30 Day Shred! Join me!!



  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    I feel soooo bad. Didnt shred yesterday. But I am back on it today with level2

    EDIT I shredded it at 6:00 am! I prefer a pm workout. But this works alittle better for today :) happy Tuesday girls. And happy shredding!

    As long as you jump right back into it! I'm wondering if I should take a day off before starting lvl 2, I know some people do.

    I shredded at 430am today since I had to be up to start getting ready at 5am. It was rough but so far I feel energetic, hopefully I dont get an afternoon crash.
  • I started late so this morning was L1D1 and I cussed out that dvd through the whole thing. Holy moly that was tough. I'm hoping that as the week goes it gets a little easier.

    SW: 200
    Waist 37.25
    L. thigh 27
    R thigh 27
    hips46 yikes
    bust 39.25

    Welcome aboard the shred challenge!! Feel free to post up pics so you can see your changes after each level (and so we can share in excitement with you!). It DOES get easier, I promise. I am still fighting through some of the parts, but I am no longer sore and my endurance is building. Hope that helps give you a little motivation to keep it up!
  • I don't like working out in the morning! I haven't tried it with the shred yet, but usually anytime I do, I am MORE tired through out the day. I heard it was supposed to give you energy?? Haven't had that happen yet, so who knows!
  • ImChar
    ImChar Posts: 51 Member
    Is it too late to start if I start tonight??
  • I may in some sense have switched on L1D7, got as far as the first cardio, stopped, burst into tears and then ordered a curry. I'm not proud of this but I'm keeping it real on this thread. I have been doing everything perfectly for nearly a month and I think I need a cheat day or I'll go out of my mind. That and having a bad day for other reasons. I promise I'll come back and do it properly tomorrow. You can all come round to my house and give me a good kicking if I don't.
  • I totally understand needing a break! Relax today, and kick butt tomorrow ;)

    **it is NEVER too late to join!! The more, the merrier!! **

    Who all is going to get this when it comes out? http://jillianmichaels.shop.sportstoday.com/Dept.aspx?cp=14308_39474
    Looks WAY intense!! I dunno if I could keep up with that one, lol!
  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    L1D4 Completed!!! Yea! I didn't know if I was going to be able to make it through because I was aching everywhere but I pushed through it. I'm glad I did. It is getting a little easier to do some of the exercises but I still stink at pushups!
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    wow that shed and shred video looks real intense... i'll have to see how I perform on the next levels of 30DS before I even consider this one lol
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Its ok I have not for 2 days I dont know if I should start over again with day one or continue and say day 3
    I feel soooo bad. Didnt shred yesterday. But I am back on it today with level2

    EDIT I shredded it at 6:00 am! I prefer a pm workout. But this works alittle better for today :) happy Tuesday girls. And happy shredding!
  • Never before have I wanted to give up so badly. I did not want to work out today. It has been a terrible day. Sad thing is, I pushed through and finished my workout, and I don't even feel proud. I just feel depressed. I hate it when these days come because it is usually the end of something good I am trying to do in my life. I guess I am a little happy I pressed through, but next time I might not be as strong, and want to just give up.

    L1D6 Complete.
  • wreath7
    wreath7 Posts: 104 Member
    i did day one yesterday and i'm sore, sore. but it gets much better, i've done it before
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    don't give up... anytime you feel like that, look at yourself in the mirror and smile at yourself... tell yourself "I am strong enough for this" and then do it! or come on here for some motivation!
  • Stay with it lady. I'm back on the wagon after yesterday's little tantrum time. Can't say I felt like hitting L1D7 today but I hauled myself up and did it.
  • Ok. I am feeling a little better today. If only you knew how my day was yesterday, you would understand why I seriously didn't care whether I worked out or not. (of course I did anyways).

    So basically My older son has pneumonia and pink eye, and my younger son has a cold, is teething, and has bad eczema. Good grief! Please children, GET BETTER!!! Ok Back to to fitness stuff!!

    L1D7 Complete. I am feeling myself not give 100% anymore. I am getting lazy with the moves and am wearing out with the strength moves. Weird. I am not sure if it is just because this past weekend has been not the best, or if I am just really getting lazy with it :( EITHER way, NOT GOOD. I need to make sure tomorrow I give it all I have.

    I may do a 10 minute ab solution (Pilates) on Netflix. Those are always fun :) If anyone has Netflix, I highly suggest those because they are quick and a nice addition to a workout routine.

    ****KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK LADIES (and gentlemen if there are any), you are doing GREAT!!!!!*****
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    Maybe switch to lvl 2 if you seem to be getting lazy maybe you need a change. I just finished day 7 also and Its starting to feel pretty easy and boring (aside from those side lunges at the end, I still can't make it through all of them) and I'm considering maybe jumping into lvl 2 early also
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Im sorry love that you have been not having it that good. How are my babies doing today? I hope much better. Make sure you give them a HUG and a Kiss from Me. Stay stong I know ive been slacking and its not a good thing. Us cousins need to stick together and change our lives for the better. Love you and stay STRONG for yorself and my babies. Love you xoxoxoxo
    Ok. I am feeling a little better today. If only you knew how my day was yesterday, you would understand why I seriously didn't care whether I worked out or not. (of course I did anyways).

    So basically My older son has pneumonia and pink eye, and my younger son has a cold, is teething, and has bad eczema. Good grief! Please children, GET BETTER!!! Ok Back to to fitness stuff!!

    L1D7 Complete. I am feeling myself not give 100% anymore. I am getting lazy with the moves and am wearing out with the strength moves. Weird. I am not sure if it is just because this past weekend has been not the best, or if I am just really getting lazy with it :( EITHER way, NOT GOOD. I need to make sure tomorrow I give it all I have.

    I may do a 10 minute ab solution (Pilates) on Netflix. Those are always fun :) If anyone has Netflix, I highly suggest those because they are quick and a nice addition to a workout routine.

    ****KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK LADIES (and gentlemen if there are any), you are doing GREAT!!!!!*****
  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    I felt that way before I started working out today too but I made myself do it too. We CAN do this!!!! We are all here to support each other and push each other to do the best that we can. You have come so far, don't stop now. :)
  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    I was so sore this morning that I was having a hard time walking let alone feeling like working out but I made myself do it anyway and I feel better because of it. L1D5 complete!!!
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    D3L1 Finished! about time I did it again. I have to say it felt great to get back on track. I reaally wanted to do more tonight like a Yoga Video or something but i have WAY too much hw to do and study for a test. I cant wait till tomorrow! Im ready to kick the lbs off. I love Jillian she is tough but this is what I need
  • Ok, so wow... I was just going through my Fitness entries and on each day in the note section I write in what day I am on... Well I realized I had two day 6s! I went back to my comments, and sure enough... I put L1D6 Complete TWICE! Silly me. SOO that means actually:

    L1D8 COMPLETE!! (for 11/02/11)
