30 Day Shred! Join me!!



  • Ok I will be posting pics tomorrow. I just finished L1D10 YIKES! Kinda scared for tomorrow.. But my hubby has noticed a change! Hehe said my *kitten* was smaller.:happy:

    Congratulations on completing the first 10, that is awesome =D
  • I forgot to put on here last night:

    L1D4 COMPLETE!! Yay for D5 today, I am halfway done with the first level :) Super stoked!
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Yay I'm sooo excited for you.
    I forgot to put on here last night:

    L1D4 COMPLETE!! Yay for D5 today, I am halfway done with the first level :) Super stoked!
  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    That is awesome!! Keep up the good work!
  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    L1D2 Complete! Even got my mom to join me today. :)
  • L1D10!!!
    Ladies, do not give up!! I was wondering if this was acutally changing anything. But SERIOUSLY?!

    Computer I'm on right now is on dial up... way too slow. so instead of posting the pics the link is above.

  • Didn't realize the second set of pics were bigger, lol! But I figured I would post them for you :) AWESOME work!!! I am so excited to take my pics to see if there is a difference.


  • Well I've done my first five days now and bizarrely I'm feeling more energetic this morning than usual. Could just be a freaky day - I'm not a morning person. Also conscious that I appear to have muscles in my shoulders - never noticed those before.
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    This morning will be day 5 for me, It's definitely gotten less painful. I cant stand those weight exercises at the end though where you bend to the side and lift weights up to eye level. How is level 2? Is it more horrendous strength moves or are they equally as challenging or what?
  • For five days my calves have hurt like *****monsters of doom. Today I woke up and big calf muscles have suddenly appeared where there were NONE yesterday. WHAT MANNER OF WITCHCRAFT IS THIS?
  • So on my work out yesterday I decided to up my weight on some of the exercises! I was sweating BULLETS by the end! I didn't realize that using more weight would make my body go nuts, lol. I still use 3 lbs on the squat and press, and the side lunge and raises. I use 5 for all the others. I wasn't really getting a burn in my arms at all. My legs were killing me, but my arms wasn't getting a good work out, so that is why I upped it! I was hopping for some burn this morning but still nothing. I wonder if its because we aren't working out the same muscle in our arms for very long so it doesn't have time to really hurt? I don't really want to up it to 10 lbs (I don't want to have to buy them) but I also really want to feel it :( What do you guys suggest?

    **Awesome work ladies!! We are ROCKING this shred :)

    PS if you have skipped a few days and feel like you can't hop back on bored you are WRONG!! It's better to miss a few and keep going, then to quit all together. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!

    PSS My muscles are popping up out of no where too! So crazy how this works so quickly :)
  • This morning will be day 5 for me, It's definitely gotten less painful. I cant stand those weight exercises at the end though where you bend to the side and lift weights up to eye level. How is level 2? Is it more horrendous strength moves or are they equally as challenging or what?

    I have heard that level 2 is more awkward? But not really harder... No sure I get what people mean. I also hate the side lunge things at the end, but I realized I was doing them wrong! She says to stick your but out, and I was keeping it tucked in and it was really hard to lunge, keep my balance AND lift the weights, haha. Once I stuck my but out (tail bone to the wall) it was SOOO much easier to push through the exercise. Just a tip if you are like me and doing them wrong! :)
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    I think I may be doing them wrong also. I'll have to try to stick my butt out more on them tomorrow and see.

    on a side note, I started with 5lb weights and it was really hard at first. Not as bad anymore (except those side lunges, guess I dont have enough arm muscles, I have to skip a few lunges during the workout) and my arms are shaking afterward. But I don't really get that burn either, and I'm too chicken to increase the weight haha
  • jspencer6
    jspencer6 Posts: 1 Member
    You know, I think I hae that DVD somewhere among the many others I have bought and never used :)
    Am I too late to get started and join you guys?
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    You know, I think I hae that DVD somewhere among the many others I have bought and never used :)
    Am I too late to get started and join you guys?

    never too late to get started :)

    I weighed myself today and have gained 4lbs... I had one off day at my cousins wedding when it came to food, but other than that i've been good... I see people mostly losing weight with this video, and I know you gain weight with muscle mass but seeing the scale go up is kind of disappointing... and yes I've been taking measurements and there's no real changes yet. Was reading something on livestrong.com about inflamed muscles absorbing water so hopefully thats all it is :(
  • I haven't seen the scale move this week, but I'm aware that strange things are happening to my muscles. Even if they're not yet building new tissue they're filling up with fluid or something. So I think I'm still losing fat but the scale isn't showing it yet. That's what I think anyway.
  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    L1D3 completed! I can't believe that I'm still doing it. My feet and thighs are killing me but I like seeing the scales finally going down.
  • Good job meow keep up the excellent work!
  • Good job meow keep up the excellent work!

    Thanks sweetie :)


    I can see so much definition in my arms it is INSANE!! I also feel a ton of muscle in my legs too. This one was a little easier to do. I only paused twice for like 2 seconds to catch my breath. I think this is the first one tho that I made it through all the cardio with out stopping. YAY!

    FYI don't forget we are probably putting on some muscle weight too! And that weighs more then fat, so that could be a reason why you see an increase in weight too!

    **KEEP IT UP!! You are all doing wonderful :)
  • jen0731
    jen0731 Posts: 59 Member
    I started late so this morning was L1D1 and I cussed out that dvd through the whole thing. Holy moly that was tough. I'm hoping that as the week goes it gets a little easier.

    SW: 200
    Waist 37.25
    L. thigh 27
    R thigh 27
    hips46 yikes
    bust 39.25