Whats with all the mind game playing men!



  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    If it's that big of a problem, you're roping yourself right into the game.

    Just don't worry about whatever. I only see it as a game, or annoying if it goes back and forth between both parties.

    Live your life and stop worrying and stressing over things you have very little control over.

    That's exactly why I got outta bank robbing.
  • Wingmistress
    I think I agree with some people play games and some people don't. Some people read to deep into situations and some don't. I think that if you meet someone and there is sincere interest on both parts, there is no need for "the game". If there is a "game" to begin with, chances are, you're wasting your time with that person and you should just move on.

    Personally, I would never take advice from a woman with a penguin on her head. :tongue:

  • Bigtime078
    Mind game accusations usually come form the person who feels wronged in the relationship. Are men mind game players? Absolutely! Are women mind game players? Absolutely.

    My take on this is that you have to find maturity. When a man is mature and knows what he wants out of life and a mate, he is less likely to play childish games. I'll admit that finding a mate is easier for a man than a woman, but women don't allow your minds to be played with. When a guy shows you who he is, believe him. Talk is cheap never give words as much attention as you give actions...
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I'm really glad we didn't have cell phones, texting and interwebs when I was single.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member


    Man: Constantly flirting, asks u out for drinks......
    Women: Accepts after maybe playing a little hard to get
    Man: Speaks to me this morning.. then nothing since 11:30

    Playing hard to get is a mind game stop screwing with men!!!!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I don't understand the texting thing myself. Most people think it's women who want to be texting their man all day, but it's been the opposite in my experience. The last guy I was in a relationship with who wasn't constantly sending me texts or e-mails throughout the day (and expecting a nearly immediate response) was my high school boyfriend, and that was in 2000/2001, when it was just starting to become common for people to carry a phone on them at all times.

    I feel like if you want to have a conversation, pick up the phone and call me. I really feel like a loser whipping out my phone to answer a text message every 5 minutes and an even bigger loser trying to explain why I didn't answer right away. I'm a grown woman. If you know where I am and what I'm doing, there's absolutely no reason for you to whine like a little girl because it took me half an hour to text you back.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member


    Man: Constantly flirting, asks u out for drinks......
    Women: Accepts after maybe playing a little hard to get
    Man: Speaks to me this morning.. then nothing since 11:30

    Playing hard to get is a mind game stop screwing with men!!!!
    Yes, back in my single days I encountered this "playing hard to get" crap. One time I just gave up and she got pissed at me. :grumble: :explode:
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member


    Man: Constantly flirting, asks u out for drinks......
    Women: Accepts after maybe playing a little hard to get
    Man: Speaks to me this morning.. then nothing since 11:30

    Playing hard to get is a mind game stop screwing with men!!!!
    Yes, back in my single days I encountered this "playing hard to get" crap. One time I just gave up and she got pissed at me. :grumble: :explode:

    Ya imagine that... getting burned in your own game. :)
  • kpxfiles
    kpxfiles Posts: 56 Member
    Mind games go both ways.Women need to stop playing. I think people should just be honest. I tell guys that I'm interested in yes, and guys I'm not interested in no. I don't deal with games. If you like me, ask me out. Flirting is a good way to guage what the response will be and also to find out more about the person.If a guy ever did the 5 day waiting period or whatever it is now, I wouldn't go out with him. If he ever insulted me or whatever games and tricks, he is gone.

    I feel like people put up with games because they don't believe they have options. You have a lot of options. There are so many single people in this world. Don't waste time on someone who isn't going to treat you right. I am not afraid to be honest. :)
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member


    Man: Constantly flirting, asks u out for drinks......
    Women: Accepts after maybe playing a little hard to get
    Man: Speaks to me this morning.. then nothing since 11:30

    Playing hard to get is a mind game stop screwing with men!!!!
    Yes, back in my single days I encountered this "playing hard to get" crap. One time I just gave up and she got pissed at me. :grumble: :explode:

    Ya imagine that... getting burned in your own game. :)

    Shoot. When I was single all you'd have to be is not disgusting and I'd probably have been agreeable most requests.
  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    I generally give a guy a few days before I start to seriously think he's ignoring me. If I decide he is, then I move on and don't look back. Maybe I'm wrong, but I tend to think I have a lot to offer a guy, so I'd rather offer it to someone who will appreciate it. This is not a rant against men or getting angry because they don't recognize how amazing I am, it's more that I don't want to waste my time and emotions on someone who is not right for me.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    It's more that I don't want to waste my time and emotions on someone who is not right for me.

    I think that's the healthiest way to look at it, and I freely admit I didn't always see it that way. There was a time when I thought if a guy didn't want to be with me, he was just a jerk. But I have since come around to the grown-up conclusion that it's okay to admit that it just wasn't meant to be. It doesn't make me undesirable, and it doesn't make him a jerk.

    I also agree that a guy not calling within 24 hours is not a big deal, especially as you get older. People are busy. In fact, I might sense a problem if a guy was so into me after one date that he was putting everything else in his life on hold to make sure I was acutely aware of how much he liked me. I'm more concerned about whether or not he does what he says he's going to do. If he says "I'll call you tomorrow," and he doesn't, naturally, that raises a red flag because it tells me his word doesn't mean much. But if he isn't quite so definitive about it, I'm not going to flip out if I don't get a phone call the next day.

    However, I don't believe in waiting around for that phone call before making plans for the next weekend, whether it's another guy who asked you out, your friends wanting to have a girls night, or whatever. If he likes you, he'll deal with it, and he'll remember in the future that if he wants dibs on Saturday nights, he can't wait around till Thursday to ask if you're available.