Looking for "Skinny-Fat" Friends



  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    You can add me! I've lost nearly 30 pounds in the last five months and look ALOT better...but I'm not tone and fit. I lost a lot of motivation once I didn't LOOK big to myself. Unfortunately, I'm still at 33% body fat so I have a lot more work to do!
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    I'm probably not skinny fat as such, more skinny, and want to put weight on and tone up.
    Feel free to 'add me'.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Gosh, I'm fat fat so I guess I can't play. I'll FR you in a year when I meet your criteria.
  • HeatherFeather10
    I was and still am that Skinny Fat person - I am 5"9 and was 150 lbs - I've lost 8lbs and am down to 142 - I would ideally like to hit 135, but am not really concerned with the number on the scale as much as the inches lost. If you check out my profile you will see that I wrote something like "Time to Tone". I do Crossfit and it has made a huge difference in my body composition - at the 6 month mark (December) I am going to re-take my measurements and see how far I've come. I've also started eating Primal (Paleo) in this last month and I can honestly say that that has made the biggest difference. I am not a purist in Paleo - about 75%!!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    So, I was looking over my food diary and I am a carboholic. I can't live without bowls of dry cereal in the evening. Please tell me I don't have to give up my Cinnamon Life to tone up!

    I have found in general it's easier for me to reach my goals if I am eating more protein and less carbs. I, too have had to give up my nightly bowls of cereal. Now I eat cottage cheese or some nuts if I'm feeling snacky.

    Nooooooooo! :) Okay, I guess I could try replacing one bowl with cottage cheese. This is gonna be tough.