Annoyed with the Comment "eat something" and more



  • Vivian_Phoenix
    I would just leave the unhealthy food on the desk, because if you dont eat it, they wont be able to replace it with new food... they will get the message eventually.

    technically its not Your food.. you didn't buy it, you didn't ask for it so you dont have to eat it.
    thats my opinion.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    and i still have bad habits, i still smoke, i still drink a few times a month. (I will quit smoking soon) I still eat pizza and i still have bad days but It doesn't matter what people say. All that matters is that i am doing the right thing for me, and teach my kids healthy habits that i was never taught!

    (My 10 year old daughter is running her first organized run next weekend the "MONSTER MILE" while i run a 10K)

    TOTAL PARENT WIN and it makes the last 6 months totally better then it already was.

    Some of the best memories I have with my now 19 year old son are the rides to and from half marathons I've talked him into doing with me. Good times for sure. I was there when he crossed the finish line of his first (and only so far) full marathon. I cried. I knew it was because of the choices I had been making that gave him the desire to do one (and the fact he was jealous of my marathon medal).

    What you're doing for your daughter is worth its weight in gold. You'll have many more incredible running memories with her. Keep it up!
  • kotersmom
    kotersmom Posts: 96 Member
    I am just starting back on my weight loss after some stressful personal issues and regretfully a gain of about 15 lbs. A friend had borrowed my P90X and returned it to me yesterday and made the comment..."You need to stay just where you are! You got way too skinny before!" I am 5'3 and could really stand to lose that 15 plus about 15 more. And the way I see it as long as I am working out and eating healthy I am going to be building muscle just overall healthy not just "skinny". If I am happy with myself what's it to her?
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Next time, just reply "NEVAAAARRRRR!" and stomp a cupcake into the asphalt, cackling maniacally!


  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    They're just saying that to try to overcome their guilt at their own poor eating habits. It's easy to make a joke of something when you don't want to deal with it in their own life. You'll be the one with the last laugh when you outlive them...haha
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I got comments from one of my co-workers yesterday. She complimented me on my progress and tried to delicately ask me how far I planned on going. I told her I'd like to lose at least 25 more pounds... Her eyes popped then she screwed up her mouth and I could see her going into Mom Mode but she caught herself and said "as long you're being healthy about it". LOL - crazy lady. She sees me going to the gym every day, eating good foods and not exactly avoiding the treats that go around here. She can see I'm doing it in a healthy, balanced way. I figure it's because people here were so used to seeing me as an obese woman that they're still getting used to me in my new form. I try not to take it personally...but it can grate the nerves now and then.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    In our society today, I think 'obese' has become the new normal because it is so predominant. I honestly think we have a skewed sense of what is a normal weight. That's why, when they see someone who is truly a healthy weight, that person probably appears skinny next to all of the 'regular' folk who are overweight or obese. I get those comments all the time, but they stopped bothering me because I know what I want to do for ME!
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    Let them criticise. If you're happy with the way you look, that's great!

    Just a thought, though; 1600 cals a day is not 'tons'. The recommendation for men these days is 2500. Even at 2000, you're undereating by around a day and a half every week. If you're comfortable with the amount you eat, it isn't really a problem but it's not really right to say you're eating a lot.

    I'm also 5-9 and MFP had me eating 1,650 per day to lose 1 lb a week. So he's fine in that range, but you're right that it is not "tons."

    I eat a lot of food, i eat a lot low calorie food or no calorie food as i know that for me that is the best way for me not to feel hungry and why i have been successful in my journey.
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member

    So i love my coworkers, but someone told me today to "eat something" cause i was getting to thin. this annoyed the crap out of me.

    I know it shouldn't but it did. The person was joking but i made the healthy choice to change my lifestyle, and i don't care that i look to skinny. I eat tons, (1600-2000 Calories a day, depends if i work out)

    It's kind like when someone who doesn't run, tells me its bad to run, it hurts your knees. Ummmm i run all the time and my knees are fine.

    or when my wife tells me she doesn't want me to lose more weight cause she does not want me to be scrawny. i'm 5' 9" i weight 175 pounds, i'm far from scrawny.

    I get that i changed my lifestyle for the better, but how but some real life support people i know. lol Just venting. :)


    I'm 5'9" and your current weight is my goal weight (I am currently 244 - started out at 272 on July 20th - loss of 28 lbs in three months). It will look scrawny on me because I'm not built to be super-model thin. I have a thick build. My sister makes snide comments about me losing weight. I know she is jealous because she is gaining weight and tosses excuse after excuse as to why she can't track her calories. I know she will get to the point where she is ready and be supportive, but that's not where she is.

    I have noticed that whenever I do something to get better/make a positive change, there is always someone that has something to say that is negative...whether it is my parents or my sister or friends...You know, I'm not doing this for them. This lifestyle change was never between me and them. It's between me and God and if "they" don't like it, they can take it up with HIM.
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    My coworkers hide my healthy food and put bad food on my desk.

    Are you serious? Me thinks I wouldn't handle that very well.

    I am with her. I would punch someone in the face. Then again, I have my own office and cameras that see who comes and goes, so anyone hiding/taking anything that they aren't supposed to would get killed upon me learning of their identity.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    You just keep doing what is good for you. . what makes you feel good!:bigsmile:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I think sometimes people just haven't adjusted to your new look yet. I have a friend who recently lost 40 pounds and while my mind knows he is at a healthy weight now my eyes aren't used to him that size yet. He does look very skinny to me but it's just because he lost it pretty fast and is much thinner than he used to be. The more I see him the better I think he looks though because I'm acclimating. I will not tell him he needs to eat something though! If I thought he was being unhealthy I'd probably bring it up gently and in more of a questioning fashion but we've got an actual friendship and talk about his weight loss so it wouldn't be out of line. Just ignore them. Hopefully they'll adjust and shut up.
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    Thanks all:) Feeling much better and realize people have to adjust to my new look. :)
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Yup, people just really like getting into other people's business.

    Too fat for their tastes? They tell you to stop eating.
    Too skinny for them? They want you to eat something.
    Can't win

    I don't think they realize that when they tell you to do something like that it makes you want to do the opposite.
    A month or so ago I was at subway and someone made the comment 'keep eating, fatty.' I made sure to order a footlong.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I honestly don't think people realize how rude this is. It's really annoying.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member

    So i love my coworkers, but someone told me today to "eat something" cause i was getting to thin. this annoyed the crap out of me.

    I know it shouldn't but it did. The person was joking but i made the healthy choice to change my lifestyle, and i don't care that i look to skinny. I eat tons, (1600-2000 Calories a day, depends if i work out)

    It's kind like when someone who doesn't run, tells me its bad to run, it hurts your knees. Ummmm i run all the time and my knees are fine.

    or when my wife tells me she doesn't want me to lose more weight cause she does not want me to be scrawny. i'm 5' 9" i weight 175 pounds, i'm far from scrawny.

    I get that i changed my lifestyle for the better, but how but some real life support people i know. lol Just venting. :)


    Okay, I am going to analyze this post...hope you dont mind. :)

    If your coworker is telling you to eat something cause your getting too thin. To me, this could be seen as sabotage or being unsupportive but when you consider how much people bond over food, they probably are trying to show you care. I mean, how often do you hear about people going to their grandmothers house and she stuffed them with food? Some people just grow up that way. I am not saying its right or wrong, I am just saying its a way from then to show affection or care for another person. I highly doubt they are thinking "Gawd, he looks too thin, I have to find a way for him to eat more" hehe You seem at a really healthy weight, if you were like 120...yeah...there might be something behind that :)

    If someone is saying "My knees hurt, I don't know how you run". To me, there might be something more behind that. Maybe they would love to run without pain and are trying to find out how you do it. They could also be unsupportive or jealous too. I would look into it just because maybe they are reaching out but don't think they can do it.

    As far as your wife, that could be anything. Us women are very complicated. I am have been married 10 years now and know better to comment on others relationships. LOL ;)
  • cinder701
    I rather be told I look scrawny than being told I look a little bit chubby!!