Been thinking about getting a dog.....



  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    Yep! Don't shop.. Adopt :) I have a pu beagle and she rocks.. She is more in shape than I am and she can easily do up to 4 1/2 miles walking with me :)
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    I would recommend going online and looking at which dogs are available at your local humane society, they usually will list dogs waiting for adoption. Many of my friends found their fur babies this way. I have two pure bread cocker spaniels but I will be adopting my next pet from humane society for sure! But see which breeds are available and then research the bread and see which one best fits your life style. If they don't do online lists go to the facility and look them over and then if it's possible for you to leave without a dog(LOL) I would want to take them all home!! Go home think about it and then make a decision that works best for your family. They truly are a member of the family so it is a big serious decision, something you don't want to rush into. I hope you find a wonderful new four legged family member that you just love like crazy!! I love my little girls sooooooo much!! They are my babies!! Good luck!!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Focus on personality and other qualifiers rather than breed. Every dog is an individual and it's not that difficult to figure out what sort of personality a heinz 57 may have.

    What do you want in a dog? What kind of lifestyle do you have?
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    IMO: mutts are the best. they have NO genetic health problems and in my experience live longer. I've had an American Spitz, Cocker Spaniels, Rottweiler, Rat Terriers, etc-all came with a laundry list of medical maladies from arthritus to hip dysplasia to cataracts that are just breed specific unfortunately. Plus, shelter pets mean you saved a life, instead of buying one. I have three mutts now, a german shepard/siberian husky, a shepard/husky/anatolian, and a pit bull/rhodesian ridgeback/ black mouth curr. I would not trade my dogs for anything, they are what keeps me smiling all day :)
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    IMO: mutts are the best. they have NO genetic health problems and in my experience live longer. I've had an American Spitz, Cocker Spaniels, Rottweiler, Rat Terriers, etc-all came with a laundry list of medical maladies from arthritus to hip dysplasia to cataracts that are just breed specific unfortunately. Plus, shelter pets mean you saved a life, instead of buying one. I have three mutts now, a german shepard/siberian husky, a shepard/husky/anatolian, and a pit bull/rhodesian ridgeback/ black mouth curr. I would not trade my dogs for anything, they are what keeps me smiling all day :)

    I totally agree that mutts are generally a great all around pet .. well, at least for the most part. I wouldn't go as far as to say they have NO genetic health issues.

    I would always support adopting from a shelter as opposed to buying from a breeder (ANY BREEDER) or a pet store... anyday!
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    IMO: mutts are the best. they have NO genetic health problems and in my experience live longer. I've had an American Spitz, Cocker Spaniels, Rottweiler, Rat Terriers, etc-all came with a laundry list of medical maladies from arthritus to hip dysplasia to cataracts that are just breed specific unfortunately. Plus, shelter pets mean you saved a life, instead of buying one. I have three mutts now, a german shepard/siberian husky, a shepard/husky/anatolian, and a pit bull/rhodesian ridgeback/ black mouth curr. I would not trade my dogs for anything, they are what keeps me smiling all day :)

    Mutts can sure as tits have genetic health issues, amigo.
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    I have a border collie dog 6 years old, full of energy, one blue eye/one brown eye, wonky ears, short coat and the funniest personality! They are energetic 24/7 and very intelligent!