200+ Sheddin' the Stuffin



  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Bobbie, congrats on the NSV! Its SO FUN to find clothes from the back of you closet that you couldn't wear and have them fit perfectly! I love that feeling! I also really love that you have your goals on your desktop. I might steal that idea and put them on my home page on my cell phone. That's awesome for you that you are not a dessert person. I wish I was not a (insert any kind of food or drink here) person. Seriously, I'm just a foodie. Sweet, savory, spicy, vegan, beer, wine, liquor. I just love it all. And I love trying it all.

    Hailie, I'm a part computer, part phone logger. I usually sit down at my computer in the morning after working out to log my exercise, and then input what I'm having for dinner, so that I can plan the rest of my food after that. Like tonight, I'm making a shrimp fra diavolo, so I'm eating pasta AND having wine, so I know that I have to watch my calories throughout the day to allow for that. During the day, I usually hop on the actual website once or twice, but otherwise I log from my phone. On the weekends, its all on my phone.

    Pam, I have never heard of Body Pump, but that sounds super fun. I'm stoked that you are doing a strenght training class and I hope you like it - I know you've been wanting to switch up your routine and find something for strength, so I have my fingers crossed that this new class does that for you. And its not that I didn't MEET any of my goals for the last challenge, I just didn't MAKE any apparently.... so I figure running the 1/2 counts as goal met. :smile:

    Rain, I hope the start of a new challenge helps to kick you into gear and keep you going. I'm sorry you've been so stressed. That's not fun! (hugs) Also, HOLY CRAP THERE'S A PUMPKIN CLIF BAR!?!?!?!?!? I will be on a mad hunt for one today. I've never seen that. If I find them, I'll probably buy 20 of them. That sounds incredible. If I can't find them, I may have to try and order them online. Seriously, that sounds like the holy grail of morning snacks for me.

    Check-in for Tues 2395 burned, 2397 consumed, exercise was 30 min low impact aerobics with mom... Not the other kind...
    THIS CRACKED ME UP. I totally thought at first that you meant the "other" kind of low impact aerobics, and then I read "with mom" and was all confused. Too funny. Do you find yourself quoting Tony? Or repeating stuff back to him? I swear I have ab raper memorized at this point in time. "If you stuck with us, you just did 349 core/ab exercises!" "He's workin' hard, I know you are!" And I always name what soup I'm stirrin' up when I do the "world famous Karen potstirrer." (yup. I'm a dork)

    Amy, do you speak Vietnamese? If you had your choice of where you guys would go next, where would that be? Just curious. Also, this weekend is my parents' pumpkin carving extravaganza. I think you should come. You should bring all the pumpkiny goodness you are making with you, and then you can hang with me and my awesome family and we'll do fall things and eat fall foods. My mom always makes some amazing pulled pork and chili, so the pumpkin cornbread would be great. Plus I'm making a caramel apple pecan pie which is INSANELY good. It will be fun! :wink: Oh and yeah, the gum chewing completely makes me gassy. Which is annoying and stupid and I need to stop. I've done so much better today, just once piece. And I'm going to not have anymore. It was a weird thing - 2 weeks ago I wasn't chewing gum like a fiend, and then I just started. And then I couldn't stop. Stupid.

    Tasha, you are a posting machine and I love love LOVE it. The creepy customer visit actually wasn't so bad. I took a guy from work with me, and apparently the customer is one of those people who is only going to be a creep/jerk if he's alone with a girl. So he was nice as could be, and we got all the issues resolved. Really the issues were with his installer, since he didn't have us do the install. My designer didn't mess anything up. So that's good news. Thanks so much for filling us all in our you and your life - I feel like I know you so much better now! I'm also feeling like, compared to the things you do/what you are trying to accomplish, my life is kinda, well, small. what I'm saying is you impress me. If you figure out how to fix this country, I'll be the first to back you up!

    Annette, congrats on the awesome losses in measurements! Looks like Jillian is really working for you! Keep it up!

    Hosanna, holy house craziness! How did the open houses you went to go? Find anything you like? Be careful not to bite off too much! A stressed bride is not a fun one! :heart:

    Kelsey, welcome! Create some goals, tell us about yourself, and jump in on the conversation! As you can see we are a very chatty and supportive group, and we're always looking for other people who are like-minded in this!

    Everyone else/those I missed, hi to you all and welcome to the new folk.

    Yesterday I had an awesome 4 mile run. My legs felt awesome and I was comfortable at 6.3 mph. After the 4 miles I did some walk/sprint intervals too. I still haven't put together a new schedule, and I'm hoping to do that today. I think I am going to alternate speed and distance weeks with running while integrating P90X. So maybe one week where I do a standard P90X week including their cardio workouts like plyo and kenpo, and then run on the strength days but keep the runs to 2-3 fast miles. Then the second week do P90X strength days but do 5 mile runs on the cardio days instead, with a longer run (6-8 miles) on Saturday. Then X stretch every.single.Sunday. Thoughts?

    I have also had this really weird thing for about 6 weeks now, where about once a week I wake up in the middle of the night completely drenched in sweat. I'm talking hair soaked, clothes soaked, drenched. And I'm not hot (Chris and I hate paying for heat, so when it gets cold its usually between 58-62 in our house). Any one have any ideas? I should google it. OR I could go to the doctor. Googling it seems so much easier. lol.

    I also finally bought a running headband/wrap thing from Nike for my poor little cold ears. Its hot pink and fantastic. My running shoes are lime green and hot pink, so I've decided all my running gear has to be either pink, lime green, gray, or black. My camelback is lime green and gray. Good stuff!

    Ok, that's enough rambling from me.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    dude, it takes me an hour to catch up on all the posts from the previous evening and the morning when I first get to work

    Pam/Tasha- now I'm thinking I may need to wear my hrm during low impact aerobics. I'm very curious. I think I lot of it has to do with who's doing most of the work. Even if it doesn't burn a lot of cals though, it's still a lot of serious strength training with all the small, repetitive movements :wink:

    Hallie- great job on your goals!!!! that's awesome! LOL at your calculus teacher!!!! That would probably be my favorite class just because of the energy in the room. I log mostly online but I sometimes use my itouch too

    TOM showed up today but the scale is being (deceptively) nice. I had a protein shake for lunch yesterday so I had a lot of excess cals- enough to give in to my chocolate craving at the end of the night.

    NSV: The other day when I did my sister's bridal pictures, her soon-to-be husband and his friend were at the house briefly as they were going to move furniture. After they left, my sister got a text from her future husband that said his friend thought I was hot. (his friend is married and has kids, so it's not like it was a "she's hot, is she single?" kind of thing) For me it was one of those "huh??" moments though cause I was just in a tshirt and jeans with my hair in a pony tail. Totally didn't feel hot. But oh well. My sister also told me that her future husband asked her if I've lost weight cause he's seen a difference in me, and they only started dating this year, so something must be changing, even if it's not the number on the scale.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Morning, ladies!

    Tasha, Joe and I have already discussed that we will have many a skype date and that I need to get him a good webcam and mic! The other good thing is that when you're an expat, they pay for your visits home, so hopefully I can do that from time to time. Your poor brother with the giraffe! That's hilarious. The makeup my mom carries is called GloMinerals. I've yet to have an allergic reaction to any of it which is a miracle. One time I bought a super cute glittery eye shadow from Old Navy, only to wake up with my eyes nearly swollen shut!!!

    Amy, I'm with you on the doing better this challenge!

    Hallie, it's funny you'd ask for a baby giraffe. On Friday after the zoo, I "forced" Joe to watch Project Runway (he secretly loves the show) and I gave him the options of a baby giraffe or a Tim Gunn for Christmas.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Nava: Your move sounds so exciting. Focus on those aspects and not the scary ones! I can't wait to live vicariously through you on this journey.

    Kendal: You are gorgeous, mama! Not at all shocked that the friend said you are hot. Work it, girl!

    Kerry: I found my Pumpkin Clif bars at Wegmans. I bought like 6. No joke. I'm a pumpkin addict. Let me know if you can't find them, and I'd be happy to send some to you (if you are comfortable with that). I'm sure the Peppermint Stick ones are delicious as well. Yummy minty goodness!

    Okay girls, I'm ALMOST done with my first 2 cups of water today. I want to get 4 cups in before I leave at 2:30.
  • az82
    az82 Posts: 152
    Hi everyone - I'm a newbie and I hope its not too late to join this group! I've been on MFP off and on for about a year now and I'm really trying to make sure that this time I actually stick with it. In the past, I haven't tried to be active in the MFP community and I always fall off the wagon after a few weeks. This time, I'm trying to change that and am hoping that joining this group and just getting more involved on the boards will help keep me accountable.

    A little about me -
    I'm 29 years old and I live just outside Boston. I got engaged back in August (yay!) to a wonderful, amazing man and that is one of the reasons I'm determined to stay committed to MFP this time around. Not just for the wedding (whenever that ends up being) but for our future. My fiance and I are both in law school and I work part-time too - which means I'm really busy. BUT I'm determined not to let that get in the way of my health anymore.
    I know that my check-ins on here aren't part of the 'official challenge' but hopefully I'll stick with it and they will be for the next time around!

    Currently (as of Sunday) I'm at 231. For this six week challenge, my goals are:
    1) lose 10 lbs.
    2) finish the c25k (or at least work up to week 9) - just did week 3, day 2 yesterday so 6 weeks should give me just enough time unless I have to repeat any weeks
    3) work out 5 days a week including the c25k
    4) Incorporate yoga into my routine - 2x a week
    5) Drink 2L water a day
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hiya Ladies!

    I'm on hold with my doctors because I STILL haven't gotten a call or a letter or anything from the doctors office for the blood work I had done almost a month ago now. Sheesh.

    Annette - I did log everything up to dinner last nigth when I had to change things up because the salmon I had in the fridge to make tacos from smelled funny. I will get on in a minute and mkae up the recipe for the soup I made and get it logged too.

    Once again thats all I have time for right now ladies. Be back later
  • trinahayes
    Good Morning Everyone,

    I am trying to read all the posts so I can figure out who is who and actually comment...but I am at work and my phone keeps ringing...darn work thing getting int he way lol.

    Anyway, I decided just to jump in and say hey. I have a horrible head cold and want to just crawl in bed. I opened my journal up to friends...for some reason I did not want to do that..hmmm.

    Anyway just saying hello, and wishing everyone a successful day.

  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Amy - that is such an awesome burn!!! I'm just a bit jaw droppy now :) I hope your cold goes away soon!

    Annette - great Shred results! Is the 6wk thing you're switching to the 6 Week Six Pack?

    Tasha - thank you :) I do LOVE having my birthday next to Halloween - always places to go and things to do, and when I was younger my parents would throw Halloween parties for my birthday, like pin-the-broom-on-the-witch instead of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, etc

    rainvc - that PB/chocolate chip sandwich sounds so good, jeez! I'm sorry you've been having a rough time lately, but it sounds like you're all set to get back on track!

    Okay, that's as far down the list as I've gotten, but I'd better jet to class - I'll check in again later :)
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Lacey, I hope the verdict is no news is good news :flowerforyou:
  • jessicae1aine
    Kristina - If you need someone to take over tracking the weights for a while until things calm down, I'd be glad to help out. I sit at work all day and knit, most days, so I've definitely got the free time. I hope things calm down for you soon, either way.
    Amy/Tasha - I'm not sure. I think the fact that I know more people who have been hit by deer than have hit deer, I guess I just see them as aggressive and terrifying.

    Keshia - I love the "considering a plant"! :D I've never heard the word pescatarian before, so I'm glad you kind of clarified that afterward. :D Do you do the no-dairy thing like vegans, or just no meat other than seafood?

    Katheryne - I believe the recommendation was doing it annually, but that's actually changed to once every 2 years sometime rather recently. Also, they're supposed to start doing them when you become sexually active, so when you go on birth control is probably the best time for most people. Weird that everyone else waited. (In all fairness, I didn't start getting them regularly until a couple years ago.)

    Tasha - Woohoo, that was an excellent "about me"! :D Thank you! I'll see what I can do about getting a picture of them together. :D

    Hailie - I quit logging once I got used to eating roughly the same amount every day. I vary my diet very, very little because change is difficult for me, so I know just about what I'm eating each day. Before that, I was using the phone app, mostly - that barcode scanner is handy. Yay for your NSV!

    Bobbie - I've done the "lay down and pray" method of getting pants on farrrr too many times. I'm glad they fit, though, and the shirt, too! That's such an exciting feeling. Also, I love to bake, especially dessert, but I don't really care for eating it most of the time.

    Kerry - I love the need to make sure things match! I'm so much the same way. :D

    Kendal - That's an AWESOME NSV. :D

    Lacey - Good for you for calling, though - so many times people won't call, and then never hear back. I hope it all goes well!

    Welcome to all our n00bs! :D

    Today has been a day from hell. I went to bed at 9:30 last night and woke up at 7:30 this morning more awake than I have been for a while. By 9 this morning, I was dead tired again. My coworker decided I'm "in the way" taking pictures because he wants to record video of the live show, and then asked me to come take pictures to get rid of a parent who was in the way trying to take her own. I'm rather offended, honestly, that I'm an issue when a lot of people have used the pictures for promotion on their websites/newsletters/etc, linking back to us, and he needs THREE video cameras running... but whatever. I'm struggling with getting my boss to understand what "reply all" is, so we're not bothering the hell out of the tech support guy who is trying to help us set up streaming, but that's failing. And him understanding the tech support guy is also failing, which is why I had to step in to start with.

    I cannot wait for the mail today. My pregnancy tests should be here, and then I'm going to try to put off taking one until tomorrow morning (you know, first morning urine and all that good stuff), but I just want to know NOW. Hopefully it's positive... at least then I'd have an excuse for being so. effing. b*tchy.
  • caramel1920
    I'm in, my name is Tasha! I have my best friend's wedding in a few weeks, followed by Thanksgiving in Vegas, so I really need to stay focused. I weigh 283. Here goes...

    1. Get and stay in the 270s
    2. Measure myself.
    3. Workout 4-5xs/week.
    4. Deep Tissue massage.
    5. Run a lap around the track non-stop. (big one)

    Wish me luck!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Got my letter! It's official! :drinker:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Yay! Woohoo, congrats Nava...long enough time coming!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAY, Nava!! You are officially moving to my favorite city! I totally need to come visit. :wink: Congratulations!! :drinker:
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    The raise is A LOT less than expected, but I suppose when you factor in that they cover housing, it's a hefty raise? lol
  • KatheryneLynne
    Grats Nava. Now for the fun stuff...the planning. Unless, of couse, you find that stressing, in which case...hang in there :happy:

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    caramel (Tasha): Welcome, you are our Tasha #2 in the group. I've had deep tissue massage once and it was AMAZING (also I was sore the next day similar to a good workout).

    Jessi: I am of the opinion that I was possessed by an alien when I was pregnant and I blamed the complete change in behavior (my husband seriously did not know who I was for 9 months) on the little one growing inside (who I affectionately called "the parasite"). This is why we have only one child.

    Bobbie: the pumpkin cornbread recipe can be found here: http://tastykitchen.com/recipes/breads/pumpkin-cornbread/ The only change I made was to substitute whole wheat pastry flour for the all purpose flour called for in the recipe to up the fiber content a bit. It's freaking AWESOME!

    Kiki: That's my calorie burn for the entire day, not just exercise. I wear a Body Media Fit (kind of like a Body Bugg) that monitors what I burn in a 24 hour period. I really only burn about 500-700 a day with exercise.

    Trina: Most of us have our names in our signatures and I can't ever remember what I should be responding to, so I open up the message board in one window and the reply box in another window and flip back and forth between the two so I can respond to everyone. I hope your head cold gets better. I've had one for about a week now that is driving me crazy!

    Lacey: You should call your doctor's office and see if they have the results in and just forgot to contact you.

    Az: Welcome to the group! I found that this group has kept me on track when I've gotten lazy or complacent. I wouldn't be where I am without them!

    rain: Drink up, lady!

    Nava: hi! :flowerforyou:

    Kendal: You ARE hot! I'm glad people are noticing. I totally giggled at your "small, repetitive movements". :laugh:

    Kerry: I DO speak Vietnamese. It wasn't the language I wanted (I wanted Chinese) but I am very glad that it was the language I got because it introduced me to a culture I never would have known about otherwise (and to Vietnamese food- oh how I love Vietnamese food!). Also, I discovered that I'm pretty good at tonal languages. I also speak a bit of German and Spanish. I like languages. The Hubbs speaks Spanish, some Mandarin and Persian Farsi. So far, The Kid speaks English and understands when I yell at him in Vietnamese or German (cuz they are cool languages to yell in) but is only fluent in the English. If I had my choice of where we go next...hmm...that's a tough question because we NEVER really have a choice. I would probably choose to go back to Monterey, CA since that's kind of the place we all consider to be home. Although I am totally psyched about a chance to go to Chile (if that's how things work out). I would SO love to go to your pumpkin carving extravaganza! Some day, I hope to get to your neck of the woods just to meet you and Kristina and Victoria and Hailie.

    Hailie: I log mostly on the computer but sometimes on my iPhone (I like the little barcode scanner thing). Yay for firming up the back!

    Pam: Here's the base for the slow cooker chili recipe I use: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/grandmas-slow-cooker-vegetarian-chili/detail.aspx I add black beans and I don't use the spices he has listen and instead opt for one of those McCormick chili seasoning packets. It's very good (if you don't like a bit of sweetness, I'd omit the baked beans - but my family digs it and it's not overly sweet) and super simple. I'm probably not going to the doctor as it seems like I'm slowly getting better. I generally take a hands off approach to medicine (I had a "helpful" doctor nearly kill me a couple of years ago and it kind of ruined doctors in my eyes), so I'll just deal with it unless it starts getting worse.

    Victoria: I love you!

    Kristina: Don't disappear on us, if you can't respond to everyone - just pop in and say hi and how you're doing.

    As for me, I made tissue paper ghosts for the Halloween party today and then me & The Hubbs did the P90X Legs & Back workout. My legs feel like JELLO!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nava: Congratulations!!!!! Pencil me in for a visit sometime after you get settled. I absolutely adore London and I need to get back up to the UK anyway to visit a friend of mine in Ireland and I'd like to see Scotland as well as it's where half my family hails from.
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    This group is insanely active and I LOVE it :)

    Amy- Thanks a million for the website rec. I'm addicted to trying new recipes because I get so bored eating the same things over and over again. I super excited to and will definitely let you know how they go!

    Pancakes Tasha- You're absolutely right that this is a chatty group, but I'm thrilled! I also adore the fact that you're a plant killer like me. I got a lucky bamboo in college (which everyone says should be virtually unkillable) and mine was dead in a month. Hopefully I'll get my act together before I have kids. And your posts are hilarious.... I'm already starting to look forward to reading them!

    Pam- Just Dance is the greatest! I plan to make my entire family do it with me over the holidays which will be beyond words entertaining. That's awesome that you've been veggie for 14 years. This makes my 10th year as a pescatarian and I so don't miss meat. I just moved to Va, so I'm still exploring and looking forward to roaming around the east coast. I've heard that Va is one of the most beautiful states in the fall, so I'm excited to see all of the leaves change and autumn things happen.

    Kerry- I love that I'm not the only one without kids/pets/plants :flowerforyou: I struggle sometimes to make sure I eat and bathe in grad school, I wouldn't dare do that to another living thing.

    Jessi- I do eat dairy (I LOVE ice cream and pizza), but I'm not a huge egg fan. I sometimes forget that I don't like eggs and mistakenly make/order an omelet and I always hate it. I guess I just keep hoping that everytime I eat eggs they'll get better tasting (but it never happens for me). Oh! I'm soo excited for you and to hear the results of the pregnancy test :) Babies are so cute!

    Caramel Tasha- A deep tissue massage sounds phenomenal! My 50 pound loss goal is a massage and somedays it's the only thing that makes me wanna get on the elliptical :) Enjoy it enough for me too!

    Nava- Congrats on the move and raise! It'll be nice to have extra money lining your pockets. Treat yourself to something nice :)

    As for me, 2 workouts done this week, at least 1 more to go. I forgot who's idea it was to post their goals on a sticky on their computer, but I totally stole it and now my goals are staring me in the face. They're keeping me from consuming a mass amount of chocolate and/or other delicious sweets! I have a pair of mini-goal weight jeans that I'm attempting to fit into. I'm soooo close (past the thighs, barely over the bum, able to close but only if I give up breathing). Hopefully by the end of this challenge I'll be able to post a pic in my new jeans! :wink:
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    :happy: :drinker: :heart: CONGRATS NAVA!!!!! :heart: :drinker: :happy:

    That is super duper exciting and I'm pumped for you! I hope the raise is enough to make it worth your while, and I KNOW that its going to be great and incredible and you are going to love it. Yay!

    Amy, I totally dig that you can speak Vietnamese and your husband can speak Mandarin and Farsi. I used to be a Spanish major, so I'm pretty fluent in that, but have always been intrigued by tonal languages. I think its the level of difficulty that impresses me. German really is a fantastic language to yell in. Sometimes when I'm running I picture our (slightly terrifying) German teacher in highschool, Frou Kohler, running behind me yelling "Schnell! Schnell!" It usually speeds me up. :laugh: I think Chile would be amazing, plus you have your whole life ahead of you to "come home." Might as well enjoy the rest of the world while the hubbs' job is making it happen! I'm definitely thinking I want to have a rotation of P90X/long run weeks just so I can get legs/back back into my routine. That workout rocks and I miss it.

    Tasha #2, welcome! Nice goals! Tell us more about you... as you can see, we are chatty and like it that way! :smile:

    Jessi, I don't want to say it cuz I know how grumpy you are, but I am totally cracking up at your grumpiness right now. I'm nervous and excited for you to take the pregnancy test tomorrow. We will all be waiting rather impatiently to hear about it. I hope your day has gotten better!

    Kiki, a Halloween birthday sounds pretty awesome. Plus you can do fall themed parties too. Its such a great time of year!

    Trina, I do what Amy does as well. Its the only way to remember everything going on with everyone. With so many people, it takes time to get to know everyone, but trust me, its worth it. These girl rock my socks.

    Lacey, I'm also hoping no news is good news. Keep us posted and I'm glad you took the initiative and called.

    Az, welcome! Congrats on the engagement! This is a wonderful group of ladies and we will be here to support you in whatever you need. I LOVE Boston. Such a cool, historic town.

    Rain, I didn't find any pumpkin Clif bars at my standard grocery store, but I've got a couple of other places to look. If I can't find them, I will totally write you a check and have you send me some. :smile: Thanks for offering! Did you get your water in?!?! You better have!

    Kendal, well of course that guy said you were hot. You ARE hot. We could have told you that! It is still always nice to hear that. Today I got "hey baby"d by a dude outside Target. Gross, but makes you feel pretty good too. And also, lol like crazy at "small repetitive movements." You're so funny.

    I'm always so happy when I get to post twice in one day. Its the little things in life that make me super happy. Oh and on the side bar of my screen right now there's an add from Rice Krispies for pumpkin rice krispy treats. I will be checking that out, because YUM.
This discussion has been closed.