to 4 teeth but she is a saint and not cranky, thank goodness. Anyway was just curious. I think there was another Mom on here with a baby teething.