Elliptical Training Buddies



  • nevertellen34
    Got my tony little gazelle had it since Thursday and I absolutely love it ... do one hour moderate rate on it everyday ..to my winamp techno station that gets my pace right up now I know why that type of music was made,,, otherwise its horrid..gets me moving. I feel the difference already in such few days.. burn about 600 plus calories on it per hour at my speed ,,, that earns me one evil food maybe or a nice big healthy meal.
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    Another week started .. and 1/4 over already !!

    Monday ~~ 31 minutes - level 7 &, 8 = 500 calories burned
    Tuesday ~~ 66 minutes - level 7 = 1000 calories
  • SexyMrsCarty
    SexyMrsCarty Posts: 57 Member
    I love my elliptical I do about 30min everyother day it's between 200-300 cal I do it on weight loss level 2.
    I'm hoping to move up too 40min soon but by the time I am finish the 30min I am almost dead LOL ;) but I love.
  • nevertellen34
    doing about 60 mins burning just under 700 cals every day since last thurdsay.
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    Wednesday ~~ 33 minutes - Level 8 = 502 calories
    this was day 3 of 5 for me
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    sadly I hurt myself and was unable to go for over a week.

    Tonight I only managed 35 minutes before I couldn't take it anymore.
    Cardio setting 473 calories bit the dust
  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    30mins 400 calories
    fat burner